DHS Continued!
Lunch time - The kids really like Sci-Fi they thought is was fun to eat in the cars and the food was fine. We had hotdogs and hamburger, french fries and shakes. DH tried the wings and I got fried pickles.
Alec trying some fried pickles - which he loved!
After lunch it was time to meet McQueen and Mater!
Lily went up first as Alec was not in the mood
He finally agreed to go in with me but he wouldn't smile.
After this it was time to split up. Alec was going back the to the hotel for a nap. Lily and DH were staying at DHS.
Alec went in the stroller and we made our way quickly back to the car. I wanted him to get as much rest as possible so we could stay up to see Fantasmic that evening. We got back the room and disaster! My band didn't work! Alec's band didn't work! Thankfully I had 3 different key cards as well. None of them worked either! I was on a tight time line if I didn't get Alec in bed soon the nap was useless he would cross over into the too tired and now super hyper zone. I saw a housekeeper working a in the next building and went to as her for help. She was about to call the front desk when magically a manager was walking by. He got me into the room and after a quick check to make sure it was really my room. Alec was in bed and resting. I was resting in the dark eating snacks we had picked up in the Japan Pavilion a few days earlier and surfing the web.
Meanwhile back at DHS my DD had told my husband she wanted to ride Star Tours again so he walked her over and she freaked out. It was not the right ride. Turns out she wanted TSMM but had confused the names. So my DH being the best dad ever waited int he 2 hour line since she really really wanted to go again. DH said she did great in line and she passed the time taking pictures of all the games and toys
Some Lily shots -
Finally time for a second ride !
When the ride was over Lily wanted to go again but DH said no to a third time. They went over to one of DH's favorites' the Indy Stunt Show.
Lily doesn't know anything about Indiana Jones but she loved the show! Some time towards the end of the show I text DH to let him know I was on my way back. When he told me how much Lily liked the show I told him to stick around at the end they sometimes will take pictures with the kids once the crowd leaves.
Alec and I were got an even closer spot then when we arrived that morning and made our way into the park. We got a few pictures on the way to Indy.
Lily was waiting for after the show.
My DH said about 5 families waited after the show but Lily was the youngest and the only girl. Slowly all the other families left. Finally the cleaning crew came in and DH asked one of the CMs if there was any chance Lily could meet the cast. The CM kindly called Indy and Marian over (they were still chatting with other CMs on stage.
Pictures not the best as my DH doesn't know how to use a flash but Lily was very excited! They very nicely talked with her for a couple of minutes and Lily gave them a play by play of the performance she had seen.
We met up after a bit of confusion of "I'm at the Indy exit" "so am I" "I don't see you" etc... duh two exits... we figured it out. We hit the Great Movie Ride on the way to the Brown Derby no wait but I forgot it was a 20 minute ride. We all enjoyed it and we ended up being a few minutes lat for our ADR.
I should have know there was trouble when we walked up. Loooong check in line. Turns out the computer was down so they were basically taking peoples word for it they had ADRs and they had to take down each parties info the old fashioned way. We had our longest wait before seating about 30 minutes. Inside once seated you could tell the wait staff was stressed. We had our worst service of the trip but we tried to give the benefit of the doubt you could tell it was not a normal night. The food was good as usual no pictures as we were rushing dinner. We were worried about making the show at all. Since we were late checking in and the wait was longer then normal.
DH was wrangling Alec and we had to resort to giving him a phone to play games on. Lily was giving my play by play of the opening scene of the Indy show. I had to pull out the camera and tape her because she was surprising me with the amount of detail she remembered. I didn't get the whole description.
After our rushed dinner it was off to Fantasmic. We had the dinner package so we thought we just need to get to the assigned seatign section about 10 minutes before the show. Sitting in the back is fine with me. We made our way through the crowd and found the Dining Seating Area in the center. The first CM turned us away from her section saying it was full. Fine we went to the next section. we were once again told it was full. I looked at her not happy and said look we have the dining plan we were promised a seat as long as we showed up on time. There is still 5 minutes before the cut off. She let us through to find a seat. We went about 5 rows down and there was half a down empty we asked and no one was sitting there. I dried off the bench (it had drizzled while we were eating) with my hoodie and we were good to go. There were plenty of other seats around too.
The kids and I "enjoyed" the last question on the trivia game they were playing pre show (thankfully we only sat through one question) while Chris went to get popcorn and drinks. He was back right before show time. We got all settled in and the show started. The kids really enjoyed the show and it ended up being worth the hassle of racing over there. We got plenty of mist from the show even being near the back rows. The center view was great. After the show we waited until the theater was pretty much empty to let the crowds thin out. Then back to the car and back to bed to rest up for our last day at WDW.
Blurry but still cute. Got to get those kissies before they are too old.
Once at the resort DH ran over to the room and his band worked so I settled the kids in while he got our took cards and band fixed at the front desk. He also checked for an up date on Kiwi our missing stuffed animal but no luck. The CM felt bad for Lily and told Chris he could pick out a stuffed animal off the display for Lily. He knew she had a Mickey and Minnie at home so he got her a Donald. We put it in bed with her so she would see it when she woke up.