I really wish Disney would take another look at the increases in stroller prices. We were there 2 weeks ago and the increase in people bringing their own strollers seems like lots more than rented when cheaper. There were strollers everywhere. Not only that, the lines for the buses were made even longer because parents left their kids in the stroller until the last minute getting on the bus. Then...the large amount of strollers on the bus took up more space. The crowd at midnight is always horrible when lining up for the bus, but I found you could not fit as many people on the bus with the stroller increase. I am a parent of a small child and I am confused on whether or not to bring my own or rent a stroller especially now that I have seen it from both sides...a trip without children and with children. It just seems so convenient to grab one at the entrance and leave it at the exit at the end of the day, but I just don't want to pay that hefty price.