Trip Report Who Said 10 Days is too Much Disney?!?!?

If you are interested in the pre-trip report - here is the link:

Part 1 - Travel

We were up at 3am on Jan 17th to catch a 6:30am flight. DDRey and DDBelle were up pretty quickly, but DSBuzz was pretty much "why are we waking up in the middle of the night?", LOL. I had actually gotten some sleep (went to bed around 11pm), which NEVER happens the night before we leave on a trip. You know, DH packs his little bag and goes to bed at 9pm while I am packing for myself, three littles, every climate possible and every illness/injury that could happen on planet Earth, so... Plus, both DDs have food allergies (epipens, Benadryl, etc.) and DDBelle has asthma so we've got the nebulizer, albuterol, budesonide, prednisone - essentially we are a walking pharmacy, haha!!



Anyway, we all got ready and were out the door and pulling out of the driveway in record time (for us!) - 1 hour and 15 minutes.

We got to the airport and it was cold, as in, subzero temps before the windchill (I think it was -6F and around -25F with the windchill), but we didn't want to lug our heavy winter coats with us, so we just dressed in layers with jackets and wore our hats and gloves. Besides, it was a little chilly in FL that day, so we figured we'd want our hats and gloves that evening anyway.

We dropped off our bags (already checked in online) and went to security. The line was pretty short - we had about a 10 minute wait. While we were in line DS looks out the window and notices the planes all parked at the gates and begins shouting "Mommy! Look! Look! Airplane!" He was so excited. We told him he was going on an airplane, but really, what does a not quite 3 year old know about riding an airplane when they have never been?? He just kept shouting and getting louder. As we were in the security lane, I kept trying to keep him somewhat quiet, but then one of the planes moved. OMG, it was like all his dreams in life came true and he went NUTS! Jumping up and down and screaming and laughing and shouting and pointing. Everyone in the security area became silent as they tried to see what on earth would cause any kid to become so loud and crazy. At least the family next to us thought it was amusing. Other people, not so much :oops: I finally convinced him to talk about something else, and he did quiet down.

After we went through the podium, I told the girls to do exactly as we had practiced - DDRey was to take out one of our baggies of liquids and put them in a bin, along with her Mickey bag. DDBelle was supposed to take out her nebulizer and put it in a bin along with her Mickey bag. DH was supposed to take DS through security and I had the camera bag, snacks and another bag of liquids to separate (plus shoes and my jacket and DS's Mickey bag and my carryon). I have traveled a lot, especially for work, and getting stuck behind a family that has no clue or just isn't prepared was always annoying, so I tried NOT to be that family and had practiced with both DDs before our trip. Of course, everything went out the window and both of them were asking me 5000 questions about WHY do they have to do this and "Can't we just...?" No, no you can't just do whatever it is you want. Just please do what we practiced so we can get out of security. "But, what about..." and "Mom, I want to hold my ticket" and "Can we eat snacks before we get on the plane?"

In a panic as I see everyone behind us standing there waiting as our family took up the entire belt area, I just grabbed a stack of bins, layed them out on the belt and started throwing things into them while pushing each member of my family through the metal detector just to get them the heck out, LOL. Then, when I got through, the kids were arguing on which stuff was theirs and whatever, so I said "Everything is MINE. I paid for it and it's mine. You get whatever I hand you and you will carry it to the benches and we will sort it out there." Which is exactly what I did. Not really sure how I was able to carry 5 bins and 4 bags, but I guess it was the Disney adrenaline or something, LOL.

Once that all got sorted out, we got to our gate and everyone calmed down. DS was content to stare out the window at the plane that was parked there and the girls were interested in some activity books in their Mickey bags. I had to take our tickets to the counter to exchange them for pre-board passes and peanut allergy alerts for the girls. I wasn't really sure how that all worked since we had never flown SW before, but had read online that I would be able to get onboard first and wipe down the seats for the girls and that they would only hand out pretzels instead of peanuts for a snack on the flight. We have flown Delta before and they had a similar policy, but the flight attendants were pretty obnoxious about it and got on the intercom to complain to the rest of the flight that because of us, they couldn't hand out peanuts. It was embarrassing and especially for DDRey, she hates any attention brought to her because of her allergies since it is usually ignorance and/or negativity and she has dealt with it for so many years she just wishes it would go away.

Anyway, when it was time to board, we were let on first and they actually told my DH and DS to go ahead and board with us to make sure we could sit together as a family, which was really nice considering on Delta they would only allow one parent to preboard, which was weird considering we had assigned seats anyway. :rolleyes:

We got onboard but they were boarding people right after us, so trying to wipe down seats while people are trying to get in and sit down was a bit of a hassle - and something that happened on every flight. I wish they would give us at least 5-10 minutes so my kids aren't having to move from seat to seat and blocking the aisle while I wipe down everything as people are trying to board, but what can you do?

We got settled in our seats - DDRey was at the window, I was in the middle, DDBelle was in the aisle and then in front of us DS sat by the window with DH in the middle. The plane started to move and DS resumed his excited state and began shouting again. I reminded him we were on a plane and other people don't want to hear him shout. So, he shouted in a whisper instead, which I found really funny, but it was probably not as funny to other people, haha. Then the plane stopped because it had to be de-iced. At which, DS starts shouting out loud "Mommy! Plane is BROKEN! It not going!" I told him it wasn't broken, we just had to wait for them to clean the plane. He was fine with that, but then when the truck drove to our side and started spraying the plane, he thought this was really fun and laughed and laughed. Then the truck moved on to the next section of the plane and he starts shouting "Wait! My truck! My truck is LEAVING!" Thank goodness it only took a few more minutes before we started moving again. Pretty sure most of the people on the plane were relieved when my very excited son finally calmed down.


As we took off, DS was mesmerized by staring out the window, DDRey got out some assigned reading for school and DDBelle got out her math homework. The flight crew offered pretzels, but didn't say anything about peanuts until someone near us asked about them and she just told them "We don't have any for this flight." It was a great relief to not be called out in front of the whole plane or to be treated as an annoyance by the flight crew!

Our flight was pretty short but we were still late. When we got off the plane and got to our next gate it was already about to start boarding. This flight had some computer issues, so we sat at the gate for quite awhile. When we finally got in the air, everyone kind of took turns snoozing, except for DS. He was still staring out the window. No one asked about peanuts, so once again we were relieved that it was a non issue. Our flight was about an hour and a half and then we had a stop (but we didn't need to get off). We had about 20 minutes before the next group of passengers would start boarding, so we had some snacks, cleaned up and then DS started to get really whiny and grumpy. He hadn't slept at all and he normally takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. For a 2 year old to be up at 3am and eight hours later still be awake, he was doing pretty good. We finally convinced him to put his head down and he fell asleep for most of the last leg of the flight. Good thing too, because he woke up later super happy and refreshed! The rest of us also dozed off a bit.

We landed in Orlando about 2pm, about an hour late. We got on the tram at MCO to the main terminal, which was another amazing experience for DS. When we got off, we saw the Disney store and DS went bonkers for the fake Mickey. For a 2 year old to ride in a plane for the first time, take a "train" and then there is a Mickey Mouse bigger than you, well, I think he pretty much thought that WAS Disney World. Seriously, the kid lost it. He ran up to Mickey, kissed him, tickled him, tried to hug him, laughed and well, you'd think he lived in a cave and never got out much. He was just THAT excited. Neither of my girls were ever that excited over anything at that age, so it was a whole new experience for me! Although, they thought it was hilarious that their little brother was so excited over a plastic statue. :hilarious:

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Next up - Part 2 - Magical Express and Art of Animation


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Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, his reaction to everything is just AMAZING. Getting to see the kids reactions is one of my favorite parts. I've always been a Disney fanatic but having my kids experience is has brought it to a whole new level! Can't wait to read the rest of the report and I hope he continues to have all sorts of MAGICAL reactions to things because that is what Disney is ALL ABOUT!!


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Original Poster
Part 2 - Magical Express & Art of Animation

We went down to the DME area. DH was going to take a cab since he just had a 4 day park ticket and he was not on the reservation for the hotel. But, with 3 kids and lots of stuff, he went with me to help get me to DME. We got to the podium and then as we scanned our bands the CM asked about DH. We told him he wasn't on the reservation and the CM said he could just add him since he has a band and a ticket and it's linked to my account. So we added DH, he scanned his band and we were on our way to the bus, which was already there. We scanned our bands again at the next CM and then made our way onto the bus. There were not a lot of people on the bus, but the kids wanted to go to the back, so we got seats and settled down. Before the bus moved, we got our text to tell us our room was ready - YAY!

It was about 2:30pm at this point and we had an FP for Buzz Lightyear at 3:30pm, so we really wanted to hurry up and get to the hotel, drop off our stuff and head to MK. It was a little after 3pm before we pulled up to AoA (our bus sat a bit while waiting for more people to board). We got out and the kids struck up a conversation with the ladies from Bell Services. Not that I don't approve of my kiddos being friendly and all, but, we were probably chatting there for 15 minutes - and we needed to hurry! I finally nudged them enough they started to walk away. We walked into Animation Hall and omg, I LOVED the smell of their lobby! We have always stayed at POP Century and I don't really remember there being some kind of scent (is there??), but AoA smelled delicious!

