why compare WDW to anything else?


New Member
Actually if you had read what I wrote, I said to keep spending money on Disney. Gives myself and other Cast Members job secuirty. And you said that all FL is, is WDW. And by that, to me, you are saying that there is no point to anything else in FL. at all except WDW. And that means that everything else is meaningless. And that includes every other attraction in FL, all of its residents, and everything else in FL. If all FL is, is WDW, then you are going to have trouble getting there without ever driving on FL state roads or traveling in to the various airports of FL. Until you can fly directly from your choice of airport directly in to WDW, you are taking part in things that aren't Disney related. So, understand that the only reason you may go to FL is WDW, but there is a lot more to FL than WDW.


New Member
Originally posted by tinkrbel: Am I just over sensitive about WDW?

To tell you the truth, you are not at all over sensitive about WDW, and even if you were, you wouldn't be alone. I care about WDW as much as you do. Many people do compare WDW with other Orlando theme parks, such as Universal and Islands of Adventure. I haven't been to Universal Studios since 1997 and I've never been to Islands of Adventure. Those parks are supposed to be good, but I'll always love Disney the most. :animwink:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Smitty
Actually if you had read what I wrote, I said to keep spending money on Disney. Gives myself and other Cast Members job secuirty. And you said that all FL is, is WDW. And by that, to me, you are saying that there is no point to anything else in FL. at all except WDW. And that means that everything else is meaningless. And that includes every other attraction in FL, all of its residents, and everything else in FL. If all FL is, is WDW, then you are going to have trouble getting there without ever driving on FL state roads or traveling in to the various airports of FL. Until you can fly directly from your choice of airport directly in to WDW, you are taking part in things that aren't Disney related. So, understand that the only reason you may go to FL is WDW, but there is a lot more to FL than WDW.

yeah ..and about those highways .. they are really boring to drive on ..sheesh you work for disney???

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Theres several points being made at once here.
1. I think Tink has a point about Disney being special why would i spend 9 hours keeching myself on a plane just to get to an amusement park.
2. Yes there is a damn site more to Florida than the parks.
3. Universals parks are very good for what they provide, if you doubt this visit a UK park.
4. I cant comment on Paris because everyone i know who has gone has complained about the attitude of the staff, and untill the park/s get bigger Ill hold off besides the weathers pretty pants.
5. As has been commented on before Disney is a buisness and it needs to listen to what its customers want. Todays teens are tommorows parents and cash cows, so if they loose the Disney habit where will WDW be in 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Freedom of speech. Tricky topic. We need to ask those who have posted using obscene language, rude comments, or constant links to other sites as a way to promote business, about freedom of speech. Wait! We can't, because the administrator who created this site has banned them for violating the rules of the site. So, technically, there is no true freedom of speech here. Okay by me, it protects the site from abuses.

We need to remember how this site is designed. There is a forum for several categories. One of those is WDW. Guess what? That's where the Disney Nuts are going to congregate. There are other forums for people to discuss other topics, other parks, yes - even Universal and Six Flaggs. People should use these forums the way they were intended, so people can find common ground.

We should compare WDW to other parks. Now, before you throw pixie dust in my eyes, let me explain. To most of us, WDW sets the standard. But if we don't compare, what standard do we continue to use? We need a gauge. Competition is good for the industry, and as long as people compare WDW to other parks, this tells me that Disney is king of the hill. And as long as you are king of the hill, someone is always going to try and push you off. This should (key word being should) keep Disney on their toes, getting better and better.

And as far as Shrek vs. Monsters Inc. goes, I would like to have seen Monsters win because it was a better story, humor, and animation, not just because it's Disney (actually Pixar - Lasseter should be in charge of animation, IMHO). Am I upset? No. Because the Academy Awards is nothing more that a popularity contest for the liberal, spoiled, elite of hollywood. Always has been, probably always will be.


New Member
As someone who grew up in Florida and on going to WDW more times than I can count now, I'd like to espouse my few cents worth, if I may. :)

First, most recently, the entertainment value of Florida highways was mentioned. Yes, there are some flat, boring vistas along the highways there. But it doesn't get much better outside of Florida [I live in Atlanta now and make the trip to Orlando about 3 times a year by car]. I can even say that the highways around Dallas are kind of at the same level of "fun value" as Florida having visited there May 2001...but this is just a ling issue.

