Who remembers Dreamflight?


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It used to be housed in the location that is now Buzz Lightyear in Tomorrowland. It was sponsored by Delta Airlines.

I was 12 the only time i did it and unfortunately don't remember much about it other than i loved it.

If you have any memories, or better yet, pics, please share.

General Grizz

New Member
I do!! GREAT ride! :sohappy: :)

I'm not too sure of any websites...

We're gonna take you flyin'
And there'll be no denyin'
This dreamflight's bound for non-stop fantasy...

Good ride.


You may already know this, but a website called Digital Disney has a fairly good quality video of it. I'm not entirely sure of the website name, but if you type "Digital Disney" in a Yahoo search or something, then you can find it. I have very fond memories of Dreamflight. It was one of my favorites at MK. Though, I never went on If You Had Wings, so I don't know what that was like. One great thing about Buzz Lightyer is that the track layout and building are the same as from Dreamflight, so you can really picture the different areas that Dreamflight had while you're on Buzz Lightyear.


If you rode Dreamflight, you basically rode If You Had Wings.
Very similar shows, but Dreamflight was a bit more comical. I always loved the room that made you feel like you were taking off, I think of it every time I ride Buzz now.

As a side note, from 1987 to 1989 the ride was called If You Could Fly.


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Hey Walter and grizzly,

Thanks for your comments.

Yeah i distinctly remember returning home from that first trip to Disney when i was 12(see pic to left) and having that ride embedded in my head as the best thing i'd done in the Kingdom.

Walter, thanks for the digital disney tip, i'm going to check that out right now!


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Lee, what was the life of If you had wings versus Dreamflight?

I'm recalling the one that was still in service in 1987. I just checked out Digital Disney's realmedia clip of Dreamflight, and while i remember riding that and enjoying it,. i think that came after If You Had Wings and could have been still in service in the mid-90's right?

So i'm probably thinking of If You Had Wings?


Well-Known Member
Ah, yes, Dreamflight: the only attraction you could ride constantly nonstop at 2 in the afternoon on a Christmas day when half no other parks are open and half the rides on MK are shut down. Disney could have set up an unanesthemized dentistry booth in the corner of a parking lot and it would have had a longer line than Dreamflight.

Charming little ride though, really. It was air conditioned cool, and quiet, and the Tokyo/Exit music loops were really nice.


Here ya go:

If You Had Wings, sponsored by Eastern airlines, opened on June 5, 1972, and ran until June2, 1987.

Delta took over, and on June 6, 1987 the ride became If You Could Fly. This was the same show as before, and was only temporary while WDI came up with...

Delta Dreamflight, which opened on June 26, 1989. As I said before, the ride was similar to before, only a little funnier. Delta stopped sponsoring the ride as of January 1, 1996, and you all know the rest.

You know, an updated version of this ride would go great with Soarin' to make an excellent aviation pavillion at Epcot.

No...that wasn't a hint.


New Member
DreamFlight was interesting. Not spectacular, but not too boring either. It was actually a very relaxing ride.

I do remember that it was cheap and tacky, but it wasn't exactly supposed to be a huge E-ticket ride. It was a filler, and it did its job well.

Here's a room by room description of the ride:
Queue - As we enter the Dreamflight queue, we are placed into an airport terminal. If the ride is busy, we have to snake around a loopback once, but that rarely happens. We will most likely be walking straight up to our aircraft through the clear loading walkway.

Loading Area - We board our vehicles in an area that looks almost exactly like the loading area for Buz Lightyear. On the opposite side of the loading ramp, we see a huge mural that features an old airfield complete with biplanes and hangars. As we board, we hear a female announcer say, "Your DreamFlight is about to depart for great historical ages of aviation"

Intro Room - Our vehicles turn to the inside and we looked at aviation-themed paper sculptures rotating on a platform (I can't think of any other way to describe it). We see biplanes, hot air balloons, and other similar items.

During this part of the ride, we get to hear the ride's theme song, which goes something like this:
We're going to take you flying
And they'll be no denying
This Dreamflight's bound for nonstop fantasy

From the earliest days of tryin
On the air we've been relyin
To lift us up high above the deep blue sea

And before this flight is through
You'll be soarin in a sky so blue
Flying will help to make these dreams come true

Farm Flight Room - In this room, we take off and fly over the coutnryside and eventually crash into a barn. Planes are soaring in the sky with us, and we see a farm to the right of us, and an exciting air show to the left. While we're flying, we hear a crazy version of the ride's theme (with a lot of animal sound effects scattered throughout).

Biplane Movie Room - After crashing through the barn (with that loud owl), our vehicles turn towards a screen where we watch a movie loop of a stunt flyer who is standing on top of a biplane.

In this room, we hear a new song that goes something like this (the lyrics could be wrong, so bear with me)

Hail out to all of these flying machines
With brave folks just learning to fly

Up and down
Around and around
What a thrill doing stunts in the sky

These new fangled gizmos called flying machines
With pilots so thrilling to dare

Looping the loop
Defying the ground
Soaring on currents of air

World travel/ - As we leave the movie room, we glide past a large spinning globe that reminds us of world travel. A voice says, "The Global Clipper will embark shortly for the era of air travel. Your DreamFlight will span the world, making brief stops in Tokyo, Japan, and Paris, France."