We were in the Little Mermaid rooms, which is a bit of a hike, so we were hurrying to get to our room. Of course, the walk went kind of like this "Ohhh, the pool! Can we go swimming now??" "The seagulls are talking on that building! Do they talk on the other building too? Can we go see?" "Wait! There's a splash park, can we walk over there and see it?" "We didn't go look at the Cars pool!" "Can we walk around the lake instead?" "I can see POP Century from here! Can we walk over there?" "It's the elephant graveyard! Can we play in here?" "There's another pool right by our building - can we swim here?" Needless to say, it was already past 3:30pm before we even got to our room.

Then, everyone needed a bathroom break. I knew at this point, we most likely were not going to make it to Buzz. But I was a little concerned that we didn't have an FP for it for any of our other days and I really wanted to make sure DS got to ride it. I started pushing everyone out the door and towards the bus. I made them all walk along the path by the parking lot to avoid anymore distractions, LOL. We got to the bus area and there was a bus there for MK. It was almost 4pm. We hopped on, but then the bus sat there for awhile and we didn't move until 4:13pm (I was staring at the clock and still remember the exact time, ha!).

It was 4:35pm when we parked at MK. Of course AoA buses are the very farthest bus of all the resorts, so we had the farthest to walk. 4:40pm as we got to security. The girls and I both had bags. DH and DS didn't, so they went through the no bag line (although DH had to push the stroller with DS to the side and then go through the metal detectors and then back around to get DS and the stroller - which I find really weird that they separate young children from parents like that. I would have assumed they would use the wand if there isn't another parent there. Good thing my son doesn't panic like some young kids do when separated from their parent in a strange place).

We got through security at 4:44pm. We missed Buzz. :cry: I opened the MDE app and then I realized. Our FP wasn't for 3:30, it was for 3:45pm. DH's FP was for 3:30pm, since he couldn't make FPs until the 30 day mark, I couldn't get the exact same time for him. I knew there was about a 15 minute grace period, so I switched out my band and let DH take all the kids to ride Buzz and I sat and caught my breath from the whirlwind of a day! Tomorrowland was pretty crowded, which I thought was a bit odd for a Wednesday, but then thought to myself that since there was EMH, maybe everyone had come over to MK for the evening for that.

Next Up - Part 3 - Tony's, MK and a Few Special Moments!


Active Member
Original Poster
Oh my goodness, his reaction to everything is just AMAZING. Getting to see the kids reactions is one of my favorite parts. I've always been a Disney fanatic but having my kids experience is has brought it to a whole new level! Can't wait to read the rest of the report and I hope he continues to have all sorts of MAGICAL reactions to things because that is what Disney is ALL ABOUT!!

It was super fun for me as a mom! My oldest was very serious when she was little and never really expressed herself in that way. We would always have to ask her if she liked things or was having fun, because most of the time, you couldn't tell. My middle was somewhat expressive, but it was more so she just talked about it, not really had much of a genuine reaction, you know? So, having DS react this way to all of his new experiences has been so fun because you KNOW he is enjoying himself.

Trust me, there are many, many more experiences like this throughout the trip - LOL, he has been talking about them all ever since we got back and he still laughs when he tells the stories! :hilarious::inlove: Thanks for following!!


Well-Known Member
If you are interested in the pre-trip report - here is the link:

Part 1 - Travel

We were up at 3am on Jan 17th to catch a 6:30am flight. DDRey and DDBelle were up pretty quickly, but DSBuzz was pretty much "why are we waking up in the middle of the night?", LOL. I had actually gotten some sleep (went to bed around 11pm), which NEVER happens the night before we leave on a trip. You know, DH packs his little bag and goes to bed at 9pm while I am packing for myself, three littles, every climate possible and every illness/injury that could happen on planet Earth, so... Plus, both DDs have food allergies (epipens, Benadryl, etc.) and DDBelle has asthma so we've got the nebulizer, albuterol, budesonide, prednisone - essentially we are a walking pharmacy, haha!!

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Anyway, we all got ready and were out the door and pulling out of the driveway in record time (for us!) - 1 hour and 15 minutes.

We got to the airport and it was cold, as in, subzero temps before the windchill (I think it was -6F and around -25F with the windchill), but we didn't want to lug our heavy winter coats with us, so we just dressed in layers with jackets and wore our hats and gloves. Besides, it was a little chilly in FL that day, so we figured we'd want our hats and gloves that evening anyway.

We dropped off our bags (already checked in online) and went to security. The line was pretty short - we had about a 10 minute wait. While we were in line DS looks out the window and notices the planes all parked at the gates and begins shouting "Mommy! Look! Look! Airplane!" He was so excited. We told him he was going on an airplane, but really, what does a not quite 3 year old know about riding an airplane when they have never been?? He just kept shouting and getting louder. As we were in the security lane, I kept trying to keep him somewhat quiet, but then one of the planes moved. OMG, it was like all his dreams in life came true and he went NUTS! Jumping up and down and screaming and laughing and shouting and pointing. Everyone in the security area became silent as they tried to see what on earth would cause any kid to become so loud and crazy. At least the family next to us thought it was amusing. Other people, not so much :oops: I finally convinced him to talk about something else, and he did quiet down.

After we went through the podium, I told the girls to do exactly as we had practiced - DDRey was to take out one of our baggies of liquids and put them in a bin, along with her Mickey bag. DDBelle was supposed to take out her nebulizer and put it in a bin along with her Mickey bag. DH was supposed to take DS through security and I had the camera bag, snacks and another bag of liquids to separate (plus shoes and my jacket and DS's Mickey bag and my carryon). I have traveled a lot, especially for work, and getting stuck behind a family that has no clue or just isn't prepared was always annoying, so I tried NOT to be that family and had practiced with both DDs before our trip. Of course, everything went out the window and both of them were asking me 5000 questions about WHY do they have to do this and "Can't we just...?" No, no you can't just do whatever it is you want. Just please do what we practiced so we can get out of security. "But, what about..." and "Mom, I want to hold my ticket" and "Can we eat snacks before we get on the plane?"

In a panic as I see everyone behind us standing there waiting as our family took up the entire belt area, I just grabbed a stack of bins, layed them out on the belt and started throwing things into them while pushing each member of my family through the metal detector just to get them the heck out, LOL. Then, when I got through, the kids were arguing on which stuff was theirs and whatever, so I said "Everything is MINE. I paid for it and it's mine. You get whatever I hand you and you will carry it to the benches and we will sort it out there." Which is exactly what I did. Not really sure how I was able to carry 5 bins and 4 bags, but I guess it was the Disney adrenaline or something, LOL.

Once that all got sorted out, we got to our gate and everyone calmed down. DS was content to stare out the window at the plane that was parked there and the girls were interested in some activity books in their Mickey bags. I had to take our tickets to the counter to exchange them for pre-board passes and peanut allergy alerts for the girls. I wasn't really sure how that all worked since we had never flown SW before, but had read online that I would be able to get onboard first and wipe down the seats for the girls and that they would only hand out pretzels instead of peanuts for a snack on the flight. We have flown Delta before and they had a similar policy, but the flight attendants were pretty obnoxious about it and got on the intercom to complain to the rest of the flight that because of us, they couldn't hand out peanuts. It was embarrassing and especially for DDRey, she hates any attention brought to her because of her allergies since it is usually ignorance and/or negativity and she has dealt with it for so many years she just wishes it would go away.

Anyway, when it was time to board, we were let on first and they actually told my DH and DS to go ahead and board with us to make sure we could sit together as a family, which was really nice considering on Delta they would only allow one parent to preboard, which was weird considering we had assigned seats anyway. :rolleyes:

We got onboard but they were boarding people right after us, so trying to wipe down seats while people are trying to get in and sit down was a bit of a hassle - and something that happened on every flight. I wish they would give us at least 5-10 minutes so my kids aren't having to move from seat to seat and blocking the aisle while I wipe down everything as people are trying to board, but what can you do?

We got settled in our seats - DDRey was at the window, I was in the middle, DDBelle was in the aisle and then in front of us DS sat by the window with DH in the middle. The plane started to move and DS resumed his excited state and began shouting again. I reminded him we were on a plane and other people don't want to hear him shout. So, he shouted in a whisper instead, which I found really funny, but it was probably not as funny to other people, haha. Then the plane stopped because it had to be de-iced. At which, DS starts shouting out loud "Mommy! Plane is BROKEN! It not going!" I told him it wasn't broken, we just had to wait for them to clean the plane. He was fine with that, but then when the truck drove to our side and started spraying the plane, he thought this was really fun and laughed and laughed. Then the truck moved on to the next section of the plane and he starts shouting "Wait! My truck! My truck is LEAVING!" Thank goodness it only took a few more minutes before we started moving again. Pretty sure most of the people on the plane were relieved when my very excited son finally calmed down.

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As we took off, DS was mesmerized by staring out the window, DDRey got out some assigned reading for school and DDBelle got out her math homework. The flight crew offered pretzels, but didn't say anything about peanuts until someone near us asked about them and she just told them "We don't have any for this flight." It was a great relief to not be called out in front of the whole plane or to be treated as an annoyance by the flight crew!

