Worried that I’ll be disappointed by MK


Active Member
Original Poster
In September, for the first time in over 15 years, I’m going to WDW. . I’ve posted about it plenty of times at this point, but the reason I’m going is to finally ride Dinosaur before it gets shuttered. So that is my main goal- Animal Kingdom.

Since then, I’ve done plenty of research on the history of WDW, and while I would prefer DL if I were just going for the castle park, I am now eager to revisit MK. But now I’m trepidatious about the prospect- I’ve seen reports of it being run-down, faded, poorly maintained, overcrowded, and so forth. I’m nervous that I am in for a big Disney Wal-Mart or something.

So I’m asking this message board: what kind of shape is MK in right now?


Well-Known Member
I won’t say MK is as fine as it once was but it surely isn’t as run down, poorly presentable, un welcome to guests as some portray on here. Over the years there has been maintenance issues, staffing issues, some parts of the park that needs more love but as these issues are there you will not have a bad visit. Many things others post aren’t going to affect your enjoyment. Some things will not stand out to the one time visitor as it would to a frequent guest and only be apparent if you are looking for them.
Don’t go in with a pre conceived notion that Disney is going to disappoint you. There so much good still in place that you will find the magic still exists.
Crowds have increased over the years and that can put a bit of a damper on your moving around and line lengths, but it has been reported that crowds now are not where they have been.
We are going in Oct and are hoping crowds are more manageable that on our last trip.


Well-Known Member
I would not describe it was run-down, but you might notice a few lightbulbs out, so to speak. I've not been to DL, but I have been to Disneyland Paris. I think your experience will depend on your outlook.

When I visited Paris, I felt it was better than WDW in some ways, but not as good in others. Personally, I don't think I'd spend thousands of dollars to visit WDW (or any location) if I felt trepidatious about it. I'd only go if I felt excited to visit. Vacations cost too much $.

September crowds probably won't be too bad, but you do need to be aware of September weather and the MK parties. Touring that time of year involves some allowance for both.

In your shoes, I might choose to incorporate something I know I'd enjoy, like maybe a sidebar to Universal, the beach, or another interesting place. For some reason, I'm thinking of the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine. That's a unique place I feel everyone should visit, but FL has a number of great options that aren't theme parks.


Premium Member
I was there last in August of 2023 so this isn't the most up-to-date opinion but... If you look for things to be disappointed by, you will certainly find them. I don't know if things were better "back when" because I think we tend to remember the best of things as time goes by and forget the small annoyances. And I don't know when "back when" was but I suspect for most people "back when" is probably when they were kids or teens and didn't have to worry about money and everything is easier (if not ideal) when you don't have to make all the decisions or keep track of everything. I had a lot of fun when I was there last even if I was a little underwhelmed by Tron.

If you go in thinking you'll be disappointed, you probably will be. If you do in thinking you'll have a lot of fun, you probably will. Weather, other people's actions, accidents, etc. notwithstanding.


Well-Known Member
In September, for the first time in over 15 years, I’m going to WDW. . I’ve posted about it plenty of times at this point, but the reason I’m going is to finally ride Dinosaur before it gets shuttered. So that is my main goal- Animal Kingdom.

Since then, I’ve done plenty of research on the history of WDW, and while I would prefer DL if I were just going for the castle park, I am now eager to revisit MK. But now I’m trepidatious about the prospect- I’ve seen reports of it being run-down, faded, poorly maintained, overcrowded, and so forth. I’m nervous that I am in for a big Disney Wal-Mart or something.

So I’m asking this message board: what kind of shape is MK in right now?
Generally Magic Kingdom these days has sort of a "what-you-make-of-it" atmosphere - yes, it can get painfully crowded, and it's true that it isn't maintained *quite* like it used to be, but the classics are still there and there are reasons it's still so well attended.

If your last trip to WDW was 15 years ago you've likely already seen the value decrease play out in your lifetime. It's lost some luster, but it's hardly run down. Those who go bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for a day at The Magic Kingdom don't get the sense beat out of them by the reality, you know? It's still fun. Just not quite the paragon of family entertainment it once was, but that was true even in the early 2000's. You don't need to turn a blind eye to have a good time.

I'm someone who likes to engage crititcally with the park around me and have witnessed decline, and given your post you'll probably see what I'm talking about. But if you're going all the way to WDW it's not like MK is "so bad" you should just skip it. Especially if it's been 15 years. Go for the things that bring you joy because they mostly haven't gone anywhere, and just be prepared to ride the wave a little bit. Operations have changed in the age of Genie+ and Pandemic impact, so the atmosphere is a little different. But it is still The Magic Kingdom and there's a lot to be said for that.

