Will we like POFQ?


New Member
We have stayed at the POR(hated it), Coronado Springs, WL 3 times, ASMU(hated it), BWI 3 times(our favorite),CR(loved it), and AKL. We usually do a split stay, and as a travel agent I get a good discount so we can really stay at any resort. But to lower the cost we were going to split our stay between the POFQ and the YC. The reason we didn't like POR was because our room was filthy and had many broken fixtures and furniture. We loved the resort grounds though. We have loved every other resort except for the All-Stars. I wonder if my expectations are too high. I am just looking for a nicely furnished room with good atmosphere. The photos I have seen are lovely, but any feedback from people who have stayed here would be great. Thanks!


New Member
I loved POR, but my room was in gret shape. In fact, my room looked like it had just been refurbished (stayed in May?). I really like POFQ. I live in Mississippi and see "New Orleansesque" architechture frequently. I stayed in POFQ many times when I was younger, and liked it the most out of all resorts (exept for the monrail resorts [monorails rock!:sohappy: ]). I think you should try the resort.

Just use this pronunciation to sound like a pro at the resort:

Butter - Butta (short u)

New Orleans - Ne'Awlins (slur the e and a)

Muffaletta (it's a sandwich) - Moofalata or Muffalata or Moofaleta

Just kidding:rolleyes: .

Edit: now that I've seen your location, you probably don't need that prononciation guide.:lol:
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New Member
Absolutely LOVE POR...

I've never had a bad experience... and did you call guest relations? I had one slight problem with the room once and they took care of it...

French Quarter looks nice...it doesn't have a sit down restaurant (you can visit POR)...but looks quaint.

You can't go wrong with the moderates...
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Active Member
i have stayed at them both and i love them all, but the only problem last time was at pofq we got stuck with a room which had a lil walk for the parkin lot so a lil walkin but it had a nice view, and the room was really nice i stayed up there for mnsshp and i got to skip a day of skool (first time in my life, I was in 9th grade)
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Well-Known Member
The rooms at POFQ were just refurbished within the last year so they should look great. I stayed there back in July of '01 and I loved it. The theming is great, the buildings are beautiful. They all have the New Orleans look and I love that. Also, if you have children with you they will love the pool. There is a huge dragon all across the pool and it's tounge is the slide. We had a lot of fun on that. HeHe
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New Member
d'Isigny said:
Absolutely French Quarter looks nice...it doesn't have a sit down restaurant (you can visit POR)...but looks quaint.

I thought I remembered a table service restaurant being near the Check In. Is there not one in that building (or formerly was)?
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New Member
We really like POFQ. We have stayed at CB (liked it, but now the rooms that we always requested and stayed in cost more, that was a bit of a let down) and Pop (the resort is fine, we just didn't like it - too big and too noisy). Out of all of them POFQ is our favorite. We like the smallness of it, the food court never gets obnoxiously crowded like at CB and Pop, the kids like the pool, the hot tub usually has room at any given time of the day, the people are much more laid back and I am comfortable with my son (age 12) walking to the food court, store and game room by himself (cannot say that for CB or Pop). We also love the little boat to Downtown, it makes it seem like Downtown is part of your resort and it is nice to travel by something other than bus! The rooms have all been done over, it is very clean, we have never had a problem with noise, we have never had to wait long for a bus (and the bus stop is in the shade - not like Pop where we waited up to 45 minutes in the hot sun for a bus!).
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Original Poster
Yes we did complain about our room at POR, and they tried to clean it, but there wasn't much they could do about it. There were stains all on the bedspread and sheets along with hairs, mildew all in the bathtub and in the bathroom tile, wallpaper peeling, a missing from the dresser drawer with a screw left sticking out in its place, and the carpet was so filthy that it left the bottom of your socks dirty. This is why I am kind of leery about staying at a moderate resort, since we have never had a problem at a deluxe. We did like the CS resort though, but we had a VERY long walk to our room each day.
I am just trying to decide if it is worth another $50 a night to bump up to a deluxe resort. Thanks for the advice!
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Well-Known Member
Rayray said:
I thought I remembered a table service restaurant being near the Check In. Is there not one in that building (or formerly was)?