Our flight was pretty short but we were still late. When we got off the plane and got to our next gate it was already about to start boarding. This flight had some computer issues, so we sat at the gate for quite awhile. When we finally got in the air, everyone kind of took turns snoozing, except for DS. He was still staring out the window. No one asked about peanuts, so once again we were relieved that it was a non issue. Our flight was about an hour and a half and then we had a stop (but we didn't need to get off). We had about 20 minutes before the next group of passengers would start boarding, so we had some snacks, cleaned up and then DS started to get really whiny and grumpy. He hadn't slept at all and he normally takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. For a 2 year old to be up at 3am and eight hours later still be awake, he was doing pretty good. We finally convinced him to put his head down and he fell asleep for most of the last leg of the flight. Good thing too, because he woke up later super happy and refreshed! The rest of us also dozed off a bit.

We landed in Orlando about 2pm, about an hour late. We got on the tram at MCO to the main terminal, which was another amazing experience for DS. When we got off, we saw the Disney store and DS went bonkers for the fake Mickey. For a 2 year old to ride in a plane for the first time, take a "train" and then there is a Mickey Mouse bigger than you, well, I think he pretty much thought that WAS Disney World. Seriously, the kid lost it. He ran up to Mickey, kissed him, tickled him, tried to hug him, laughed and well, you'd think he lived in a cave and never got out much. He was just THAT excited. Neither of my girls were ever that excited over anything at that age, so it was a whole new experience for me! Although, they thought it was hilarious that their little brother was so excited over a plastic statue. :hilarious:

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Next up - Part 2 - Magical Express and Art of Animation
So excited to follow along with your trip report!

John Dulmage

Active Member
We were in Little Mermaid rooms at AoA with our daughter and 3 grandkids and we did the same thing - every time we were GOING to the bus, we made them take the route along the parking lot so we'd make it to the bus!! When we returned, we always came the other way, because every time they would hide in the cave or want to play around all the fun things there at AoA, but we weren't in a hurry then. We loved AoA and didn't find Little Mermaid all that far to walk. Love your report so far, and love the excitement of DS. Looking forward to more.


Active Member
Original Poster
We were in Little Mermaid rooms at AoA with our daughter and 3 grandkids and we did the same thing - every time we were GOING to the bus, we made them take the route along the parking lot so we'd make it to the bus!! When we returned, we always came the other way, because every time they would hide in the cave or want to play around all the fun things there at AoA, but we weren't in a hurry then. We loved AoA and didn't find Little Mermaid all that far to walk. Love your report so far, and love the excitement of DS. Looking forward to more.

Glad to know we weren't the only ones that found it hard to get through the resort without distractions, haha! I honestly think the walk is pretty easy if you don't have those distractions. When we came back from the park, DH would go back to the room with the kids and I would fill up our resort mugs and walk back by myself. It really was only a couple of minutes!

Thank you for following! =)


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Part 3 - Tony's, MK & a Few Special Moments

After the rest of the family got off of Buzz Lightyear, they saw that Buzz was out for his Meet & Greet, but we were running late for our ADR at Tony's so we decided we would go another day, which turned out to be a mistake as DS would never get to meet his favorite character on this trip :bawling: - Good thing DS didn't see him standing there!

We headed over to Tony's. I know a lot of people aren't crazy about it, but we have really always had good food there. The only issue is that even with an ADR, we have had to wait close to a half hour to get seated in the past. For the kids, they get to watch Lady & the Tramp, so they don't care, but if there is no where to sit while you are waiting as an adult, it's irritating. But we lucked out and had only about 5 minutes (barely enough time for DH to run to the restroom) to wait before we were seated. Our waiter had several families with kids, and he seemed pretty frazzled. With our allergies, it is a red flag because frazzled staff often leads to issues with the food, so I was a bit stressed. However, he was very attentive and reiterated that the allergy menu does not take into consideration things like cross contamination and such so we should speak to a chef about that (which we already knew, however some places the servers do not understand that and get annoyed when you ask for a chef when their attitude is that we should just order off the allergy menu).

We had already done a lot of research on the food beforehand, so we knew almost everything on the Kids' allergy menu would be fine except dessert. Both DD's ordered cheese pizza and grapes, DS ordered mac and cheese and grapes, DH and I both ordered the chicken parm with Caesar salad. The girls are used to eating bland tasting pizza with allergen friendly crust, but they said this one was pretty decent. DS eats like a bird. He usually eats a few bites of food every few hours. It's not that he is picky, he just simply doesn't like to eat a lot at any one time. This includes desserts and snacks and treats. It's very rare for him to ever eat a full serving of anything. We get the deluxe dining plan because we like the flexibility of being able to upgrade our meals to whatever we want without having to worry about the cost while we are there, even though we don't really save money (this time, due to a mix up, we actually lost money - more about that later!), but since I pick out all of our meals ahead of time, we generally break even or save a few bucks. However, with the amount of food DS eats, I know we loose out on him, LOL.

Back to the story... So, DS takes three bites of his mac and cheese, eats two grapes and declares he is finished. When I tell him he will be hungry, he eats one more grape and says he is full now, haha. DH and I thought the chicken parm was actually really good, although I was a little bummed because I always have the steak and they didn't have it on the menu anymore. The chicken parm comes with pasta and I am of the mindset that pasta is it's own meal and I don't want to eat two meals in one, LOL, so I always skip the pasta that comes with the chicken parm.

When the waiter came out to take our dessert orders, the Chef stopped by and said the only option for the girls would be vanilla ice cream or fruit. I ordered the tiramisu, DH got the chocolate cake and all three kids got vanilla ice cream. The girls always order for themselves and after the waiter took our orders he complimented the girls on their manners and ordering. To which DS had to say "I order too! Ice Cream! One, Two, Three, Two Ice Creams!" (still working on the whole counting thing, haha).


In just a few minutes they brought out the desserts. The kids' ice cream had Mickey sprinkles on them and both DH and I's desserts looked good. DS, as was expected at this point, thought the sprinkles were hilarious - and this would be the only thing he ate. I don't think he took one bite of his ice cream, but he did eat most of the sprinkles. The girls both ate theirs. DH said his dessert was really good. I was full, so I didn't try his, but my tiramisu was pretty disappointing. Very little flavor to it at all. It was mostly just the filling that I tasted and that was not very flavorful either. At least it was pretty?



The waiter came back with the check and told us we were the first family he had had all shift that didn't make an absolute mess and was actually nice and polite. Which, while we were sitting there during our meal, we had noticed several families with kids who were either over tired or the parents were just oblivious because they were throwing things on the floor and and running around and the parents weren't really trying to do anything about it. But, our kids aren't angels, so we were just glad they were good for this meal, LOL.

We paid and left Tony's. We always take a pic on the bench with the Goofy statue on every trip - but it was gone this time! Kind of a bummer for us as it is part of our tradition.

The girls and I had FPs for 7 Dwarfs and DH and DSBuzz had FPs for the Speedway so we split up and decided to meet up at the Carousel when we finished. DH never takes pictures unless I instruct him to, so he didn't get any of DS's first ride on the Speedway. Although we had enjoyed 7 Dwarfs on our last trip, it was before we rode BTM and this time around, we honestly thought it was kind of boring compared to BTM. We had two more FPs for it later in the week and kind of regretted that choice, LOL.

We met up at the Carousel and everyone except for DH rode it. I tried taking pics, but it started before I could get any and then they were all blurry. I was having issues with my main camera (which I won't figure out why until about halfway through our trip!). I didn't have my other cameras or my phone with me since DH was holding my bag, but as always, DS laughed and laughed - until the ride stopped. We had to convince him we were not leaving yet and we would do more fun things in order to get him to get off his horse. I assumed we would be riding this many more times since all of our previous trips required at least 4 times around on the carousel, but I guess interests have changed because this would be the one and only spin on Prince Charming's Carrousel...

Then we walked over to it's a small world and rode that. It said 5 minutes, but we had to wait about 15, which is the longest I have ever waited for that ride. I enjoy it with the kids, but I don't enjoy hearing the song in my head for the next 3 days, LOL.

Next, we walked over to Storybook Circus. We rode the Barnstomer and, boy, I wish I had a video of DS. It was his first rollercoaster ride and at first, he was screaming this odd sound and I thought he was terrified. For a little rollercoaster, it does fling you around quite a bit and he is little for his age so he was sliding all over the seat - even with me wrapping my arms around him. I thought it was a mistake that we took him on it. However, as we came around an area with light, I saw his face in this HUGE grin! He was laughing so hard that he was screaming uncontrollably! Which then made me laugh until I had tears. No one was in line when it was over, so they asked if we wanted to stay on and we did. Again, he laughed and screamed the whole time. As we got off, he had to tell the CMs all about it - but he was still laughing so hard, he could hardly talk :hilarious::hilarious: They all started laughing with us, haha!

*Sidenote* We have always had a great experience with CMs, but for some reason on this trip we really enjoyed spending time with some of them. Both girls even said they think next time they would like to go on rides with no lines just to hang out with the CMs because they are cool, LOL.

