Just to keep the drift going and then end it, I will support both sides here. And before I get started, just let me say that I am 23 years old. Did my College Program in 2002. Worked in the Advanced Intern Program, and have friends in Recruiting for the CP (in fact did an entire research project on that process). So, I am not simply shooting from the hip here. I will say the statement that CP is a 7 month party is too much. That is not offensive, though. I would argue the presence is great enough to warrant that as a stereotype that must be fought. Bryan is VERY correct in that a large percentage of CPers are there simply to get a resume boost and are not looking to really try the Disney way. I don't know that they are major party animals per se, but they are living as they would in college (and going to work looking and acting like they would in class).
I would also venture to guess any CPer on here is much more of a Disney fan than most (since all of us are a bit wacky). Also, if you are at Disney, doing your job, making people have a great time, you don't (assuming everything is going the way WDW should - which is another discussion for anohter time) get noticed. If you are rude, sluggish, etc. you do.
Long things short(er) - hopefully letting this drift die or go into another thread - The CP attracts college students. College students, as a stereotype, like to party when they have the time to. The current training and management programs are not so strict or effective as to stop this (because they like the cheap labor., the program cannot reduce size right now, and they simply have too many CPers to handle them with FT CMs). However, there is a very high percentage that does good work and an equal percentage that are Disney fans and are doing the great work they should be. I would say the partiers make up about 30%. That is my take on the overall situation from an old but recent CPer. The program needs to stop growing and become more strict and those problems will reduce. Until then, party kids are there. They have a strong presence, but it is not enough to make the complete overarching statement.

BACK TO TOPIC- Some of the new music coming out is great. I hope it keeps going this way. I miss the old tunes of EPCOT Center and other areas. I:ROE started the trend, and Soarin' took it right along the same route. Keep it coming (even if it is imported from Anaheim!)