Xmas - are we crazy?


New Member
Hi guys, I am new here and have a question. We want to take a big family vacation next year or the year after. We have 4 teachers going, all in different districts, so we really can't rely on our spring break being the same time. Spring 2008, easter is early, so our break will probably be late april and I'm wondering if it will be hot then anyway. In any case, we went July last year and swore we would never do the summer again. It was just too hot for us to enjoy ourselves, even with taking a break midday. The crowds were very manageable (I always have a plan of where to go what day and what to do, and insist we use fast pass). I don't think we waited on any line more than10 minutes. Anyway, enough rambling, so it seems we may have to do Xmas 2007. I would love to see Disney decorated for xmas. So, are the crowds manageable if you have a plan and use fast pass? Is it worth the extra moneyt o travel that time of year?
Thanks in advance for any input!


Well, the closer and closer you get towards New Years, the more crowded Disney will become. A week before its not as bad, and a couple days after New Years there are absolutely no crowds.(thats how it was last year i was there) Anyway, i would expect crowds but no where near the capacity as July. Last year when we went there, we thought it was spectacular. If your going to be there for New Years, then your going to be floored with the fireworks display, if not it's still alright. In MGM they have an amazing display of lights set up through the part of the park that looks like New York City. They also have like snow machines over Main Street USA in MK and Snow machines at the lights. It's an incredible time to go to Disney, and its going to be well worth the trip.
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New Member
I'm not trying to be a spoiler but... my husband and I went the day after Christmas thru Jan. 2nd one year and it was a nightmare!!! The lines were soooo long that we didnt get to ride much. Being a teacher myself I understand how difficult it is to coordinate friends within different districts...its almost as much of a nightmare as Disney at Christmas!:eek: If that is the only time to go then do it..just be prepared to wait and wait and wait!
Have a great trip!:xmas:
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I know someone who goes every year for Christmas and New Years. They have a great time.

They did say that when they go to MK they stay all day and don't leave until the park closes. They do this because the park reaches full capacity quick and will get refused for re-entry.

Just wondering....what do you think (or know) the number of people that are allowed to be in MK before it reaches full capacity???
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Well-Known Member
We went the week before Christmas in 2004. The crowds were manageable. We had the mind set that it was going to be crowded, so there was no disappointment when we had to deal with crowds. We did the Very Merry Christmas party one night and although that was a little crowded, it was better than the crowds during regular admission.

I am with you about going in the summer. We went the third week in August in 1999 and every day the temp was in the 90's with the heat index over 100. I would much rather brave the crowds during Christmas or Spring break than deal with the heat.
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Well-Known Member
It is the busiest time for Disney.
Summer does not even come close.

The two to three weeks around Christmas the time to stay away.
Most of the time some of those days are so busy the parks are actually closed because of capacity.

It is the most beautiful time also to go because of the decorations and music and of course the feeling everyone has because its Christmastime.

Now remember they are all decorated by Thanksgiving. So if somehow you all can get over the week or two after thanksgiving you will have the parks to yourselves somewhat and all decorated.
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Our family will be there the week before Christmas (16-21) we would have liked to go earlier but with the kids school schedule it wasnt possible. I've read the crowds vary from year to year. Hopefully the crowds will be bearable this year but its still Christmas time in WDW even with it crowded its still magical. This will be our third trip and we are getting AP's and have 3 trips planned for next year so if its too busy and we cant get to everything it will still be fine for us and we will also be visiting with my sister who is CM. Anyhow back to your post here is a link to a crowd level calendar hope it helps...

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Well-Known Member
My advice would be that if you can manage it, go 1 to 2 weeks before christmas. While you still have a crowd, it will be as mad as the christmas week all the way to New Year.

If you do decide to go during the peak season, just accept the fact that you will encounter lots of crowds, and long lines. Once you get into that frame of mind, then you won't be disappointed with whatever comes your way. I always find that when I'm prepared for such a situation, then it doesn't annoy me anymore. I'll just do whatever I can and not let it bother me.

