Trip Report Who Said 10 Days is too Much Disney?!?!?

If you are interested in the pre-trip report - here is the link:

Part 1 - Travel

We were up at 3am on Jan 17th to catch a 6:30am flight. DDRey and DDBelle were up pretty quickly, but DSBuzz was pretty much "why are we waking up in the middle of the night?", LOL. I had actually gotten some sleep (went to bed around 11pm), which NEVER happens the night before we leave on a trip. You know, DH packs his little bag and goes to bed at 9pm while I am packing for myself, three littles, every climate possible and every illness/injury that could happen on planet Earth, so... Plus, both DDs have food allergies (epipens, Benadryl, etc.) and DDBelle has asthma so we've got the nebulizer, albuterol, budesonide, prednisone - essentially we are a walking pharmacy, haha!!



Anyway, we all got ready and were out the door and pulling out of the driveway in record time (for us!) - 1 hour and 15 minutes.

We got to the airport and it was cold, as in, subzero temps before the windchill (I think it was -6F and around -25F with the windchill), but we didn't want to lug our heavy winter coats with us, so we just dressed in layers with jackets and wore our hats and gloves. Besides, it was a little chilly in FL that day, so we figured we'd want our hats and gloves that evening anyway.

We dropped off our bags (already checked in online) and went to security. The line was pretty short - we had about a 10 minute wait. While we were in line DS looks out the window and notices the planes all parked at the gates and begins shouting "Mommy! Look! Look! Airplane!" He was so excited. We told him he was going on an airplane, but really, what does a not quite 3 year old know about riding an airplane when they have never been?? He just kept shouting and getting louder. As we were in the security lane, I kept trying to keep him somewhat quiet, but then one of the planes moved. OMG, it was like all his dreams in life came true and he went NUTS! Jumping up and down and screaming and laughing and shouting and pointing. Everyone in the security area became silent as they tried to see what on earth would cause any kid to become so loud and crazy. At least the family next to us thought it was amusing. Other people, not so much :oops: I finally convinced him to talk about something else, and he did quiet down.

After we went through the podium, I told the girls to do exactly as we had practiced - DDRey was to take out one of our baggies of liquids and put them in a bin, along with her Mickey bag. DDBelle was supposed to take out her nebulizer and put it in a bin along with her Mickey bag. DH was supposed to take DS through security and I had the camera bag, snacks and another bag of liquids to separate (plus shoes and my jacket and DS's Mickey bag and my carryon). I have traveled a lot, especially for work, and getting stuck behind a family that has no clue or just isn't prepared was always annoying, so I tried NOT to be that family and had practiced with both DDs before our trip. Of course, everything went out the window and both of them were asking me 5000 questions about WHY do they have to do this and "Can't we just...?" No, no you can't just do whatever it is you want. Just please do what we practiced so we can get out of security. "But, what about..." and "Mom, I want to hold my ticket" and "Can we eat snacks before we get on the plane?"

In a panic as I see everyone behind us standing there waiting as our family took up the entire belt area, I just grabbed a stack of bins, layed them out on the belt and started throwing things into them while pushing each member of my family through the metal detector just to get them the heck out, LOL. Then, when I got through, the kids were arguing on which stuff was theirs and whatever, so I said "Everything is MINE. I paid for it and it's mine. You get whatever I hand you and you will carry it to the benches and we will sort it out there." Which is exactly what I did. Not really sure how I was able to carry 5 bins and 4 bags, but I guess it was the Disney adrenaline or something, LOL.

Once that all got sorted out, we got to our gate and everyone calmed down. DS was content to stare out the window at the plane that was parked there and the girls were interested in some activity books in their Mickey bags. I had to take our tickets to the counter to exchange them for pre-board passes and peanut allergy alerts for the girls. I wasn't really sure how that all worked since we had never flown SW before, but had read online that I would be able to get onboard first and wipe down the seats for the girls and that they would only hand out pretzels instead of peanuts for a snack on the flight. We have flown Delta before and they had a similar policy, but the flight attendants were pretty obnoxious about it and got on the intercom to complain to the rest of the flight that because of us, they couldn't hand out peanuts. It was embarrassing and especially for DDRey, she hates any attention brought to her because of her allergies since it is usually ignorance and/or negativity and she has dealt with it for so many years she just wishes it would go away.

Anyway, when it was time to board, we were let on first and they actually told my DH and DS to go ahead and board with us to make sure we could sit together as a family, which was really nice considering on Delta they would only allow one parent to preboard, which was weird considering we had assigned seats anyway. :rolleyes:

We got onboard but they were boarding people right after us, so trying to wipe down seats while people are trying to get in and sit down was a bit of a hassle - and something that happened on every flight. I wish they would give us at least 5-10 minutes so my kids aren't having to move from seat to seat and blocking the aisle while I wipe down everything as people are trying to board, but what can you do?

We got settled in our seats - DDRey was at the window, I was in the middle, DDBelle was in the aisle and then in front of us DS sat by the window with DH in the middle. The plane started to move and DS resumed his excited state and began shouting again. I reminded him we were on a plane and other people don't want to hear him shout. So, he shouted in a whisper instead, which I found really funny, but it was probably not as funny to other people, haha. Then the plane stopped because it had to be de-iced. At which, DS starts shouting out loud "Mommy! Plane is BROKEN! It not going!" I told him it wasn't broken, we just had to wait for them to clean the plane. He was fine with that, but then when the truck drove to our side and started spraying the plane, he thought this was really fun and laughed and laughed. Then the truck moved on to the next section of the plane and he starts shouting "Wait! My truck! My truck is LEAVING!" Thank goodness it only took a few more minutes before we started moving again. Pretty sure most of the people on the plane were relieved when my very excited son finally calmed down.


As we took off, DS was mesmerized by staring out the window, DDRey got out some assigned reading for school and DDBelle got out her math homework. The flight crew offered pretzels, but didn't say anything about peanuts until someone near us asked about them and she just told them "We don't have any for this flight." It was a great relief to not be called out in front of the whole plane or to be treated as an annoyance by the flight crew!

Our flight was pretty short but we were still late. When we got off the plane and got to our next gate it was already about to start boarding. This flight had some computer issues, so we sat at the gate for quite awhile. When we finally got in the air, everyone kind of took turns snoozing, except for DS. He was still staring out the window. No one asked about peanuts, so once again we were relieved that it was a non issue. Our flight was about an hour and a half and then we had a stop (but we didn't need to get off). We had about 20 minutes before the next group of passengers would start boarding, so we had some snacks, cleaned up and then DS started to get really whiny and grumpy. He hadn't slept at all and he normally takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. For a 2 year old to be up at 3am and eight hours later still be awake, he was doing pretty good. We finally convinced him to put his head down and he fell asleep for most of the last leg of the flight. Good thing too, because he woke up later super happy and refreshed! The rest of us also dozed off a bit.