San Fran Room - This room begins our brief tour of the world. A floating airplane sits in a harbor as a storm approaches in the background. The music here is a smooth, sexy, jazzy version of the ride's basic theme.

Plane Interior Room - We see the interior of an older classic airliner. There are tables here, and somebody is sitting down, enjoying a meal and a drink (presumably this is during flight). The music is the same as in the San Fran room.

Japan Room - We pass by a classic Japanese garden scene. A woman is standing in her kimono looking out over her house and the landscape. The area is well decorated and lush. Delta planes fly overhead intermittently. In the background, we hear an Asian version of the ride's theme, with drums, flutes, and stringed instruments.

Paris Room - We quickly travel from Tokyo to Paris, which is covered in the red and orange colors of a sunset. Two lovers are sitting at a table in a street, and the Eiffel Tower looms overhead. Once again, Delta planes pass by overhead. As we leave the Paris room, we see one of their famous "news towers" (for a lack of a better word) and see a huge Delta airline on the wall.

The music here changes to a French sound and has the following lyrics:
....sunsets, dreams and such

Now our flights of fancy take us
To romantic dreams and places
This adventure like the precious past

Gay Paris may call you...

Jet Engine Room - Our vehicles enter the jet engine of a gigantic airline. As we enter the tunnel, we hear a voice (alternating between male and female on each time) say, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Your DreamFlight will depart immediately for the future. Please prepare for supersonic takeoff."
A special light effect recreates the turbine fans as we go through the tunnel. When we enter the tunnel, we hear a loud synthetic noise that reminds us of a jet engine and prepares us for the speed rooms.

Speed Room - In the speed room, the vehicles tilt backward and we get the impression that we are travelling very fast. To add to the speed effect, we feel the wind from fans that are placed near the ride track. To add to the thrill, we hear a rocking version of the ride's theme.

Depending on when we visited the ride, we would see one of two movies.

Movie A - A simple loop where we go down a runway but never actually take off. Periodically we see a huge light that eventually grows to the whole screen, then goes away. This movie was shown when the attraction first opened.

Movie B - This movie takes us to the skies and makes us feel like we are flying. It featurs first-person footage of flying through the clouds.

Movie Room - Our vehicles tilt fully upright again and we turn to the side to see a computer-generated movie that puts us somewhere in a strange future. During one segment of the movie, we are in a rocky, watery canyon. Then we shoot for the stars and end up on a synthetic world with vibrant colors, and futuristic technologies. The music here is a synthetic but still rocking version of the ride's theme song.

Pop Up Book Room - As we cruise through the final scene in the ride, we see a giant popup book that flips between popup versions of London and New York City. The book is surrounded by giant white clouds, and a Delta jet flys by periodically.

As we see the book, we hear another version of the ride's theme:
Once you've taken a Delta DreamFlight
You see dreams in a different light

We welcome you back from your DreamFlight
The fantasy flight of your life

Once you've taken a DreamFlight
The Earth's an aspiring sight

There's adventure
There's romance
Sailing in a sky so blue
Now DreamFlight is your best chance
A passport for things old and new

Unload Area - As we enter the unload area, a female voice greets us and tells us to carefully step onto the moving platform (I don't recall the exact wording here). The unload area looks vaguely like an airport terminal, with a big Delta logo on a carpet-covered wall, and with travel posters that line up the exit walkway. The music here changes to a happy, optimistic version of the ride's theme.


mr snrub

New Member
the art reminded me a tad of that in Mr toad's wild ride.

then again, i have only seen it once, when i was 5.

additionally, i think buzz was better than dreamflight, but that is strictly opinion.


If you had wings If you had wings If you had wings you do have wings Delta airlines,I sing this song to myself all the time,I love Buzz but I miss this ride seems like Buzz has the same track.I even remember Eastern or Delta had a ticket office as you exit the ride.


New Member
oh, don't get me started on that ride

One of my faves
I am SO sad it is gone:cry: :cry: :cry:

I found a site that has a video of the entire ride

Digital Disney

click on 'Magic Kingdon' then on 'Tomorrowland'

it's about halfway down the page.

"Once you've taken a dreamflight,
The fantasy flight of your life.
Once you've taken a dreamflight,
The earth's an inspiring sight. "


Active Member
Originally posted by DigitalDisney

Jet Engine Room - Our vehicles enter the jet engine of a gigantic airline. As we enter the tunnel, we hear a voice (alternating between male and female on each time) say, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Your DreamFlight will depart immediately for the future. Please prepare for supersonic takeoff."
A special light effect recreates the turbine fans as we go through the tunnel. When we enter the tunnel, we hear a loud synthetic noise that reminds us of a jet engine and prepares us for the speed rooms.

Strangely enough this is the only part of the Ride I actually remember, odd how selective memory can be :)


New Member
Ah, "If You Had Wings"! While the attraction was great to ride, the best thing about it may have been that it was FREE! For those of you who don't remember the A-E ticket days, "IYHW" was just about the only ride that you could ride WITHOUT A TICKET! It certainly got a lot of extra rides out of us when my father wouldn't buy any more ticket books (or even single tickets). Ah, back when there were lots and lots of airlines.....


New Member
I LOVED DREAMFLIGHT!!!! (so much more than Buzz!) My favorite part was going through the plane engine! I see that they still kept that though, so I'm not entirely bitter! J/K!:D

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