Would this be an answer for UNI's Harry Potter Land?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get attacked for this, but in all actuality the WWOHP is not really great in my opinion. It's good, and cool. The scenery is good, but Disney would have done it a thousand times better. The butterbeer is the best part about Harry Potter, and I bet LeFou's brew will rival it. The ride is great, but Disney would do it better.
Honestly, a really good Pixar land expansion could kill Harry Potter IMO.

Judging from reviews of Le Fou's brew per people on here, they say it's tasty but it's no butter beer. Well, I guess unless you really really like apple. It's apple cider essentially isn't it? That said, I haven't tasted it so I'll let those who have tasted both take that one...

The scenery is amazing at Potter. An incredibly immersive environment. But I'd highly contest the notion that Disney could/would have done it better. Do I think WDI could have come up with some cool concepts? Yes I do. Do I think that Disney management would have approved the budget required to make those cool concepts a reality? No I don't. Why? Uh...because in general they've demonstrated time and again in this era that the don't want to spend big money on projects and are content to gain revenue by cutting, not investing. NFE was something that was forced on them by Burbank. It wasn't the other way around. Also, as Sleeping Monk asked you... what in the world has Disney done lately that would lead you to the conclusion that Disney would have done it better? The last E ticket ride was Everest... and I got news for you... it's a roller coaster. Not that hard to build. The AA was amazing but um, remember how long that took to break? Or you could talk about the new rides in NFE... one is a clone of something that already was at the MK, while Mermaid is a clone of something at DL. Doesn't speak to ultra creativeness to me. And at the end of the day, mine train is a family coaster. Hardly revolutionary. Uni took existing technology and built on it and enhanced it and used it in new ways. Disney used to be known for this but sadly, they haven't done much recently in terms of creativity in rides.

This post was not an "attack" on you...If HP is not your cup of tea, it's not your cup of tea. But you gave statements as facts with absolutely no supporting evidence whatsoever or even some elaboration on the things you stated as fact. If you remember, Disney didn't even want to allow the author of the books or the creative team behind the movies much involvement in the creative process. There is a reason Rowling went to Universal. So I can't even take your statement that Disney would have done the scenery a thousand times better seriously. I suspect they would have tried to put so much "Disney" into it, it might not have been as recognizable in terms of relationship to the books and movies.

A full Pixarland would certainly be a drawn but in no way would it "kill" Potter. There is plenty of Pixar spread throughout the parks and attendance has grown at a whopping 1% rate the past four years. Granted, it's not concentrated all in one area but still, they would have to do some mega things within said land to kill Potter. I don't think one E ticket ride (ie with Carsland) would be enough, considering Universal is adding 2 more Potter related ones plus another, all within a short timespan.


Well-Known Member
I have thought about this for years because I have three things. An immense love for everything Disney and WDW, an immense love for HP books and everything HP, and the utmost respect for JK Rowling and her creative genius with her series, and really she is just a stand-up very nice lady.

I don't think an association with the world of HP was going to be good for HP the entity, Disney, or JK Rowling in the end. I think it best she went with Universal. For many reasons:

1. Not saying they are going to, but Disney needs to work with what they have. They are just not doing that currently to satisfy many, if you read various threads. And opinions differ regarding the four parks, DTD, and other issues. Even with the ambitious FLE expansion. The mermaid ride looks wonderful, BOG seems great, though I did express on another thread my twinge of guilt that the icon, Cinderella's Castle and the eatery has competition, and is no longer singular and unique. Now taste and quality at BOG is yet to be determined when the first diners get in there, so we have to wait. But on paper, the food choices look better than Cinderella's. Happy about the Snow White mine ride, but not about the dark ride closing, nor Dumbo. Dumbo was just expanded, and I have a grave feeling about Storybook circus and the Belle area. These things can get old really quick. Especially Storybook circus. Circus themes become very old and dated quickly. Not sure they should have went there. I expected something else.

2. So, I wonder to this day, if Disney did get Potter what they would have done differently than Universal. More or less, or smaller or bigger, in regard to space, rides, restaurants, etc. My biggest fear was them not doing enough because I love HP, or doing too much and focusing so much on Potter as opposed to the existing Disney lands in each of the 4 parks, or even future creative ideas for rides, attractions, and restaurants, etc for Disney Orland parks.