We landed in Orlando about 2pm, about an hour late. We got on the tram at MCO to the main terminal, which was another amazing experience for DS. When we got off, we saw the Disney store and DS went bonkers for the fake Mickey. For a 2 year old to ride in a plane for the first time, take a "train" and then there is a Mickey Mouse bigger than you, well, I think he pretty much thought that WAS Disney World. Seriously, the kid lost it. He ran up to Mickey, kissed him, tickled him, tried to hug him, laughed and well, you'd think he lived in a cave and never got out much. He was just THAT excited. Neither of my girls were ever that excited over anything at that age, so it was a whole new experience for me! Although, they thought it was hilarious that their little brother was so excited over a plastic statue. :hilarious:

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Next up - Part 2 - Magical Express and Art of Animation


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Active Member
Original Poster
Glad the airline found your luggage in the end !! Phew!!

Sounds like a nightmare dinner at Rainforest cafe- we personally didn’t go on our last trip but the other family we were travelling with went to the DS one and had a pretty similar experience to you! Such a shame; we used to love it as kiddos!

Yeah, we have gone to RFC at other locations and enjoyed it, but I don't think anyone from our family has a desire to ever eat there again. The kids were not impressed!


Well-Known Member
I love reading your son's reactions to his Disney experiences! I love seeing children like that at Disney. And I know what you mean about always leaving a tip but in that case I don't think I could've made myself do it. I don't think I could've been as polite as you with that chef. Looking forward to reading more :)


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Original Poster
Part 6 - ROL & Mr. Grumpy Pants Decides to Visit

Everyone LOVED ROL! I was afraid that without flashy fireworks or scenes from movies or something like that the kids might get bored, but all three watched the whole thing quietly.




Since we were close to the top, it was pretty quick to get out when it was over. We had planned to leave after the show, but DS was wide awake after his snooze at dinner and the girls weren't ready to go yet. We looked on MDE and found fastpasses for Everest, so the girls and I headed that way while DH and DS went to Dinoland to ride Triceratops.

This was the first time any of us had ridden Everest, so we weren't sure what to expect. We rode it and laughed the whole way through. Although, we thought the Yeti was actually kind of scary - maybe because it was nighttime? I don't know, but we had so much fun! After we got off, we hurried over and switched - the girls went with DH to ride Everest again (there was no line at this point) and I took DS for another spin on the Triceratops.

*Side Note* We also spent some time earlier in the day at the Boneyard which I forgot about until I just now looked at our pics.

DS thought it was so funny that we kept going back and forth to ride the Triceratops. He wasn't even concerned about what his sisters were doing. When I told him we were going back to ride, he laughs and says "Mommy, we ride LOTS of times!" I said "Yep! And now we are going AGAIN!" He got all excited and then he says "Mommy - I gonna SCARE you on the Dinosaurs!!!" Then I ran with the stroller and there was no one along the path so we went really fast and he giggled and screamed the whole way. We got to the Triceratops and we were the only ones there. We hopped on and he "scared" me over and over - laughing the whole time. When it was done, we stayed on and rode again. Then, again. Finally, we saw DH and the girls so we got off. They had rode Everest twice since there was no one in line. The park was about to close, but we had forgotten this would be the only day for the boys to see Pandora at night, so we walked fast over there. When we got there, it was past closing, but the CMs didn't say anything, so we figured we would just take a quick walk through. But, when we got there, a lot of people must have thought of the same thing because there were quite a bit of people there.

DS's mittens were glowing in the light and he thought someone painted them :hilarious: "Mommy, my gwoves painted!" He couldn't get over them! Then we found the drums and all three kiddos played on those for quite awhile. We walked around for quite awhile and then decided we better go since we were going to MK in the morning and it was EMH in the morning.

We got out in front of the park and realized we didn't take a pic in the morning, so we took one, but the way the sign is lit up, it's hard to see at night.
Night time.jpg

Although it did get cold and we could barely feel our fingers, it was much colder back home, the girls were great sports and suffered through with the mindset that they would have their clothes back soon!

We were lucky and arrived at the bus just in time to get on and there weren't a lot of people so everyone got a seat. We got back to AoA, hurried to our room (saw our missing suitcase - yay!) and then got ready for bed. Everyone was out in less than 20 minutes.

The next morning, we woke up at 6am and got ready. DS told us he didn't want to get up. I told him we were going to see Mickey Mouse and ride some rides. He said "But, we already see Mickey Mouse. No more Dinosaur rides." I tried to convince him we were doing new things, but he wasn't exactly thrilled. I think the lack of a consistent sleep schedule for the past two days in a row had finally caught up to him. I got him out of bed and he wouldn't help get dressed. He told me Zoog (Zurg) killed him because Buzz Lightyear was gone. Then he sprawled out on the bed with his eyes closed and hung his tongue out of his mouth. I had to dress him like he was a doll because he was no help. :rolleyes: The girls cracked up, which egged him on even more. He told me only Buzz Lightyear can make him all better. At home, I would have just said "okay, then you don't get to go have fun" and that would have been it, but not as easy to do when you have paid a lot of money for the parks and have two other kiddos who shouldn't have to suffer because of a grumpy toddler, so I had to look all over the room for his Buzz Lightyear figure, pretend he cured DS and finally he was cooperative and finished getting ready. The things we do as parents... :facepalm:

The girls were very happy to take showers and wear clean clothes. It was warmer than the day before, but still a little chilly. We had matching family shirts that day, but they were long sleeved. We were out the door and in line for the bus by 7am. We got to the park just as they had opened it for EMH and were one of the few that seemed to take advantage of that (at least for the first 20-30 minutes). We went to Peter Pan first. There was about a 15 minute wait, but that was fine for us because I really wanted the kiddos to see the things in the queue. DS said he was tired and when he saw the boys' bed with the swords, he told us he was going to take a nap there. We laughed, but then saw he was serious as he tried to climb over the rail, oops!:jawdrop: The line was moving pretty quickly though and he got distracted by the shadow bells/butterflies, thank goodness.

