working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
When my husband picked me up, I sat down in the passenger's seat and he had a put a whoopee cushion down. OMG, he was laughing so hard, he started crying. He said, "It was well worth the $1 I spent on it at Target." I told him to watch his back. :cautious:

I kind of love this! Sure, I sometimes have the sense of humor of elementary school age boy. My hubby also has this whoopee cushion costume that is his go-to for all costume parties. It was even the theme of one of his bday cakes.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on much since things have been crazy busy. The older one was cleared for physical activity, so she's back into softball. So, we're back to juggling softball for two. The puppies are also keeping us busy and yesterday, we had dog drama!

I debated about buying an extra camera to watch the dogs on our in office work days, but I figured that my existing internal driveway door/laundry-mud room access camera would be enough. I could still use it to watch that entry point to the house, and if either dog got out, they'd be sure to run by that camera. Well, around 12:45 yesterday, I got an alert on my phone that the driveway door camera sensed motion. I was training two new employees to our group and didn't react immediately, but I knew something was up when the camera went off 4x in less than a minute. This was the first video I pulled up...

So, I immediately got on the phone with my husband since his office is closer to home. She pooped twice on my favorite rug in the dining room (we don't go in there often, so both dogs have taken to "hiding it" in there if they can't make it outside), but thankfully, there were lots of toys out that don't go in their crates. So, this is all that she chewed on in her brief freedom.

I really expected Cookie to be the escape artist, but she is so eager to please that I guess she doesn't want to break the rules. I now have carabiners on the crate doors so it should be much harder for them to escape. We suspect that Voodoo had been testing the latches...not that she can reach them...but probably found that her pushing on the door could make them slide. I guess she's lived up to her nickname (Voodini).

Beyond this...I've been good with my workouts. Today, I cranked up the tension while biking. I only got in 15.25 mi, but my legs got one heck of a workout from it. I also used the set of 12lb dumbbells today and focused on triceps, back and shoulders. I only had time for some basic abs, but I think I'm going to build in some extra during the day. I haven't weighed myself in a week and a half, but I had a MAJOR victory yesterday! I fit into my skinny jeans. They aren't tiny like my college skinny jeans, but they were my post first baby splurge skinny jeans. Long story short, back in 2007, I decided to treat myself to a pair of premium higher end jeans once I hit a certain size. I haven't been able to wear these jeans since something like Dec 2007 or Jan 2008. They are a size smaller than the jeans I squeezed into a few weeks ago, so feeling really great!


Premium Member
Original Poster
I'm not sure if it's something in TX law, but chaperones have been required to provide their own transportation for every single field trip my kids have had over the years. I believe we are going on the bus for the Dallas trip later this month, but I understand it's because it's considered an overnight trip.
Yikes we've always had the option to ride the bus not that we always did. Sometimes James didn't want us to go, once he hit the I was hatched from an egg and don't know my parents age:cautious:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I kind of love this! Sure, I sometimes have the sense of humor of elementary school age boy. My hubby also has this whoopee cushion costume that is his go-to for all costume parties. It was even the theme of one of his bday cakes.

A whoopee cushion cake, that's excellent. :hilarious:

He was banging the steering wheel and crying from laughter. I felt it when I sat down and I thought I crushed like a pie or cake that he bought at the supermarket left on the seat and then he started laughing. Then I realized what happened.

When my son was 12, my mother bought this thing for him called a "Pooter" just before we were going to visit my husband's family. We were waiting in line to check our bags at the airport and he told me his stomach hurt a few times. I told him we could go sit down once we went through security. He doubled over, moaned and used his "Pooter." Except I thought it was the real thing and I thought he was really ill with something like Norovirus. Then this little butt started laughing. :mad: He did it a few times on the flight, but I don't think anyone could hear it over the engines.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I don't even know how to respond to that...I understand it's a huge company, and communication doesn't always seem to work well in large companies, but there should at least be a sort of protocol within departments. I would look into maybe seeing if you can somehow contact the HR department and let them know your concerns about them not providing a safe place for personal belongings during the interview, despite them asking you to leave those belongings outside, and about the communication. Do you remember names of the people? The one who asked you to leave belongings, the one who handed you the card for feedback, the one who told you they don't do that? If you let HR know, hopefully some changes can be made.