After Barnstormer, there was no wait for Dumbo - we were the only ones in line. So, we got on and the CM points to the sky and says "Get ready! Look up there! In 5, 4, 3, 2 -" Then when she hit one, the ride went up at the same time the first fireworks for HEA started. It was pretty cool, I have to say! It was so loud, much more so than I remember Wishes being, but maybe I am forgetting. Anyway, we were all staring at the sky, listening to the music of HEA, being the only ones on Dumbo and DDRey says "Mom, this is amazing. It's just like the movies. I love this - and it's just our first day!"

After Dumbo, it was EMH, which we had originally thought we wouldn't do since it had been a LONG day. Seriously, we had been up since 3am and we were planning an early morning at AK, but, we just couldn't leave! Especially since the lines were short at this point. We rode the Mad Tea Cups and Buzz Lightyear again. We walked around the castle for a bit and were really tempted to head over to BTM, but DS can't ride and we didn't want to split up, so we decided we should probably force ourselves to go get some rest. Everyone was at that peak of happiness, just on that edge of falling into utter exhaustion and we didn't want to push our luck. We thought we had a great plan, but it was about to get derailed.

Next Up - Part 4 - This Is Not How We Planned This Trip & Disney Saves the Day


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Part 4 - This Is Not How We Planned This & Disney Saves the Day

We took the bus back to AoA and stopped at the food court to get our mugs and some drinks to take back to the room. It was super busy so it took us a bit to get them. We walked to the room and as I opened the door, I saw our luggage was there. I told the girls to open their suitcase, grab the plastic baggies with tomorrow's date on them and set out their tennis shoes for the morning. The girls kind of looked around and stood there. DH was in the bathroom and I was taking off DS's jacket and shoes (he fell asleep at this point).

"Um, Mom? Where's our suitcase?" DDRey asked.

"Well, look at the suitcases - yours is the big one." I responded, getting a little irritable.

"There's just the two small suitcases." DDBelle said.

I looked around. Yep, there were only two suitcases. Mine and DH's. The kids' suitcases were not there. I remembered I had packed some extra clothes for the kids in my suitcase - but they were shorts and t-shirts and it was only supposed to be about 53F the next day. Not exactly warm enough for those clothes. I told the girls to take out their tennis shoes from their Mickey bags so that they would at least have comfy shoes to wear (they had on canvas type shoes that don't have good support, but they were cute and so they insisted on wearing them for the flight to and from FL). But, then they informed me that right before we put the bags in the van, they decided to pack extra books to read and they couldn't fit both their shoes and books, so they put the shoes in the side pocket of their suitcase. So, they don't have any tennis shoes.

It was late, and I didn't think it was worth getting mad at them for bringing extra books because, well, that just seems wrong, haha, so I told them to just sleep in their undershirts and leggings and I would go to Bell Services to see what was going on. DH put DSBuzz to bed.
I walked back to the main building and went to Bell Services. They were the same ladies who had been there when we first arrived. In their system, our bags had been delivered, so they had to put an alert out that I was supposed to have 4, not 2 bags. They asked if I wanted to wait while they did a check or if I wanted to go back to my room and they would call me. I told them I would wait, so they helped a few more people and about 20 minutes later they had an update. They said a third bag was just delivered to our room and they would have to put in a work order to check on the 4th bag. Hoping the 3rd bag was the girls' clothes, I called DH. He said no bag was delivered, just the two that was already in the room. Both CMs looked at the computer, verified my name and said they showed a bag was just delivered. So then they asked if I could wait until the guy who did the delivery came back. I said I would. Another 15-20 minutes went by. They called someone who told them that the delivery guy had finished and left for the night. Someone apparently called him on his cell though and he described the bag (sounded like the one we had for DS) and said there was no one in the room when he delivered it. They decided he must have delivered it to the wrong room - one that was empty. So, they had to talk to the reservation desk to get a list of empty rooms and then send someone out to the rooms to find it. But, they had no record of a 4th bag. They said they would have someone go to the airport and see if it came in on a later flight.

I decided to go back to the room at this point because it was now close to midnight and there wasn't anything I could do by just standing at Bell Services. They said they would call me as soon as they found out anything. I got to the room and everyone was asleep. I took a shower, got into bed and had just fallen asleep when there was a knock at the door. It was Bell Services with DS's suitcase. So then I couldn't sleep, worried they would come bring our 4th bag and wake everyone up, so I sat there in the dark trying to stay awake. I ended up falling asleep and then my phone rang around 2am. The manager for Bell Services said they didn't find anything at the airport, and that I should call my airline. She said to check back with them in the morning, regardless of what my airline said, just in case. They open at 7am she said. I hadn't planned on being up all night dealing with luggage issues, so I was stressing myself out. I had to tell myself that it is what it is and I won't let it ruin my trip! I called the airline, but they said no one would be able to talk to me about luggage until the next morning at 8am. I finally fell back to sleep.

I set my alarm for 6:45am so I could get up and walk over to Bell Services. I got there right at 7am and the manager said she had a note there regarding my situation. Disney had made one last check at the airport once the last flights came in and they still didn't see any luggage for us. I told them I had called the airline and they told me no one could help me until 8am. Bell Services said they were going to contact upper management for me, but they wouldn't be available until 7:30am. I decided to go back to my room. On the way there, I enjoyed the early morning view and the quiet atmosphere of the resort.


I had my clothes, so, hoping everything would be rectified, I went ahead and got ready for the day. We had an FP for the Safari at 9:15am and an ADR at Tusker House at 10am. Shortly after 7:30am, the manager called me. She asked me if I could come back down there to discuss some things and if I could call the airline there. I went ahead and walked back down.

When I got there, she had me fill out a few forms and give my airline luggage claim number and by then it was 8am, so I called the airline. I gave them my claim number and she told that since my flight had arrived nearly 18 hours earlier, they were no longer responsible, because I was supposed to have gone, in person, to their lost luggage desk at the airport within 4 hours of arrival to make the claim. They can still put a location on the luggage, but they don't have to pay for the lost items if it isn't found and that technically, they didn't have to deliver it to me - I would have to go to the airport to pick it up or pay to have it shipped to me. The manager at Bell Services saw my face getting very irritated and I started to try to explain that Disney had put in a claim on my behalf the day before and she asked me to hand her the phone. I gave her my cell and she essentially told the woman to just focus on finding the bag and not worry about who was picking it up or how.

She talked to the airline for probably 20 minutes and when she got off she said that the airline had lost my luggage during one of my transfer flights, and regardless of whatever their policy is, if it is their fault, they have to compensate you and deliver the luggage. They just try to persuade people to get it themselves so the airline doesn't have to pay for it and make you feel like it is your fault so you won't file a claim. She said they didn't have it in their system after the second flight, but they were trying to locate it. She asked me what it was that we had in our suitcase that we needed and I explained it was all of my girls' clothes and shoes. She asked what we were planning to do that day and I told her about our FP and our breakfast reservations. She told us to go ahead and go to the park and have breakfast and that if they hadn't heard anything by then, they could have vouchers at Guest Services at AK for us to get the girls some clothes to wear. Our main issue was that it was cold that day and they didn't have enough layers, so we were concerned about staying in the evening when it would be cold. She said she could make sure it would be enough for sweatshirts and pants if we needed. She took my cell number down and I went back to the room to wake everyone up and hope we made it to the park in time for both our FP and breakfast.

When I got to the room, everyone was already awake, and DH and DS were dressed and ready to go. I told the girls they would just have to wear the extra tshirts under their jackets and shirts from the day before since we didn't have anything else. They weren't thrilled about it, but they didn't want to miss a park day, so off we went!

While we were on the bus to AK, the manager called me and said the airline found my bag and it had arrived at the airport on an early flight that morning. However, they wouldn't release it to Disney because it didn't have a yellow tag on it (even though I know it had one when we left). She said the airline wanted me to call them, but they can take the paperwork I already filled out with my signature with them when they went to the airport and get my luggage anyway. She said she would let me know when they picked it up. I was very happy, but still skeptical the airline would give it to them, so I didn't get TOO excited.

Anyway, we got to AK and headed straight to the Safari. We were a few minutes late, but not too bad. DS was very confused about how we were going to see animals. He kept asking "We see aminals Mommy?" "Yes, buddy, we are going to see ANIMALS! Elephants and maybe lions!" He looked very suspicious looks around him as we are going through security and says "Um, but... Mommy, elephants and lions don't live HERE." Obviously, he knows enough about "aminals" that they don't live at amusement parks, haha!

We got on right away and as we took off I got out my camera, and again, it wasn't working correctly. Everything was too washed out. I couldn't figure out why. I tried to take pics and video, but the quality was just not great. Nothing like our previous trips. It was quite cold that morning (there was a hard freeze the night before and you could see ice in shaded areas), so several animals were not out. We first saw the hippos and DS couldn't believe it. He made sure everyone was paying attention and looking at the hippos. "Hippo! Hippo! Mommy, look! Hippo in WATER! One, two, five HIPPOS!" Each animal we saw, he got more and more excited. But, he did not believe us when we pointed at the lions. They were females and in his 2 year old mind, lions have manes, LOL. Instead, he said "That's Cheetahs. They spots all gone! We have to find them spots." :hilarious:


DDRey was quite impressed with the CM who narrated the ride. She wanted to stay on just to ask her questions, but I told her there was a line of people waiting to ride and maybe she could talk with a CM later. DDBelle kept thinking that when we went a few years ago the animals weren't real. I kept telling her I think she was getting confused with the Jungle Cruise, haha!