We got up to the ride and DS saw the pirate ships. :eek: was his face and then he said "But, Mommy, I not a pirate" then he motioned for me to look at his clothes and he said "See? I not a pirate! My just have um, um, just, clothes. I no have sword too". He was very concerned that he was not in the proper attire to board this ship and fight like a pirate :hilarious: I was a little afraid that in his tired state that he might have a meltdown, but when he saw other people get on who weren't wearing pirate outfits, he was okay and started getting excited to ride. The only thing he was confused by was that there was no water, LOL. Both DDs got on a ship together and DH and I took DS. He has never seen Peter Pan, so he didn't really get the story. But, like everything else, he thought it was hilarious and laughed through most of the ride, except when he saw the crocodile. He was a little scared of that. And, when he saw Captain Hook's ship, he thought that was a better ship than the one he was on and wanted to ride it, haha. Other than that, he was still his happy self!

DDRey loved Peter Pan when she was little but thought it was boring now, although she did enjoy the things in the queue and she said "the artwork is fantastic" for the scenes, LOL. DDBelle wasn't a big fan when we were there a few years ago - she thought it was boring and she doesn't really like the story of Peter Pan. She was also bummed that she didn't get to "catch" a butterfly in the queue and she was wanting to ride with DS to see his reaction and wasn't really excited to ride with her sister instead.

After PP, we decided to go back to the Speedway before the lines got long on that. DH took DS and managed to use our GoPro to record DS driving. Pretty much like riding with a drunk person in a bumper car, but DS was living his dream :hilarious::hilarious: He thought he was going "Weally, weally fast! Like a Cheetah!":inlove: DDRey drove herself and I rode with DDBelle who was not much better than her brother - especially going around the curves, but in her defense, I found the cars a bit hard to steer.


After the Speedway, we got in line for the Astro Orbiter. I had a panicked moment and realized I had forgotten some medication I needed. I left the line to check with First Aid to see if they had anything to get me through the day so I wouldn't have to go back to the room. The First Aid location wasn't open and there was a sign to go to Guest Services so I headed over there. There was a long line at GS and the rest of the family had finished AO. I told them to go ahead and ride the teacups. I was still in line at GS when they finished with the teacups. I told them to go on the Barnstormer, so they did. The CMs at GS told me to go to the Baby Care station and they could access the First Aid. So I walked back towards the Baby Care station and DH sends me a text they are finished with Barnstormer. I told them to ride Dumbo. I got to the BCS and they opened the First Aid station and I got something that would help, but it wouldn't last me all day, so I would have to go back to the room at some point. The family had ridden Dumbo twice and so I told them to meet me at Mickey's PhilharMagic. We got there at the same time and DH said DSBuzz was slowly deteriorating. Starting with the Barnstormer, he had started throwing a fit each time he had to get off a ride. Then, on Dumbo, he wanted to ride by himself and threw a fit when he had to "share" his elephant.

We went into Mickey's PhilharMagic, which is one of those things that is a simple thing, but everyone in our family always loves it. DDRey had to watch it at least 4 times on her first trip. DDBelle watched it twice, but only because we ran out of time to do it again. DS refused to wear the glasses, but he still thought the show was funny, although I am pretty sure he had no idea what was going on most of the time. I noticed he was yawning quite a bit at that point.

When the show finished, DS wanted to be carried. This is a sure sign that he is done. Over it. He needs sleep. We had ADRs at the Plaza in about 20 minutes for lunch and FPs for Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean right after. I knew he was not going to make it. And, I actually needed to go back to the room anyway, so we figured we would eat lunch and change our FPs for something later in the day. As we walked by the castle, we noticed the Stepsisters were there and the line was relatively short. DS was in his stroller and was mad that no one would carry him so he was covering his face and ignoring us. The girls have never met the Stepsisters, so they were very excited about it.

When we got up there, Drizella walked over to DS and yelled "HI!" in her obnoxious voice. DS was not amused, turned his head away and said "I tired!" Drizella looked at the girls and said "Oh, so you brought Mr. Grumpy Pants with you? Thanks a lot, just what I wanted!" We all laughed, but it made DS mad. "I NOT GWUMPY PANTS!" DH took the warning and pushed his stroller away before he got really mad, LOL. Then, Anastasia yells "Cover your EARS! Quick, quick!" The girls weren't sure what was going on, but the Royal Friendship Faire show was playing on the Castle Stage and at that moment, Elsa began singing "Let it Go" and then fireworks popped. When it was over, Anastasia goes "She is SO annoying! Ugh, always singing all the time!" DDRey said "That's like my sister - she is always singing!" Anastasia says "Oh my gosh, sisters are the WORST!" Drizella slapped Anastasia and said "You are both just jealous because our voices are so beautiful." My girls were cracking up the whole time. When it was time for a photo Anastasia says "Okay, are we ready for some forced family fun? Let's pose. Pretend you don't hate your sister. CHEESE!" So fun! Love those kinds of characters!

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no name 2.jpg

As we walked away, Drizella ran up to DS in the stroller and yelled "GOODBYE MR. GRUMPY PANTS!" and then ran away from him before he could yell back at her, LOL. He was not amused, but we thought it was pretty funny.

It was time for lunch, so we walked to the Plaza and checked in. As we took a buzzer and sat at the tables outside, the Move It Shake It party/parade had started so DH and DDRey took DS over to get a better view. I sat down with DDBelle and the buzzer. We were trying to think of how we should plan the rest of the day if DS went back to the hotel for a nap when the buzzer went off a few moments later. But, DDRey came over to tell us that DH and DS had just went to the bathroom. The hostess was super nice and started chatting with us while we waited, but then she said "We aren't very busy yet, so I am just going to seat you so you don't have to stand here." So we went in and sat down.

Next Up - Part 7 - The Best of Disney, Naptime and After Hours


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Active Member
Original Poster
I love reading your son's reactions to his Disney experiences! I love seeing children like that at Disney. And I know what you mean about always leaving a tip but in that case I don't think I could've made myself do it. I don't think I could've been as polite as you with that chef. Looking forward to reading more :)

Thank you for reading!

Yeah, it's hard because often the kitchen staff gets paid in actual wages so not leaving a tip isn't going to affect the Chef, who was the real unprofessional, but at the same time, our server was a manager, so she probably gets paid an actual wage as well. Still not sure why she was our server. There were several who only had one or two tables and stood chatting most of the time we were there. The guy who should have been our server seemed really good at his job since we saw him as he served the people in the adjoining table.


