Workers want pay boost


Well-Known Member
Company reports record profits and has a proposal like THIS!!!!,

This is why companies get the unions they deserve I know Disney is partially unionized - this is an incentive to go full on union with an aggressive union like SEIU and TWDC will deserve what it gets when it happens and TWDC will WISH for the good old days
I get the impression the union is quite weak and has not been very good in past negotiations as evidenced by the cheapening of perks over the last few years under the current contract. Now this joke of a proposal from the company. Guess the money from Disney is earmarked for something else. Like MM minus? Make up the loss from increasing numbers of empty over priced hotel rooms? Pay for concrete for the MK?


Resident Curmudgeon
I get the impression the union is quite weak and has not been very good in past negotiations as evidenced by the cheapening of perks over the last few years under the current contract. Now this joke of a proposal from the company. Guess the money from Disney is earmarked for something else. Like MM minus? Make up the loss from increasing numbers of empty over priced hotel rooms? Pay for concrete for the MK?

I have the same impression, but that gives a union like SEIU an opportunity to change the representation, the incumbent union leadership will squeal like a stuck pig but they have been living high on the hog so to speak and now may pay the price for their lack of backbone.


Well-Known Member
I have the same impression, but that gives a union like SEIU an opportunity to change the representation, the incumbent union leadership will squeal like a stuck pig but they have been living high on the hog so to speak and now may pay the price for their lack of backbone.
I have never been in a union but this certainly looks like a situation that a change might indeed help from the status quo. Since I got the impression negotiations are currently going change is probably not going to happen now. With everything else on the table from Disney I would not be surprised if they want to expand the college program. We who visit all know how we like the blank stare and lack of information coming from the short term youngsters in the program. I well imagine they are cheaper to employ.
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Well-Known Member
Have not read every page of this discussion.....seems the arguments on both side just are repetitive and I would bet my opinion is just another echo of someone else. I cant believe the discussion is still going in the first place. The thought that somehow that people "should be able to make a living off minimum wage" boggles my mind. We first have to assume that everyone will be responsible with their money to do that to begin with. We then also have to assume that companies would just take it up the waaaazooo and eat this increase and just not raise the prices of their products or services, which is a huge stretch. There is no way you could increase the minimum wage and the CPI ( consumer price index) not go up....just impossible. SO what would be the net gain? If any? Yes it should go up incrementally but a two or three dollar increase is just asking for trouble. The economy is so fragile it just couldn't take something like this. When I read that somehow there should be miscellaneous spending included in what peoples needs are makes me laugh. Seriously? I cant believe someone even said that. What's happened to this country? Where did this sense of entitlement come from? Exactly why does anyone think they DESERVE anything? Its been proven over and over again....if you give someone something they don't and wont value it like they would if they earned it. You give them a "living wage" and they wil then think they deserve more. Why not enough to buy a car? internet service? etc. etc. It never ends.


Well-Known Member
Company reports record profits and has a proposal like THIS!!!!,

This is why companies get the unions they deserve I know Disney is partially unionized - this is an incentive to go full on union with an aggressive union like SEIU and TWDC will deserve what it gets when it happens and TWDC will WISH for the good old days
I do not know how far along the negotiations have progressed. The proposal from WDW may just be the first proposal. If so, the initial proposals are below WDW's BATNA. It's the natural choreography of negotiations. Unless WDW has labeled it a last and final offer, things can change.


Premium Member
Company reports record profits and has a proposal like THIS!!!!,

This is why companies get the unions they deserve I know Disney is partially unionized - this is an incentive to go full on union with an aggressive union like SEIU and TWDC will deserve what it gets when it happens and TWDC will WISH for the good old days

Disney is largely union... the issue is it's Florida which is a 'right to work' state.. which really cripples unions.


Resident Curmudgeon
Have not read every page of this discussion.....seems the arguments on both side just are repetitive and I would bet my opinion is just another echo of someone else. I cant believe the discussion is still going in the first place. The thought that somehow that people "should be able to make a living off minimum wage" boggles my mind. We first have to assume that everyone will be responsible with their money to do that to begin with. We then also have to assume that companies would just take it up the waaaazooo and eat this increase and just not raise the prices of their products or services, which is a huge stretch. There is no way you could increase the minimum wage and the CPI ( consumer price index) not go up....just impossible. SO what would be the net gain? If any? Yes it should go up incrementally but a two or three dollar increase is just asking for trouble. The economy is so fragile it just couldn't take something like this. When I read that somehow there should be miscellaneous spending included in what peoples needs are makes me laugh. Seriously? I cant believe someone even said that. What's happened to this country? Where did this sense of entitlement come from? Exactly why does anyone think they DESERVE anything? Its been proven over and over again....if you give someone something they don't and wont value it like they would if they earned it. You give them a "living wage" and they wil then think they deserve more. Why not enough to buy a car? internet service? etc. etc. It never ends.

It's why I said the approach has to be systemic we need to take care of government bloat which is absorbing far too much of the economy's output now.

