why do you keep going back?

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For me there is this perfect moment. It begins after I step off the plan or see the first disney world road sign when I am coming up from Tampa. (My little brother lives there.) I feel this warm wonderful energy begin deep inside of me. I get butterflies like it's christmas morning. I feel a charge.
Just when this feeling gets so intense that I think I am going to burst I arive under the arches and I'm greeted by the icon of mickey and the WALT DISNEY WORLD RESORT.
The past few times that I have gone to disney I have arrived in the evening. This has been wonderful because fireworks tend to be going off, which just enhances that I have come to some place special.
Of course it's right to the room to relax a bit. Maybe take a dip in the pool or get a drink at the pool side bar. In any event you feel content. You look around and see a lot of other people happy and content. This of course is only the begining. It's like christmas eve when you where a kid. You are completely excited for what is over the next hill the next day.
WHen you finally get into the park. (First day has to be MK) you walk through the tunnel and arrive on main street and that wonderful forced prespective that leads you up to the castle is there any thing like it in the world? I mean that. But as you look around memories wash over you. FOr me they are fond ones of my first trip with my whole family. I still look at the pictures from that trip and feel complete. I remember getting my first sorcer mickey plush from the now gone magic shop. back then the only place you could get a sorcer mickey was in the parks.
I also remeber good times with friends that I have been there with as an adult. Times drinking around the world at epcot. Joking in line. I also think of the new memories I'm about to forge. Thought that will carry me till I get back. It's a special place for me that will never lose it's meaning. That is why I go back. It truly has a heart and a magic that I can't explain. I hope sharing some of my reasons make you understand why I go back time and time again and if someone told me you could vacation anywhere in the world my destination would be Walt Disney World.


New Member
Medical benefits - my mother was being dragged down with some health issues, so I got us two trips to Disney World, she got herself a wheelchair to be pushed around in and more good was done for her in those two weeks than any amount of treatment on the NHS :D


New Member
We just returned Sunday night from WDW & I have been so sad these past two days. :cry: I am drinking out of my All Star Movies mug & listening to my Wishes CD & remembering all the little things that we did to make this trip special. It's the magic--where else can you be eating dinner in a castle sitting by the window & you look up as Peter Pan & Captain Hook run by? It's feeling like a kid, no matter if you are turning 37 in the middle of Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party. It's looking over at the man that you love & watching him enjoy Wishes as much as you are. It's remembering the trips past & dreaming about the trips future. It's Walt's brand of magic that you can't find anywhere else.....it's all around you in the theming, in the attractions, in the air even. It's the little known things that you find..like Hidden Mickey's, the key under the mat at the Muppetts, the wedding ring at Haunted Mansion & watching the Kiss Goodnight from right in front of Cinderella's Castle while everyone else is in a rush to leave. It's just the happiest place on earth!!


New Member
The anticipation to go back there and then to finally arrive! :D

That is what keeps me going to the world every year.

Watching my count down for days and days, and to finally look at it and to see that it is time to start packing! So exciting.

And the sights, smells & sounds of the first time you return to disney is undescribable.


Well-Known Member
I agree pretty much with what everyone else said.

I think the thing that takes me back to WDW the most is the magic!
I grew up with Disney, watching disney on TV(The Wonderful World of Disney, Cartoons, Disney animated movies,etc...) My first visit to WDW was whe I was around 1-2, I think, and my family has visited every year or so since then.
Each time I go, I relive that first moment of walking into the park and seeing that big beautiful castle in MK, reliving the first time I rode this ride, and that ride. When I get to WDW, I get swept up in the magic. The outside world just melts away, no worries or stress, just fun, in the most magical place on earth. I feel like a kid again, and that I think is the best feeling in the world for most adults, to be able to view the world with child like wonderment, with not a care in the world except which fun thing you wanna do next. Its a great feeling!!

Sledge said:
Ever since I was little I wanted to be the Jungle Cruise skipper. I use to push my sister around on a raft in the pool and act like there were animals around the pool and did the whole corny jokes thing. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
My dream was to be a Disney Imagineer. To help come up with cool new technologies, to help design some of the new attractions at the parks. Ever since I rode PoTC for the first time, that has been my dream.

Maybe one day I'll go back to school and get my degree in engineering and apply for a position.:rolleyes:


Active Member
For me it's the escape from the real world to the magic that WDW has always offered.

