Who's Afraid of the Big Bad...Spring Break Crowds?

Hello Everyone and welcome aboard Jess's Walt Disney World Trip Report.

Well here I am again in cold, windy Pittsburgh when just a few weeks ago I was in….well cold, windy Florida. But a cold day in Disney is better than a warm day at home, right? That’s what I told myself as I bundled up for a chilly 4 day trip to Disney in March. And it’s Spring Break? Oh well – a crowded day in Disney is better than a…lonely day at home? Not quite sure how to end that but to sum it up…yes ANY day in Disney is better than ANY other day at home.

This trip was GIRLS ONLY. Why? Because boys have cooties, duh. But seriously with my Dad going away on a golf trip (currently on it) my mom felt better about vacationing without him and my fiancé is getting though his last rotations before he graduates in June (Yay!!) and my sister’s husband couldn’t get off work. Oh yes it’s Ladies Night…and day…and yeah so this trip is just us ladies.

For those of you who don’t know me (which you should…I’m a hoot)
I'm Jess.

I'm a big fan of food, villains and EPCOT.

There's my seester, Nikki and my dearest darling Momsie

The plan was – Pop Century for 4 nights – parks for 3 days – park openings/closings – get all 4 parks accomplished in 3 days during Spring Break crowds. OK GO.

March 24, 2013.

Our flight was scheduled to leave at 6:00pm. As we’re walking out the door to church – I see our flight was delayed to take off at 7. No big deal. About 4 seconds later I re-check and now it’s delayed to 7:45. Gah. There go my plans of hitting up AoA for a little when we check into Pop.

We head to the airport early anyway because they have a great restaurant there (Not the Pittsburgh one – the Latrobe one…about 15 minutes from my house) so we had some drinks and appetizers. At the end of the meal – we see our flight is delayed again to 8:15. FRICK DOUBLE FRICK. That’s ok – that’s why Steve Jobs invented iPads, iPhones and iPods to keep us busy. FINALLY the flight gets there and we are ready to board.

Who says we aren’t excited to go to Disney after a few hours in an airport?

Then we sit on the plane for another hour while they de-ice our wings. Joy. After the bumpiest flight of my LIFE…we landed in MCO around 11pm. Well shucks now we have to go to baggage to claim our bags like some kind of COMMONERS? Ugh – first world problems.
Anywho…off to DME to take us to POP.

We got to Pop around 11:45. 60’s section room 4349 – wonderful building location.

(Sorry for the blurry pictures - I was a bit frustrated with being so late and these were walking pictures. Not that there is any excuse for the pictures to come - I'm a point and shoot on the move kind of gal)

Very light unpacking and getting to sleep. DHS opens at 7 people – get to bed!


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I want to ride the Iron Man monorail next month!!! EEEEKKKKK! I love me some Tony Stark!! YUMMMM!!! ;)

I love seeing Space with the lights on, too. It's such a dinky little coaster! It's scary though and sometimes I think rather morbid thoughts while we're riding it yet I still continue to go on it... hehe.

Mmm Tony Stark indeed! I think even Bill has a man crush on him. Lol.

Yeah Space Mtn only goes like 28 mph or something. But in the dark and the loud sounds and thoughts of decapitation dancing in our heads (oxymoron?) - definitely makes it more scary!

Awesome picture of Ursula. I love it!

She's the best. I'm so glad there is another giant Ursula in the parks. I think every park should have one.


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Wednesday March 26th continued...

We had just gotten on the monorail to TTC (no luck with the sunglasses) so we headed towards the Poly

Again - a crazy long wait for a DtD bus. If I paid an arm and a leg to stay at the Poly - I'd expect excellent bus service. But the one good thing to come out of it - look at what got stopped right above us....


Finally got to DtD. I stopped in the Christmas store to get Bill an ornament of Mickey dressed as a doctor holding a clipboard and I got "Dr. Streiff" personalized on it. He loved it!


Mmm my favorite kind!

