Will There Every Be a 5th Major Park?


Original Poster
Hello everyone! This is my 2nd post (first one not on the "Welcome" forum) and I have a question, but before I ask I would just like to say hello!

My family and I visited WDW just before Christmas time this past year, Dec. 19-22, and although I realize this is a busy time of year there just seemed to be a surplus of people everywhere making things uncomfortable crammed and lines growing to over 2 hours quickly after the parks open. So on our trip home we were brainstorming and figured what if they built a new park? I know they have a new value resort in the works but is there any possibility in the next 5-10 years of there being a new major park for WDW?


Well-Known Member
I dare everybody on this site not to be smug or condescending in this thread to the OP.

Just for once.

I for one would Much rather see a finished DHS and AK with an added 3-5 attractions each.


I dare everybody on this site not to be smug or condescending in this thread to the OP.

Just for once.

I for one would Much rather see a finished DHS and AK with an added 3-5 attractions each.

Yeah, so would I, especially with DHS.
I think they could do a lot to DHS if they put their minds to it and it'd be nice to see some of the Epcot buildings back in use with new attractions.
I'd say it'd be more than 10 years before a 5th park, or if there's another one planned at all.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! This is my 2nd post (first one not on the "Welcome" forum) and I have a question, but before I ask I would just like to say hello!

My family and I visited WDW just before Christmas time this past year, Dec. 19-22, and although I realize this is a busy time of year there just seemed to be a surplus of people everywhere making things uncomfortable crammed and lines growing to over 2 hours quickly after the parks open. So on our trip home we were brainstorming and figured what if they built a new park? I know they have a new value resort in the works but is there any possibility in the next 5-10 years of there being a new major park for WDW?
welcome to the forum


Active Member
Hello everyone! This is my 2nd post (first one not on the "Welcome" forum) and I have a question, but before I ask I would just like to say hello!

My family and I visited WDW just before Christmas time this past year, Dec. 19-22, and although I realize this is a busy time of year there just seemed to be a surplus of people everywhere making things uncomfortable crammed and lines growing to over 2 hours quickly after the parks open. So on our trip home we were brainstorming and figured what if they built a new park? I know they have a new value resort in the works but is there any possibility in the next 5-10 years of there being a new major park for WDW?

Welcome to the Forums!! So much fun here at wdwmagic!! Of course I have no earthly idea, but I can see a new WDW park in 10 years. They could announce it in 6 years, maybe. But like some said before, the other parks need attention.

With DAK & DHS, there is so much more they can do w/ everything!!


Well-Known Member
To the original poster, first off welcome to the forums. I apologize for any negative comments that may follow.

As to your question - the popular opinion around here is that they need to improve the existing parks before adding a new one. With that in mind, it is highly unlikely that a new park is announced within the next 10 years.


Hello everyone! This is my 2nd post (first one not on the "Welcome" forum) and I have a question, but before I ask I would just like to say hello!

My family and I visited WDW just before Christmas time this past year, Dec. 19-22, and although I realize this is a busy time of year there just seemed to be a surplus of people everywhere making things uncomfortable crammed and lines growing to over 2 hours quickly after the parks open. So on our trip home we were brainstorming and figured what if they built a new park? I know they have a new value resort in the works but is there any possibility in the next 5-10 years of there being a new major park for WDW?

If they can dream it, they can build it.

Welcome :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'm one to believe that someday...though probably not for another 10-20 years, we will see a 5th gate. What everybody else is saying about DAK and DHS getting built and fixed up must come first. The WDW resort as a whole is a huge place with alot of stuff that needs to be done, and if the needed additions and replacements are done to keep the existing four parks up, it could very well happen...as long as the guests keep on coming.

Personally, I think a 5th park would be it for WDW. I wouldn't plan on seeing anymore added after that. Why? Because people hardly have time to visit what's already in Orlando as is. Most families seem to only get a week of vacation a year. Some people, like myself, are lucky enough to get two.


Well-Known Member
Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom are starving for new attractions, I personally think Animal Kingdom needs another E-ticket possibly with a new land (that park is just huge and hasn't been touched since EE). Same applies for HS but I know there are some plans being made, we just won't see anything new till the completion of the Fantasyland expansion.

As for the new park, that idea has been thrown around for a few years now whether it be a park based on the Disney Villains or the Marvel Superheros. Again I personally believe that when Marvel is ready to appear in WDW, HS would be a great home. Not saying a Marvel theme park wouldn't be cool.. of course it would but who knows maybe down the line we'll see.

Oh, and a Marvel waterpark would be awesome! :king:


Well-Known Member
I'm one to believe that someday...though probably not for another 10-20 years, we will see a 5th gate. What everybody else is saying about DAK and DHS getting built and fixed up must come first. The WDW resort as a whole is a huge place with alot of stuff that needs to be done, and if the needed additions and replacements are done to keep the existing four parks up, it could very well happen...as long as the guests keep on coming.

Personally, I think a 5th park would be it for WDW. I wouldn't plan on seeing anymore added after that. Why? Because people hardly have time to visit what's already in Orlando as is. Most families seem to only get a week of vacation a year. Some people, like myself, are lucky enough to get two.
also the RCID (Reedy Creek Improvement District) keeps selling and deannexing land


Well-Known Member
I think a 5th park is unlikely in the next two years for a couple of reasons. As many others have noted, Disney has a lot on their plate with the existing parks, in particular DHS and AK, and still can focus on filling those up so that they are a full day park for all guests.