I just made our final payment and can't wait now for Christmas break. If the students knew how much I, the teacher, was looking forward to break, I would never get them to do anything. :lookaroun

I don't think there is a real way to describe why I love going to WDW. All I know is I CAN'T WAIT! :sohappy:


"Why do you keep going back?"

Because there is absolutely NOTHING else to do in the state of Florida, and Universal Orlando has only two parks that can get boring ONCE in a while. :lol:


New Member
NemoRocks78 said:
"Why do you keep going back?"

Because there is absolutely NOTHING else to do in the state of Florida, and Universal Orlando has only two parks that can get boring ONCE in a while. :lol:

I feel like it's more then that. I feel like Disney keeps a lock on us because of memories as I said in my original post. We all have very happy memories there. And that place feeds off of it. Because no matter what attractions come and go the core is still there. The happiness of our past is there.


Well-Known Member
longfamily said:
We spend around $12,000 every time we visit Disney, which is every 1.5 years.
You're getting ripped off for spending $12,000 every 1.5 years. You're either stupid for spending that kind of money, lying, or just made a typo. If you've been going to WDW for the past six years with the money that you have been spending ($12,000 for the past 1.5 years), then you have all ready spend $72,000!!! I can buy three new vehicles with that kind of dough. You're either lying or filing for bankruptcy.


Well-Known Member
longfamily said:
The reason why I posted how much we spend when we go to Disney is to relate how much we love Disney that we are willing to shell out that much money in order to experience Disney the way we want to.That I truely love to go, and spend my families hard earned money as well.
That sentence alone could have made your point instead of going off like you did in your original post. That was Sledge's point.


New Member
Jekyll said:
I feel like it's more then that. I feel like Disney keeps a lock on us because of memories as I said in my original post. We all have very happy memories there. And that place feeds off of it. Because no matter what attractions come and go the core is still there. The happiness of our past is there.
I AGREE,with the above quote,thats sorta why l can up with Disney memories as my WDWMagic screen name. I'll always think of happy family visits with family members no longer with us every time l think of disney.



Disney lets the kid inside of us live freely every moment we're there. Disney is home, away from work, in-laws and parents, stress, cleaning, cooking, etc!!
For soooo many people, Disney is the bright side of our lives. When anything gets us down, we can pop in a vacation video or come read these posts. And even if we're not going soon, we can reminesce about our happy times. It's a world of laughter and a world of tears (from people like me watching my five year old ride Test Track for the first time and declaring it to be his favorite ride)!!! There's so much good and happiness bringing hope for a bright tomorrow. We share so much together, meeting new people on boards or at WDW. We love our small world, after all! And anyway.....there is no place else in this world to eat in Japan for lunch and Canada for dinner.


New Member
LoriMistress said:
You're getting ripped off for spending $12,000 every 1.5 years. You're either stupid for spending that kind of money, lying, or just made a typo. If you've been going to WDW for the past six years with the money that you have been spending ($12,000 for the past 1.5 years), then you have all ready spend $72,000!!! I can buy three new vehicles with that kind of dough. You're either lying or filing for bankruptcy.
Wow, so much interest in my post! I can afford to do this with my family. The reason why it costs so much is because we usually stay a minimum of 9 days. We always stay at a deluxe resort in concierge level rooms. We also always purchase the Platinum add-on or in past years, the equivelent of. After plane tickets and limo transfer and the disney costs, for a 9 day vacation we spend about $11,000. The difference is made up in spending money. What can I say...Mickey is my pimp:). my house is paid for, my cars are paid for, and we have no debt. We have no credit cards. So for our situation, this is a perfectly sound program.
You are more than welcome to check out the pricing on Disney.com if you need to verify my claim. Openly calling someone a liar on a post is ridiculas and childish. Research may change your mind.
My post about why we go back over and over was for the benefit of a student research paper. The mention of how much we spend was relative to the topic and was beneficial for someone trying to do research on Disneymania. A student really trying to get information for a paper, especially about neurotic disneyaholoics, could really use info. like that because he/she would more than likely like to have information about the Disney insane (myself) or those who tend to revisit again and again but they are not so passionate about it. they could be anywhere, it just happened to be Disney's year. Research requires as much information as possible. that is why my original post is the length of a bible.
I tried my best to aid this student in the quest for information about why I love Disney. That is what this thread was about..it was not to bash posts about money. It certainly did not benefit anyone for you to create a post directed to me about being a "stupid bankrupt liar". Those type of things are intended for PM's.
Perhaps we are a little silly for giving Disney so much money. But, it's my perogative to do so. And until Disney world burns to the ground, I have no intention of stopping:D
I hope this helped



Because every time I go to Disney I see and discover something new. We go back about every 5 years. Each time something new has been built, a new attraction added and sadly some old ones gone. But returning to Disney is like a reunion of sorts. All your old pals and memories are there. IF you have or bring kids along it's another experience through their eyes.

