Well-Known Member
Then you have TMK, a watered-down touristy version of DL. The worst thing you can say about that park and the truest. It just doesn't know what it wants to be. It's DL-esque but without the atmosphere and fun of quaint old charming DL. So then what good is it?
It's not an awful park... it still has it's moments. Does it hold a candle to DL? Heck no, not even close. But to people who have no intention of ever visiting Anaheim, it's still a great - but flawed - park when you take it's better looking sibling out of the equation. Also consider MK at WDW plays a lesser role than DL here at the DLR. It is one piece of a significantly larger package, whereas DL park is really the main reason why anyone sets foot in the city of Anaheim.