Wrote a paper for school, check it out


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Well heres the story, then I'll post the paper (a little lengthy, but you should enjoy it) In my senior english class we had to write a paper in MLA format paper and it had to be on leadership, any form of it. So I chose Walt Disney and how he lead through film making, the creation of the parks and how he still lives on today. Now, I didnt get the best grade on this paper lol, I kind of turned it into a mini biography. But I thought many of you might enjoy it..some may be a little off...But I tired my hardest we only had to two weeks to do it and between school and work, I didnt get as much time as I would have liked to work...anywho, here it is.

Walt Disney: A Leader in History
Imagine if you will a world without Disney, a world where everything that you see with the Disney logo on it would not exist. The places you go to be your real self, would be no more. For some of us it is something we can’t even comprehend. Walter Elias Disney, the man who started out with nothing and to this day his legend still lives on. From that hot summer day in 1955 when Disneyland was first opened, to the first public debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928. Walt Disney was a leader throughout his time; he was able to show people that anything you dream up can become reality. From leading in the creation of the Walt Disney Resorts, and the worlds first fully synchronized sound cartoon. Everyone will remember Walt Disney for the rest of time, because of his leadership through entertainment and family relationships.
Walt Disney was always fascinated with art and drawing, at only seven years old he began to draw pictures and sell them to local friends and neighbors to earn extra money. As he grew older, he came more interested in art, along with photography, and film. Walt decided he wanted to enlist into the military, but was not aloud because of his age. So at that, he was sent over seas to work for the Red Cross, after returning home he perused his real dream. With only forty dollars, and his completed film he left home for
Los Angeles. Walt’s brother Roy already had residents in California, with a lot of ambition and will to complete his dream Walt and his brother pooled there money and constructed their own studio in there uncles garage, soon after receiving there first order from New York for a comedy, they moved from there uncles garage to a Hollywood real estate office.
While creating many more movies along the way Walt wondered what he could do now, he wanted to create a place where all of his creations from his films could come to life, and a place where family’s could come together and be themselves and forget about there "real life’s". What separated Walt’s idea for Disneyland from every other amusement park is that parents and children will be able to have fun together. The park will not be littered with roller coasters and food vendors everywhere, cleanliness will be the top priority and everything would have a purpose. These were the reasons it was so hard to begin the construction, Walt needed a way to essentially get people on board. Therefore he started to air TV shows, such as the Mickey Mouse Club and also a show called Disneyland, which both help fund and promote the park. These methods helped the financers and the public know that this would change the theme park revolution.
Through out the next few years Walt achieved many great things, he was among the very first few people to present television in full color in his 1961 show Wonderful World of Color. By this time Disneyland was booming, Walt couldn’t be happier, or could he? He now started to think of what he could do next, he wanted to think of a way to improve the urban life in America, Walt then created Epcot, (experimental prototype community of tomorrow) planning it out as a living showcase of the world around us, but his ideas spanned out and began to create Walt Disney World resort. From this he would create multiple theme parks, hotels’ accommodations, and amusement for all ages. Walt once said "I don't believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to people everywhere than finding the solution to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we're convinced we must start with the public need. And the need is not just for curing the old ills of old cities. We think the need is for starting from scratch on virgin land and building a community that will become a prototype for the future" (Brad).
After being said, Walt purchased 43 square miles of untouched land in the center of the sunshine state of Florida. No one knew who was buying up the large parcels of land, Walt disguised himself and his co-workers with a different company name so the public would not know who was buying up all the land. Soon after the purchase was made, people did begin to figure out who it was. But everyone was still wondering what he was buying it for. His plan soon became known to the public, all of this virgin land he once spoke of will become to what we know now possibly one of the greatest achievements to man kind.
Unfortunately, the death of Walt Disney in 1966 resulted in him not being able to see his dreams, the dream of his own creations such as Epcot, and his ultimate dream the place where your imagination could run wild and you had nothing to worry about. This is why Walt was such a leader, five years later was the grand opening of Walt Disney World Resort. After his death, his co-workers weren’t sure what to do, but they knew what Walt wanted so they insisted to keep on moving forward. After the opening in 1971, they knew they weren’t even close to being done. In 1982, Walt’s very own creation was now reality. Epcot opened with astonishing numbers, no one could have been happier. After this the Disney company sky rocketed, opening new parks in Tokyo and Paris. Two other branches of the Disney World Restort opened in Orlando which included Disney Studios and Animal Kingdom, along with these countless resorts, entertainment venues. The list could go on forever; Walt Disney changed history as we know it.
When Walt decided on the idea to create Disneyland, he wanted to change the lives of everyday people. He envisioned a place you could go and live your dreams and never have to grow up, he started out with nothing and has created something that cannot be told in a story, or written in a paper it’s something you have to experience. He was a leader in film, entertainment, and showing people you can do whatever you dream, you just need to set your mind to it. To this day Walt Disney World is still growing, and there are still future plans in the making. Since 1923 when Walt created his Alice Comedies, to present time, where everyday new ideas are being created and the Walt Disney Company continues to pursue the dream of the man and his mouse, Walter Elias Disney.

WOW! I think thats the longest post I've ever made! (oh and sorry if this was the wrong section)


Well-Known Member
I took the liberty of highlighting some parts of your report. The things in bold are either fragments or run-on sentences (you have some of both) and the things in red are either mispelled or wrong usage. Hope this helps - glad to see your enthusiasm for WDW!

