Why is WDW so stressful, expensiv and overcrowded these days? The fear of dissapointment from a 2020-First-Timer


Well-Known Member
Next year my partner and I will experience WDW for the first time.
At the beginning of October, we will be at the resort for 14 days in the Port Orleans French Quarter.
Unfortunately, we are currently more concerned about disappointment....

Disappointment because of too many crowds, the high costs and the resulting frustration.
We watched this year's calendars in October and realized with horror that especially the hours in the MK were significantly reduced. There was a Halloween party on almost every second day in the week. MK even closed at 6 p.m. (not like the years before at 7 p.m. There was no Evening hours and every day for an hour extra morning hours ....
I do not hope that will be the norm....

We would like to sleep a little longer (8 a.m.), so we are going to be in the parks about 10 - 11 a.m., Fastpasses from 12 a.m. So the evening hours would fit perfect for us!

my opinion for a good vacation:

- Partys at two (towards the end three) days in the week are enough. This gives the other guests the opportunity to spread themselves better.

- extend opening times. Like 2 or 3 years ago. EMH until 1 o'clock etc. and the masses are scattered

- Do not push up the prices further or maybe even reduce something (I know, that won't happen!). Of course, Disney has put a lot of money in WDW in recent years. However, they are also a multi-billion dollar company. An amusement park must also do new things in order to continue to win or keep customers. I have the impression here that Disney is passing on the costs to the visitors in order to have as little as necessary "losses". I mean ... alone our FQ booking cost us $ 600- $ 800 more than we would have paid 3-4 years ago. That's.... INSANE!

- Paid FP system. I think that will come sooner or later anyway but that would be a system where everyone can decide for themselves whether they feel it is necessary or not to have to queue or rather take the FP line. At Universal, the whole thing works great too!

For us as first-timers it would be very frustrating after long planning and money-saving, if we only have to torture ourselves by the masses and only find peace in the hotel. Because ... even if the time at FQ should not be too short .... We make this trip because of the parks and not to be in the hotel-pool ;-)

I know this is my second post: I enjoy Disney so much, love the movies etc!

Simply because this is a very special, unique trip for us.... I wish, that it will be something really special und wonderfull! But I'm realistic too.... And this is.... as
exaggerated as it sounds..... terrifiying :-(

It's stressful precisely because its expensive and over crowded.

Don't listen to others telling you you're being a negative nelly and just go in and see what happens. Go in expecting to have to make your own happiness by planning ahead and fighting for optimization. Expect to get squeezed and go in prepared, then be pleasantly surprised if it's not as bad as you feared.

You work hard for your money and the Diz stops caring once they get it, it's not up to them to make sure you have a good time, it's up to YOU to make sure you have a good time and play the system accordingly.

Also, avoid MK on party nights, it's a rip off for your ticket price.

Good luck, we're all counting on you.


Well-Known Member
Your concerns are completely valid and it's unfortunate but your post will trigger most the folks around here that defend the brand at all costs. The last paragraph of your post specifically explains that you are excited, terrified but most importantly, realistic. Most of the responses seem to have ignored that and labelled your "being realistic", as "negative expectations". You clearly love Disney and are simply concerned about the (emotional) return on a monetary investment (which is what a 14 day WDW trip has become, an investment).

To offer some advice, have you considered visiting Disneyland Paris instead or even HKDL, Tokyo or Shanghai?

Where has he been realistic?

this is what he says about his idea of a good vacation

Disappointment because of too many crowds, the high costs and the resulting frustration.
We watched this year's calendars in October and realized with horror that especially the hours in the MK were significantly reduced. There was a Halloween party on almost every second day in the week. MK even closed at 6 p.m. (not like the years before at 7 p.m. There was no Evening hours and every day for an hour extra morning hours ....
I do not hope that will be the norm....