Well-Known Member
Part 6 - ROL & Mr. Grumpy Pants Decides to Visit

Everyone LOVED ROL! I was afraid that without flashy fireworks or scenes from movies or something like that the kids might get bored, but all three watched the whole thing quietly.

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Since we were close to the top, it was pretty quick to get out when it was over. We had planned to leave after the show, but DS was wide awake after his snooze at dinner and the girls weren't ready to go yet. We looked on MDE and found fastpasses for Everest, so the girls and I headed that way while DH and DS went to Dinoland to ride Triceratops.

This was the first time any of us had ridden Everest, so we weren't sure what to expect. We rode it and laughed the whole way through. Although, we thought the Yeti was actually kind of scary - maybe because it was nighttime? I don't know, but we had so much fun! After we got off, we hurried over and switched - the girls went with DH to ride Everest again (there was no line at this point) and I took DS for another spin on the Triceratops.

*Side Note* We also spent some time earlier in the day at the Boneyard which I forgot about until I just now looked at our pics.

DS thought it was so funny that we kept going back and forth to ride the Triceratops. He wasn't even concerned about what his sisters were doing. When I told him we were going back to ride, he laughs and says "Mommy, we ride LOTS of times!" I said "Yep! And now we are going AGAIN!" He got all excited and then he says "Mommy - I gonna SCARE you on the Dinosaurs!!!" Then I ran with the stroller and there was no one along the path so we went really fast and he giggled and screamed the whole way. We got to the Triceratops and we were the only ones there. We hopped on and he "scared" me over and over - laughing the whole time. When it was done, we stayed on and rode again. Then, again. Finally, we saw DH and the girls so we got off. They had rode Everest twice since there was no one in line. The park was about to close, but we had forgotten this would be the only day for the boys to see Pandora at night, so we walked fast over there. When we got there, it was past closing, but the CMs didn't say anything, so we figured we would just take a quick walk through. But, when we got there, a lot of people must have thought of the same thing because there were quite a bit of people there.

DS's mittens were glowing in the light and he thought someone painted them :hilarious: "Mommy, my gwoves painted!" He couldn't get over them! Then we found the drums and all three kiddos played on those for quite awhile. We walked around for quite awhile and then decided we better go since we were going to MK in the morning and it was EMH in the morning.

We got out in front of the park and realized we didn't take a pic in the morning, so we took one, but the way the sign is lit up, it's hard to see at night. View attachment 261907

Although it did get cold and we could barely feel our fingers, it was much colder back home, the girls were great sports and suffered through with the mindset that they would have their clothes back soon!

We were lucky and arrived at the bus just in time to get on and there weren't a lot of people so everyone got a seat. We got back to AoA, hurried to our room (saw our missing suitcase - yay!) and then got ready for bed. Everyone was out in less than 20 minutes.

The next morning, we woke up at 6am and got ready. DS told us he didn't want to get up. I told him we were going to see Mickey Mouse and ride some rides. He said "But, we already see Mickey Mouse. No more Dinosaur rides." I tried to convince him we were doing new things, but he wasn't exactly thrilled. I think the lack of a consistent sleep schedule for the past two days in a row had finally caught up to him. I got him out of bed and he wouldn't help get dressed. He told me Zoog (Zurg) killed him because Buzz Lightyear was gone. Then he sprawled out on the bed with his eyes closed and hung his tongue out of his mouth. I had to dress him like he was a doll because he was no help. :rolleyes: The girls cracked up, which egged him on even more. He told me only Buzz Lightyear can make him all better. At home, I would have just said "okay, then you don't get to go have fun" and that would have been it, but not as easy to do when you have paid a lot of money for the parks and have two other kiddos who shouldn't have to suffer because of a grumpy toddler, so I had to look all over the room for his Buzz Lightyear figure, pretend he cured DS and finally he was cooperative and finished getting ready. The things we do as parents... :facepalm:

The girls were very happy to take showers and wear clean clothes. It was warmer than the day before, but still a little chilly. We had matching family shirts that day, but they were long sleeved. We were out the door and in line for the bus by 7am. We got to the park just as they had opened it for EMH and were one of the few that seemed to take advantage of that (at least for the first 20-30 minutes). We went to Peter Pan first. There was about a 15 minute wait, but that was fine for us because I really wanted the kiddos to see the things in the queue. DS said he was tired and when he saw the boys' bed with the swords, he told us he was going to take a nap there. We laughed, but then saw he was serious as he tried to climb over the rail, oops!:jawdrop: The line was moving pretty quickly though and he got distracted by the shadow bells/butterflies, thank goodness.

We got up to the ride and DS saw the pirate ships. :eek: was his face and then he said "But, Mommy, I not a pirate" then he motioned for me to look at his clothes and he said "See? I not a pirate! My just have um, um, just, clothes. I no have sword too". He was very concerned that he was not in the proper attire to board this ship and fight like a pirate :hilarious: I was a little afraid that in his tired state that he might have a meltdown, but when he saw other people get on who weren't wearing pirate outfits, he was okay and started getting excited to ride. The only thing he was confused by was that there was no water, LOL. Both DDs got on a ship together and DH and I took DS. He has never seen Peter Pan, so he didn't really get the story. But, like everything else, he thought it was hilarious and laughed through most of the ride, except when he saw the crocodile. He was a little scared of that. And, when he saw Captain Hook's ship, he thought that was a better ship than the one he was on and wanted to ride it, haha. Other than that, he was still his happy self!

DDRey loved Peter Pan when she was little but thought it was boring now, although she did enjoy the things in the queue and she said "the artwork is fantastic" for the scenes, LOL. DDBelle wasn't a big fan when we were there a few years ago - she thought it was boring and she doesn't really like the story of Peter Pan. She was also bummed that she didn't get to "catch" a butterfly in the queue and she was wanting to ride with DS to see his reaction and wasn't really excited to ride with her sister instead.

After PP, we decided to go back to the Speedway before the lines got long on that. DH took DS and managed to use our GoPro to record DS driving. Pretty much like riding with a drunk person in a bumper car, but DS was living his dream :hilarious::hilarious: He thought he was going "Weally, weally fast! Like a Cheetah!":inlove: DDRey drove herself and I rode with DDBelle who was not much better than her brother - especially going around the curves, but in her defense, I found the cars a bit hard to steer.