I've been going to WDW since a few months after it opened. The initial trips my family made was from our home in Key West, and then from Bradenton [in southern Tampa Bay]. For me, WDW will always be associated with "family"...parents/grandparents and the kids all attending together. As WDW grew in scope to include Epcot [no where near what Walt originally envisioned], DisneyMGM and now the Animal Kingdom [in my mind, a move to "outdo" Busch Gardens over in Tampa, imho] new sensations and experiences were offered.

As I grew up, some of the "cuter" things about WDW began to wear off and I noticed that I wanted some newer thrills to experience. The other parks in Central Florida offered that. Admittedly, I am now a coaster junkie, which WDW really is not set up to handle properly. Yes, I have a 6Flags here, but I prefer the polish and panache of Florida's parks better...I do go to 6Flags, but only when I REALLY REALLY REALLY need a coaster fix.

With being an openminded consumer, I have come to find things at the other parks to enjoy that are new for me just as much as I enjoy going to WDW and letting loose my inner-nostalgia-driven child. However, I have been upset and depressed by some of the changes made at MK and Epcot...anyone else remember the Swan boats and Eastern's If You Had Wings?? :)

What I hope to impart is that there is an entire realm of experiences available in all theme parks and amusement parks. Please don't belittle those that choose to try them and then share their views and opinions. My late-mother's greatest gift to me was having an open mind and the desire to form my own opinions on a case by case basis. If only more people in the world were able to do that, then EVERY park would be on everyone's list of places to go.

::stepping down now::



New Member
Original Poster
:) well I am still confused about a few things .. mostly why someone that works for disney would get so mad because I only go to WDW. As for the state of florida .. hey ..texas is more then Dallas ....so? And we aint all wearing cowboy boots or driving pickup trucks. Makes no difference to me what anyone comes to texas for ..as long as they spend thier money and go home :)
ok ..I will admit when forced to go to another theme park ( the last one was Paramount up in northern California) I do compare it to WDW ....and make everyone with me just sick of hearing .. "if this were WDW" Its not like I havent had to go some where else ..but its like all these crazy texans running over to la. to gamble ..heck if your gonna go lose you money go do it in vegas ( I lost so much money there they are still begging me to come back ..even offering me a free room ) ..its much nicer then Shreveport La. So if I am going to florida .. its only to go to WDW. oh I know ..this makes no sense right .. but as no2apprentice said
We need to remember how this site is designed. There is a forum for several categories. One of those is WDW. Guess what? That's where the Disney Nuts are going to congregate
its what I expect to find here ..more WDW and Disney Nuts ..I sure didnt expect to catch h_ll from a castmember over my loyality to WDW


New Member
ok folks heres a guys point who has been in fla since 1973-form new york.i lived in miami,ft lauderdale and now in south west fla which is known for sanibel and captiva islands.in reference to what was said-no disney isnt all to do in fla-miami was having tourists since the late 1800 and boomed in the early 1920s.ft lauderdale later in the 40s and 50s and south west fla since the 60s.it is fair to say that fla has doen fine wihout disney on its own.HOWEVER central fla would not have been much more than a cow town to this day without disney.i dont care what anyone says-disney put central fla on the world map!if it wasnt for disney all of the others like sea world and universal would probably not come to central fla.it might have grown since the 60s before disney but nowhere near where it is today.for those who hate disney for bringing the traffic and all the hustle and bustle-let me ask u this-are you a good cowboy? if not you would have to move because thats all the work you be able to do with no disney coming there


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by JoeZerboy
As someone who grew up in Florida and on going to WDW more times than I can count now, I'd like to espouse my few cents worth, if I may. :)

First, most recently, the entertainment value of Florida highways was mentioned. Yes, there are some flat, boring vistas along the highways there. But it doesn't get much better outside of Florida [I live in Atlanta now and make the trip to Orlando about 3 times a year by car]. I can even say that the highways around Dallas are kind of at the same level of "fun value" as Florida having visited there May 2001...but this is just a ling issue.

