well great is subjective... especially with what I think would be great. maybe keep the theme of communication stay at spaceship earth an move the sponser to seriusxm. gut the corporate special lounge inside, open it to the public as a radio booth where people can hear live shows, and special call ins from all over the world ( in keeping with communication as a theme) Disney could launch a new channel on xm as well promoting the format for both disney and xm. finally (because I think this would be great while it would never in a billion year be allowed) at the very end of the ride have a little segment of Jim norton as chip chiperson have a goofy line or something." I'm like a hidden chippy or something" fake laughing throughout trying to say it.
that said while I think it would be great and laugh, and other fans would too, if disney ever had any connection to the opie and Anthony show it would mark the end of humanity.
still though on the last day of humanity I think it would be great, sort of like an extra limited time magic, since the world as we knew it would be gone afterwords