One of my favorite things about staying on Magic Kingdom property is that it's relatively easy and simple to get from place to place. From the Polynesian to the TT&C is a nice walk, as well as from the Contemporary to the Magic Kingdom. However, one thing that I never understood is why there is no pathway connecting the Grand Floridian to the Magic Kingdom. I know that there's no pathway between the Contemporary and the TT&C, but I understand why that is because unlike the distance between the Contemporary and the Magic Kingdom (and the distance from the Grand Floridian to the Polynesian to the TT&C), that's a long walk. However, it seems as though it's not a huge distance between the Grand Floridian and the Magic Kingdom. Especially when it's late at night and I want to avoid waiting in lines for a monorail, a walkway between the Grand Floridian and the Magic Kingdom would be convenient. It doesn't seem as though it would cost too much money to build (the land is not being used anyways, so it's not like Disney would have to work around visitors. If the Contemporary and the Magic Kingdom can be connected, why not the Grand Floridian to the Magic Kingdom?