We shopped quite a bit and then headed over to T-Rex to check in. Same ADR situation like Mamma Melrose - people ed off they had to wait an hour and a half since they had no reservations. We gave them our name - stood in line and then a CM pulled us out of line to take us to our table. Seated in the Aquarium.

We started off with some drinky drinks.

Lava Flow (I think) for me! SO GOOD!

And Nikki got a cotton candy martini - but I missed the pour over the cotton candy so it just looked like a regular martini at that point. But it was yummy! (I had to taste test it of course!)

We got the duel dip as an appetizer (this was delicious but a bad decision in retrospect because we were too full for dessert...at T-Rex anyway...)

Mom and I split the lasagna. I took one picture with the flash and one without. Neither are great. So here's both. :)

It was good - not amazing but good!

Nikki got a burger - we all had a bite...it was very good!

This was my 2nd visit to T-Rex and I thought the same thing as the first time...decent food, cool atmosphere but not a must visit each trip. The Countdown to Extinction is a fabulous dessert but we just didn't have room!

I honestly don't know if I'd love or hate the ice room. I think it would give me a headache. And it's so dark in there. Or maybe it would be amazingly cool. Who knows.

Here's a pick I tried to take of the ornament and then almost dropped it. so my hand is in the middle - but it gives you an idea of what it looks like

After T-Rex we stopped in at Team Mickey to grab a runDisney tshirt for me to wear to the gym and so I could chat up @enchanted_belle !!! She was doing a great job working at Tren-D! It was nice to see "one of our own" working at Disney!


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After DtD we headed back to Pop for a quick nap/dessert

How has it been like 2 trips since I've eaten one of these? OMG I CANT WAIT TO HAVE THEM BROUGHT TO MY ROOM ON THE CRUISE!!!!!!!

It was a short trip in the room - Nikki slept - I wrote in my TR book - Mom started packing some things up. True to my Disney fashion...we only hung out in there for an hour because I had to get back to the parks! We looked up wait times - still pretty high - but we had a few things to do that always have short lines.

Empty bus to MK!

First thing - to Tomorrowland because There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow!!!

It's funny - just the other day I was in the shower and Bill walked in to wash his hands and I said "NO PRIVACY AT ALL AROUND THIS PLACE" and Bill just responded "Sorry Orville" and walked out. Love.

We headed towards Fantasyland via Main St. USA (I don't know why - I think we were heading to Adventureland and then changed our minds) to catch another ride that never has a wait...

My sister worked the Merry Go Round at Kennywood so she has a thing for Carousels.


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NOW we were on our way to Adventureland. My family has this old Disney tale of our first trip to Disney (when I was scared to ride almost everything) and my Dad and Sister went to ride one of the mountains. I was too scared and made my mom go on Swiss Family Treehouse with me. And we talk about how STUPID this walk up "Attraction" is. And you can't even go in any of the rooms. It's like "Oh look at some of this cool stuff but dont touch or play with any of it." So my sister tells the story and then says "I've never been on it" OK here we go.

Just as boring as I remember. But we made the most out of it...

Nik and my mom were super excited Tiki Room was back to "old management" so we headed there next

Love me some tropical serenade!

We were all getting a bit hungry so we stopped for dessert and then headed over to Casey's for some legit food.

Orange/Pineapple swirl Dole Whip


Yummy hotdogs and fries w/plastic cheese. Delicious!

Back to Tomorrowland to see Monsters Inc Laugh Floor (one of my favorites!)

They used my joke!!! It was "What state has the smallest soft drinks" "Minne - SODA!" I was so excited!

Then we rode TTA. I really love this ride but I miss the old narration.

We're so attractive.

Walking around Tomorrowland - Mom wanted to buy Nikki's son a glow sword. She would regret this as my sister and I played with it all night.

This is my sith pose.


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I really wanted to ride Dumbo in regular queue to see the kids play area. It's very well done - I kind of wanted to go play in it...