We would like to sleep a little longer (8 a.m.), so we are going to be in the parks about 10 - 11 a.m., Fastpasses from 12 a.m. So the evening hours would fit perfect for us!

my opinion for a good vacation:

- Partys at two (towards the end three) days in the week are enough. This gives the other guests the opportunity to spread themselves better.

- extend opening times. Like 2 or 3 years ago. EMH until 1 o'clock etc. and the masses are scattered

- Do not push up the prices further or maybe even reduce something (I know, that won't happen!). Of course, Disney has put a lot of money in WDW in recent years. However, they are also a multi-billion dollar company. An amusement park must also do new things in order to continue to win or keep customers. I have the impression here that Disney is passing on the costs to the visitors in order to have as little as necessary "losses". I mean ... alone our FQ booking cost us $ 600- $ 800 more than we would have paid 3-4 years ago. That's.... INSANE!

- Paid FP system. I think that will come sooner or later anyway but that would be a system where everyone can decide for themselves whether they feel it is necessary or not to have to queue or rather take the FP line. At Universal, the whole thing works great too!

For us as first-timers it would be very frustrating after long planning and money-saving, if we only have to torture ourselves by the masses and only find peace in the hotel. Because ... even if the time at FQ should not be too short .... We make this trip because of the parks and not to be in the hotel-pool ;-)

ok first he wants a vacation where he can sleep late. Yes, you can do that but you know very well if they arrive at the MK at 11 am he's going to have long waits.

lol, don't push the prices higher?? Seriously? you feel that's being realistic? if he's frustrated at the prices now, what's going to happen in February when the annual prices raises on park admittance kicks in. not even going to address the possibility of prices going down.

He's last line is telling.

Not a person on this thread has "defended" anything. The responses are absolutely more truthful and realistic than the original poster.
DISNEY is crowded. period. to encourage him to go thinking it won't be does a disservice, if not outright lying to him.

we ignored the "realistic" part because he's not being realistic. Now of course no one knows what the future holds, yes the mouse managers could be like the grinch and their hearts might grow 3 sizes bigger but at this point WDW is crowded, WDW is expensive, after hour parties are only going to become more plentiful not less and there isn't going to be a paid fp by next year and I really can't see them keeping the parks open until 1 am in October.

I totally agree that the cost for 2 weeks at the world is an investment, what most people find interesting is he's going to blow this money on a place that meets NONE of his ideas of a good vacation.

LOL, that's like saying you want a nice quiet relaxing vacation and then turning around and spending a week in Times square then getting mad at NYC 🗽

Truthfully I think he's terrified because the more information he gets the more it's telling him that wdw will not be a good fit. It is terrifying when you plunk down thousands of dollars and realize you don't like what you purchase.
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Well-Known Member
"tohoyoho, post: 8963306, member: 133684"]
We would like to sleep a little longer (8 a.m.), so we are going to be in the parks about 10 - 11 a.m

if you want to live, come with me.

In all basics there is only one way to navigate heavy crowds(one of your two deadly trip concerns) : PROPER TIMING

Be inside the parks before opening. Thus, adapt your sleeping or die from the seismic seawave of crowds which arrive by 10:30 to 11.


Active Member
You can't believe everything what you read. Negativity always seems to overrule the positive even on this site. Crowd calendars are predictions, you don't know until you get there how crowded it will be. You get out of a Disney trip what you put into it. Stay positive and enjoy yourself. I would recommend going to the parks early for minimal waits for the first few hours. Visiting MK on Halloween party nights is a great idea. With the earlier close, people tend to stay away, thus shorter lines.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you heard me, tohoyoho, so I'll say it again: if park opening is 9am and you are a driver do not pull up to the parking booth at 9. If you do, then you blew it! Do not enter the wrist band and ticket scanning queue(turnstiles) at 9 either.