As we walked over to Tusker House for breakfast, I saw I had missed a phone call, but it was from a number I didn't recognize. There was a voicemail from the Bell Services manager. She said they had found our bag at the airport and it was on it's way to AoA.

We checked in at Tusker's and waited for a bit to be seated. When we got seated, the characters were already near our table, so we got out the kids autograph books. DSBuzz was a little confused because we had seen just a glimpse of Donald as he went around the corner. I don't think he fully grasped what he had just seen, LOL. He says "Um, Mommy, uhhhh I seeeeee um, Donald Duck?" He was asking me for clarification because he couldn't quite believe he actually saw Donald Duck for real.

But, the first character to come over was Goofy. He is so tall, DS wasn't really sure what to do. He laughed a lot and stood there with his book, but I think it was a little overwhelming for him. He was just in disbelief! Goofy is so tall, I couldn't even crop the picture enough to share on here, LOL.

Next came Mickey Mouse, who he hugged and hugged and hugged! I didn't think he was ever going to let go! He told me he was going to stay there and sleep at Mickey Mouse's house. Then he poked his nose and laughed hysterically. He didn't eat much, because after that, he was too interested in looking at the characters. We kept missing Donald though. Everytime he came around, we were getting food, or in the bathroom, or another character was there so he went ahead. Finally, our server asked the attending CM for Donald to have him stop where he was so we could go meet him instead of waiting for another round. DDBelle had overheard one of the CMs tell Donald he was #2, not #1, so she told Donald "don't listen to him - you ARE the #1 Duck!" He jumped up and down and gave her a hug.


After breakfast, we were debating what to do, since we had an FP for Na'vi River and didn't want to miss it, but at the same time, we were really hoping to get our luggage and the girls wanted to take showers and put on clean (and warmer) clothes. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, there was a missed call and a text from the Bell Services Manager. She said our luggage had arrived and was in our room - yay! Disney saved the day! DH was hoping we wouldn't get them until later so we could use the vouchers for free Disney clothes, LOL, and, they might have already had the vouchers at Guest Services, but since Disney didn't even lose our luggage and they made a big effort to get it for us, I didn't think we should take advantage and go see.

Of course, now that we knew the clothes were there, no one wanted to leave the park to go change, LOL. We warned the girls it might get really cold that night, but they didn't want to waste time, so we headed on over to Pandora.

Next Up - Part 5 - Animal Kingdom & the Worst Disney Dining Experience Ever

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Following along, and loving your report!
It's fun to see Disney through the eyes of a little child. He is adorable:)
My husband and I (grandparents) love to see the little ones expressions. They are so honest at that age and express their feelings when they are happy.
Thanks for the great trip report.


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Original Poster
Part 5 - Animal Kingdom & the Worst Disney Dining Experience Ever

Now that everyone decided we were going to continue on with our day and the weight of wondering where our suitcase was was gone, we had a great time! We went on Na'vi and everyone thought it was pretty cool. Even with an FP, we probably had about a 20 minute wait, but since it was all new to us, no one seemed to mind much. The special effects for the ride were pretty awesome, even if the ride itself is nothing really exciting. DS thought the Shaman towards the end was hilarious (pretty much his MO for everything, haha!) and cracked up and tried to pretend he was singing like him, LOL. He kept calling him "Blue Man" - although I am not really sure if it was a man or woman...

After Na'vi we did a lot of walking around Pandora. There was a lot of beautiful sunshine, even though it was only in the 50's that day. The area is so awesome, I can't even begin to describe it. I've seen the movie - ehhh. It's okay. DH hated the movie. None of the kids have seen it. And yet, we LOVED Pandora. It really feels like you are in another world. If you haven't been there, it's just hard to describe. My pics don't do it justice (especially with my malfunctioning camera!). The sky was super blue, but you can't tell that in my pics. :banghead:

*Side Note* - DS started, just on this trip, to make funny poses for every picture. So, a large majority of our pictures look like he's mad or throwing a fit, but it's really just him trying to make a mean or silly pose - honest! LOL


Pandora 2.jpg

Pandora 3.jpg

After Pandora, we walked over to Dinoland to ride the Triceratops and watch Nemo. The limited amount of rides in AK for DSBuzz meant we rode Triceratops more than a few times, LOL. He rode twice with DH and once with me this particular moment. By the time I rode with him, he knew how all the controls worked so he had fun trying to scare me by making us suddenly drop down or go up. He would pretend he wasn't going to do it "Okay, no more Mommy, I won't scare you." Then he would crack up and do it again. Of course, I had to give an over exaggerated reaction which added to his fun. He still tells people how he "Scared Mommy on the Up Down Dinosaur!"

After that, we headed over to Nemo. I was a little worried that DS might start getting a little crabby at this point. It was nearing his normal nap time and we had had a LATE night the evening before. But, the show started and he really loved it. He didn't want it to end. He clapped and laughed and because he knows this story very well (one of his favorites) - he tried narrating quite a bit of it. At least he kept his voice quiet, so I don't think anyone else except us really knew he was doing it.



During "scary" parts, he would run over and sit on big sister DDRey's lap.


He sat through the whole show and loved it! When it was over he goes "Okay, Neck!" Which is how he says "next". I'm a park warrior and like to be there from RD to right before the CMs try to usher you out, but I knew with a little one this trip that might not happen. However, my little guy seemed to be falling into the whole experience pretty well at this point. We were still assuming we might need to take him back for a nap, but he was still doing good so we just kept on going.

After Nemo we walked over to the Wildlife Express Train and went to Rafiki's Planet Watch. Mostly, just to pet the goats. DH hates all petting zoos because he is a germaphobe, so this was something he really wanted to skip. But, I was trying to get in as many experiences for DSBuzz as I could. Many of the goats were as big as he was, so he was a little intimidated at first, but then he got a brush and started brushing one of them, then he went to another and another and then he started talking to them. After a few minutes, he was laughing and talking to them like they were his personal pets. For some reason, I didn't take any pictures while we were there :facepalm:

When we took the train back, it kept stopping because some genius kept leaning out of the train to take pictures. Personally, I don't find the view all that great from the train, so I am not sure what they were even taking pictures of, but we stopped FOUR times for this same woman. After stopping twice and telling the woman the train can't move if people are leaning out, the CM said "Please do not lean out of the train to take pictures. We will continue to stop the train each time someone does so." I guess she thought that meant everyone else but her, because she did it again. The CM said "This train ride is supposed to be less than 10 minutes long. Right now, we are at 21 minutes. If you would like to continue your day doing something other than sitting on this train, please stay inside." The woman wasn't in our car, thank goodness, because if she had been, I am pretty sure I would have flipped out. I mean, it was ridiculous. This constant stopping started to make DS a little frustrated and he thought the train was broken and wanted to get off. I don't know if anyone in her car said anything to her or not, but she finally did stay put the rest of the ride, although now DS was very agitated and didn't care that the train was moving anymore - he wanted off. As soon as the train pulled up the platform, he tried to climb over the ledge and get off :eek:. I felt bad because we were in the back row and had to cut in front of everyone else to get him off before he was able to climb out himself (he is a really good climber - and super fast!). At least it wasn't packed or anything, but still...

After that, we headed over to the Maharajah Jungle Trek. DSBuzz picked up a map and decided he was our guide. The girls got a map to share, because there were only a couple left in the box and there were several people coming up behind us. This turned out to not be a great idea because they were having a moment where sharing anything was just going to lead to disaster, but I just kind of let them deal with it, LOL. It was so funny watching DS follow this map and a few times the animals didn't quite look like the picture on the map so he decided they weren't really the animal he was looking for :hilarious: Other times, if it was something he thought we had already seen, he told us "We already sawed that one - Neck!" and ushered us to keep moving, LOL. He was quite entertaining, which was good, considering his sisters at one point where glaring at each other and were paying no attention to any animals.

We were lucky enough to get to see the baby tiger cubs and their mommy laying out in the grass. The cubs were wrestling with each other on top of the mother and she tried batting them to get them out of her face. I thought this was fitting for the situation when just a minute prior the girls had come to me to complain about each other and the map. Even DS noticed this and told the girls "You naughty baby tigers like them! They Mommy no like that!" This made the girls crack up and they seemed to get over their irritation with each other and move on. DS decided the baby tiger cubs were too naughty for his liking and we needed to move on. Which was just as well, because a large group was about to come into the area and we had early ADRs for dinner at Rainforest Cafe.