I wanted my picture taken in the stationary dumbo at the end of the ride. 2 little kids were there before me - one pushed the other down because he got there first and the parents were yelling...big ordeal. So i just crouched down for a photo op. You can see a crying kid in the background.

Into the big circus tent for some treats!

I really love brownies so I'm tempted to try this - but they just look so small!

Nikko got this cake pop

it was so yummy! But again - really small!

We were walking to New Fantasyland (because somewhere along the way we got an Under the Sea FP) and saw Gaston had just came out! So I hopped in line.

This is me yelling at him. While we were talking he winked to some girl walking by..."Did you really just wink at another girl while talking to me???" "I'm sorry - I'll give you double winks." Then he went on about other stuff when I told him I was engaged "You're engaged and you're mad I'm winking at another girl?" and "How did your fiance get you to say yes - I need pointers to get Belle." He was a good Gaston.

We didn't need our FPs because there was no line. Oh well

We headed over to Liberty Square to ride Haunted Mansion. Then a pit stop in the Tangled Area (told you - my new favorite place to pee in MK)



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We went back to Haunted Mansion because it's so good. And I made them go through the cemetery because they had never seen it

SNAKES. Why did it have to be snakes?! (No I legit have a fear of anacondas. Lol)

Always a great ride.

Over to It's a Small World.

Look at the time!

Yeah everything since Under the Sea was a walk on. How can people complain about Spring Break Crowds?

Nikki and I headed to Splash Mountain once more while Mom waited in the Briar Patch store. Then we went back and did Pooh (where I FaceTimed Bill for the whole ride so he could "ride" it with me - he loves Pooh!) PhilharMagic again and another spin on Haunted Mansion. Then it was time to head out. We had done it all - seen it all - and it was 1am so the park was closed.

Heading out of Magic Kingdom - can't leave without some parting snacks...


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Heading out of Magic Kingdom - can't leave without some parting snacks...

Seemed like a fitting MK departure snack.

Back to Pop (via coach bus). It was a ghost town.

We did some light packing (by packing I mean throwing stuff into suitcases in a haphazard way) and in bed around 2am.

Next: I finally try Tonga Toast!


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You know out of all the million and one times I've been to WDW, I have never ever seen Space Mountain with the lights on! I never seem to get it at the right time! What's up with that?

I can't wait to go pee in those Tangled restrooms! :D


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You know out of all the million and one times I've been to WDW, I have never ever seen Space Mountain with the lights on! I never seem to get it at the right time! What's up with that?

I can't wait to go pee in those Tangled restrooms! :D

BOTH things are awesome experiences.

If you ever read/hear/see that Space Mountain is down...run (don't walk) to TTA. It's cool but also slightly scary that those little rinky rails hold my weight (and 3+ others) while plunging into the dark. But for reals - keep an eye out for it.

I wanted to sing and dance and have someone braid my hair in the Tangled restroom area. It's really well done. And it makes peeing more awesome than a chore of a pit stop.

And I'm jealous you'll be peeing there in like 3 weeks...while I have to pee in regular toilets until September. STUPID. :D


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I found your TR this morning, and I must say that we have very similar tastes in humor, rides (Spaceship Earth is the best on property) and food. It has been fun reading this and actually has me wanting to write one after my disney wedding/ honeymoon in June. Keep up the good work.


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I found your TR this morning, and I must say that we have very similar tastes in humor, rides (Spaceship Earth is the best on property) and food. It has been fun reading this and actually has me wanting to write one after my disney wedding/ honeymoon in June. Keep up the good work.

We would get along well - 3 of my favorite things are laughing, Spaceship Earth and food! Congrats on the Disney wedding! I wanted one - but my fiance's family is crazy big so there's no way the people he wanted to be there could be there. But we got engaged in Disney and promised me vow renewals in Disney! You should definitely write a TR - a great way to relive Disney AND it helps with the Disney blues! Thanks for reading!

Nice report! I feel like I have gained 10 pounds though.

Oh no silly....Disney food has no calories!!