Be inside the park before 9am ready to tap the attractions. If you think grabbing a Starbucks coffee inside the park at 9:05 and /or doing extended bathroom break is smart time use; guess again. You should have done those things at 8:40.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you heard me, tohoyoho, so I'll say it again: if park opening is 9am and you are a driver do not pull up to the parking booth at 9. If you do, then you blew it! Do not enter the wrist band and ticket scanning queue(turnstiles) at 9 either.

Be inside the park before 9am ready to tap the attractions. If you think grabbing a Starbucks coffee inside the park at 9:05 and /or doing extended bathroom break is smart time use; guess again. You should have done those things at 8:40.

Too early.


Well-Known Member
Visiting MK on Halloween party nights is a great idea. With the earlier close, people tend to stay away, thus shorter lines.

Why not just go to the Holloween party........the Boo to You parade is by far the best Disney parade among the 12 parks, I say and the party is done well. As for crowd avoidance some nights are very workable.......at least when I went 3 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Why not just go to the Holloween party........the Boo to You parade is by far the best Disney parade among the 12 parks, I say and the party is done well. As for crowd avoidance some nights are very workable.......at least when I went 3 years ago.

Upcharges aren’t sexy.

Or just go, but don’t pay.

Model3 McQueen

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I can relate, it took me days to find out what I was doing when planning my first WDW trip. There is a hint of stress, but it's also fun and rewarding when you figure it out.

So here's the situation. You can see the parks from Google Maps, and you can understand the parks offerings from the official Disney webpage. Yes, it will be busy during the time you're planning on going. If you fear it's going to be TOO stressful, well all I can suggest is that you save your money and go somewhere else. It will be stupid expensive so rather or not a Disney park visit is worth it, is entirely up to you.


Well-Known Member
I have not reconciled your concern for prices/trip costs and your plan to stay not only on property but in a moderate, as opposed to Staring or Popping it or even off property, for a very long time: 14 days.

14 days, I say, is a quite long WDW trip. Anything over 10 days I deem pretty lengthy WDW experience. I know some might say even 30 days isn't enough but that would be way too much time for me.
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Queen of the WDW Scene

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I have not reconciled your concern for prices/trip costs and your plan to stay not only on property but in a moderate, as opposed to Staring or Popping it or even off property, for a very long time: 14 days.

14 days, I say, is a quite long WDW trip. Anything over 10 days I deem pretty lengthy WDW experience.
OP is from Europe. It's normal for overseas visitors to stay that long.
I do think that if they cannot afford that long that they should not stay as long and stay in a value but I do understand it's pretty standard for out of country guests.

Tanna Eros

Well-Known Member
Yes.......what an odd first post.
He had a post introducing himself before this one.

I think he just has the shakes like I did, before I decided to tailor the experience to myself, and not follow the 'have to's'.
I started to feel the same as he- people talking about crowds and price etc., it makes one wonder if they made the wrong decision.
I cut my plans way down to suit what I enjoy, and now the trip doesn't seem so frightening.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Next year my partner and I will experience WDW for the first time.
At the beginning of October, we will be at the resort for 14 days in the Port Orleans French Quarter.
Unfortunately, we are currently more concerned about disappointment....

Disappointment because of too many crowds, the high costs and the resulting frustration.
We watched this year's calendars in October and realized with horror that especially the hours in the MK were significantly reduced. There was a Halloween party on almost every second day in the week. MK even closed at 6 p.m. (not like the years before at 7 p.m. There was no Evening hours and every day for an hour extra morning hours ....
I do not hope that will be the norm....

We would like to sleep a little longer (8 a.m.), so we are going to be in the parks about 10 - 11 a.m., Fastpasses from 12 a.m. So the evening hours would fit perfect for us!

my opinion for a good vacation:

- Partys at two (towards the end three) days in the week are enough. This gives the other guests the opportunity to spread themselves better.