Also, though, I think Disney reached a certain "saturation point" when they opened Animal Kingdom. It's hard to explain, but I think AK was the first new park that they opened and the resort as a whole was no longer busting to the seams. It's as if the 4 parks are just enough for every guest to visit during the course of one trip; anymore and many guests are going to start having to choose which parks they'll go to and which they won't. It just becomes too much.

Welcome to the forums! :wave:


Active Member
At a recent recruiting event, the CFO of Parks and Resorts (Anthony something) described the company's position as this: The land owned by WDW is roughly 1/3 developed. Another third of the land is reserved as conservation land. The final third is open to future development. Thus, the eternal optimist could argue that Walt Disney World is only *half* complete. Fifth gate any time soon? No.


Well-Known Member
Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom are starving for new attractions, I personally think Animal Kingdom needs another E-ticket possibly with a new land (that park is just huge and hasn't been touched since EE). Same applies for HS but I know there are some plans being made, we just won't see anything new till the completion of the Fantasyland expansion.

As for the new park, that idea has been thrown around for a few years now whether it be a park based on the Disney Villains or the Marvel Superheros. Again I personally believe that when Marvel is ready to appear in WDW, HS would be a great home. Not saying a Marvel theme park wouldn't be cool.. of course it would but who knows maybe down the line we'll see.

Oh, and a Marvel waterpark would be awesome! :king:

A Marvel Waterpark is a VERY interesting idea. It would never be compared to Universal Studios - which I can see would keep them from ever flashing up a green light.

WDW is in desperate need of a 3rd waterpark again. There is tons of room to expand TL, not much at BB. But have you been to Aquatica? It is so CLEAN there. No where near as filthy as the WAY oversanded and overgrown Disney water parks.

A fresh water park would totally get my vote 100%


Well-Known Member
I don't expect to see another major WDW park within the next 25 years. The Orlando theme park market appears to be both mature & somewhat over-saturated. Animal Kingdom proved that even a fourth WDW park poaches from the others more than it adds to a net growth in WDW visitors. Schools let out for one week at a time (during the year where I am), which prevents many families from extending their WDW stays past that time frame. So a fifth gate would only eat into that already maximized vacation.

In a few decades, when U.S. population is up to 500 million and global population up to 9 billion, the demand may be there, but I don't see it happening for a long, long time.

The good news is that if/when attendance stagnates at the current parks, as mentioned, they should get some new draws.

For fun that didn't stop me from converting Downtown Disney into a Fifth Gate and expanding River Country into a new water park, as can be seen on my blog:


There is a fifth park being developed and land is already cleared but won't be announced til after Fantasyland is complete... It will be on the other side of the road from Fort Wilderness campgrounds area... Its going to be more thrilling like California Adventure... Trees are being cleared but there's a very thick level of forest blocking view from the road........ You can tell when Disney is up to something big because they build new resorts 1.) Disney's Art of Animation, 2.) There's a DVC resort going up in the Fort Wilderness area... They build the new resorts to accomodate the higher number of guests... I promise you this is coming from a legit source, a family member works with a company who made new low VOC paint for Disney and the person looking over the project has taked with them bout using 100% of their paint in these new projects including Fantasyland................


Well-Known Member
Not under this regime..

I am 54.. I would doubt that I would see a new park while I can still walk the parks.. meaning in the next 20 years.. not with this current regime in place..

You would have to be a part of the business discussions here.. and the Harry Potter effect..

but lets just say that Disney world is standing still for all intents and purposes.. and that ultimately means, is sliding backwards..

that being said.. bean counters run the place right now.. and not dream builders.

that being said..

no a new park is not coming soon , if ever..


Well-Known Member
:hammer: Another 5th gate thread :hurl: BTW, Welcome, but the search is your best friend on this topic :wave:


Well-Known Member
There is a fifth park being developed and land is already cleared but won't be announced til after Fantasyland is complete... It will be on the other side of the road from Fort Wilderness campgrounds area... Its going to be more thrilling like California Adventure... Trees are being cleared but there's a very thick level of forest blocking view from the road........ You can tell when Disney is up to something big because they build new resorts 1.) Disney's Art of Animation, 2.) There's a DVC resort going up in the Fort Wilderness area... They build the new resorts to accomodate the higher number of guests... I promise you this is coming from a legit source, a family member works with a company who made new low VOC paint for Disney and the person looking over the project has taked with them bout using 100% of their paint in these new projects including Fantasyland................

Paint... now there's a new angle ;)


Well-Known Member
:hammer: Another 5th gate thread :hurl: BTW, Welcome, but the search is your best friend on this topic :wave:

And that is exactly what I was refering to.

You know, a new member is more cliche than a new member posting about a 5th gate. Guess what -- you are everything you are mocking with your hammer and barf sign. Just worse, because you do it to be rude, self important and just sad. But hey, as long as your ego has been stroked to your own satisfaction, hope you enjoy your own self gratification. Just wish we could avoid being witness to it.

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