Take a look a Pierre Trudeau's Canada it was the laughingstock of the free world (like the US is now). Canada eventually downsized their government by almost half and today Canadians enjoy more income and a better quality of life than their US counterparts largely because the government is at an appropriate size. Interesting paradox Canadians receive per-capita more and better government services than do US Citizens

Canada also dropped their hostility to medium to heavy industry at the same time which the US govt is trying to drive out of business.

In every organization once it become too large it begins to serve ITSELF before its putative customers.

In the 1950's taxes took approximately 10-12% of a workers pay, Today in some cases local/state/federal taxes exceed 55% of income. Is it any wonder paychecks do not go as far?


Resident Curmudgeon
Disney is largely union... the issue is it's Florida which is a 'right to work' state.. which really cripples unions.

True, There are weak and strong unions Disney's unions are weak unions if they were represented by something like SEIU, DL and the Media properties could find itself picketed because it's the same company, Just imagine Disneyland with a few of the giant inflatable rats outside and some tough characters blocking the entrance.

RTW means they can't force the CM's to join the union, If SEIU were to represent Disney workers and they called a strike and Disney sacked the CM's it would be a PR bloodbath, Horrible optics.

More and more we are seeing a return of the same labor relations which spawned the unions in the FIRST place, Santayana was correct those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.


Resident Curmudgeon
I do not know how far along the negotiations have progressed. The proposal from WDW may just be the first proposal. If so, the initial proposals are below WDW's BATNA. It's the natural choreography of negotiations. Unless WDW has labeled it a last and final offer, things can change.

If stuff like this is leaking, I would not be surprised if this is Disney's last and final offer and union is leaking to shame TWDC into a more reasonable offer, I can see not offering 'more' but this level of givebacks in the face of record profit - well it shows B----s on TWDC's part.


Premium Member
These HR practices are what is being taught in grad school with more and more companies are gravitating towards this practice. For example, the Environmental Engineer at a company I service was scheduled to retire Jan 31. They had interviewed several prospects with each over 15 years of experience some with Professional Engineering certification. Those that passed the interview were subjected to the Klein Test. All failed the psychometric test and were disqualified. This interview process has been going on for almost a year. Had the existing Environmental Engineer not postponed retirement, the company would have not been able to complete federal and state yearly environmental reports.

So when you hear about companies not being able to fill positions, it's bs. The failure to find suitable employees is not that they are not available, it's because HR departments insist on distilling people to numbers and if you do not score you are not capable of doing the job. HR departments have metastasized into something far more powerful than they were intended.

I've been on many job interviews in my career and worked at a number of companies and I have never experienced anything like this. I've also been involved in the interviewing and hiring process at several companies and we never required any kind of standardized test. I also have an MBA from a pretty reputable school and I can guarantee you that they didn't teach this at my school. It's a shame that whatever school you went to taught this and that these companies you are referencing actually follow it. In my experience this isn't the norm and I don't see many companies seriously considering requiring this.


Resident Curmudgeon
I've been on many job interviews in my career and worked at a number of companies and I have never experienced anything like this. I've also been involved in the interviewing and hiring process at several companies and we never required any kind of standardized test. I also have an MBA from a pretty reputable school and I can guarantee you that they didn't teach this at my school. It's a shame that whatever school you went to taught this and that these companies you are referencing actually follow it. In my experience this isn't the norm and I don't see many companies seriously considering requiring this.

You see this a lot in the financial and insurance sector, They want to pretend they are 'scientific' and they can distill an ideal candidate down to the numbers, Think Sabermetrics for business.

When I was in the insurance industry before I was hired I took a similar exam to test 'abstract reasoning' I was developing software at the time.


Well-Known Member
True, There are weak and strong unions Disney's unions are weak unions if they were represented by something like SEIU, DL and the Media properties could find itself picketed because it's the same company, Just imagine Disneyland with a few of the giant inflatable rats outside and some tough characters blocking the entrance.

RTW means they can't force the CM's to join the union, If SEIU were to represent Disney workers and they called a strike and Disney sacked the CM's it would be a PR bloodbath, Horrible optics.

More and more we are seeing a return of the same labor relations which spawned the unions in the FIRST place, Santayana was correct those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.
Had a cast member in the house for a visit and lunch earlier. Discussed a bit of the labor issues. She says a current provision is the union can not picket any where on Disney property. They will only hold a "rally" on public sidewalks. No sidewalk on Disney property is public.


True, There are weak and strong unions Disney's unions are weak unions if they were represented by something like SEIU, DL and the Media properties could find itself picketed because it's the same company, Just imagine Disneyland with a few of the giant inflatable rats outside and some tough characters blocking the entrance.

RTW means they can't force the CM's to join the union, If SEIU were to represent Disney workers and they called a strike and Disney sacked the CM's it would be a PR bloodbath, Horrible optics.

More and more we are seeing a return of the same labor relations which spawned the unions in the FIRST place, Santayana was correct those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.