We had dining package passes for ROL that night - a show that none of us had seen before - so I wanted to make sure we ate early enough that we would get there on time. The show started at 6:30pm and our ADR was for 4:15pm. We walked to the restaurant and checked in right at 4:15pm. They told us someone would be right with us, just wait by the aquarium. So we stood there, but it took about 15 minutes before we were seated. There was no one else waiting for a table and it was not busy at all. I happened to look at our ticket and saw that it didn't have the allergy alert, so I went back to check in to let them know. They told me to just tell the server and they would put it on our ticket for our order. I got back and sat down. We had already pre-planned our meal, so we knew what we were having. We waited for about 5 minutes and then the girls went to use the bathroom. They came back about 10 minutes later and we still hadn't had anyone come to the table. DH went to the bathroom and came back - still no one. So I went up to the host and mentioned we hadn't had anyone even take our drinks and they got a manager. The manager came right over and she was very friendly, although she didn't apologize for our wait or anything. We ordered our drinks and said we were ready to order, but we did want to speak with a chef regarding the girls' meals. She said she would go get him right away, but went ahead and took our drink order as well.

She came back quickly with the Chef, but didn't bring the drinks with her. The Chef came and said "So, what's the problem?" I was a little taken aback, but then thought that maybe she didn't say we wanted to speak with him regarding an allergy so he didn't know why he was brought to our table. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I said "Both of the girls have peanut/tree nut allergies, so I just wanted to verify about what was safe for them." I was about to ask about a few items specifically and he interrupted me and said "We don't have any peanut butter or nut foods on the kids menu." Then he started to walk away. The manager grabbed his arm and said "I think they have a question about a specific item though." Before I could say anything he sighs and says "What about it?" I said "We can't have items that have the potential for cross contamination, so I was wondering if there are any options on here we should avoid." He said "That's your choice." I said "Well, I can't really choose if I don't know what the options are." The Manager said to the Chef "Do you know if there are things on any of the kids' meals that might be made in a facility with nuts or something like that?" He just said "Look, what do they want to eat?" DDBelle said "I was going to have the hamburgers, but -" He cut her off and said "That's fine, that's fine, no one puts nuts on a hamburger, what else?" I said "My daughter was worried about the buns for the hamburgers." The Manager said "I know those are okay, I have checked them before." So then the Chef goes "okay, hamburgers - what else?" DDRey said "I wanted the mac and cheese". The Chef said, irritated "That's fine, that's fine, it's pasta and cheese."

I said "We are on the DDP and we usually get appetizers. I was wondering if the Cheese Sticks were okay, because my DH and I were going to order them and just share with the kids if they were." The Chef said "It's fried cheese." The Manager asked the Chef "Do you know if they come from a facility that might have cross contamination?" He shrugged his shoulders and said "I have no idea." So we decided to just get one order for DH, DS and I to share. I asked if there were any other appetizer options for the kids and he said "No, they don't get appetizers." I said "Well, we are on the DDP, so typically they can" and he said "well, you don't know if they can eat any of them so what would you order?" DDRey was getting embarrassed so she said "It's fine, we don't want an appetizer anyway."

Then the Manager asked "what about desserts, I know that can be an issue sometimes." The Chef said "I have nothing for you for dessert. We only have fruit." I said "That's fine, they will take the fruit." He rolled his eyes, sighed really loudly, said "Whatever" and then turned and walked away. I was really upset at this point and was going to say something and DDRey grabbed my arm and said "It's fine, Mom, don't say anything. Let's just get our food and eat and leave. People are looking at us weird." The Manager was nice enough and seemed to know more about the food than the chef, but she didn't try to accommodate us much or apologize for the rude behavior of the chef, so I can't say I was impressed by her either.

It was around 5:00pm and we hadn't even finished putting in our order. DH and I ordered for ourselves and DS who wanted the chicken nuggets. I knew he wouldn't eat them all, so I asked about the Manager about the nuggets in case the girls wanted to have some. She said she would find out.

5:05pm - we finally got drinks. 5:10pm - DSBuzz was out.

Energy level was starting to drain for the girls too. The chef had taken their order around 5:00pm. It was about 5:30pm when they got their food. DH and I didn't get our order in until 5:10pm, it was 5:45pm before we got ours. By the time we got ours, DDRey said her mac and cheese was gross and she ate only a couple of bites. It was mostly dry, plain pasta with some shredded cheese sprinkled on top. DDBelle ate part of one of her mini burgers and then showed them to me. They were burned. So badly that I couldn't even cut through one of them with my steak knife. When the Manager came around, I asked her if she had found anything out about the chicken nuggets. She did apologize and say she forgot and went to go do that. She came back quickly and said they had no warnings on them, so they should be okay. I told her the girls were done with their food because they didn't like it. She said she was sorry, but didn't offer anything for them. DS ate a bite of his chicken nuggets and a few fries and then went back to sleep. I told the girls they could have his nuggets, so they split them up. DDRey took one bite and said "Mom, these are gross! They taste like the time we forgot we had chicken patties in the freezer and we grabbed an old package and ate those and they tasted freezer burned." DDBelle agreed, but she was so hungry, she ate two of the nuggets anyway. They ate DS's fries and said they were okay.

DH had the chicken sandwich and he said it would have tasted okay, but the chicken was too dry. He ate about half. My steak was surprisingly good, but the mashed potatoes tasted like instant potatoes, not sure why. I only ate a couple of bites of them - and I LOVE mashed potatoes.

We were waiting for the check and totally forgot we had ordered dessert when we ordered our meals. The kids got their fruit (DS ate none, the girls ate some, because they were so hungry still). DH and I shared the Volcano. I thought it was chocolate cake on top of ice cream, but the "scoops" were only whipped cream - no ice cream. Neither of us are whipped cream fans, so we separated the cake from the whipped cream. The cake was so dry, we each took two bites and then looked at the time and said "we gotta get out of here". It was 6:05pm and we needed to get to ROL.

We saw the manager walk by and asked her for the check. She came back in a couple of minutes with it and then walked off before I could tell her that she needed to scan my band. She walked back by a moment later and I flagged her down again. She scanned my band and then quickly got the receipts that I needed to sign. DH asked if I was going to leave a tip. I have only skipped a tip ONCE in my life and it was because where we dined was so completely horrible - service, food and attitude - that not one person in the place deserved a wage, let alone a tip. However, outside of that experience, I rarely tip less than 20% unless the server doesn't do their job. Then I might leave 10-15%, depending on the severity of the situation. I really felt we got treated like crap, but a large portion of that was the Chef, and the tip wasn't for the chef. I don't know why we had a manager and not the server at our table. They were not understaffed. The table next to us was served by the same guy who was supposed to be at our table and it seemed they got great service (they had their food 20 minutes before we did - and we were there a half hour before they were). But, the manager was friendly, she did the bare minimum as far as serving goes and when we requested something she was quick. But as a manager, when she saw things that were wrong, I would expect her to do something to rectify it and/or apologize but in most instances, she did not. I couldn't bring myself to tip less than 18% though, LOL. It's just hard for me to do that! Definitely the worst experience we have EVER had at a restaurant at Disney, so we just equated it with "This isn't a Disney restaurant" as the reason! The only good part of the meal was when we left, DS woke up and saw this frog and thought it was so funny - he wanted to take it home with him!


At least DS got a good nap and was all refreshed for our evening at AK!

We speed walked to ROL and got there just with just a couple of minutes to spare. We were in the second to last row from the top, but the row was relatively empty, so we scooted in and got settled. The show was just about to begin when DDRey leans over to me and says "Mom, something is wrong. I don't feel right." I look at her and she has a big red welt on the side of her face that was swelling fast. I frantically try to recall our meal to see what it was that could possibly have caused her to have an allergic reaction, but could think of nothing. Since it was a welt on the side of her face, I told her to hold up her hand and it seemed that the welt was about the size/outline of her finger. She must have touched something. I look around, we all stand up to look at our seats and DDBelle - always our loudspeaker - shouts "MOM! THESE PEOPLE HAVE PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES AND THEY ARE THROWING THEIR BAGGIES AND NAPKINS ALL OVER THE GROUND AND ON OUR BENCH! I NEED A NEW SEAT!" :banghead:

Cue DDRey's entire face turning red and then giving her sister the death stare and whisper/shouting "Great! Now everyone is staring at us!" To which DDBelle (also the dramatic one) yells "Well, I don't wanna DIE at Disney World!" I looked behind us and there was a family, it seemed to be a large extended family, who had passed out baggies of PB&J sandwiches, to which, many of the younger members had flung their baggies onto the bench we had sat down on. I'm assuming DDRey touched one when we sat down and then must have touched her face.

I tell everyone to calm down, we get up, move down away from the family with the food, I get out wipes and start cleaning everyone and everything - benches, bums, hands, faces, bottoms of shoes, bags, - etc. Then I pull out a Benadryl for DDRey. We get settled again. But then another group comes in and wants to sit in our row, so we ask them to go inside so we can sit next to the aisle. They didn't want to. I explained to the woman why we couldn't sit there. She was annoyed, but she did go inside the row and let us have the aisle. DDRey was to the point that she wanted to leave. "It's so embarrassing! This sucks! Everyone hates people like us." I told her to calm down, some people just don't understand and we were there to enjoy the show.

Finally, the show started. And once it started, everyone was in a trance.

Next Up - Part 6 - ROL & Mr. Grumpy Pants Decides to Visit


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Active Member
Original Poster
Following along, and loving your report!
It's fun to see Disney through the eyes of a little child. He is adorable:)
My husband and I (grandparents) love to see the little ones expressions. They are so honest at that age and express their feelings when they are happy.
Thanks for the great trip report.

