The days where I have to put in a weekday training run are sort of a two-a-day scenario for me. It's too dark outside for me to run before work, so I just do my interior workout with things like the bike, climber, weights, etc. in the morning. Then, when I'm done with work, I throw on running gear and do a short training run to work on speed. It's only two weekdays where I have to do this and my longer training runs will be on the weekend, so it feels manageable.
It can get very buggy, but I'll take gnats and mosquitoes over well as the snakes that are pretty much impossible to see in the dark. I'm not afraid of snakes, but we also have several poisonous varieties that I don't need to meet on a dark path. I used to walk every single day and weekdays meant being out after dark. I couldn't win...if I walked on the sidewalks, it was web city (people think you are being attacked if you scream when you walk into a web

)...if I walked in the middle of the road, I risked being hit by cars. I am so terrified of spiders that I was usually in the road. There were also issues with stray dogs and the occasional sketchy person, so I was walking with a stun gun attached to one wrist and pepper spray to the other. I walked with a golf club for a while, but someone called the cops on me and I was cornered by multiple police cars around 5:15am. I have inhaled bugs, but I usually have more issues with them going into my ears.