Whose all going over Thanksgiving week?


New Member
Whose all going on Thanksgiving week? I might be going if I can go cuz some of people I know already have a room and I might stay with them.


New Member
Me! Plus 2 other adults and 2 wildly excited children.

We'll be staying at the Contemp from 11/27 to 12/2.

Can't wait!:sohappy:
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New Member
Original Poster
Not that we could, but you never know because it seems like alot of people might be down there over thanksgiving, we might meet or see or hang out or something i dont know? It would be kind of neat.
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New Member
Original Poster
Does anyone know how long lines are during Thanksgiving week
such as
Space Mnt?
Big Thunder Mtn.?
Fantasyland attraction?
Tower of Terror?
ect any other
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New Member
We'll be there from 11/24 - 11/29. Thanksgiving Dinner is at the Coral Reef. As far as crowds go. You never know. I would think that Monday, Tuesday and some of Wednesday won't be that crowded, but it might get more so later in the week. It can't be any worse than President's Week, Easter or during the summer vacations. Have fun:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I was there 2 years ago on thanksgiving and it really wasn't that busy except for the day before and day of thanksgiving. I hope you have a good time though!!

Dec 25- Jan 2 WDW here I come (again)!!!
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