The reason the union is weak at Disney is because of membership. If there was 100% membership then they would be stronger and have more bargaining power, but when membership is about 20-30% then that makes it a weak union.


Resident Curmudgeon
The reason the union is weak at Disney is because of membership. If there was 100% membership then they would be stronger and have more bargaining power, but when membership is about 20-30% then that makes it a weak union.

True to an extent, But if the union was a national union it would have more clout with Disney, ie the 'no picketing on property' the FIRST thing SEIU would do is file a NLRB complaint about that provision not cower in fear. Negotiation is only possible among equals.

With a national union you would see Teamsters not delivering to Disney etc, etc. Not the current 'May I have another Sir?' union that the CM's have now.

Odd thing is most of the time I'm an anti-union guy but it appears WDW is one place that really NEEDS a strong union and rationality requires the appropriate measures be taken in this case a STRONG union to counter Disney's anti-labor practices.
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Well-Known Member
I've been on many job interviews in my career and worked at a number of companies and I have never experienced anything like this. I've also been involved in the interviewing and hiring process at several companies and we never required any kind of standardized test. I also have an MBA from a pretty reputable school and I can guarantee you that they didn't teach this at my school. It's a shame that whatever school you went to taught this and that these companies you are referencing actually follow it. In my experience this isn't the norm and I don't see many companies seriously considering requiring this.
I don't know where you studied or your concentration but these tools can be found in organizational behavior
and change management courses. This HR approach is beginning to increase in popularity under the guise of diversity and inclusion. Some popular tests are the Klein Test, Myers Briggs, and Caliper, etc.


Resident Curmudgeon
I don't know where you studied or your concentration but these tools can be found in organizational behavior
and change management courses. This HR approach is beginning to increase in popularity under the guise of diversity and inclusion. Some popular tests are the Klein Test, Myers Briggs, and Caliper, etc.

It's not a BAD idea to get yourself evaluated using these tests, One to make yourself familiar and second if they ask you to take one of these tests you know what you are up against, I do a Myers-Briggs every few years, and my profile has not changed much over the years and it allows you to ask WHAT they are looking for if you are familiar with the common tests. You can even tell them flat out that I am Myers-Briggs XXXX-YYYY

You probably want to run if they ask you to do something like the MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory as that needs to be interpreted by a COMPETENT Psychologist.

DGM was a Psychology professor so whole family got to take ALL of the tests including a few bizzare ones like the Luscher Color Test as her interest was the reliability of psychometric testing.
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Well-Known Member
Just for those who are interested, Disney has a hiring thing going on. Here are the wages:

Attractions Hosts and Hostesses roles receive a starting rate of $8.15/ hour.

Bus Drivers receive a starting rate of $11.15/hour.

Costuming Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.03/hour.

Quick Service and Outdoor Foods Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.40/hour.

Housekeeping Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.70/hour.

Lifeguard Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.65/hour for shallow water, and $9.75/hour for deep water.

Merchandise Host/Hostess roles receive a starting rate of $8.03/hour.

If you can live off of those wages while supporting more than just yourself then you are my hero.

Here's the link, as there are more jobs available:|CA&co=Walt+Disney+World+Resort&q=wdwcasting


Premium Member
I don't know where you studied or your concentration but these tools can be found in organizational behavior
and change management courses. This HR approach is beginning to increase in popularity under the guise of diversity and inclusion. Some popular tests are the Klein Test, Myers Briggs, and Caliper, etc.

These types of tests have existed for years. They were used extensively by the military all the way back to Vietnam. I've heard of the tests and I'm sure some companies may use them as an additional HR tool for career mentoring. What I have never heard of is a company that uses it as a sole source to make a hiring decision. I've never in my experience seen a company eliminate candidates based solely on their score on a personality test. The only time I have ever seen a standardized test used to determine hiring is for civil service type jobs like the Police or Fire Academy which isn't really the same thing and even then you still have to graduate from the training course to be officially hired.


Premium Member
Just for those who are interested, Disney has a hiring thing going on. Here are the wages:

Attractions Hosts and Hostesses roles receive a starting rate of $8.15/ hour.
Bus Drivers receive a starting rate of $11.15/hour.
Costuming Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.03/hour.
Quick Service and Outdoor Foods Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.40/hour.
Housekeeping Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.70/hour.

Lifeguard Hosts and Hostesses receive a starting rate of $8.65/hour for shallow water, and $9.75/hour for deep water.
Merchandise Host/Hostess roles receive a starting rate of $8.03/hour.

If you can live off of those wages while supporting more than just yourself then you are my hero.

Here's the link, as there are more jobs available:|CA&co=Walt Disney World Resort&q=wdwcasting
Do you think the bus drivers get paid the most since they have to learn all the crazy stories and rumors to tell guests? Seriously, do they need a special license? If I was in one of those other roles I would be putting in for a transfer. Highest pay, sitting most of the time, AC in the summer.

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