Will Gasoline Prices Change Your Disney Vacation Plans This Year??


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
With gas prices expected to be even higher this summer, has anyone thought about this consideration when deciding your vacation plans? Crowds rose to new levels last year, it would be nice to see them be evn bigger this year. But who knows since prices may sky-rocket even higher this year. What say you? Radiohost :cool:


Well-Known Member

Americans are dependant on gas and most likely won't change their habits because of an increase. Oil companies can get away with murder because demand won't change. A few people will hold back, but the vast majority will keep on pumpin'.
Nope. We're making the 15 hour drive in March. Over the past 12 months, this will be 4th time we've driven. (We flew the other 2 times.) Driving actually will cost us more than cheap tickets, but it saves our sanity when the 3 kids are along!

It's not really a conscious thing, but I don't think we've been spending as much on snacks and souvenirs as we have in the past. The increased cost of transportation is always in the back of our minds. Also, we try to drive as little as possible once we are on-site.


Well-Known Member
This has been debated here several times.

Any impact would not be the cost of fuel to drive to WDW, but rather the cumulative effect of higher fuel prices on a families discretionary income.

As far as the drive to WDW, you are usually looking at a couple of hundered dollars or less difference in fuel prices on a two-three-four thousand dollar vacation, so it just doesn't keep people from going.

If it cost them $100-200 more per month thoughout the year, then you are talking about a couple of grand and that can keep someone from going.


Won't change our plans no matter the cost of gas. Nothing can replace the memories or most of all the smile on my childs face the first day we hit MK. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think that the rise in gas prices will cause people to call off a vacation in the short term. I could affect people who are driving down just for a weekend, they might not do it as often. For a family of four the increase in room prices, food, and park tickets will for many, be more than the increase in the cost of gas for the drive.


Well-Known Member
This will be my first trip since I finished my College Program in Jan. of '03. It is affecting my vacation, but only in that I am debating whether to drive or fly Southwest since the fly-drive costs are not quite as far apart now.


Well-Known Member
I think it will affect closer/local/FL resident visitors more then anything. It's not as big of a deal if you're already spending thousands on a vacation, but you might see less FL Resident AP's or FL Res AP visits if it becomes too expensive to drive out there. If it were to run me $50 in gas to get there, I definitely wouldn't be going very often, you know?


New Member
Gasoline Prices

No. We are going to WDW in June. Hopefully traveling with the grandparents so we can split gas costs. Can't wait to get back to WDW!


Active Member
No way! Since I'm one of those folks who fears flying, I always drive (or walk, float, swim, whatever). When I plan my trip budget, I start a fuel fund so that it's not such a big deal. Everytime I fuel my car beginning a few months before vacation, I put the same amount I spent into the fuel fund.

I also make sure I get my car tuned up before we hit the road. Every little bit helps, ya know!


Well-Known Member
Nope. I can get to WDW on two tanks of gas (each way) so even with gas prices higher it only ends up costing me an additional $50 or so. Small potatoes when compared to the total cost of the trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good for you guys!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: ....I knew this would be the response when I posted this topic. We have true wdw fans out there and more power to all you!!! FYI...I just heard that they are expecting gas to reach close to $5.00 per gallon this summer.This time last year they were saying that summer '05 would reach $3.00, and look where it got. For my sake i hope not. But will definately will be ready to pay that. Radiohost:cool:

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