3. I am happy that JK stuck to her guns. But I am not saying that Universal's representation of Potter is the best it could be, but it is pretty darn good. I am sure there is stuff she is not happy about but had to let some go. I think more could have been done to the castle. The ride inside is wonderful. No complaints there. But the castle is the icon and it could have been improved as far as the waiting areas and what is inside. The locker situation underneath is a mess. People fighting for lockers....a nightmare of congestion. The dragon ride, I understand, that with other big undertakings, really creating a whole original HP land, it is apparent that to cut costs, they converted Dueling Dragons to coincide with book 4. I would have loved something new, but can't complain because they have plans to add to the HP land and expand. The shops are great and the food offerings are different, and not the run of the mill, burgers, fries, etc. But something has to be done to Ollivander's. It is in too small an area. I never got to see it last trip. The lines were out of this world. I also love the butterbeer and the pumpkin juice. A bit sweet but a nice idea for HP fans that have only dreamed of it from the books. I get a kick out of it.

4. As far as JK. Disney was foolish for not giving her much creative control in a proposed deal. Or whatever the issues were. She is a wealth of creativity, and they have been stifling their imagineers and been very tight with the purse strings, so what did they really expect her to do? She held the cards. She didn't have to accept anything that was not in her favor for her beloved characters and series. I don't blame her. I wouldn't want the Three Broomsticks selling the same things like chicken fingers and fries either. And that was most likely what Disney was going to do. So forget rides and other things too, because who knows. It was too risky for her. And I am sure she saw what happened the last time Disney took on someone else's franchise. Muppets? They had a movie come out. Any effect in DHS around that time? Probably not. And now look at what is going on with Disney/James Cameron/Avatarland. JK is probably exhaling right about now. The HP world is her baby, her hard work, was created under tough situations for her and among many long years. Disney should have understood that and also realize that not everyone is going to jump when offered a so-so deal that takes their creative control mostly away. They can sometimes do right by you when it opens and short term, but not really long term if you agree to sponsor or allow them to represent you. I think there is a thread about Disney and Sponsors currently. No wonder nobody is biting. Up-keep, maintenance, and a future for anyone or any company that agrees to sponsor is too cloudy regarding partnering with Disney. They have to shake this image and change their dealings with others, because the word is out and has been out for quite some time.


Well-Known Member
I have a question too for those in the know regarding Disney. Was there any speculation or some news circulating about what Disney was going to do years ago if they acquired the Potter rights?

Where was it going to go? Any details? MK? DHS? I always wondered about this.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get attacked for this, but in all actuality the WWOHP is not really great in my opinion. It's good, and cool. The scenery is good, but Disney would have done it a thousand times better.
Disney refused to do it better or even as well. That's why it is at Uni.

Uni is the park that does more amazing and impressive things these days. Better themes, constant updates, better rides.

Disney rolls out the Little Mermaid and sometimes turns a strobe light on to show flashes of the Yeti.

I get that Disney loyalists will never like anything in any other park better. But those who love Disney, but find themselves overwhelmed by all that Uni offers up will frequently be wishing it were Disney offering that stuff up.

Uni has Forbidden Journey. Disney has The Little Mermaid and sometimes turns a strobe light on the Yeti. It isn't even a contest.


Well... I don't think I'd place LOTR in MK so I think separation from the 7 Dwarves wouldn't be that much of an issue. Probably would best go in DHS if we are talking about putting a land in a specific park...not that it goes super thematically with that either...but hey, that parks a mess theme wise anyways and I doubt they will ever fix that.

It's true the books are rather dense but tons of people have seen the movies, and for the most part, I don't think people had trouble following them. Hobbit especially, is technically a children's book when it comes down to who Tolkien had as the intended audience. Obviously it grew into more, but there ya go.

As to attractions that could fit in the land... I could see them building a part of the Shire to start. Could be a walk through. Or heck, could just be a silly Omnimover thru Bag End. I feel like you could see a lot of merchandise in a place like that. You could steal the concept of "Soarin' over Pandora" except this time it's Soarin' over Middle Earth, with the concept of riding on an eagles back. And then that lucky duck who gets to film some of the footage for that gets a paid trip to New Zealand. Could do the concept of a roller coaster type ride through Moria. Sort of like with the yeti but this time you get to run away from the Balrog and Gandalf saves you at the end. Could do potentially another roller coastery type ride or something like say Spiderman moving through NY except your moving through the Pellenor Fields, and your helping Aragorn defeat Sauron's army, controlling the ghosts, fighting an Oliphant, all that. Maybe you could have a sort of show with Smaug or something. Can you imagine if they did a Splash Mountain type ride through the Lonely Mountain? How cool would it be to see the loads of treasure and encounter an AA of Smaug? You could see Bilbo going invisible and stealing something ect. Or you could have a log ride floating down the river towards Dale. I feel like there's a ton of different areas of each of the books that would make great rides.