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After the Speedway, we got in line for the Astro Orbiter. I had a panicked moment and realized I had forgotten some medication I needed. I left the line to check with First Aid to see if they had anything to get me through the day so I wouldn't have to go back to the room. The First Aid location wasn't open and there was a sign to go to Guest Services so I headed over there. There was a long line at GS and the rest of the family had finished AO. I told them to go ahead and ride the teacups. I was still in line at GS when they finished with the teacups. I told them to go on the Barnstormer, so they did. The CMs at GS told me to go to the Baby Care station and they could access the First Aid. So I walked back towards the Baby Care station and DH sends me a text they are finished with Barnstormer. I told them to ride Dumbo. I got to the BCS and they opened the First Aid station and I got something that would help, but it wouldn't last me all day, so I would have to go back to the room at some point. The family had ridden Dumbo twice and so I told them to meet me at Mickey's PhilharMagic. We got there at the same time and DH said DSBuzz was slowly deteriorating. Starting with the Barnstormer, he had started throwing a fit each time he had to get off a ride. Then, on Dumbo, he wanted to ride by himself and threw a fit when he had to "share" his elephant.

We went into Mickey's PhilharMagic, which is one of those things that is a simple thing, but everyone in our family always loves it. DDRey had to watch it at least 4 times on her first trip. DDBelle watched it twice, but only because we ran out of time to do it again. DS refused to wear the glasses, but he still thought the show was funny, although I am pretty sure he had no idea what was going on most of the time. I noticed he was yawning quite a bit at that point.

When the show finished, DS wanted to be carried. This is a sure sign that he is done. Over it. He needs sleep. We had ADRs at the Plaza in about 20 minutes for lunch and FPs for Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean right after. I knew he was not going to make it. And, I actually needed to go back to the room anyway, so we figured we would eat lunch and change our FPs for something later in the day. As we walked by the castle, we noticed the Stepsisters were there and the line was relatively short. DS was in his stroller and was mad that no one would carry him so he was covering his face and ignoring us. The girls have never met the Stepsisters, so they were very excited about it.

When we got up there, Drizella walked over to DS and yelled "HI!" in her obnoxious voice. DS was not amused, turned his head away and said "I tired!" Drizella looked at the girls and said "Oh, so you brought Mr. Grumpy Pants with you? Thanks a lot, just what I wanted!" We all laughed, but it made DS mad. "I NOT GWUMPY PANTS!" DH took the warning and pushed his stroller away before he got really mad, LOL. Then, Anastasia yells "Cover your EARS! Quick, quick!" The girls weren't sure what was going on, but the Royal Friendship Faire show was playing on the Castle Stage and at that moment, Elsa began singing "Let it Go" and then fireworks popped. When it was over, Anastasia goes "She is SO annoying! Ugh, always singing all the time!" DDRey said "That's like my sister - she is always singing!" Anastasia says "Oh my gosh, sisters are the WORST!" Drizella slapped Anastasia and said "You are both just jealous because our voices are so beautiful." My girls were cracking up the whole time. When it was time for a photo Anastasia says "Okay, are we ready for some forced family fun? Let's pose. Pretend you don't hate your sister. CHEESE!" So fun! Love those kinds of characters!

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As we walked away, Drizella ran up to DS in the stroller and yelled "GOODBYE MR. GRUMPY PANTS!" and then ran away from him before he could yell back at her, LOL. He was not amused, but we thought it was pretty funny.

It was time for lunch, so we walked to the Plaza and checked in. As we took a buzzer and sat at the tables outside, the Move It Shake It party/parade had started so DH and DDRey took DS over to get a better view. I sat down with DDBelle and the buzzer. We were trying to think of how we should plan the rest of the day if DS went back to the hotel for a nap when the buzzer went off a few moments later. But, DDRey came over to tell us that DH and DS had just went to the bathroom. The hostess was super nice and started chatting with us while we waited, but then she said "We aren't very busy yet, so I am just going to seat you so you don't have to stand here." So we went in and sat down.

Next Up - Part 7 - The Best of Disney, Naptime and After Hours
The photo of your daughter and Anastasia covering their ears is perfect! What a great character meet!!


Active Member
Original Poster
The photo of your daughter and Anastasia covering their ears is perfect! What a great character meet!!

It was so fun! We met them again later in the week at 1900 Park Fare. The Anastasia wasn't quite as funny, but Drizella and Lady Tremaine were super funny and in fact Lady Tremaine was so funny, my kids didn't want to leave her, LOL!


Well-Known Member
Glad your luggage dilemma was solved!! I would have been a crying mess! You handled things amazingly! Going to Hawaii for my honeymoon and doing a direct flight for luggage reasons! I am a fraidy cat! Enjoying disney through your children’s eyes :)


Active Member
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I love reading your son's reactions to his Disney experiences! I love seeing children like that at Disney. And I know what you mean about always leaving a tip but in that case I don't think I could've made myself do it. I don't think I could've been as polite as you with that chef. Looking forward to reading more :)

Thank you for following! =)


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Part 7 - The Best of Disney, Naptime and After Hours

*Side Note* At some point before lunch, we went to see Tinkerbell. I can't remember when, but it said she only had a 15 minute wait. It ended up being over an hour... But, the kids thought she was worth it, so, I guess it was fun, haha. ;)

We have never eaten at The Plaza before, so we weren't sure what to expect. Shortly after the girls and I were seated, DH and DS came along. DS was slightly in a better mood, but he was barely hanging on. The server said she would have the chef come out since we had the allergies. She took our drink orders and as she brought them to our table, Chef Ken pulled up a chair and asked us how our day was going. He asked us to verify who had the allergies and what specific allergies they had. We told him and then he said "Parents, do you mind if I talk to your daughters directly for a bit?" We didn't really know what to say so I just said "Sure." He asked each of them their names and then he said "Now, tell me about your allergies and what I should make for you to eat." The girls were caught off guard. They just repeated what we told him about their allergies and then picked up the menu to tell him what they planned to order. He said "You don't have to order off the menu. If you are hungry for something, anything, I'll find a way to make it for you. The allergy menu limits you and it doesn't even take into consideration cross contamination anyway. See, girls, one day, you will be out somewhere and your parents won't be with you. You might go to a restaurant and the Chef really doesn't know what to do about your allergy. So you gotta stand up and speak up for yourselves. You can't rely on other people, you gotta know what to tell them because they aren't always going to think about or care about your safety. So forget about their menu - you tell them EXACTLY what you can have and see if they have that or can make it. Make sure they can give you the ingredients and labels of anything that might go on your plate. If they aren't sure about something or say no, then you gotta know when to leave and keep yourself safe. Don't ever take anyone else's word for it that it's safe if it doesn't feel good to you. Now, let's start again and you tell me about your allergy and what you would like to eat and how should I prepare it for you." Both of my girls looked like this: :jawdrop: They had never had anyone from a restaurant take that much consideration and talk to them directly like that. DDBelle stuck to the kids' menu anyway and ordered apple slices, chicken strips and fries. DDRey said the brisket mac and cheese sounded good, but she wasn't sure she could have it. He told her if that's what she wants, that's what she was going to get.

