As someone who grew up in Florida and on going to WDW more times than I can count now, I'd like to espouse my few cents worth, if I may.
First, most recently, the entertainment value of Florida highways was mentioned. Yes, there are some flat, boring vistas along the highways there. But it doesn't get much better outside of Florida [I live in Atlanta now and make the trip to Orlando about 3 times a year by car]. I can even say that the highways around Dallas are kind of at the same level of "fun value" as Florida having visited there May 2001...but this is just a ling issue.
I've been going to WDW since a few months after it opened. The initial trips my family made was from our home in Key West, and then from Bradenton [in southern Tampa Bay]. For me, WDW will always be associated with "family"...parents/grandparents and the kids all attending together. As WDW grew in scope to include Epcot [no where near what Walt originally envisioned], DisneyMGM and now the Animal Kingdom [in my mind, a move to "outdo" Busch Gardens over in Tampa, imho] new sensations and experiences were offered.
As I grew up, some of the "cuter" things about WDW began to wear off and I noticed that I wanted some newer thrills to experience. The other parks in Central Florida offered that. Admittedly, I am now a coaster junkie, which WDW really is not set up to handle properly. Yes, I have a 6Flags here, but I prefer the polish and panache of Florida's parks better...I do go to 6Flags, but only when I REALLY REALLY REALLY need a coaster fix.
With being an openminded consumer, I have come to find things at the other parks to enjoy that are new for me just as much as I enjoy going to WDW and letting loose my inner-nostalgia-driven child. However, I have been upset and depressed by some of the changes made at MK and Epcot...anyone else remember the Swan boats and Eastern's If You Had Wings??
What I hope to impart is that there is an entire realm of experiences available in all theme parks and amusement parks. Please don't belittle those that choose to try them and then share their views and opinions. My late-mother's greatest gift to me was having an open mind and the desire to form my own opinions on a case by case basis. If only more people in the world were able to do that, then EVERY park would be on everyone's list of places to go.
::stepping down now::