Winning Dream Fastpass?


New Member
We were lucky enough to win the dream fastpass at MGM last week. We were given the fastpasses. They cannot be given away - you have to detach the fastpass at the actual ride, and they have a date on them so you have to use it on the day you receive it. At MGM, the rides included were TOT, RNRC, Star Tours, Little Mermaid, Indiana Jones, and Lights Action Motor etc.
Each park's pass only includes the rides with fastpass.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Has anyone ever won the dream fastpass? I heard that it only allows you to use it for a certain number of rides? Is this true?
The pass has one detachable FP for each FP ride at the park, so yes it's limited. There were rumours of a "Golden FP" that would provide the recipient with unlimited FP access to rides all day [or even for life! :eek:], but that was just wishful thinking.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Basically its like, when you receive it, you instantly have one Fastpass for every ride in the park that uses Fastpass. They are valid all day, but only once per ride.


Active Member
I got mine in Animal Kingdom on the Maharajah Jungle Trek. There were six tabs on it. It's different in that there is no time on only get to use that tab once.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
We got one for the animal kingdom on the (of all things) the triceratops spin. The good thing about it is only one person from the group has to get one, then the other people in your family can get one when you are done with the ride. For the week we were there I only saw people giving out the fastpasses twice. Oh and my sisters kids got YOAMD lanyards and pins on everest.


Active Member

Me and my girlfriend got one as we were coming off of the pooh ride in the magic kingdom.

The funny part was we were trying to burn through 12 anytime fastpasses that day to begin with because I got stuck on space mountain for a half hour because they couldnt get the restraints undone. So we went to pooh just for the hey of it and as we got off we won dream fastpasses.

We didnt even use all the fast passes.

They are given out randomly.


Well-Known Member
My husband and I won Dream Fastpasses at AK after riding Kilimanjaro Safari in May. It was amazing! We got to ride Expedition Everest, It's tough to be a bug, Kali River Rapids, Dinosaur, Primeval Whirl, and Kilimajaro Safaris again, without any wait! You have six tabs on your Dream Fastpass, each one allowing you to go on a ride at the time of your choice. We had a wonderful day, we were "touched" by Disney's magic and it's a feeling I'll never forget!


Well-Known Member
DH and I were "baby swapping" to ride RnRC. I went first and saw the "Dream Team" waiting in the area right before you go into the sound check room, so I knew something was coming. I ride, then go out to stay with the kids so DH can ride. Sure enough, he comes out waving like a lunatic cause he had won a dream fastpass. :lol: The team gave them to all of the folks waiting to enter the sound check room. He asked for 2 more (one for me and one for DD, figuring DS wouldn't need one because he's under 3), but they said you had to be present to be given one. Then we baby swapped on ToT, (already had FP for that so didn't use the dream one) and I was waiting with the kids when a CM came by (dressed in khakis and a button down shirt so a little more "official" looking) and asked me where I won the Dream FP. I explained that DH won it while we were baby swapping, and she said to just tell the CM that at the entrance to whatever attraction we were using it on, and we all would be allowed through. But, it was mid morning and we had already done the FP attractions, so we brought it home, all tabs intact for a cool souvenir. Too bad I can't remember where I put it!! :eek: Now if only we had won a MK one... :D


Well-Known Member
Me and my dad were blessed enough to win one at the MK early in the morning right after we got off off splash mountain. It truly was a very very wonderful experience, we were congradulated by several cast members and at times almost felt like v.i.p.s, it was an unforgetable experience.

When they were about to reward us with them, I thought I was going to get the lanyard again(I already won one off of ToT in the spring, and the water park about 3 weeks ago during my first week of vacation) so seeing that it wasnt that was more than a blessing.


Well-Known Member
We got lucky... won 2 Dream Fast Passes on our last trip!

At MGM, we were on Star Tours, and right before the ride started, the Dream Squad walked into our "vehicle" and told us "one of our dreams had come true" and passed out FP to the entire vehicle.

What I found more surprising though, was that I didn't need to use a single FP on the lanyard. In fact, we tried to use it at Star Tours and the CM laughed at me... said it would be a waste! We still have both FP lanyards with all the tabs hanging on our desk.

At AK, we had just rode E:E and our entire train won them. With this FP, we were actually able to use it on E:E, the Safari, and Dinosaur. All of which posted about a 15 - 20min wait.

They give the FP out in the first few hours of park opening and random places and at random times. You could very well be the train behind ours, and just miss recieving a FP by seconds.

It was a great addition to our vacation, and we have both park lanyards as souvineers.

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