Sorry, all that probably made me seem like a dork. But I think there is tons of potential for cool rides in association with LOTR. No, much of what I just blue skyed is for toddlers but I would trust WDI to come up with somethings for kids. And if Disney did get the rights, I think they would know they might be gearing this land to a bit older audience (something they need anyways). And for a end of the night finale... a good ole' showing of Gandalf's fireworks. I guess what I'm trying to say is that to enjoy an LOTR land doesn't mean you have to know every naunce of the story. Not everyone who visits Potter knows everything but they still enjoy it. My mom hasn't read a single HP book and feel asleep during the movies (She likes pretty much only chick flicks..sleeps through LOTR and pretty much every action flick. She's silly.) but she still enjoyed the land tremendously.

I really like this idea! I think to make it toddler friendly.. They could make the Shire as a walkthrough, but also as an interactive play area. Kids could go inside and play on the actual walkthrough.

I also like the idea of a pirate land... But it would have to take over Adventureland. They could revamp the exterior of the current buildings. Remove the flying carpets, add a pirate restaurant.. The tiki room could stay the only real issue would be Jungle cruise, but with a little creativity it could be done.
An Avengers Land/area was my first thought but I new that legally can't happen.

I don't see how some of you all say Pirates are old but yet everyone wants Star Wars still? I'm 25 and I was able to see the 3 newest Star Wars movies in theaters and while they're cool and all I wouldn't really care for a whole area for it. Also, how many 5-10 yr olds today are into Star Wars? I coach my nephew's little league football and baseball teams and Ive never heard them talk about it, now Cars, Potter, Pirates (in general) thats all the time. I think Star Wars would appeal to more people older then me then to younger kids and that doesn't make sense at WDW.

I still think a Pirates Land would be huge, would it have the draw of Potter? No, but what franchise would? None. As far as placement, it would have to be DHS somewhere unless it could be added on to MK somewhere.

Like I said, I know this is not going to happen but its what I would do.
I had to sign in on my Xbox for this. Star Wars is a timeless classic. I can guarantee that 95-97% of kids 7- 15 have seen all of them, and at least that many love and cherish it. I plug those numbers into my calculator and it makes a happy face. :p
It is great franchise. Sorry for that. However, Disney needs something, but not just because of the boy wonder. Many parks are upping their parks and are starting to understand what Disney did to get on top in the first place.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I believe PotC has peaked as a franchise already. After the second movie.

I think currently the franchise is driven only by girls having the hots for Johhny Depp. (How long is that going to last?) And by boys innate love for the pirate life.
I don't think there is enough there for a full Potter Swatter.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree. It is enough with Pirates, always loved it, Johnny Depp did a lot for it, and now... time to move on.

I don't like the idea of Pirateland. I have always had a soft spot for Adventureland. A home still for many of the classics with the Tree House, POTC, Tiki birds. I love the lush greenery and the architecture. The coziest and most immersive land to walk through out of all of them by far in MK. Green eye candy, for me! Oh, and splashes of floral color too.When you cross that bridge from Main Street and enter with the tiki loop and see the greenery...forget it...gets me every time.

I hope the land name never changes if that was ever an issue as well. I want it to stay "Adventureland." Help it out a bit and expand when a very creative and worthy idea for an attraction comes along, but please keep the name.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I believe PotC has peaked as a franchise already. After the second movie.

I think currently the franchise is driven only by girls having the hots for Johhny Depp. (How long is that going to last?) And by boys innate love for the pirate life.
I don't think there is enough there for a full Potter Swatter.

But you just said it - "boys' innate love for the pirate life". (Many girls like it too, BTW). Which proves that the pirate motif has eternal appeal. Whether it's the Disney version of them or not, pirates are immortal iconic characters. They will never go out of style. Disney has made them part of its magic. Its version is immensely popular. Why not build on that?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Reality Check....The Muppets died with Jim Henson. It could never be what it was without it's soul. Muppets 3D is a tribute to Mr. Henson, but, as a force in entertainment, it has lost it's energy, much like the creativity of Disney after Walt died. Things that we got for the first 10 or 15 years after his death were really extensions of his wishes and directions. After that and the retirement and loss of the creative force that surrounded Walt have left the well very dry.

Agree with you wholeheartedly about the Muppets. Quite a force in their day, but IMO, they haven't stood the test of time. Nostalgia is what sort of keeps them going nowadays - that and some Disney investment, which hasn't really paid off. So the little Muppet shrine in DHS is plenty. I think that it won't be too long before it's done away with altogether. Meanwhile, there are actual Disney-created/adapted properties that have been ignored in the parks, and THAT is the real tragedy. As for Melrose, maybe an Toontown restaurant could be built in its place. Weren't there plans for something like that at one time?

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