Yay! Love your report! :) Can't wait for more! I'm so excited for my birthday meal at trex :) eeeek

Thanks!! T-Rex was so good and just a cool atmosphere! The big dessert at the end is SO GOOD. It's like a brownie cake with butterfinger pieces and ice cream and DELICIOUSNESS. I highly recommend it. :p


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Thursday March 28th - Last Day in Disney/Flying Home

Alarm at 6:15. We had ADRs at Kona Cafe - so bus to MK then monorail to Poly.

It's usually dark when we get up in Disney so it was nice to see some stuff with a little light!

The Polynesian Resort is B-E-A-UTIFUL. I'd love to stay here. It used to be my #1 resort to stay at...but Boardwalk has taken over with it's walking distance to EPCOT.

Breakfast at Kona! Bill and I don't usually do breakfast ADRs (aside from a few character breakfasts that get us in the parks early...) so I was super excited to try Kona!

Started off with the lilikoi juice. So yummy!

We decided to split 2 meals - to leave room for some snacks at the resort because our flight wasn't until 4.

You know what that means...

TONGA. I was a Tonga virgin.

And while it was good - I'm just not a banana fan. It's just not my favorite. I think Bill will LOVE it - so I see a trip to Kona or at least Captain Cooks in our future.

We also go the Big Kahuna

If I could go back in time - I'd say NO BIG KAHUNA...just get the pineapple macadamia nut pancakes - because they were HEAVENLY. Seriously amazing pancakes. I need to eat these again ASAP. Any cruisers out there want to go to Kona when we get back to Disney after the cruise in September? I'm dreaming of these pancakes.

We were all quite full but not stuffed...we decided to check out some other monorail resorts (as Nik and Mom had never been to them)

Some light shopping - I always say I'm gonna buy this shirt but I never do...

I just love the icons and the monorail and the Disney World font on this shirt. Why don't I buy it!?!!

The Grand Floridian is such a gorgeous resort. But I felt out of place in my yoga pants. Haha!


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We went to the Contemporary to see if they had any cupcakes out - they did not. What? Cupcakes are totally an acceptable form of breakfast...in Disney. Back to MK to catch a bus to POP

Shaping up to be a beautiful Disney day - too bad we were leaving!

Oh look...I did take a picture of Bill's ornament!

Since we had some time to kill - we went over to Art of Animation! Nik and Mom had never even heard of it and I was excited to show them around (and maybe see something really awesome...)

(Awesome like THIS)


I was going for smiling in this pic - Nik said she was doing a "Part of Your World" longing to be with Eric pose.


Good thing they had this wall up. I may have crawled up and sat in her hand like her little pet.

Sun is in my eyessss.

I love villains.

The King...has returned.

Apparently I'm a fan of mandrills as well.

At this time - Nik and Mom went back to Pop. It was about 10:45. I had a Disney snack to get...the cheesy pesto bread! I was supposed to get this on arrival day but due to delayed flights...it was now or never. So I waited around until 11. I decided to browse the gift shop.



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It was right around 11 so I went back into the food court. The sign had changed from breakfast to lunch so I walked up to the line. A CM (manager of some sort) named Shawna asked me if I was there for breakfast or lunch. And I said "lunch - cheesy pesto bread...been dying to try it!" She said they were switching over but she'd throw one in for me now. Super nice.

In the mean time - FOOD PICTURES!

Cheesecake sampler

Mickey Ganache that came back to POP with me!

When I got back - Nikko was having a 2nd breakfast because she had really wanted Mickey Waffles all trip.

She just got a kids platter. But Mickey waffles are cute AND delicious.

Cheesy Pesto Bread


While I went up to get a fork for my ganache - my mom had picked up the container holding the ganache and apparently the mickey face fell off tart. So she picked it up and put it on but totally smudged the face. She was so worried I hadn't taken a picture yet and she had ruined my picture. Isn't she adorable?

She was all...o_O Did you take a pic of this yet? PHEW OK GOOD BECAUSE I SMUDGED IT. Hahaha no worries, Momsie!