He turned to us and said "Parents, the reason I like to talk to them directly is because I want to make them learn to feel comfortable talking to the chef or other people about their allergy so in situations where maybe you aren't there, they aren't afraid to speak up. If it becomes second nature to them, then as adults that stress and worry of how they will fend for themselves on their own won't be there. Now, they were a little shy at first, but once they started talking, you've done a great job in teaching them about their allergies because they were able to give a lot of information." He then said he would also do DSBuzz's order so they would all come out together. We ordered him a grilled cheese and fries, assuming he wouldn't eat much.

He left to work on their orders and DH and I ordered our food with the server. I swear, it was only about 10 minutes later when Chef Ken came back out with all three kid's meals. The mac and cheese DDRey ordered was massive and he laughed when he saw her eyes. He said "Now, make sure to eat as much as you can because you gotta earn your dessert!" To which DDRey said "well, we can't have any of the desserts, so we were just going to have fruit anyway." Chef Ken leans down and says "You want fruit for dessert? This is Disney World. You don't want fruit. What do you want? A milkshake? An ice cream sundae with extra cherries?" DDRey said "Well, I have never had a milkshake before." The Chef stood up and said "You never had a milkshake before?!?!? We need to get you a milkshake! What flavor do you like? Let me check which ones are safe for you. I'll go to the freezer and open a brand new container of ice cream and a brand new bottle of whipped cream and a brand new jar of cherries and you are going to get a milkshake." DDRey looked at me in awe.

He patted her on the shoulder and said he would check the flavors that would be safe for them and would come back. All three kids dove into their food and a short time later DH and I had our food. DH had a club sandwich and I had the Philly Cheesesteak sandwhich. Both were massive and delicious. DS devoured his grilled cheese and fries (the only time he ate a full meal the entire trip, LOL). DDBelle ate half her fries and two of the three chicken strips and declared herself full. But then kept munching on the rest of her food until it was all gone, haha. DDRey ate about half the massive plate of brisket mac and cheese and said it was the most delicious mac and cheese she had ever eaten but she didn't feel like she could physically eat anymore.


While we ate, Chef Ken came out two more times to make sure everything was good, asked the kids if they wanted any more of anything (they were too full) and then he came out again to discuss dessert. He said they had mint, vanilla and strawberry but he didn't trust the chocolate, but he could use chocolate syrup and vanilla to make chocolate if that's what they wanted. They both wanted mint. He asked if they liked Oreos, to which they said they did. DS ordered the milk and cookies for dessert (also the only dessert he ate the whole trip). He said he had to make them on a different machine, which was a bit farther away, so it might take a little longer than their meals did. We didn't mind. Our meal had gone by faster than we planned, DS was behaving just fine and we could use a break from food for a bit!

About 20 minutes later, here comes Chef Ken with two massive mint Oreo shakes with heaps of whipped cream and cherries and he even crushed up Enjoy Life cookies and put the crumbs on top. He brought out extra packages of Enjoy Life cookies for us to take as well, in case we went somewhere else and all they had for dessert was fruit. The girls couldn't believe it. They were just completely amazed by Chef Ken! The girls wanted a picture with him so he came over and posed for one before he headed back to the kitchen.


DDRey kept asking me all these questions "So, it's ice cream, right? But, it's mixed ice cream? What IS a shake?" I finally told her to just try it. She did, and announced it was the most amazing thing she had ever eaten (although this moment was just pure joy for us, she later had some other treats that she declared the most amazing thing she had ever eaten :hilarious:).

After they ate all they could, Chef Ken came back and asked if there was anything else he could get for us. We were so full, we told him we thought we might need wheelchairs to push us out of the restaurant, LOL. He laughed and the girls asked if they could give him hugs. He told them they were great kids and DDRey told him "I really appreciate everything, it was just great." He gave them a last hug and then we saw him walk over to another family that must have had allergies because he pulled up a chair and started chatting with them.

We walked out and DH was going to take DS back to the room for a nap. We had fastpasses for Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean but we just knew we were pushing our luck to make him stay any longer. He wasn't thrilled at leaving though. We heard him wailing as they left :(

The girls and I headed towards Haunted Mansion, but DDRey was walking way ahead of us. I was recording a video along the way and wondering why she was in such a hurry. I shouted for her to slow down and she kind of glanced back at us. It looked like part of her face was red, so I freaked out, thinking she was having an allergic reaction. I ran up to her, turned her around and saw her face was all red with tears. I didn't know what happened! I asked her what happened, and she broke down. She said "Mom, Chef Ken was SO nice. Like, he talked to us like he really cared about us. It was like, like having someone love you when they don't even know you. I can't even describe it. It was just the best feeling I have ever had!" And, cue tears from this mom too. Chef Ken is definitely one of the Best of Disney. We have talked about this moment over and over and can't even put it into words what it meant to my kids. It is now, by far, their favorite restaurant in all of the parks.

Once we composed ourselves a bit, we continued on to Haunted Mansion. However, the Fastpass line was past Columbia Harbor House, so we decided to switch it up and schedule an FP for Winnie the Pooh for later that afternoon so that DS could ride. Instead, we walked around the area a bit and waited for our FP for Pirates to begin. We had never done Pirates before and enjoyed that. However, when we got our pics at the end, we had to laugh. We are completely missing from the pictures. We are behind Tall Man in Blue Shirt. The only evidence that we were on there was DDRey's white sweatshirt peeking out from behind Tall Man. :hilarious:


After Pirates, the park was starting to get crowded and we had tickets to the After Hours event that evening and decided we might want to go back to the resort and rest up for that and I really needed to make sure to get my meds, so we headed back to AoA.

DH was convinced DS wouldn't sleep, but when we got into the room, they were both passed out. The girls and I crawled into bed and soon we were all fast asleep.