There was a great table service restaurant there called Bonfimiles (I know I spelled it wrong, sorry) but they closed it a few years ago. It is a shame as it was excellent. I am not sure why they closed it.
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Well-Known Member
mbaker1277 said:
Yes we did complain about our room at POR, and they tried to clean it, but there wasn't much they could do about it. There were stains all on the bedspread and sheets along with hairs, mildew all in the bathtub and in the bathroom tile, wallpaper peeling, a missing from the dresser drawer with a screw left sticking out in its place, and the carpet was so filthy that it left the bottom of your socks dirty. This is why I am kind of leery about staying at a moderate resort, since we have never had a problem at a deluxe. We did like the CS resort though, but we had a VERY long walk to our room each day.
I am just trying to decide if it is worth another $50 a night to bump up to a deluxe resort. Thanks for the advice!

Unfortunatly it was most likely that you got a bum room that was not rehabed yet. We had the same problem in January of this year at the Polynesian. The couch had what looked like blood stains one of the cushions. I light fixtuer that was partway missing in the bathroom that all that was there was a lightbulb, dust all over the coffee maker and tray. We called to have it taken care of and were told they would send someone up while we went out to eat. We came back and nothing was done. We called the desk again and were told they had sent someone. It turns up they came and emptied the garbage can and that was it. My wife got upset and we left and stayed at POFQ which had been rehabbed already and love it.

You will like POFQ as it really is a nice resort. I do prefer POR but we never had a bad room there like you. POFQ has a smaller food court and I like the one at POR better but POFQ has some advantages being smaller. The whole place is fairly compact so there is not much walking to the bus stop or main building. Both POFQ and POR have nice theming and are not as loud as the value resorts.
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Well-Known Member
we booked our honeymoon at POFQ with a water view and i am very much looking foward to it. we had briefly walked around the property and it looked great! i've seen pictures as well and it looks very intimate and romantic.

i have stayed at CBR twice and had no real problems with it, it is a very large property, though. but i liked it nonetheless.

2 months...can't wait!! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
mbaker1277 said:
The reason we didn't like POR was because our room was filthy and had many broken fixtures and furniture. We loved the resort grounds though.
While broken fixtures and a dirty room are disappointing - I don't think they should be a reason not to like a resort. After all, a quick phone call to the front desk and the problems are solved.
As for POFQ - I think you'll love it
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I've stayed at both...and loved both. The atmosphere at at both are great.
POFQ is a little quieter, not as big as PORS. I really don't think you can go wrong at either. The boat ride to downtown Disney is also a very nice perk. Go ahead and give it a try.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Both POFQ & PO-R have had renovations over the past few years. In fact, PO-R's renovations were more recent. I had a king-sized bed room in the Alligator Bayou section during Easter Break. It was clean and lovely and then clean again. I prefer PO-R over POFQ, but POFQ is still a beautiful. The one advantage POFQ has, IMO, is that it seems that their food court handles the crowds faster. The time it takes to get food at PO-R makes me just want to chuck it all & start dieting.
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Original Poster
As I stated earlier I did make a quick call to report the state of our room, but they were not quick to rectify the situation. I also asked to be moved to another room and they refused, since I was a travel agent and was getting a discount. That plays largely in my decision not to stay there again. But I still send clients there who love it. I just advise them to ask for a refurbished room(which they did not have when we were there). Since I know all of the rooms at POFQ have been recently refurbished I am leaning towards a stay there.
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Well-Known Member
mbaker1277 said:
As I stated earlier I did make a quick call to report the state of our room, but they were not quick to rectify the situation. I also asked to be moved to another room and they refused, since I was a travel agent and was getting a discount. That plays largely in my decision not to stay there again. But I still send clients there who love it. I just advise them to ask for a refurbished room(which they did not have when we were there). Since I know all of the rooms at POFQ have been recently refurbished I am leaning towards a stay there.

Though both POR and POFQ have been fully refurbished I understand your reluctance to go back to POR after what happened. You will love POFQ though, it really is a nice place.
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