So I changed my reservation from Yacht Club to Boardwalk. Beach Club was sold out of the Sun and Fun Offer deal for my 5/13-5/21 trip dates so I went with Boardwalk. I ended up cancelling the Yacht Club because I very strongly disagree with having dogs in a deluxe resort like this. I don't think it's a very smart idea. When I called Disney and asked about this, they said they have a special wing for only the dog rooms and dogs are not allowed on the boardwalk at all. I told them that I literally just saw a video that was only a month old of a couple walking their dog right on the main boardwalk entrance to the Yacht Club resort.
She said that what I was saying was impossible. I then asked about how they enforce dogs barking while their guests were away at the parks. She said that they can't enter the rooms if dogs are barking, but they notify the guests if it happens. I asked if the guests actually come back FROM A PARK to tend to their dog and how this was enforced. She told me she could not provide me that information.
This may sound like I'm being a snob but I am spending $500-600 a night just on a resort. I absolutely refuse to hear dogs barking in a hotel room or even in a lobby or worse in the middle of the night. Like I said, if it wasn't dishing out a ton of money I would not care. I just do not see Disney giving their guests who have dogs on property an extremely hard time about their dogs. I forsee them letting alot of things slide and it's very unfortunate. Not everyone wants dogs at their resort vacation that they're dishing out a ton of money for.
I understand dog lovers may be mad at me for my above comments, and sorry if I offend anyone. I think this is a huge mistake by Disney. Leave your dogs at home while you're on vacation. Just saying.
Anyways, so I booked the Boardwalk with a Water View. Looking forward to it.