I'd rather go to Knotts.
Just did yesterdy. Using special discount tickets from Ralphs supermarkets I got two adults and two kids in for $68.00 which is only a bit cheaper than the advertized rate at DCA for us L.A. locals.
So why Knotts over DCA?
First of all, much more to choose from. Both have a lot of carnival-type rides. True, DCA's are a bit more themed out. But Knotts is more overall family friendly with Camp Snoopy and almost all the offerings in Ghost Town (except for Ghost Rider) are appropriate for 4+ years old on up.
Coaster/thrill ride freaks have more to choose from at Knotts--although standing in line for Accelerator was kind of sickeningly hilarious. Any of you see "Spy Kids 2" yet? When you're cued for Accelorator all you get is a vista of one thing after another zooming by or popping up into the air. Just needed the Juggler and the Yo-yo type ride from Spy Kids 2 (beggining of movie filmed at Knotts) and it literally would've have been the same. Knotts has so much crammed into such a small area that it's hard to avoid ride noise and/or something zooming overhead.
Food-wise, I totally disagree with the two bashers who posted up on this tread. This park always has had the best food going in California short of Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. But like Santa Cruz, you have to know the good places to get food at. If you go to a generic burger joint or doing the Mexican walk-up, you're getting bad food. But between funnel cakes, the rib stands, grilled corn on the cob, Mrs. Knotts fried chicken, Canation Ice Cream, and the all you-can-eat pizza and pasta and Auntie Pasta's, you can eat really well and for not too much $$$.
But back to the original topic: there has been rumors of something significant--from an "E" ticket ride to whole new lands--going into Big Thunder Ranch since the mid-70's. I don't believe Disney is committed to putting anything new into there. Or to put it bluntly, I'll believe it when I see it.
A Woody ride would actually be cool and could fit in with a cross promotional Frontierland/Fantasyland theme. But I don't think they'd end up using the whole available space with that one. What else would fit in if they did this--Geyser Moutain maybe?
Interesting how that area now sits completely empty though--no more shows in the theater area, no more Big Thunder Barbecue. It makes one suspect that either Disney is being lame (like how they treat the Sub Lagoon and the old CoP/America Sings building before it became Innoventions) or that they might have a new attraction or two up their sleeves.
But from one Disneyland fan to another, I'd rather see them get Tomorrowland right before they do anything else in the park. Between the sub lagoon, empty circle vision building, and the Peoplemover/Rocket Rods fiasco, this area needs $$$ committed to it to make guests spend more than 90 minutes in the area.
Star Tours is now a walk-on. Honey, I Shrunk The Audience is also pretty easy to get into even on busy days. Which leaves Space Mountain and the revamped Autopia and Astro Orbiter as possible time consumers. No one I know seems to go into Innoventions.
Or to put it bluntly, it's time Disney comitted itself to adding something to DL that blows people's minds--like what the Star Tours/Splash Mountain/Indy run did from '84-'94.
The new Pooh Bear ride will be cool (if its anything like WDW's) but it's still a low-impact kid ride and it gets the dishonor of being in the old tucked-into-a-far-corner Country Bear Playhouse spot.
It's time for something major at DL and not just some lame makeover or rehab.
So says I.