Worst/Hardest Days Leading Up To A Trip


Well-Known Member
That depends. Any day I am at work and cannot be online planning/researching. LOL For me it is more the day before the trip. I have had some miserable "last day before the trip" days including severely spraining my ankle at the fair the day before our 5 day trip to DLR(my son was in 4H and showing our alpacas, stepped wrong in the pen). severe migraines the day before many trips(that stress migraine will do you in). Pretty much any day I am not on vacation is the worst day. LOL
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Well-Known Member
Usually the worst is the day before we leave. No matter how prepared I am or how much I've planned, packed and organized, I always feel totally overwhelmed the day before. On our next trip, though, I suspect departure day itself is going to be the worst. We're breaking up the trip completely opposite our usual method. Customarily we front-load the driving and do a long day on day 1, stay over somewhere near Savannah and do the rest on day 2, arriving in Orlando early afternoon.

On the upcoming trip, we'll be doing a short, 4 hour drive on day 1 (leaving our house in the late afternoon) and then the 12 hour drive on day 2, arriving in Orlando at night. It's a solution to an ongoing Disney-Trip problem that we have, but I just know I'm going to be a crazy person every hour of day 1 until we actually get in the car and GO.
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Well-Known Member
All of them lol. Right now we are at 105 days so right now my goal is to make It to 60 day so I can make our fast pass reservations, that excitement will last about 5 minutes though. I guess the hardest is when it is like a week away, it's so close yet so far away, and that day before you leave work seems to last 8 weeks not 8 hours.
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Well-Known Member
Right now, I would say between the time ADRs are made (180 day out) and the time Fastpasses are made (60 days out). The trip is planned, and there's really nothing to do except search for new events (like Minnie's Holiday Dine). Of course, I might be feeling that way because I am 135 days away, and time moves soooooooo slowly.
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Well-Known Member
For us, now at 7 months out, it doesn't phase me. At around 3 and then 2 months to go, I get pretty antsy. When it's about a month away, it gets exciting. Then like 5 days before is torture.
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Well-Known Member
Right now, I would say between the time ADRs are made (180 day out) and the time Fastpasses are made (60 days out). The trip is planned, and there's really nothing to do except search for new events (like Minnie's Holiday Dine). Of course, I might be feeling that way because I am 135 days away, and time moves soooooooo slowly.

Ahhhh so true!!! I booked our ADR's months ago and the last 3 months have been horrible! We are 13 days away from booking FP's & I am literally ticking off the days. Weekends are a little easier because i can distract myself but work days are horrible!
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Well-Known Member
Ugh - I am at 41 days and it is dragging now. Our countdown started at 477 and I thought it would feel like forever. Surprisingly, up until about a week ago the time has flown! I think now is the hard part because there are no more "milestones" in waiting - ADRs are done, FP+ are done, online check-in is done, trip paid off, etc. I mean we still get to wait for our magicbands to ship but we don't even know exactly what day that will be, (and sometimes I've heard they never ship and are just waiting for you at the desk :(). It's even too soon for us to pack. Yuck - torture! HOWEVER...I am also kind of glad it is taking so long. I am more than aware that it will be over before we know it and we will be so, so bummed.
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Well-Known Member
Ugh - I am at 41 days and it is dragging now. Our countdown started at 477 and I thought it would feel like forever. Surprisingly, up until about a week ago the time has flown! I think now is the hard part because there are no more "milestones" in waiting - ADRs are done, FP+ are done, online check-in is done, trip paid off, etc. I mean we still get to wait for our magicbands to ship but we don't even know exactly what day that will be, (and sometimes I've heard they never ship and are just waiting for you at the desk :(). It's even too soon for us to pack. Yuck - torture! HOWEVER...I am also kind of glad it is taking so long. I am more than aware that it will be over before we know it and we will be so, so bummed.

I agree, our countdown started around 290 days, we have 72 left. Up until now it seemed like time was flying by. In 12 days we can check-in online and do our FP+, and then we'll be in the same boat- just waiting. :arghh:
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Mandy M.

I'd say two weeks out is the worst. When is comes down to one week the prep and packing take over, which is an exciting and often appreciated time. We are eleven days away and I alternate between wanting to go so badly and then reminding myself to enjoy the anticipation and knowing whatever today brings, Disney is right around the corner. I also get spurts of packing energy but need to wait till closer to departure for most items. Also, within the last two weeks, for us, all spending of money stops to save for Disney fun.
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Well-Known Member
I would agree with the last two weeks @Mandy M. !! and less.

For me getting projects going at work is priority-making sure to get quotes and art approvals can take time, so it is always stressful for me. My coworkers can cover for most of my work load, but there are couple of things that only I can do. I try to leave them in the best shape I can, but it is really hard to stay focused with the WDW vacation on the horizon!!

The last day or two before I leave, I get them up to speed on where each purchase is at in the process and they have my number if anything they can't solve comes up. I'm so relieved to walk out, but because it is our family's business like you should be doing something. The funny thing is all of the family units go to WDW, so we know how important the time off is to everyone.

The clothes are laid out and ready to go, the reservations are all made, the plans are all systems go! We just hope that everyone stays healthy and the weather looks good for the trip even though we have no control lol, but we have been blessed each time.

I never actually feel relaxed completely until we get the last bag off of the carousel at MCO. After that everything zen.
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Well-Known Member
The last week... is completely horrendous because it means THE DAY is just around the corner. Its reachable. You know all your plans are made but you keep going over and over in your mind... what have I forgotten, what havent I arranged, what am I missing????? Then each day counting down to zero is a killer. It cant get here fast enough. It seems like every hour, every minute, is in super slow mode and you begin checking your clocks, wristwatch and thinking... there... I'm another hour closer. The suitcases start getting packed and again, what am I forgetting????
But the very very worst day is the last. I never knew 24 hours could be so nerve wracking. No sleep, knowing in a short time everything I've planned, saved for, dreamt of, will finally come true. I dont relax until my foot hits Main Street.
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Well-Known Member
For me the worst is travel day. Long trip to the airport, heavy security, 9 hour flight, very long que at immigration, have my fingerprints and picture taken. As I have a visa I need to go to secondary check so go into the little office, more waiting. If everything goes smoothly it takes me 15 hours to get to DME.
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