- extend opening times. Like 2 or 3 years ago. EMH until 1 o'clock etc. and the masses are scattered

- Do not push up the prices further or maybe even reduce something (I know, that won't happen!). Of course, Disney has put a lot of money in WDW in recent years. However, they are also a multi-billion dollar company. An amusement park must also do new things in order to continue to win or keep customers. I have the impression here that Disney is passing on the costs to the visitors in order to have as little as necessary "losses". I mean ... alone our FQ booking cost us $ 600- $ 800 more than we would have paid 3-4 years ago. That's.... INSANE!

- Paid FP system. I think that will come sooner or later anyway but that would be a system where everyone can decide for themselves whether they feel it is necessary or not to have to queue or rather take the FP line. At Universal, the whole thing works great too!

For us as first-timers it would be very frustrating after long planning and money-saving, if we only have to torture ourselves by the masses and only find peace in the hotel. Because ... even if the time at FQ should not be too short .... We make this trip because of the parks and not to be in the hotel-pool ;-)

I know this is my second post: I enjoy Disney so much, love the movies etc!

Simply because this is a very special, unique trip for us.... I wish, that it will be something really special und wonderfull! But I'm realistic too.... And this is.... as
exaggerated as it sounds..... terrifiying :-(
Hi! Welcome to our boards! Hope you're not put off by the warm welcome of established members feeling fit to name-call new members because they express doubts. Woefully impolite.

What you write is all true. WDW is overcrowded, overpriced. The MK is a zoo. It's a stressful vacation that requires too much planning and too much money.

But there are still aspects of greatness too. The animals that run WDW haven't destroyed everything yet. Aa a first time you'll fall in love. You'll be enchanted, mesmerised, touched. Viel Spaß!


New Member
Original Poster
Ok, ok guys!

There are a few of you who have understood me! :) Thanks for that! 😍👍
Yes, I'm absolutely excited!! And WDW is a dream who finally comes true next year! And we want to have a BLAST at this vacation.
you go with negativity and you got it? mmmh... I'm glad that I don't have the pink disneyglasses on and go there with no clue ;-)

Again: I do not complain about the high costs or the parties in general!

3 years ago we said we want definitly go and since then we also save for this trip!
Since then we also look at the calendars, check the prices etc.

If you once (exactly on WDWmagic) look at the calendar of Oct 2017. There is even a day when the MK opened up to 2 a.m (!). Yep, in October!
Again, I'm not complaining!
And these suggestions .... these were nothing but theoretic suggestions! Not things I would want to have on my vacation! This would be not realistic! That's true!

We are theoretically very familiar with the parks and the system. But that's exactly why (and since we know the prices etc. for 3 years) I talked negatively about the parties. There's just too many tickets for each party, too many partys in generall and too many hours cut from the regular guests! But the MNSSHP will be definitly a must for us!!
We love Halloween! And we love Disney..... so.... perfect combination!

We have been to the DLP several times and have always enjoyed it a lot!
Yes, it's Disney and no it will be not relaxing as a vacation at the beach (wich we have before that :D in Key West and Miami)! But we should be able to make it most relaxing as possible for US!

Also.... we will not be there every couple of years.... maybe this will be a once-in-a-lifetime-trip....

I read all the negativ stuff about the Resort and of course..... I listen to people, who go to WDW since the beginning or since 10 years....

So.... to make this understanable:

- stand up 8 a.m., go to the park about 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
- make the 3 fast passes, to enjoy at least the rides we definitly want to do! We have 3 days each park... that must be enough
- Dessert Partys to have a great view
- at one or two days we (no, just me ;-) ) want to get up early to enyoy the MK at the morning.

Why I'm afraid? Because even at the expensiv Partys it could be very crowded etc. I don't have a clue what "crowded" means.... but it must be horrific because people always say this...
And that is my problem.... but... yeah.... maybe you are right and I simply have to do a little more yoga... that's not sarcasism... I really love yoga 🙃

Again: To all of you, who don't have taken my post as bad as it might sounded! Thank you for your warm and good words! I appreciate! :)
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Tanna Eros

Well-Known Member
Ok, ok guys!

