If you want DVC and can afford it, you will enjoy it. If you live your entire life thinking something might happen or things might change, then you'll never make any big purchase. If you buy that SUV, gas may go up to $6 a gallon. If you buy that new boat, your favorite fishing hole may dry up because of a drought (actually happened to a friend). If you buy that house, the market might crash (happened to a lot of people) or you out grow it too fast. Also, a vacation home may appreciate, but it will never be a good investment - cost of ownership usually take away any gains. People buy vacations homes because it allows them to enjoy their life more. They enjoy having it, just like people enjoy DVC. DVC does allow for life changes - RCI exchanges, renting points, Disney trips, etc. These are not the best use of points, but it's better than losing them. Heck, when I can't use my points, I'll donate them to charity and write it off.