I so wish my parents would be willing to go with us! I think they would have enjoyed seeing him with his first experiences and even the girls too. Even though they have been there before, WDW is always changing and there are always new things for us to do. I can't wait to go with my future grandkids!

Thank you for following!


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad that airlines found your luggage and made things right. Kudos to the AoA CM's that worked so hard to find your stuff too!

Wow...I think I would've skipped on a tip at Rainforest Cafe. The chef's behavior is reprehensible at best, and the slow service sounds like it was uncalled for. I don't ever skip on tips either, but I think I would've made an exception that time. :mad:;)

Whew...quite an evening overall for you guys. I hope you guys at least enjoyed ROL. I have it on our to-do list, but wavering on whether or not to do a dining package.


Well-Known Member
Oh m
Part 5 - Animal Kingdom & the Worst Disney Dining Experience Ever

Now that everyone decided we were going to continue on with our day and the weight of wondering where our suitcase was was gone, we had a great time! We went on Na'vi and everyone thought it was pretty cool. Even with an FP, we probably had about a 20 minute wait, but since it was all new to us, no one seemed to mind much. The special effects for the ride were pretty awesome, even if the ride itself is nothing really exciting. DS thought the Shaman towards the end was hilarious (pretty much his MO for everything, haha!) and cracked up and tried to pretend he was singing like him, LOL. He kept calling him "Blue Man" - although I am not really sure if it was a man or woman...

After Na'vi we did a lot of walking around Pandora. There was a lot of beautiful sunshine, even though it was only in the 50's that day. The area is so awesome, I can't even begin to describe it. I've seen the movie - ehhh. It's okay. DH hated the movie. None of the kids have seen it. And yet, we LOVED Pandora. It really feels like you are in another world. If you haven't been there, it's just hard to describe. My pics don't do it justice (especially with my malfunctioning camera!). The sky was super blue, but you can't tell that in my pics. :banghead:

*Side Note* - DS started, just on this trip, to make funny poses for every picture. So, a large majority of our pictures look like he's mad or throwing a fit, but it's really just him trying to make a mean or silly pose - honest! LOL

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After Pandora, we walked over to Dinoland to ride the Triceratops and watch Nemo. The limited amount of rides in AK for DSBuzz meant we rode Triceratops more than a few times, LOL. He rode twice with DH and once with me this particular moment. By the time I rode with him, he knew how all the controls worked so he had fun trying to scare me by making us suddenly drop down or go up. He would pretend he wasn't going to do it "Okay, no more Mommy, I won't scare you." Then he would crack up and do it again. Of course, I had to give an over exaggerated reaction which added to his fun. He still tells people how he "Scared Mommy on the Up Down Dinosaur!"

After that, we headed over to Nemo. I was a little worried that DS might start getting a little crabby at this point. It was nearing his normal nap time and we had had a LATE night the evening before. But, the show started and he really loved it. He didn't want it to end. He clapped and laughed and because he knows this story very well (one of his favorites) - he tried narrating quite a bit of it. At least he kept his voice quiet, so I don't think anyone else except us really knew he was doing it.
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During "scary" parts, he would run over and sit on big sister DDRey's lap.

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He sat through the whole show and loved it! When it was over he goes "Okay, Neck!" Which is how he says "next". I'm a park warrior and like to be there from RD to right before the CMs try to usher you out, but I knew with a little one this trip that might not happen. However, my little guy seemed to be falling into the whole experience pretty well at this point. We were still assuming we might need to take him back for a nap, but he was still doing good so we just kept on going.

After Nemo we walked over to the Wildlife Express Train and went to Rafiki's Planet Watch. Mostly, just to pet the goats. DH hates all petting zoos because he is a germaphobe, so this was something he really wanted to skip. But, I was trying to get in as many experiences for DSBuzz as I could. Many of the goats were as big as he was, so he was a little intimidated at first, but then he got a brush and started brushing one of them, then he went to another and another and then he started talking to them. After a few minutes, he was laughing and talking to them like they were his personal pets. For some reason, I didn't take any pictures while we were there :facepalm:

When we took the train back, it kept stopping because some genius kept leaning out of the train to take pictures. Personally, I don't find the view all that great from the train, so I am not sure what they were even taking pictures of, but we stopped FOUR times for this same woman. After stopping twice and telling the woman the train can't move if people are leaning out, the CM said "Please do not lean out of the train to take pictures. We will continue to stop the train each time someone does so." I guess she thought that meant everyone else but her, because she did it again. The CM said "This train ride is supposed to be less than 10 minutes long. Right now, we are at 21 minutes. If you would like to continue your day doing something other than sitting on this train, please stay inside." The woman wasn't in our car, thank goodness, because if she had been, I am pretty sure I would have flipped out. I mean, it was ridiculous. This constant stopping started to make DS a little frustrated and he thought the train was broken and wanted to get off. I don't know if anyone in her car said anything to her or not, but she finally did stay put the rest of the ride, although now DS was very agitated and didn't care that the train was moving anymore - he wanted off. As soon as the train pulled up the platform, he tried to climb over the ledge and get off :eek:. I felt bad because we were in the back row and had to cut in front of everyone else to get him off before he was able to climb out himself (he is a really good climber - and super fast!). At least it wasn't packed or anything, but still...

After that, we headed over to the Maharajah Jungle Trek. DSBuzz picked up a map and decided he was our guide. The girls got a map to share, because there were only a couple left in the box and there were several people coming up behind us. This turned out to not be a great idea because they were having a moment where sharing anything was just going to lead to disaster, but I just kind of let them deal with it, LOL. It was so funny watching DS follow this map and a few times the animals didn't quite look like the picture on the map so he decided they weren't really the animal he was looking for :hilarious: Other times, if it was something he thought we had already seen, he told us "We already sawed that one - Neck!" and ushered us to keep moving, LOL. He was quite entertaining, which was good, considering his sisters at one point where glaring at each other and were paying no attention to any animals.

We were lucky enough to get to see the baby tiger cubs and their mommy laying out in the grass. The cubs were wrestling with each other on top of the mother and she tried batting them to get them out of her face. I thought this was fitting for the situation when just a minute prior the girls had come to me to complain about each other and the map. Even DS noticed this and told the girls "You naughty baby tigers like them! They Mommy no like that!" This made the girls crack up and they seemed to get over their irritation with each other and move on. DS decided the baby tiger cubs were too naughty for his liking and we needed to move on. Which was just as well, because a large group was about to come into the area and we had early ADRs for dinner at Rainforest Cafe.

We had dining package passes for ROL that night - a show that none of us had seen before - so I wanted to make sure we ate early enough that we would get there on time. The show started at 6:30pm and our ADR was for 4:15pm. We walked to the restaurant and checked in right at 4:15pm. They told us someone would be right with us, just wait by the aquarium. So we stood there, but it took about 15 minutes before we were seated. There was no one else waiting for a table and it was not busy at all. I happened to look at our ticket and saw that it didn't have the allergy alert, so I went back to check in to let them know. They told me to just tell the server and they would put it on our ticket for our order. I got back and sat down. We had already pre-planned our meal, so we knew what we were having. We waited for about 5 minutes and then the girls went to use the bathroom. They came back about 10 minutes later and we still hadn't had anyone come to the table. DH went to the bathroom and came back - still no one. So I went up to the host and mentioned we hadn't had anyone even take our drinks and they got a manager. The manager came right over and she was very friendly, although she didn't apologize for our wait or anything. We ordered our drinks and said we were ready to order, but we did want to speak with a chef regarding the girls' meals. She said she would go get him right away, but went ahead and took our drink order as well.

She came back quickly with the Chef, but didn't bring the drinks with her. The Chef came and said "So, what's the problem?" I was a little taken aback, but then thought that maybe she didn't say we wanted to speak with him regarding an allergy so he didn't know why he was brought to our table. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I said "Both of the girls have peanut/tree nut allergies, so I just wanted to verify about what was safe for them." I was about to ask about a few items specifically and he interrupted me and said "We don't have any peanut butter or nut foods on the kids menu." Then he started to walk away. The manager grabbed his arm and said "I think they have a question about a specific item though." Before I could say anything he sighs and says "What about it?" I said "We can't have items that have the potential for cross contamination, so I was wondering if there are any options on here we should avoid." He said "That's your choice." I said "Well, I can't really choose if I don't know what the options are." The Manager said to the Chef "Do you know if there are things on any of the kids' meals that might be made in a facility with nuts or something like that?" He just said "Look, what do they want to eat?" DDBelle said "I was going to have the hamburgers, but -" He cut her off and said "That's fine, that's fine, no one puts nuts on a hamburger, what else?" I said "My daughter was worried about the buns for the hamburgers." The Manager said "I know those are okay, I have checked them before." So then the Chef goes "okay, hamburgers - what else?" DDRey said "I wanted the mac and cheese". The Chef said, irritated "That's fine, that's fine, it's pasta and cheese."