If you love it, I'd say go.


Active Member
Original Poster
Generally Magic Kingdom these days has sort of a "what-you-make-of-it" atmosphere

If you love it, I'd say go.
For context, I really don’t see myself riding anything in Fantasyland. Maybe Small World just for a laugh- not to denigrate the ride but I’ll be with my dad and when I was like 5 years old I hated Space Mountain so I went on Small World over and over afterwards. Should be nostalgic.

Dad and I want to go on Space Mountain again, along with Tron if the vibe is right. Maybe we’ll do the Peoplemover? Other than that, all of my ride time will be over on the Western half of the park. Pirates, Splash Mtn(yes, I know), Mansion, Thunder Mtn, Jungle Cruise, those are the classic rides that I’m interested in being on. I intend to do After Hours as well, although I might have a different opinion on that after 20,000 steps.

Prior to this, I will be going to Animal Kingdom and then maybe Epcot, maybe Islands of Adventure. Haven’t decided on that. Islands is a guaranteed winner, but I haven’t been to Epcot since that last trip either. Point is, I will be doing fun things this trip, and I am eager to go to MK so long as the west side still works.

But I dunno. I guess I’m worried it’s all going to look faded, maybe run down, with angry people and litter. Like it’s just a big money siphon for the company that isn’t being maintained. I’ve been looking for trip reports that have details on the state of the park.

Wicked Sisters

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
We went back to WDW last September after 15 years. We had a fantastic time, we did notice the increase in crowds which surprised us as we had always visited the same month and had low crowds before. Wasn’t really looking at the state of the parks as we were having so much fun and the rides in the western part are our favourites as well and we’re just as good as we remembered. You have a fab time.


Well-Known Member
I had the same concerns when returning after Covid- shut down and I still had a great time at Magic Kingdom. I went only expecting to ride the train, riverboat, people mover and see the atmosphere entertainment,Tiki Room, Bears, Presidents etc. but was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon some short waits for small world, Pooh, big thunder, pirates and 7 dwarves!

there are still some noticeable issues and I think Disneyland is a much better place to visit for the “Disney castle park experience” but you will still have a great time I’m sure.

Make sure to allow a day to resort hop and experience the overall resort that is the entire WDW property - that’s what makes WDW special

Tiny Tim!

New Member
I don’t think MK looks run down, but it is a much lesser castle park than DL. Pirates is an absolute joke compared to the DL version. The train ride is a huge letdown compared to DL as well.

Big Thunder, Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, People Mover and Carousel of Progress are the only attractions worth investing time in. The food sucks compare to DL.

I recommend skipping the park, we did the last time we went. Animal Kingdom and EPCOT for the win!

Edit: I forgot about Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. That attraction is a lot of fun. If you insist on going, don’t miss that one.
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Premium Member
In September, for the first time in over 15 years, I’m going to WDW. . I’ve posted about it plenty of times at this point, but the reason I’m going is to finally ride Dinosaur before it gets shuttered. So that is my main goal- Animal Kingdom.

Since then, I’ve done plenty of research on the history of WDW, and while I would prefer DL if I were just going for the castle park, I am now eager to revisit MK. But now I’m trepidatious about the prospect- I’ve seen reports of it being run-down, faded, poorly maintained, overcrowded, and so forth. I’m nervous that I am in for a big Disney Wal-Mart or something.

So I’m asking this message board: what kind of shape is MK in right now?

Judge for yourself... ;)


Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
In September, for the first time in over 15 years, I’m going to WDW. . I’ve posted about it plenty of times at this point, but the reason I’m going is to finally ride Dinosaur before it gets shuttered. So that is my main goal- Animal Kingdom.

Since then, I’ve done plenty of research on the history of WDW, and while I would prefer DL if I were just going for the castle park, I am now eager to revisit MK. But now I’m trepidatious about the prospect- I’ve seen reports of it being run-down, faded, poorly maintained, overcrowded, and so forth. I’m nervous that I am in for a big Disney Wal-Mart or something.

So I’m asking this message board: what kind of shape is MK in right now?
It's a big resort, through the 15 years since you were there the park goes up and down, some years castle might look nicer than other, a ride might be in between shape, it's not all encompassing .I'm going to be honest, stop reading everyone's reviews. Go in and see how it is for yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Whether you enjoy it or not depends on you.
I don’t think that’s an accurate statement. WDW has made some pretty significant cuts in many areas and lowered the previously high standards they kept all while shortening park hours and raising prices severely cutting down on the value.

I have very much enjoyed my recent visits but I don’t visit nearly as often and have moved to visiting Disneyland more.

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