Would you mind helping me


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for the submissions so far, just on a side note:
Nansafan and majorrfb, would you mind editing your posts and completing all questions. I can't use just those single answers and they will be placed as annomolies if they are not updated.

Thanks again.:)


New Member
1....4349 miles/7000km
2....twice in the last five years
3....2-3 weeks
4....off site (were staying onsite in sept:sohappy:)
5....Magic Kingdom
6a...Splash Mountain
6d...Kilmanjaro safari
I hope this helps only 196 more sleeps:snore:


Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? 90 Miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort? 20 times

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for?3 days

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site? Both

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park) Epcot

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park? Splash Mountain

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot? Mission Space

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios? Tower of Terror

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park? Kilimanjaro Safari


Well-Known Member
1. 886 miles
2. 6 times
3. 7 to 10 days
4. Usually, off-site
5. Magic Kingdom
6a. Haunted Mansion
b. Soarin'
c. Great Movie Ride
d. Dinosaur


Question 1: approx 4500 miles (live in Oldham in the UK)
Question 2: 3
Question 3 : 14 nights
Question 4: depends on the money situation- have done both
Question 5: Magic Kingdom
Question 6 a: Phillamagic
Question 6 b: Test Track
Question 6 c:Fantasmic
Question 6 d: Expidition Everest



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Recieved through PM from crazeydaveh

Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? 27 miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort? about 50

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for? just the day, sometimes two days

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site? On site when we stay over night

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? EPCOT

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park? Thunder Mountain

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot? Soarin'

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios? Tower of Terror

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park? Everest

Added your PM to this topic so that I can collect the results easier at the end of this.


Well-Known Member
Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? 405 Miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort? 5

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for?3 days

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site? off

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park) Epcot

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park? Splash Mountain

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot? American Adventure

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios? Tower of Terror

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park? Expedition Everest


Hi everyone, I am just about to start a statistics report for my University Studies and I was wondering if you guys would help me create my data set, (we were given the option for them to give us a data set but I think this way will be more enjoyable) obiously I wouldn't choose to carry this report out on anything other than the World.

Please help keeping the order of questions consistent so that it is easier for me to college after it has been completed. Thanks to everyone that participates.

Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? (Please use the calculator on this web page to calculate the distance and provide your answer in miles). Link If you live local to the Walt Disney World Resort, please state the mileage you would travel to reach the location.

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort?

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for?

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site?

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park)

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park?

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot?

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios?

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park?

1. 1552 miles
2. 3 times
3. 10 days
4. on-site
6a. Haunted Mansion
6b. Soarin
6c. Rockin Roller Coaster
6d. Kilamanjaro Safari


1) 1300 miles (driving straight through took about 20 hours)
2) 1 trip in last 5 years
3) 4 days
4) off site
5) Epcot
6a) Pirates of the Caribbean
6b) Mission Space
6c) Tower of Terror
6d) Expedition Everest


My pleasure to help:

1. 487.5 miles
2. 4 times
3. 4 days
4. on site
5. Epcot
6a. Pirates
6b. Space Ship Earth
6c. Tower of Terror
6d. Expedition Everest

Make sure you share your results with us. It would be interesting.


Well-Known Member
1) 500 miles driving (476 miles by air [using your calculator])
2) 10
3) average 5.5 days
4) both (when with my partner, on-site; when traveling solo, with friends living nearby )
5) The Studios
6a) The Haunted Mansion
6b) Spaceship Earth
6c) Tower of Terror
6d) Finding Nemo:the musical


Well-Known Member
Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? (Please use the calculator on this web page to calculate the distance and provide your answer in miles). Link If you live local to the Walt Disney World Resort, please state the mileage you would travel to reach the location. - 35 miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort? 200

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for? Don't stay overnight.

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site? Go back home - so, off site?

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park) - Animal Kingdom, then Epcot

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park? - POTC

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot? - Would have to be entertainment not an attraction, and that would be Off Kilter at Canada

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios? LMA

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park? - Kilimanjaro Safari


New Member
Hi! Here goes:

1. 1062 DRIVEN miles :eek: (one way)
2. 4 times
3. Average-6 nights
4. On site
5. Magic Kingdom
6a. Peter Pan
6b. Imagination
6c. Tower of Terror
6d. Dinosaur


Well-Known Member
Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? (Please use the calculator on this web page to calculate the distance and provide your answer in miles). Link If you live local to the Walt Disney World Resort, please state the mileage you would travel to reach the location.
1100 miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort?

7 times
Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for?

2-3 days
Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site?
We do both, depending on how many of us are going.
Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park)

Tough choice, but I guess it would be MK, with Epcot and AK a very close second
For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park?
Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot?
Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios?
Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park?


Good luck with your survey!


1) 615 Miles
2) 4
3) 7-10 days
4) onsite
5) Epcot
6a) Haunted Mansion
6b) Soarin
6c) The Great Movie Ride
6d) Kilimajaro Safaris


New Member
Question 1:
What is the distance you travel to reach the Walt Disney World Resort?
1037 miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the WDWorld Resort?

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for?
average 6 days

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site?
on site

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort?
Magic Kingdom

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park?
Pirates of the Carribean
Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot?
Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios?
Aerosmith R&R
Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park?
Expedition Everest


Active Member
1) 1483 miles (one way)

2) 2

3) 7 days

4) on property

5) Magic Kingdom

6a) Splash Mountain

6b) Soarin'

6c) Rockin Roller Coaster

6d) Expedition Everest


New Member
Question 1:
I always made my trips from Miami to Orlando. I just moved to NC, but I haven't made the trip to WDW from here yet.

-From Miami to Orlando: Distance is 322 kilometers or 200 miles or 174 nautical miles

-From NC to Orlando: Distance is 847 kilometers or 526 miles or 457 nautical miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort? 15 times

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for?
-4 days

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site?
-On Site

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park)
-Magic Kingdom

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park?

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot?

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios?
-Great Movie Ride

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park?



New Member
Hi everyone, I am just about to start a statistics report for my University Studies and I was wondering if you guys would help me create my data set, (we were given the option for them to give us a data set but I think this way will be more enjoyable) obiously I wouldn't choose to carry this report out on anything other than the World.

Please help keeping the order of questions consistent so that it is easier for me to college after it has been completed. Thanks to everyone that participates.

Question 1:
What is the distance you travel from your home town / city to reach the Walt Disney World Resort? (Please use the calculator on this web page to calculate the distance and provide your answer in miles). Link If you live local to the Walt Disney World Resort, please state the mileage you would travel to reach the location. 887 miles

Question 2:
In the last 5 years how many times have you visited the Walt Disney World Resort? 0

Question 3:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, how long do you stay for? 1 week

Question 4:
When visiting the Walt Disney World Resort, do you stay on site or off site? on-site

Question 5:
What is your favourite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort? (Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park) Magic Kingdom

For Question 6a,b,c&d please only choose from current attractions that are still in operation today.

Question 6a:
What is your favourite attraction from Magic Kingdom Park? Splash Mountain

Question 6b:
What is your favourite attraction from Epcot? Imagination

Question 6c:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Hollywood Studios? RnRC

Question 6d:
What is your favourite attraction from Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park?
KS (Haven't been since Everest)


1) 885 miles
2) 8 times in the past 5 years
3) length - 1 week
4) on-site
5) MK favorite park
6a) Sapce Mountain
6b) Mission:Space
6c) RnRC
6d) EE

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