We had an FP for 7 Dwarfs for DH and the girls I think it was around 4:30pm so I had set the alarm for 3:30pm. I usually don't sleep very soundly and I am a very light sleeper, but I must have crashed, because when my alarm went off, I couldn't even comprehend what was going on or where I was, LOL. It took me a moment to figure out where we were, what we were doing and why I had set my alarm, but once I did, I woke up the girls and DH. DS was still fast asleep, so I didn't want to wake him. I told the rest of them to go ahead and go ride 7 Dwarfs and I would get ready and wait for DS to wake up.

Poor little guy was so tired, I waited for another hour, but he was still sleeping. We had an ADR at Crystal Palace for 5:15pm and then tickets to the Dessert Party, so we needed to get to MK. I woke him up and he was disoriented like I was, but once he realized where he was, he popped up with a grin and was ready to go. We hurried out to the bus which arrived just as we got there. We got to the park pretty quickly and we met up with DH and the girls. They were a little annoyed because DH made them sit and wait for me and DS instead of doing anything else after 7 Dwarfs (he doesn't like to randomly do things). We used our FP for Winnie the Pooh before heading over to Crystal Palace.

We had never been to Crystal Palace before. Honestly, I am not a Winnie the Pooh fan and neither are the girls, but I knew DS would like them. The buffet was just okay - I don't think the food was great, and it felt so crowded - twice characters bumped into people trying to get through which ended up in broken glasses on the floor. But the server was really nice and the characters were pretty good, although it did feel much more rushed than other experiences. The funniest thing was that DS seemed to think that Winnie the Pooh didn't belong with the rest of the characters. I don't know why, but each time another character came, he said "Hey, there's a BEAR in this eating place!" Then he would crack up laughing. We were laughing too, but mostly because we didn't understand why he was obsessed with telling all the characters this. When Winnie the Pooh came to our table, he also cracked up - I guess a Pig, a Donkey and a Tiger is normal to show up for dinner, but a bear, apparently, is very odd and funny. :hilarious:


The girls got allergen friendly muffins that were made to look like cupcakes for dessert. I got a cookie for DS but he wouldn't eat it. I think he ate some corn bread, grapes and a bite of chicken.


We were going to the dessert party with the assumption the girls wouldn't be able to eat anything, but really, we just wanted the Garden Viewing for the fireworks, so we didn't care too much about the dessert party itself anyway. We had about 25 minutes before we could check in for the party, so we thought we would check the line for Mickey Mouse - but it was at 70 minutes. No thanks. On our previous trips, Mickey was little to no wait, but that never the case on this trip. At least we saw him a few times at ADRs. DDBelle didn't like the Talking Mickey anyway.

We just wandered around Main Street for a bit and then went up to check in for the Dessert Party at Tomorrowland Terrace. A CM took us in and was about to give us a tour of the desserts when I mentioned the girls' allergies and so he said he would have someone come out and talk to us. We sat down and got some drinks and then a CM came over and verified the allergies with us. He said they would bring a separate plate of items for the girls. While I sat with the girls, DH took DS to the dessert buffet. Assuming that he would find things he would want to eat. He came back with a plate. 4 cheese cubes, one grape and a macaroon. That's what he picked. Super glad he is free! :hilarious: He didn't even eat the macaroon, just held it in his hand and squished it. Which, I guess DH didn't realize was made from nuts, because I was a little annoyed that he allowed him to bring that to the table. We had to make sure it was all cleaned up well before he could go near his sisters again.


They brought out large plates for the girls. They were impressed by the amount of food, although there were really just four things - a chocolate chip type bread, chocolate chip cookies, strawberries and gummy bears. But, they were just happy to have gotten something special. They later told me the desserts weren't really that good, but honestly, neither were the ones on the buffet, so we laughed that we had had the same experience! Anyway, I was recording a video of DS trying to get him to try something other than cheese cubes and he was laughing and telling me no when the little girl sitting behind him started to throw up all over. And that was the end of our dessert party, LOL. There seemed to be quite a lot of stomach viruses going around when we were there. After that happened, we quickly got up and made our way to the Garden Viewing area. I think the CMs were a little surprised since we were only there for maybe, 20 minutes. I hope they didn't think we were upset at the girls' desserts. DDRey mentioned to me when we were waiting for HEA to start that maybe they thought we were mad that they didn't have very many desserts and so we left. She felt bad because she was actually really happy they had made an effort and then I started to feel bad too, haha.

The Garden Plaza was pretty empty. I wasn't sure how crowded it would get, but we sat on the grass right behind the gate and stretched out. A few people came up behind us, but not close enough that we couldn't lay down if we wanted to. The CMs in front of the area didn't allow anyone to stand in front of us, so we were able to sit the entire show, which was great. You couldn't see the very bottom of the castle without standing, which a couple of people were complaining about, but I'm not sure where you could be where you'd see the entire castle from top to bottom with absolutely no one or no objects somewhat in your way. It was fine for us. The show was amazing. I loved Wishes, but I teared up with HEA just as I did with Wishes, so it was a win for us!

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The girls and I had tickets to the After Hours event that night, so the boys were going to leave and we started planning our evening. But, then DH decided that maybe he wanted to go to the event afterall. So, we had to fight the crowds to get out of the park and over to Guest Services. The line was long. We waited and waited and waited. 8:30pm. 8:40pm. Finally, I heard someone at the GS podium say they had no more After Hours tickets and so I told DH we were going back into the park. He said he was going to wait and find out for himself. I told him we would meet him inside the park. After checking in, we had to fight the crowds to get back through. I was afraid that I wouldn't hear my phone if DH came into the park and tried calling me, so I told the girls we should just wait for him. At 9pm I texted him to tell him we were going to go on Space Mountain. He texted me back "okay". I asked him if he was still in line. He said he was on the bus going to the hotel. :rolleyes: Ugh, we had lost an hour! I put my phone in my backpack and we hurried over to Space Mountain. It was the first time for all of us and we had a blast! It was a few minutes wait our first ride, but on the second it was a walk on. We got off of that and went on Astro Orbiter since I hadn't been able to ride it during the day. I didn't remember it tilting so far and I thought I was going to fall out, LOL, so I wasn't crazy about that! Then we rode Buzz Lightyear. Somehow, DDBelle managed to hit a major target and got 178,000 points! She was pretty proud of herself, LOL. I was super thirsty and there was a drink cart outside of Buzz, so I was going to get a free soda, but all they had was diet. Artificial sweeteners can make me sick, so I try to avoid them, but I didn't see another cart anywhere and I was really thirsty, so I took it anyway. We rode Mad Tea Party and then Barnstormer twice in a row. Then we headed over to Under the Sea, which DDRey had never done before. Then we went to Haunted Mansion since we had to skip it that afternoon. DDRey had never done that one before either. I think it's super fun, but DDRey thought it was too cheesy for her. After Haunted Mansion we did Big Thunder Mountain twice in a row. DDRey had never rode that before. DDBelle had, but she didn't like it and thought it was too scary. This time, they both loved it. It wasn't exactly a walk on, but it was a pretty short wait - about 5 minutes.