I said "We are on the DDP and we usually get appetizers. I was wondering if the Cheese Sticks were okay, because my DH and I were going to order them and just share with the kids if they were." The Chef said "It's fried cheese." The Manager asked the Chef "Do you know if they come from a facility that might have cross contamination?" He shrugged his shoulders and said "I have no idea." So we decided to just get one order for DH, DS and I to share. I asked if there were any other appetizer options for the kids and he said "No, they don't get appetizers." I said "Well, we are on the DDP, so typically they can" and he said "well, you don't know if they can eat any of them so what would you order?" DDRey was getting embarrassed so she said "It's fine, we don't want an appetizer anyway."

Then the Manager asked "what about desserts, I know that can be an issue sometimes." The Chef said "I have nothing for you for dessert. We only have fruit." I said "That's fine, they will take the fruit." He rolled his eyes, sighed really loudly, said "Whatever" and then turned and walked away. I was really upset at this point and was going to say something and DDRey grabbed my arm and said "It's fine, Mom, don't say anything. Let's just get our food and eat and leave. People are looking at us weird." The Manager was nice enough and seemed to know more about the food than the chef, but she didn't try to accommodate us much or apologize for the rude behavior of the chef, so I can't say I was impressed by her either.

It was around 5:00pm and we hadn't even finished putting in our order. DH and I ordered for ourselves and DS who wanted the chicken nuggets. I knew he wouldn't eat them all, so I asked about the Manager about the nuggets in case the girls wanted to have some. She said she would find out.

5:05pm - we finally got drinks. 5:10pm - DSBuzz was out.
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Energy level was starting to drain for the girls too. The chef had taken their order around 5:00pm. It was about 5:30pm when they got their food. DH and I didn't get our order in until 5:10pm, it was 5:45pm before we got ours. By the time we got ours, DDRey said her mac and cheese was gross and she ate only a couple of bites. It was mostly dry, plain pasta with some shredded cheese sprinkled on top. DDBelle ate part of one of her mini burgers and then showed them to me. They were burned. So badly that I couldn't even cut through one of them with my steak knife. When the Manager came around, I asked her if she had found anything out about the chicken nuggets. She did apologize and say she forgot and went to go do that. She came back quickly and said they had no warnings on them, so they should be okay. I told her the girls were done with their food because they didn't like it. She said she was sorry, but didn't offer anything for them. DS ate a bite of his chicken nuggets and a few fries and then went back to sleep. I told the girls they could have his nuggets, so they split them up. DDRey took one bite and said "Mom, these are gross! They taste like the time we forgot we had chicken patties in the freezer and we grabbed an old package and ate those and they tasted freezer burned." DDBelle agreed, but she was so hungry, she ate two of the nuggets anyway. They ate DS's fries and said they were okay.

DH had the chicken sandwich and he said it would have tasted okay, but the chicken was too dry. He ate about half. My steak was surprisingly good, but the mashed potatoes tasted like instant potatoes, not sure why. I only ate a couple of bites of them - and I LOVE mashed potatoes.

We were waiting for the check and totally forgot we had ordered dessert when we ordered our meals. The kids got their fruit (DS ate none, the girls ate some, because they were so hungry still). DH and I shared the Volcano. I thought it was chocolate cake on top of ice cream, but the "scoops" were only whipped cream - no ice cream. Neither of us are whipped cream fans, so we separated the cake from the whipped cream. The cake was so dry, we each took two bites and then looked at the time and said "we gotta get out of here". It was 6:05pm and we needed to get to ROL.

We saw the manager walk by and asked her for the check. She came back in a couple of minutes with it and then walked off before I could tell her that she needed to scan my band. She walked back by a moment later and I flagged her down again. She scanned my band and then quickly got the receipts that I needed to sign. DH asked if I was going to leave a tip. I have only skipped a tip ONCE in my life and it was because where we dined was so completely horrible - service, food and attitude - that not one person in the place deserved a wage, let alone a tip. However, outside of that experience, I rarely tip less than 20% unless the server doesn't do their job. Then I might leave 10-15%, depending on the severity of the situation. I really felt we got treated like crap, but a large portion of that was the Chef, and the tip wasn't for the chef. I don't know why we had a manager and not the server at our table. They were not understaffed. The table next to us was served by the same guy who was supposed to be at our table and it seemed they got great service (they had their food 20 minutes before we did - and we were there a half hour before they were). But, the manager was friendly, she did the bare minimum as far as serving goes and when we requested something she was quick. But as a manager, when she saw things that were wrong, I would expect her to do something to rectify it and/or apologize but in most instances, she did not. I couldn't bring myself to tip less than 18% though, LOL. It's just hard for me to do that! Definitely the worst experience we have EVER had at a restaurant at Disney, so we just equated it with "This isn't a Disney restaurant" as the reason! The only good part of the meal was when we left, DS woke up and saw this frog and thought it was so funny - he wanted to take it home with him!

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At least DS got a good nap and was all refreshed for our evening at AK!

We speed walked to ROL and got there just with just a couple of minutes to spare. We were in the second to last row from the top, but the row was relatively empty, so we scooted in and got settled. The show was just about to begin when DDRey leans over to me and says "Mom, something is wrong. I don't feel right." I look at her and she has a big red welt on the side of her face that was swelling fast. I frantically try to recall our meal to see what it was that could possibly have caused her to have an allergic reaction, but could think of nothing. Since it was a welt on the side of her face, I told her to hold up her hand and it seemed that the welt was about the size/outline of her finger. She must have touched something. I look around, we all stand up to look at our seats and DDBelle - always our loudspeaker - shouts "MOM! THESE PEOPLE HAVE PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES AND THEY ARE THROWING THEIR BAGGIES AND NAPKINS ALL OVER THE GROUND AND ON OUR BENCH! I NEED A NEW SEAT!" :banghead:

Cue DDRey's entire face turning red and then giving her sister the death stare and whisper/shouting "Great! Now everyone is staring at us!" To which DDBelle (also the dramatic one) yells "Well, I don't wanna DIE at Disney World!" I looked behind us and there was a family, it seemed to be a large extended family, who had passed out baggies of PB&J sandwiches, to which, many of the younger members had flung their baggies onto the bench we had sat down on. I'm assuming DDRey touched one when we sat down and then must have touched her face.

I tell everyone to calm down, we get up, move down away from the family with the food, I get out wipes and start cleaning everyone and everything - benches, bums, hands, faces, bottoms of shoes, bags, - etc. Then I pull out a Benadryl for DDRey. We get settled again. But then another group comes in and wants to sit in our row, so we ask them to go inside so we can sit next to the aisle. They didn't want to. I explained to the woman why we couldn't sit there. She was annoyed, but she did go inside the row and let us have the aisle. DDRey was to the point that she wanted to leave. "It's so embarrassing! This sucks! Everyone hates people like us." I told her to calm down, some people just don't understand and we were there to enjoy the show.

Finally, the show started. And once it started, everyone was in a trance.

Next Up - Part 6 - ROL & Mr. Grumpy Pants Decides to Visit

Oh My.. I would definitely be writing or calling Disney about your poor service. That chef needs training!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Glad the airline found your luggage in the end !! Phew!!

Sounds like a nightmare dinner at Rainforest cafe- we personally didn’t go on our last trip but the other family we were travelling with went to the DS one and had a pretty similar experience to you! Such a shame; we used to love it as kiddos!


Active Member
Original Poster
I'm so glad that airlines found your luggage and made things right. Kudos to the AoA CM's that worked so hard to find your stuff too!

Wow...I think I would've skipped on a tip at Rainforest Cafe. The chef's behavior is reprehensible at best, and the slow service sounds like it was uncalled for. I don't ever skip on tips either, but I think I would've made an exception that time. :mad:;)

Whew...quite an evening overall for you guys. I hope you guys at least enjoyed ROL. I have it on our to-do list, but wavering on whether or not to do a dining package.

Yes, I felt bad for the CM's at AoA because while I was waiting during one of my trips there because they were so good and helpful and then a guy came and asked for his bags and they said they were on a cart to be delivered to his room. They asked him if he wanted to take them himself or have them delivered and he was like "well, if I am here, then obviously I want them NOW." So they bring them to him and he said "Are you helping me take these?" One of the CMs said "Um, no, I thought you said you didn't want them delivered." The guy says "How am I supposed to carry 5 suitcases to my room?" The CM said "well, like I said, we can still deliver them to you, they were on a cart to go out for deliver in the next 30 minutes." The guy said "Well, can you give ME a cart?" The CM said "I can give you a hand truck." She gets it and then helps him put the bags on there and the guy said "I hope you don't expect me to bring this back. Send your people to get it and don't knock on my door either." She didn't say anything, but then the guy goes "Out of curiosity, why weren't they delivered?" The CM said "They were going to be delivered - they were on the cart for delivery." The guy said "Well, it says they are to be delivered in three hours of our flight landing." The CM corrected him and said "It's three hours from when you arrive at the resort. What time did you check in?" He tells her "7:30" She says "It is just now 10:30pm." He says "Exactly." She looks at me and then at the other CM who kind of just shook her head. Then the guy yells "thanks for nothing!" and walks off with his hand truck full of bags...

If the manager/server hadn't at least tried to help us, I probably would have skipped a tip, but it seemed she was trying - at least a little, LOL.

We LOVED ROL!!!! So beautiful! We did the dining package via Tusker's. We were on the dining plan and used our credits, so I don't know how much more expensive it is OOP versus regular dining without the pass for ROL.

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