Ganache was good but rich. I see at Boardwalk they have a ganache with salted caramel. Yep this sounds like an improvement - I must eat that. Top of my must eat list for September!

Now that we were disgustingly full once again - we went out to wait for DUME. Disney's UnMagical Express.


And with that we went back to the airport. I drug them into the Disney store at the airport to soak up any last bit of Disney I could.

We went into security - a grandma was being detained for trying to bring a 32 oz Gatorade on the plane. COME ON LADY - You really think you can take giant liquids on the plane?

Our flight home was on time - the flight was very smooth (and restored my faith in flying) except for the A-Hole who reclined his seat WHILE I was reaching under his seat to get my backpack...I was like AH F*CK. But he didn't seem to mind. Kept it reclined the whole time. Thanks, sir.

We landed. Nik got the car while we got the luggage. I was home about 30 minutes after landing. That's the sweet thing about Latrobe Airport.

Up Next: Final Thoughts and shameless Girls Cruise plug!!!


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Final Thoughts

- Had an absolute BLAST with my mom and sister - but I did miss my fiance. Just something about Disney that brings us closer together when we are there...plus EVERYTHING there reminds me of him. I can't wait to go back with him sometime in 2014.

- The crowds. Easily manageable with early mornings/late evenings/use of FP. We rode Soarin twice, Test Track twice, Under the Sea 4 times, Space twice, Splash twice, etc...we didn't miss anything we wanted to do. So no more complaining about Spring Break crowds!

- The weather. It was chilly and a big windy. Would I prefer it over sweltering heat? NOPE. I like the heat. And I'm cold most of the time anyway so mornings and evenings are chilly for me even in summer months. But we saw the forecast before we left and packed jeans, fleeces and hoodies. It worked out!

- This may have been the most amount of food I've eaten in 1 trip...and we only had 3 ADRs! Everything was delicious and I highly recommend a "Disney Food to Try" list before you go so you're better prepared. I'm already starting one for my trip in September. TRIP IN SEPTEMBER? RIGHT BEFORE YOUR WEDDING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Glad you asked....


It's the Unofficial WDWMAGIC girls cruise! Sailing to the Bahamas September 8-12! It's going to be an absolute BLAST and I cannot wait! Its an awesome chance to try out sailing (this will be my first cruise) and meet some of the great friends you've met on WDWmagic! Truly an awesome experience! If you have any questions...PM @sweetpee_1993 or @Disneyfalcon (That's Kelly and Tammy respectively) they are the planners of this wonderful excursion and cruise experts! There are plenty of girls still looking for roommates so don't worry if you don't have a person in mind to room with! We will hook you up!!! A lot of girls are also planning to go to Disney for a few days (myself included) after the cruise too! It's going to so much fun - I promise!

Thanks so much for reading!! Only 129 days until we set sail for the cruise and 125 until I'm on Disney property once again! See ya real soon! :cool:


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Jess...Once again...another awesome TR! Thanks for sharing your vacation with all of us. And thanks for all the new food !

As of right now, we are not planning to head to our "happy place" until next year. THIS IS KILLING ME! But...my wife and I have been talking about possible going next year sometime between Jan and March. So, we will soon (very soon) start obsessing and planning. Either POP, Coronado or AOA. Then, in 2015 will be our 20th anniversary and guess where we'll be going????? :)


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We have a breakfast ADR at Kona Cafe after the cruise actually! Friday the 13th at 7:50am. You are more than welcome to join us!!!! :D And yes, those pancakes are yummy. I am like you, just not a banana fan so I got the pancakes and they were so stupidly good!!

Love your TR Jess!! You guys clearly had an awesome time! Sometimes a girls trip is needed. Come to think of it.. I only ever travel with girls.. My mom and Ashley!! lol when we go this moth, I will have a male cousin with me. 5 girls and a guy. Let's hope he can handle it!! hahaha.

Can't wait for the cruise! We're going to have such a great time and eat so much food. Room service Mickey bars anyone? Heeyyyyyyyyy!! ;)

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