The whoopie cushion sounds lit something my husband would do. Sometimes he's got the maturity of an 8 year old boy.

I didn't even ask for feedback, this is what kills me! He was walking me out and he said, "We're not moving forward with you." I told him I thought that would be outcome because I'd messed up the first question at the group interview, but I thought I'd recovered. He said, "I wasn't there, so I couldn't tell you," and he handed me a card told me I could ask for feedback. I wasn't asking him for feedback at all, I was just making conversation on my walk of shame. I did mention his name in the email when I requested the feedback, but it's an employee's word against a rejected candidate's.

The thing is they were hiring 2000 FAs and had 55,000 applicants. o_O I was the only person at my interview pushing back, so of course I'M going to look like the one with the issue. I honestly think they are looking to see who is 100% compliant and therefore easily trained. I probably look like someone who is going to challenge every little thing I don't agree with.

I'm just ready to move on from it all and see what happens with United. I had my chance and they had theirs. If there was a such a thing as Stepford flight attendants, it would be this group I dealt with. I've been reflecting on my interview and I see areas where I can improve. I've been to Toastmasters and I am in contact with a therapist who helps people with anxiety. :)

I'm probably blacklisted anyway for the snarky reply that I thought I was forwarding to my husband. 😜

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I haven't been on much since things have been crazy busy. The older one was cleared for physical activity, so she's back into softball. So, we're back to juggling softball for two. The puppies are also keeping us busy and yesterday, we had dog drama!

I debated about buying an extra camera to watch the dogs on our in office work days, but I figured that my existing internal driveway door/laundry-mud room access camera would be enough. I could still use it to watch that entry point to the house, and if either dog got out, they'd be sure to run by that camera. Well, around 12:45 yesterday, I got an alert on my phone that the driveway door camera sensed motion. I was training two new employees to our group and didn't react immediately, but I knew something was up when the camera went off 4x in less than a minute. This was the first video I pulled up...

So, I immediately got on the phone with my husband since his office is closer to home. She pooped twice on my favorite rug in the dining room (we don't go in there often, so both dogs have taken to "hiding it" in there if they can't make it outside), but thankfully, there were lots of toys out that don't go in their crates. So, this is all that she chewed on in her brief freedom.

I really expected Cookie to be the escape artist, but she is so eager to please that I guess she doesn't want to break the rules. I now have carabiners on the crate doors so it should be much harder for them to escape. We suspect that Voodoo had been testing the latches...not that she can reach them...but probably found that her pushing on the door could make them slide. I guess she's lived up to her nickname (Voodini).

Beyond this...I've been good with my workouts. Today, I cranked up the tension while biking. I only got in 15.25 mi, but my legs got one heck of a workout from it. I also used the set of 12lb dumbbells today and focused on triceps, back and shoulders. I only had time for some basic abs, but I think I'm going to build in some extra during the day. I haven't weighed myself in a week and a half, but I had a MAJOR victory yesterday! I fit into my skinny jeans. They aren't tiny like my college skinny jeans, but they were my post first baby splurge skinny jeans. Long story short, back in 2007, I decided to treat myself to a pair of premium higher end jeans once I hit a certain size. I haven't been able to wear these jeans since something like Dec 2007 or Jan 2008. They are a size smaller than the jeans I squeezed into a few weeks ago, so feeling really great!

What a naughty little sausage! She's so cute, though. :inlove: I have had a couple of escape artists, too. Some dogs are crazy smart.

Congrats on the getting back into the skinny jeans! It's like getting a whole new wardrobe when you lose weight. I don't want to weigh myself this week. I've been eating my feelings. LOL


Well-Known Member
A whoopee cushion cake, that's excellent. :hilarious:

He was banging the steering wheel and crying from laughter. I felt it when I sat down and I thought I crushed like a pie or cake that he bought at the supermarket left on the seat and then he started laughing. Then I realized what happened.

