Would you go on Big Thunder If It Was Open?

Would you ride BTM at WDW if not in rehab?

  • Yes

    Votes: 166 92.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 3.4%
  • Don't Know

    Votes: 7 3.9%

  • Total voters


I would go on it again. I think Diseny Execs. should be the first to ride DL's BTM just to show how safe it is.
I just hope that they don't water it down now


Would I ride an airplane after 9/11? Would I go on a cruise after the Titanic or illnesses that have been on them? Would I drive a car again after a major accident? Would I go down a flight of stairs after falling down once? The answer to all the above is yes, yes, yes, yes. You can't stop doing your normal, everyday things because of accidents. Stuff happens and you have to deal and get on with it. Cant let things like that stop you from living.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I will ride again with no hesitation.

That was my daughters first "roller coaster" so it's near and dear to my heart!!


Well-Known Member
I have to say that I'm hesitant to go on it again. I'm sure I will, as it is my absolute favourite ride (so much so that on E ride nights I go on it so many times in a row that the CM's didn't even make me get off). I know that in the end I can't let one accident at Disneyland stop me from going on my favourite ride ever again. I'm just going to have to work up a bit of nerve to go on it again for the first time since the accident. After that I should be alright.


New Member
Just like i countinued to flay after sept 11th which was much worse than this, i would continue to ride btmr. It was the first coaster i ever rode so i love it and will never stop riding it.:kiss:


I want my ashes put in seven seas lagoon why not die there to,one stop shopping:lol: I will continue to ride with pride Im sure it was some freak accident to bad people had to die:( but thats life you should live everyday to the fullest


Someone asked about the differences between Big Thunder around the world.
They are all similar, but different.
The layouts are about 75% the same, but the themeing varies.
WDW's is set in Monument Valley.
DL's is set in a wooded, Bryce Canyon type environment.
Paris' is on an island, which is very pretty.

I put a photo of Paris' in my album. Ain't it pretty?


However, the poster for the one in Paris shows the train bouncing up off the track. Rather unfortunate, that.


New Member
I would ride it again in a second. What's to say a similar accident wouldn't happen on another ride. There is always the chance of an accident, but the chances are so slim. I don't want to worry about what ifs.
You bet ya!

:) I dont care if the train in front of me just crashed i would go on it no matter what happened. It is very tragik of what happened and i hope we can recover.

Long live Big Thunder Mountian RailRoad:)


New Member
Originally posted by mickeykid79
I think Diseny Execs. should be the first to ride DL's BTM just to show how safe it is.

I'm sorry, this is off-topic, but this just so reminded me of a local park this summer. At Six Flags (ick) Great Escape, they introduced a new coaster this year, the Canyon Blaster. At the press conference, bigwigs gave great speeches, then they went from the podium onto the ride. It went around the track, to the second lift hill, and got stuck on the lift!!! :lol: They had to evacuate the execs, in suits and ties (along with the other first-riders, who I believe were ACE members), down from the lift. It took them most of the day to get it working again.

We went for our annual visit in August. Our 5YO, who is a bit afraid of coasters but loves to watch them, wanted to see it in action. We went to the viewing area, watched it start up, go around the track, and get stuck on the second lift!!! :lol: :lol: I guess that coaster's just bad luck.


Originally posted by Bagheera
I'm sorry, this is off-topic, but this just so reminded me of a local park this summer. At Six Flags (ick) Great Escape, they introduced a new coaster this year, the Canyon Blaster. At the press conference, bigwigs gave great speeches, then they went from the podium onto the ride. It went around the track, to the second lift hill, and got stuck on the lift!!! :lol: They had to evacuate the execs, in suits and ties (along with the other first-riders, who I believe were ACE members), down from the lift. It took them most of the day to get it working again.

We went for our annual visit in August. Our 5YO, who is a bit afraid of coasters but loves to watch them, wanted to see it in action. We went to the viewing area, watched it start up, go around the track, and get stuck on the second lift!!! :lol: :lol: I guess that coaster's just bad luck.
That's got to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Just another shining example of the care and careful planning that goes into every ride at Six Flags. I really wish I could have seen that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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