Well heres the story, then I'll post the paper (a little lengthy, but you should enjoy it) In my senior english class we had to write a paper in MLA format paper and it had to be on leadership, any form of it. So I chose Walt Disney and how he lead through film making, the creation of the parks and how he still lives on today. Now, I didnt get the best grade on this paper lol, I kind of turned it into a mini biography. But I thought many of you might enjoy it..some may be a little off...But I tired my hardest we only had to two weeks to do it and between school and work, I didnt get as much time as I would have liked to work...anywho, here it is.

Walt Disney: A Leader in History
Imagine if you will a world without Disney, a world where everything that you see with the Disney logo on it would not exist. The places you go to be your real self, would be no more. For some of us it is something we can’t even comprehend. Walter Elias Disney, the man who started out with nothing and to this day his legend still lives on. From that hot summer day in 1955 when Disneyland was first opened, to the first public debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928. Walt Disney was a leader throughout his time; he was able to show people that anything you dream up can become reality. From leading in the creation of the Walt Disney Resorts, and the worlds first fully synchronized sound cartoon. Everyone will remember Walt Disney for the rest of time, because of his leadership through entertainment and family relationships.
Walt Disney was always fascinated with art and drawing, at only seven years old he began to draw pictures and sell them to local friends and neighbors to earn extra money. As he grew older, he came more interested in art, along with photography, and film. Walt decided he wanted to enlist into the military, but was not aloud because of his age. So at that, he was sent over seas to work for the Red Cross, after returning home he perused his real dream. With only forty dollars, and his completed film he left home for
Los Angeles. Walt’s brother Roy already had residents in California, with a lot of ambition and will to complete his dream Walt and his brother pooled there money and constructed their own studio in there uncles garage, soon after receiving there first order from New York for a comedy, they moved from there uncles garage to a Hollywood real estate office.
While creating many more movies along the way Walt wondered what he could do now, he wanted to create a place where all of his creations from his films could come to life, and a place where family’s could come together and be themselves and forget about there "real life’s". What separated Walt’s idea for Disneyland from every other amusement park is that parents and children will be able to have fun together. The park will not be littered with roller coasters and food vendors everywhere, cleanliness will be the top priority and everything would have a purpose. These were the reasons it was so hard to begin the construction, Walt needed a way to essentially get people on board. Therefore he started to air TV shows, such as the Mickey Mouse Club and also a show called Disneyland, which both help fund and promote the park. These methods helped the financers and the public know that this would change the theme park revolution.
[I]Through out [/I]the next few years Walt achieved many great things, he was among the very first few people to present television in full color in his 1961 show Wonderful World of Color. By this time Disneyland was booming, Walt couldn’t be happier, or could he? He now started to think of what he could do next, he wanted to think of a way to improve the urban life in America, Walt then created Epcot, (experimental prototype community of tomorrow) planning it out as a living showcase of the world around us, but his ideas spanned out and began to create Walt Disney World resort. From this he would create multiple theme parks, hotels’ accommodations, and amusement for all ages. Walt once said "I don't believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to people everywhere than finding the solution to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we're convinced we must start with the public need. And the need is not just for curing the old ills of old cities. We think the need is for starting from scratch on virgin land and building a community that will become a prototype for the future" (Brad).
After being said, Walt purchased 43 square miles of untouched land in the center of the sunshine state of Florida. No one knew who was buying up the large parcels of land, Walt disguised himself and his co-workers with a different company name so the public would not know who was buying up all the land. Soon after the purchase was made, people did begin to figure out who it was. But everyone was still wondering what he was buying it for. His plan soon became known to the public, all of this virgin land he once spoke of will become to what we know now possibly one of the greatest achievements to man kind. Unfortunately, the death of Walt Disney in 1966 resulted in him not being able to see his dreams, the dream of his own creations such as Epcot, and his ultimate dream the place where your imagination could run wild and you had nothing to worry about. This is why Walt was such a leader, five years later was the grand opening of Walt Disney World Resort. After his death, his co-workers weren’t sure what to do, but they knew what Walt wanted so they insisted to keep on moving forward. After the opening in 1971, they knew they weren’t even close to being done. In 1982, Walt’s very own creation was now reality. Epcot opened with astonishing numbers, no one could have been happier. After this the Disney company sky rocketed, opening new parks in Tokyo and Paris. Two other branches of the Disney World Restort opened in Orlando which included Disney Studios and Animal Kingdom, along with these countless resorts, entertainment venues. The list could go on forever; Walt Disney changed history as we know it.
When Walt decided on the idea to create Disneyland, he wanted to change the lives of everyday people. He envisioned a place you could go and live your dreams and never have to grow up, he started out with nothing and has created something that cannot be told in a story, or written in a paper it’s something you have to experience. He was a leader in film, entertainment, and showing people you can do whatever you dream, you just need to set your mind to it. To this day Walt Disney World is still growing, and there are still future plans in the making. Since 1923 when Walt created his Alice Comedies, to present time, where everyday new ideas are being created and the Walt Disney Company continues to pursue the dream of the man and his mouse, Walter Elias Disney.

WOW! I think thats the longest post I've ever made! (oh and sorry if this was the wrong section)


New Member
Original Poster
Well thank you! Unfortuanitly I have turned it in, but if she thinks it needs work she will let me fix it and re-turn it in....which I'm assuming might happen:wave: lol...I know what I want to write, but on paper it doesnt turn out all the best.
Thanks again

Edit: As for the misspelled words, I feel dumb lol, I read over the paper and shouldnt have missed them. But I was in a hurry, I had to email it to her by midnight on the night it was due..so it was a tad bit rushed. I need to learn how to manage my time a bit more...thank you for pointing it out to. Helps a ton!

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