I've been going to WDW since a few months after it opened. The initial trips my family made was from our home in Key West, and then from Bradenton [in southern Tampa Bay]. For me, WDW will always be associated with "family"...parents/grandparents and the kids all attending together. As WDW grew in scope to include Epcot [no where near what Walt originally envisioned], DisneyMGM and now the Animal Kingdom [in my mind, a move to "outdo" Busch Gardens over in Tampa, imho] new sensations and experiences were offered.

As I grew up, some of the "cuter" things about WDW began to wear off and I noticed that I wanted some newer thrills to experience. The other parks in Central Florida offered that. Admittedly, I am now a coaster junkie, which WDW really is not set up to handle properly. Yes, I have a 6Flags here, but I prefer the polish and panache of Florida's parks better...I do go to 6Flags, but only when I REALLY REALLY REALLY need a coaster fix.

With being an openminded consumer, I have come to find things at the other parks to enjoy that are new for me just as much as I enjoy going to WDW and letting loose my inner-nostalgia-driven child. However, I have been upset and depressed by some of the changes made at MK and Epcot...anyone else remember the Swan boats and Eastern's If You Had Wings?? :)

What I hope to impart is that there is an entire realm of experiences available in all theme parks and amusement parks. Please don't belittle those that choose to try them and then share their views and opinions. My late-mother's greatest gift to me was having an open mind and the desire to form my own opinions on a case by case basis. If only more people in the world were able to do that, then EVERY park would be on everyone's list of places to go.

::stepping down now::


:) if ya think its awful boring around dallas ..you should try el paso .. its even worse :) I am the first to say that texas highways are pretty boring :) nothing but cows.. maybe a horse now and then. hey but ..please would all you non - native texans learn to get on the shoulder and let us pass :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by epcot71
ok folks heres a guys point who has been in fla since 1973-form new york.i lived in miami,ft lauderdale and now in south west fla which is known for sanibel and captiva islands.in reference to what was said-no disney isnt all to do in fla-miami was having tourists since the late 1800 and boomed in the early 1920s.ft lauderdale later in the 40s and 50s and south west fla since the 60s.it is fair to say that fla has doen fine wihout disney on its own.HOWEVER central fla would not have been much more than a cow town to this day without disney.i dont care what anyone says-disney put central fla on the world map!if it wasnt for disney all of the others like sea world and universal would probably not come to central fla.it might have grown since the 60s before disney but nowhere near where it is today.for those who hate disney for bringing the traffic and all the hustle and bustle-let me ask u this-are you a good cowboy? if not you would have to move because thats all the work you be able to do with no disney coming there

I am all for a Disney Texas .. then I wouldnt ever have to cross the state line :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by epcot71
hey tink i was stationed in texas-fun state and lots of cute cowgirls:D :D :D :D

see ya'll thats my point ..I go to florida for WDW .. if ya want cute cowgirls ( or cute cows) you can come to texas .. just be careful of the cowgirl that looks like she is chewing gum ..its prolly really skoal :lol: Heck we got Shamu too .. Now I have a confession to make ..when I first posted the topic I was very depressed and some of it was that everyone seemed to find something wrong with WDW and Disney.. Its been pointed out to me that I am niave because I am not looking at it for what it is.. sheesh I know disney is a company .. and ok so they may feel they gotta compete ..but hey folks here is one person that loves it just as it is .. high prices and all ( of course I have never had a castmember get so mad at me before ) or as my british friend would say "warts and all". It was really depressing reading that so many people want Disney to do this or that like other parks. And I really thank epcot71 for backing me up about there not being anything in Orlando before Disney came. Heck there was nothing in San Antonio but a Mission ..
any way some how from my what I said it got blown up to I dont care what happens to anyone in florida and something about telling CM's that they arent worth anything :veryconfu I got nothing at all againest Florida .. or the people living there ..but I aint gotta go to all the theme parks or attractions in Florida if I dont want to ... [stomps her feet] and you cant make me :p

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