My trips:

'65 WDW
'72 Disneyland
'89 WDW - off property
'00 WDW - Fort Wilderness cabins
'04 Disneyland
UPCOMMING Nov. 23 - Coronodo Springs:D


New Member
It's the whole sensory experience. We usually stay at the Wilderness Lodge (a home away from home) and from the minute you walk through those big green sliding doors, the happy memories come rushing back with the sounds (echoing laughter in the main atrium of WL), the smells (maybe its just me but I'm sure each resort has a unique smell to it..its not just the food...but from the moment you smell it I know its time to relax), and sights (for me seeing the WDW Toll entrance, or walking into MK and seeing the castle at the end of main street...or the carved totem poles in the WL...brings a smile to anyone's face). And it happens every place you go in WDW. Your senses are bombarded...makes you feel alive...vibrant...and tired at the end of the day, but ready for more the next day. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
longfamily said:
Wow, so much interest in my post!
I'm just responding to your post. I can reply to people's remarks.
longfamily said:
I can afford to do this with my family. The reason why it costs so much is because we usually stay a minimum of 9 days. We always stay at a deluxe resort in concierge level rooms. We also always purchase the Platinum add-on or in past years, the equivelent of. After plane tickets and limo transfer and the disney costs, for a 9 day vacation we spend about $11,000. The difference is made up in spending money. What can I say...Mickey is my pimp:). my house is paid for, my cars are paid for, and we have no debt. We have no credit cards. So for our situation, this is a perfectly sound program.
You don't need to explain to me or others on your financial situation. That's your business; not mine. I just don't understand why you have this need to justify yourself on your spending habbits or how much you spend at the parks. Like I wrote, I think you're being completely ripped off spending $12,000 for at least nine day trip to WDW (no matter if you fly first class, rent a limo, stay at the most expensive resort on WDW property, etc.)
longfamily said:
You are more than welcome to check out the pricing on Disney.com if you need to verify my claim. Openly calling someone a liar on a post is ridiculas and childish. Research may change your mind.
I have done my research, and I surely tell you, by going to other sites, you can save almost HALF the ammount that you're spending. Go to other sites, travel agents, etc. I mean, if you're so obsessed with spending money left and right at suvineer shops, then you could have close to $6000 extra in your pocket. I said spending that kind of money on a trip every 1.5 years is ridicious. Did I write that you were a liar?! No. Read what I write before you start jumping to conclusions. "You're either stupid for spending that kind of money, lying, or just made a typo." This is what I wrote.

longfamily said:
My post about why we go back over and over was for the benefit of a student research paper. The mention of how much we spend was relative to the topic
If how much you and your family spends at WDW wasn't so important, then why bring it up in the first place? Furthermore, why make a huge paragraph about how much you and your family spend, how you spend the money, etc.? I don't think erinuga doesn't need for her paper that you spend $12,000 every 1.5 years when you go on vacation. Her question: Why do you keep going back [to WDW]? I don't remember her question being, how much do you spend each time you go to WDW? Your comments were out of left field and it was just out of place.


New Member
First post!

I have been reading this thread and I really dont believe Lorimistress has ever been to Disneyworld!
Let me explain. People who go to Disneyworld are very happy people who enjoy life and are generally nice to other people.
Lori seems bent on being rude :fork: and mean :mad: to the Longfamily for no reason.
The LongFamily only seems genuinely happy about the whole Disney experience and the second a dollar amount comes into a post rude people jump in and start calling names and telling them they are stupid for spending an outrageous amount of money on happiness.
Well LongFamily, Cheers to you! I wish I had the kind of money you have to spend on DisneyWorld so that I could experience it the way you have because you seem to be very excited about how it makes you feel.
I have only been there 5 times and only recently have I had the opportunity to stay on property at the All-Star Movies. Yay for me!:)
I just thought I should be the one to un-mask wrongdoer (LoriMistress) posing as a Disneyworld lover.
For Pete's sake your here on this Forum to enjoy the chat of other Disneyworld fans not be someone who has nothing else to do but wait for someone to post (doesn't matter what the person says) to jump all over just to get a post in and be mean.
Trust me Lorimistress you will get your Goal number of posts soon enough, no need to be mean.
Have I gone on long enough for you Lori? I bet your dying to reply..
I'll be here!:goodnevil


New Member
LoriMistress said:
I'm just responding to your post. I can reply to people's remarks.