After that the girls wanted to get ice cream, so we decided to walk over to Jungle Cruise and see if there was a cart there, but apparently the Jungle Cruise was closed at that point. We thought we might go back and try Space Mountain again, but as we were walking over there, time was ticking away and we weren't sure we would get there in time before they stopped allowing people on. So then we decided to get in line for 7 Dwarfs - the only ride with a long line (30 minutes). Right as we got in line, I pulled out my phone and saw that I had 23 missed messages from DH. :oops: He had texted me too. I looked at the messages.

"You didn't switch my band. I can't get in the room with this one."
"Answer your phone."
"How much longer are you going to be there?"
"Are you still there?"
"I want to go to bed."
"Call me"
"Call me now."

Oops. For a moment, I felt bad, but then, I decided it was his fault because when we were booking the trip, he said he did not want to be at the parks late and thought we were dumb for buying these event tickets and then in the end, he had wanted to stay. If he had just gotten a ticket when we booked it... :p

Anyway, I called him and told him we were leaving. We left the line for 7 Dwarfs, but then the girls remembered we never got any ice cream. Technically, at that point, the event was over and I wasn't sure if they were still giving out free snacks and drinks anymore, but we saw a cart in front of the castle. We got in line. The girls wanted an ice cream and popcorn. However, this particular cart also sold almonds, so popcorn was a no go. Instead, we got ice cream. But the line took quite awhile. Then we had to walk out to the bus and wait there. By the time we finally got back to AoA, it was after midnight. DH and DS were sitting in the lobby waiting. DS was watching cartoons (I was surprised he was still awake!). DH didn't look too thrilled, but he didn't complain so we just went back to the room. Everyone hurried and got ready for bed and we were all fast asleep in no time.

Next Up - Part 8 - Akershus, a Bloody Lip & a runaway Pluto


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Active Member
Original Poster
Glad your luggage dilemma was solved!! I would have been a crying mess! You handled things amazingly! Going to Hawaii for my honeymoon and doing a direct flight for luggage reasons! I am a fraidy cat! Enjoying disney through your children’s eyes :)

After all this planning I really wanted everything to be "perfect", but I just kept telling myself that by getting stressed out and upset, I was only going to make things worse and I wanted to enjoy as much as I possibly could and not ruin it for my kids. Otherwise, I probably would have been more upset. Also, Disney was so helpful so I wanted to make sure they knew I was appreciative instead of letting my emotions take over and make it seem as though I was upset with them when it wasn't their fault.

I have not been to Hawaii in about 18 years. It's beautiful! Have fun and congratulations!

Thank you for following! =)


Well-Known Member
I literally cried reading your post about Chef Ken. What a magical experience. I am a teacher and I know how hard things can be for kids with food allergies. It’s so awesome that he took the time to make it special for your daughters. I love that he was using the time as an opportunity to teach and empower them.


Well-Known Member
I was so happy when I saw that you were headed to the Plaza for lunch as I was reading along. I have long known about Chef Ken (he's the best of the best at WDW period)! He does this for his allergy patients and is just the most awesome man and saviour to all who have allergies and have suffered through restaurants/chefs that just "don't get it". I am so thrilled that your girls got to have a meal prepped by him. Chef Ken is the reason we always go to the Plaza at least 2x a trip. :happy:


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Chef Ken needs accolades! What a wonderful and smart man!

Why didn't your husband just go to the front desk and get his band fixed?

Yes! We are looking into some things to let him know how much he impacted our lives in a wonderful way!

We had a package for the girls and myself with 9 day park hopper tickets and the DxDDP, but DH just had park tickets since he was only going to be there for 4 park days and wasn't going to do any park hopping. I had an extra MB from a previous trip that I brought for him to use to get in the room without me or the girls. I had it in the backpack I carry because he doesn't want to wear more than one at a time. I was going to give it to him, but then we went to Guest Services to see about the After Hours ticket and then when we decided to go ahead, I forgot he didn't have it, LOL.


Active Member
Original Poster
I was so happy when I saw that you were headed to the Plaza for lunch as I was reading along. I have long known about Chef Ken (he's the best of the best at WDW period)! He does this for his allergy patients and is just the most awesome man and saviour to all who have allergies and have suffered through restaurants/chefs that just "don't get it". I am so thrilled that your girls got to have a meal prepped by him. Chef Ken is the reason we always go to the Plaza at least 2x a trip. :happy:

I am actually disappointed in the Disney Fan Community, LOL - I have posted on lots of FB pages and such to ask about recommendations for allergies and no one has ever recommended the Plaza or Chef Ken! I can't believe we have missed this amazing man on all of our previous trips! I can guarantee my girls will not let this happen in the future - they wanted me to change all of our ADRs so we could eat there for every meal - just so they could talk to him. :inlove: I told them that we weren't going to be in MK everyday and they said "we have the park hopper, so..." LOL. Obviously, we didn't, but everytime we were in MK and walked by the Plaza, the girls waved at the building just in case Chef Ken was there:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
All chefs at Disney should have to go spend at least one shift with Chef Ken...What an AMAZING man!! I can't imagine how it feels to not be able to order off of a normal menu, you haven given such a great glimpse into how your girls feel about it. I hope that they always remember the great lesson that Chef Ken taught them about standing up for themselves, such a great message!


Active Member
Original Poster
I literally cried reading your post about Chef Ken. What a magical experience. I am a teacher and I know how hard things can be for kids with food allergies. It’s so awesome that he took the time to make it special for your daughters. I love that he was using the time as an opportunity to teach and empower them.

It was just the best moment in my life next to my kiddos being born I think! I know, and my kids know, in the scheme of things, it's not the worst thing in the world to deal with their allergies. But, you forget how much of childhood is linked to food - from family dinners to birthday parties and holidays, sporting events, going out to eat, etc. - and how that takes so much out for kids who have them - especially when they are life threatening. So when someone shows that they have educated themselves on it, understand it and try their best to both accommodate you and help you - it just feels like a huge weight lifted off and is replaced by pure joy! =)

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