It also helps that I've done practically all the attractions several times and don't feel the need to have to do anything, but that's another story. :)

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We went four days before Christmas and stayed through New Years. Up untill the 23rd the parks were not busy at all from the 23rd thru New Years they were very busy, but we got up early took advantage of Early Entry and never stayed past noon in any park. Lounged at our resort - did early dinners and then when everyone else was eating went back to the parks. NYE was a zoo. We went to Epcot for the day and I mean we never left. Packed, but oh so much fun! Staked out our spot for the fireworks at 10 am and took turns all day manning it. Fireworks were outstanding! Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! :xmas:
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're nuts. But, that's what Disney's about!

And, I went January 4-11 this year, thinking it would have emptied out, but lines for major attractions were still 60+ minutes. Tourism is just on the incline, and the parks are getting more and more crowded.

That being said. If you go in Dec. go with the thought in mind that you are there to enjoy the ambience of the decorations and special activites, and not to hit every ride. Make sure you take some time out to visit some of the hotels, as they have special displays (i.e. giant gingerbread house in Grand Floridian, some sort of candy display at Boardwalk, gingerbread carousel at Yacht and Beach club, etc)
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks so much for your replies. We only have off xmas from a day or two before till new years. So we are limited and would probably go from the 23rd to the 29th. I we will we plan what we really want to do, get there at opening, but avoid early entry parks (we are staying off disney anyway). Get a fast pass for something we really want, and just take it easy we might be ok. I don't know now I am getting nervous! :brick:
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New Member
Im hoping to go Dec 2nd - 16th and get the best of both worlds - the Christmas stuff and slightly lesser crowds.But just waiting to see how flight prices go,
Ive never been at christmas and my son will be 4 and daughter two,so Im sure theyll enjoy it

Any recommendations other than Disney?

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Well-Known Member
Welcome to the boards.
I teach in Canada and have to take Disney World trips during our Spring Break, August or at Christmas. All I've ever known is going during peak crowds, so that's all I can comment on. Our first trip, in 2003, was in August, and although it was awesome, my family found it a bit too hot and humid (and believe it or not, we weren't escaping cold Canadian weather because our weather at home in August was hot and humid as well). Our trips since then have been at Christmas and it is a great time to go! The place is beautifully decorated, the weather is comfortable (especially if you're from the north) and the parks are open really late.
Might I suggest a couple of tips to help with crowds. Go to the parks early, relax at your resort or do recreation (golf, etc.) in the afternoon and hit the parks at night until close. I'm sure you've heard this before, but it helps a lot. Let me illustrate by way of example by comparing 2 days from our Christmas 2005 trip.
On Tuesday, we arrived at MK at 11am, and the place was packed. Fastpasses were nearly gone for most attractions and the lines for the rides were long. We spent the afternoon at the resort and chose to relax, swim, read, etc. In the evening, we had supper at 7pm and shopped for a bit before Spectro Magic and Holiday Wishes fireworks. AFTER THE FIREWORKS, while many people, especially those with children, headed for the exits, we rode Splash, Big Thunder, Splash and Big Thunder with no wait.
The next morning, we arrived at MK at 8:40am. When the park opeded, we got Space Montain fastpasses and between 9am and 11am, we rode Peter Pan's Flight, Small World, Haunted Mansion, Splash, Big Thunder, Pirates and Space Mountains with the longest wait being 5-10 min.!! We had lunch in the castle at Cinderella's Royal Table, then shopped and watched the parade. We did lots between 9am and 3pm and were quite content to go to the resort.
Most everyone INTENDS to go early, but most arrive at about 11am. Go early, go late...but by all means go at Christmas. It rocks!
BTW, we always go around Dec. 27th, and stay as long as we can in Jan. The crowds do thin some and 'value season' at the resorts starts Jan 1st.
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New Member
I would ABSOLUTLY recommend going to Disney for Christmas!! My family goes every year and it is just gorgeous! Yes, the lines are a bit long, but if you plan your trip and take advantages of fastpasses and breaks then you will be just fine! I always tell people they have to go for Christmas...its just wonderful and you will have a great experience!
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