There are a few of you who have understood me! :) Thanks for that! 😍👍
Yes, I'm absolutely excited!! And WDW is a dream who finally comes true next year! And we want to have a BLAST at this vacation.
you go with negativity and you got it? mmmh... I'm glad that I don't have the pink disneyglasses on and go there with no clue ;-)

Again: I do not complain about the high costs or the parties in general!

3 years ago we said we want definitly go and since then we also save for this trip!
Since then we also look at the calendars, check the prices etc.

If you once (exactly on WDWmagic) look at the calendar of Oct 2017. There is even a day when the MK opened up to 2 a.m (!). Yep, in October!
Again, I'm not complaining!
And these suggestions .... these were nothing but theoretic suggestions! Not things I would want to have on my vacation! This would be not realistic! That's true!

We are theoretically very familiar with the parks and the system. But that's exactly why (and since we know the prices etc. for 3 years) I talked negatively about the parties. There's just too many tickets for each party, too many partys in generall and too many hours cut from the regular guests! But the MNSSHP will be definitly a must for us!!
We love Halloween! And we love Disney..... so.... perfect combination!

We have been to the DLP several times and have always enjoyed it a lot!
Yes, it's Disney and no it will be not relaxing as a vacation at the beach (wich we have before that :D in Key West and Miami)! But we should be able to make it most relaxing as possible for US!

Also.... we will not be there every couple of years.... maybe this will be a once-in-a-lifetime-trip....

I read all the negativ stuff about the Resort and of course..... I listen to people, who go to WDW since the beginning or since 10 years....

So.... to make this understanable:

- stand up 8 a.m., go to the park about 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
- make the 3 fast passes, to enjoy at least the rides we definitly want to do! We have 3 days each park... that must be enough
- Dessert Partys to have a great view
- at one or two days we (no, just me ;-) ) want to get up early to enyoy the MK at the morning.

Why I'm afraid? Because even at the expensiv Partys it could be very crowded etc. I don't have a clue what "crowded" means.... but it must be horrific because people always say this...
And that is my problem.... but... yeah.... maybe you are right and I simply have to do a little more yoga... that's not sarcasism... I really love yoga 🙃

Again: To all of you, who don't have taken my post as bad as it might sounded! Thank you for your warm and good words! I appreciate! :)

I, too, am leery of crowds, so I can understand your trepidation. That's one of the reasons I altered my plans, but I'm now happier with the idea of going to DisneyWorld, even though it won't be a whirlwind tour of all they have to offer.
I might suggest looking at videos of people filming in the park at different times, like a Halloween party, to get a better idea of the number of people and if you tolerate that many people. It helps to get a visual of 'crowded'.
I'm dying to ask, have you ever been to Efteling Park in the Netherlands?


Well-Known Member
I do not hope that will be the norm....
The parties are probably going to remain a standard fixture. My guess is that they're pulling over a million dollars per party; perhaps even closing in on two million. I think there will be far too small of a number of guests disappointing and frustrated by that reality, as you are, to put a dent in it.

It will probably vary over time, up and down, trailing the economic cycle. After we enter a recession, we'll probably see fewer parties (but we'll probably see shorter hours overall, as a result of the recession, as well).


New Member
Original Poster
I, too, am leery of crowds, so I can understand your trepidation. That's one of the reasons I altered my plans, but I'm now happier with the idea of going to DisneyWorld, even though it won't be a whirlwind tour of all they have to offer.
I might suggest looking at videos of people filming in the park at different times, like a Halloween party, to get a better idea of the number of people and if you tolerate that many people. It helps to get a visual of 'crowded'.
I'm dying to ask, have you ever been to Efteling Park in the Netherlands?

I will do that, thank you! :-)

And: no, sadly not! But that's on our list too! :-) We did DLP 4 times (last trip was 2 months ago :-) ) and the Europapark as well!

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