You don't need to explain to me or others on your financial situation. That's your business; not mine.

If it were my business and not yours or others, I would suggest you quit bringing it up with your posts.

To: Been There
You are a doll! I think you are right about people who go to Disney:)
Mean people suck and that is not the Disney way. Walt would be flipping over in his cryogenic chamber (lol) if he knew that Disney fans were mean to other disney fans like that!


Well-Known Member
Been_There said:
I have been reading this thread and I really dont believe Lorimistress has ever been to Disneyworld!
So all the pictures of me and DH from last year at WDW isn't really us?! *sarcasm*
Been_There said:
Let me explain. People who go to Disneyworld are very happy people who enjoy life and are generally nice to other people.
Lori seems bent on being rude :fork: and mean :mad: to the Longfamily for no reason.
I don't see how you would precieve me as being mean, bent out of shape, or rude. Let me remind you, kiddo: Sledge was the one that was offended. Just to let you know kid, you might want to read the thread again. Sledge was the one that was offened with Longfamily's post. I made two comments to Longfamily. The idea that someone would spend $12,000 every 1.5 year to go to WDW is shocking to me. 90 percent of the people on here doesn't spend even close to $12,000 a trip to WDW. I just made an obvservation of the money that he spends. If Longfamily got offended (for some reason), of a statement that I made about his spending habbits, then that's his problem. I don't feel that I wrote anything rude or inappropriate. I felt what he wrote was off topic, but my original posts wasn't rude. It's not my faul that Longfamily has this need to explain to everyone on how he spends his money.

Been_There said:
The LongFamily only seems genuinely happy about the whole Disney experience and the second a dollar amount comes into a post rude people jump in and start calling names and telling them they are stupid for spending an outrageous amount of money on happiness.
Read what I write!!! I know there are people that are cabable of reading. Hey, I have the right to state my opinion. I felt what I wrote wasn't out of line or didn't go against rules on this message board. I have never been in an arguement or debate with anyone on the boards (until now: this is my first debate on this board.) Longfamily can either ignore my comment or reply back with a negative or positive response. That's the point of writing on a message board: to communicate. Just becasue we're on a WDW message board doesn't mean that we have to always agree on every single topic that arrises.

Been_There said:
I just thought I should be the one to un-mask wrongdoer (LoriMistress) posing as a Disneyworld lover.
This doesn't make sense. Why are you implying that I don't like Disney or WDW? If I don't agree with someone's comment on a Disney message board then I must not be a true Disney/WDW fan...*sarcasm* Wow, first you complain that I'm making harsh statements and now you're telling me that I've never been to WDW, and that I don't like Disney...wow, good way to contradict yourself.

Been_There said:
For Pete's sake your here on this Forum to enjoy the chat of other Disneyworld fans not be someone who has nothing else to do but wait for someone to post (doesn't matter what the person says) to jump all over just to get a post in and be mean.
Yes, you've nailed me. I wait for anyone to make any sort of remark regarding WDW and then I attack them with my words and just "be mean." *sarcasm* Personally, I don't have a "problem" with Longfamily. How he spends his money is his business. Though, if he is going to comment about how much money he spends, he can't expect nobody to respond. It's bound to happen. Just like if I make a reponse, I have to expect someone to reply to my remarks, just like what you're doing with me!
Been_There said:
Trust me Lorimistress you will get your Goal number of posts soon enough, no need to be mean.Have I gone on long enough for you Lori? I bet your dying to reply..I'll be here!:goodnevil
I don't care how many posts I wrote on this board. That's not my concern. I don't have time to write on a message board all day (I'm barely online as it is.) I wasn't mean to Longfamily...I just stated my opinion. I'm not threatend with your "confontational post" to me. I'm not going to appolize to anyone for the remarks that I wrote because, personally, I feel that I didn't write anything wrong.
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