When my son was 12, my mother bought this thing for him called a "Pooter" just before we were going to visit my husband's family. We were waiting in line to check our bags at the airport and he told me his stomach hurt a few times. I told him we could go sit down once we went through security. He doubled over, moaned and used his "Pooter." Except I thought it was the real thing and I thought he was really ill with something like Norovirus. Then this little butt started laughing. :mad: He did it a few times on the flight, but I don't think anyone could hear it over the engines.
Sounds like a prank on the set of the Harry Potter films. Alan Rickman hid a fart machine in Daniel Radcliffe's sleeping bag during filming of Prizoner of Azkaban. Everyone is supposed to be all quiet and Harry and friends are supposed to be pretending to sleep, but actually listening intently, and suddenly this loud fart noise comes from Daniel's sleeping bag and everyone thought it was him.


Well-Known Member
Yikes we've always had the option to ride the bus not that we always did. Sometimes James didn't want us to go, once he hit the I was hatched from an egg and don't know my parents age:cautious:

Growing up in NJ, chaperones always were on the bus with the teachers and children. I was shocked when I learned that wasn't the case in TX. A couple of months ago, I asked my husband if he wanted to chaperone this Austin one and he gave me the "we don't need to go on all of their field trips" speech. Then I told him that Sam didn't want us going...something about us being embarrassing 🤪 naturally, we had to go! 😁


Well-Known Member
A whoopee cushion cake, that's excellent. :hilarious:

He was banging the steering wheel and crying from laughter. I felt it when I sat down and I thought I crushed like a pie or cake that he bought at the supermarket left on the seat and then he started laughing. Then I realized what happened.

When my son was 12, my mother bought this thing for him called a "Pooter" just before we were going to visit my husband's family. We were waiting in line to check our bags at the airport and he told me his stomach hurt a few times. I told him we could go sit down once we went through security. He doubled over, moaned and used his "Pooter." Except I thought it was the real thing and I thought he was really ill with something like Norovirus. Then this little butt started laughing. :mad: He did it a few times on the flight, but I don't think anyone could hear it over the engines.

Definitely one of my more realistic sculpted cakes. The girls were really young when I made it and they thought it would be fun to stick their fingers into the fondant. It looked more like craters of the moon when they got done with it. Thankfully, I had already gotten pics.

I guess at least you weren't sitting on an actual pie or cake. I can't imagine the mess you'd get with sitting on something like that in the car.

My eyes focused in on "Pooter" before even reading the paragraph. LOVE the name. I could see how that would be hysterical for a kid, but man...of all places to pull that. Travel is already can be so stressful.



Well-Known Member
What a naughty little sausage! She's so cute, though. :inlove: I have had a couple of escape artists, too. Some dogs are crazy smart.

Congrats on the getting back into the skinny jeans! It's like getting a whole new wardrobe when you lose weight. I don't want to weigh myself this week. I've been eating my feelings. LOL

As annoyed as I was with her, there is something so cute about seeing a happy puppy scampering around and playing. Now, if we could just take some of that intelligence and use it for good!

I'm really hoping that these skinny jeans eventually become some of my more relaxed fit jeans. That was the goal when I got them, but then I found out I was expecting and I was soon expanding. 😆 I also sometimes eat my feelings. I tell myself that it's not going to fix whatever is bugging me, but I don't always listen. :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Growing up in NJ, chaperones always were on the bus with the teachers and children. I was shocked when I learned that wasn't the case in TX. A couple of months ago, I asked my husband if he wanted to chaperone this Austin one and he gave me the "we don't need to go on all of their field trips" speech. Then I told him that Sam didn't want us going...something about us being embarrassing 🤪 naturally, we had to go! 😁
Field trips here, they don't get a have to take them yourself. That being said, they don't go many places. I guess they DID get a bus to go to Amsterdam, but most of the things they did in elementary school, they sent a note home and told you "Have your kid at this location on this date and time and this is when you can pick them back up." It got dicey when one kid had to be at school and the other had to be somewhere else at the same time. And then there was this mom who only had one kid and was a stay-at-home mom and complained about all those parents who couldn't bring their kid and had to ask someone else to drive them, how lazy they were, etc.

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