That's interesting because I was there right before you were and I rode a ton. Granted, I was there more than two weeks and my brother does have DAS, but I feel like I still could have done a ton even without it, and that was with not going into the parks until late several days (I worked while I was down there).
I paid for one LL (Guardians). My brother's absolute favorite movies are the Guardians movies, so obviously, he's completely fixated on that ride with it being newly opened. We got spoiled one night because we walked in after 5 for dinner and the boarding groups were still open, so I grabbed them quickly. Well, another day that didn't happen when we were coming in earlier, and I could tell he was already struggling, so I bought the individual LL for us so that he would have a better day.
Cosmic Ray's is so disappointing because the food there has gone downhill. It used to be someplace we'd go for dinner in place of an ADR. MK definitely now has the worst food. DHS has better TS options, and with Galaxy's Edge and You Story Land, there's better QS options now too. AK has always had really good QS options. And of course there's Epcot. I don't think we ate at any of MK's QS places this trip outside of snacks; we ate all TS or we ate before we got there.
One thing I will tell you for the next time you go is that the posted wait times generally aren't accurate, so if something says 45 minutes or less, my rule of thumb is to just go ahead and try it. We got on TSM when it was posted at 30 minutes and it was actually a walk on. With Fantasmic returning, this will probably change, but DHS tends to be crowded until park hopping kicks in, and then it clears out. Smuggler's Run is a great example of this; it'll be crowded all day and then for the last 3 hours of the operating day, it goes down, and then in the evening it's a walk on. Also, apparently MK is super empty during the day on MNSSHP days.
I'm sorry to hear about that altercation. I had mixed experiences with people too. The people staying at my resort (BC) were for the most part absolutely lovely. In the parks...hit or miss.