I take it back, every child but those is your immediate and extended family cry and have tantrums. Not 24/7. Not in every line. Not all the time. But kids do cry and have tantrums. And if kids are in disney world, a place which welcomes kids and would likely go out of business if kids stoppd coming, they will sometimes cry and have tantrums. It's not the Tavern on the Green, it is disney world. It is reality. Again, except for your kids.
Do I like it when that happens? Of course not. Not with my kids or others. (Mine are older but they are still kids and kids cry and have tantrums!). No one enjoys this. But to act like with a little bit of "parenting" you can make children behave in a way contrary to their nature is absurd. You can try to help minimize melt-down events. But what works for each kid is different. Some need to be ignored for a few minutes. Some need to be sternly spoken to. And yes, some just need a hug. Different kids, different needs.
Now tantrums from adults, which I have seen quite a few as well, are a different story.