Who Knew Choking Each Other Would Earn Us Fastpasses? We were just kidding!

Hello there and welcome to my trip report.

I guess I'll start out with the introductions of the cast and crew.

My name is Lisa (a/k/aTinkerbell as my boss likes to call me) and I am a 44 year old paralegal, wife to John and mother to Hunter and Lacey (who didn't join us on this trip 'cause she's attending missionary college). My husband, John, also 44, owns and operates a cabinet shop which is good because I can always talk his boss into letting him off work to go to Disney.
John acts all nonchalant about going to Disney but when somebody asks him a question, he immediately starts chattering away.

Since I am still uploading pictures and can't seem to find a picture of John and I from this year's trip, I guess I'll just use a picture from last year's trip.


Hunter is our son and he turned 13 just 3 days before we arrived in Disney. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate becoming a teenager than by partying hard with Mickey and the gang. Hunter is a multi-talented little dude. He can play the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, keyboard and viola. Magical illusions and cup stacking are his newest tricks and he's pretty darn good at both. When he's not playing an instrument or trying to trick you, he's playing football or singing in the honor choir. See....I told you he was multi-talented.

Also along for the ride this year was my Mama, Edna. She's 76 years old and dotes on John and Hunter like they were her little babies. Mama has been to Disney with us once at Thanksgiving, 2000. That was back in the day when we stayed offsite 'cause we didn't know any better.
We were anxious to see how Mama would do with all the walking, heat, humidity, conveyor belts, etc.

Again, I don't have all of my pictures uploaded so I'll just use a picture of Hunter and Mama riding the clamshells into The Seas with Nemo and Friends. Not the best of pictures but a picture nevertheless:


We are a pretty silly fun loving family that always seems to attract.......hum.......let's just say,we always seem to have an "incident" happen during each of our trips. Over the years:

1) We got stuck on Test Track in the cold section and I almost tinkled myself;

2) My tooth (temporary crown) fell out while eating lunch at the Electric Umbrella and I had to super glue it in;

3) John got his toe broken after being run over in a drive-by scooter incident;

4) Hunter boogied with every character we ran into;

5) My wonderful, beautiful, loving family pedaled off on the surrey bike without me when my shoe hit the pedal and flew over my shoulder;

6) Lacey and Hunter jumped for joy in front of the Epcot ball;

7) We laughed so much during the trips that I caught myself saying "stop making me laugh or......" every 30 minutes.

And so forth and so on. We love spending time together and there's no better place than Walt Disney World to act silly and have a good time. Our goofiness paid off during the trip and that same goofiness inspired the title of this report.

This was our 15th trip to Disney in 13 years and our 5th stay at the Caribbean Beach Resort. We spent 9 1/2 glorious days at Walt Disney World and I could have stayed longer had my boss not insisted that I return to "the real world".

I have people ask me all the time why we go to Disney World year after year after year. I've tried to explain it to them but, unless you are a Disney fan like myself, you just can't understand. Remember those old Lay's potato chips commercials? You know, the ones that said something like "Lay's potato chips...so good you can't eat just one!" I liken Disney to a Lay's potato chip....."Walt Disney World is so fun you can't go just once!"

Now that the introductions have been made, I guess I'll get busy working on the next installment.

Oh....I hope that everybody feels free to post replies/comments 'cause I really like chatting.


Original Poster
Please, please forgive me for another long absence. Preparations for our next Walt Disney World vacation, end of school year activities, work, etc. have kept me super busy and I have hardly had time to breath, much less post. However, I am about to rectify that with several new posts.


Original Poster
It was getting really late in the evening. The day guests had left and we were well into the EMH at the Magic Kingdom. Hunter and I were still having a hard time leaving the Magic Kingdom. He was searching for something to do just as I was. Hunter and I really wanted to take a spin on Space Mountain again before we left. John and Mama said to go ahead but they were going to sit on the bench in Fantasyland and wait on us:


We walked through the castle where I took pictures of the beautiful mosaics:





As we stepped out of the front of the castle, I took a picture:



Original Poster
I didn't want to make John and Hunter wait any longer than they had to so we stepped up the pace and walked towards Tomorrowland:


There was hardly any line when we got to Space Mountain and we were soon playing with the new games in the queque:



There was a group of older teenagers in front of us and they were driving everybody nuts. They were trying to act cool and they were throwing out curse words here and there. I can't stand to be in a line beside little snotheads like that. The line continued to move along and we were shown to the left along with the snotheads. Everything was chugging along until we heard an announcement that the ride had shut down. The castmembers said to remain where we were and they should have it up and running again soon.

The entire time we were standing in line, the snotheads were making rude comments, off color jokes and just generally being obnoxious. Our wait got longer and longer and the castmembers made an announcement that they weren't sure how much longer it would be but anyone who wanted to leave, could make their way to the nearest castmember and they would take them out. I looked at Hunter and he asked if we could wait a while longer. I guess I could put up with the teenagers a little longer.

Another 15 minutes passed and the jokes were getting a bit racier and the language was getting a little stronger. I looked at a dad and son beside me and shook my head. After about 10 minutes of listening to one of the boys say the B word for the umpteenth time, I turned to him and said in my "I'm being polite but don't mess with me voice"...."Listen there are kids in this line and you spitting out all those curse words just isn't going to cut it. Do yourself a favor and zip it now before I call one of those castmembers over there and tell them to throw you out for your filthy mouths. I know you'd rather ride Space Mountain than be tossed out on your butt so why don't you just give it a rest." They stammered around a little trying to decide if I was serious or if they should say something smart back. I think the handclapping of a couple of parents around me made up their mind and they said "sorry".

To get onto other people while in a park/mall/store, etc. isn't normally something I do. But, I can't stand it when people are being disrespectful and cursing....especially in front of kids.

Finally, after a total of 45 minutes, the line started moving again and we were blasting off into space! Once we were off the ride, we took off towards Fantasyland at a fast pass. I knew that John would be wondering where in the world we were. But, I wasn't walking so fast that I couldn't take pictures:





**Continued in next post


Well-Known Member
:wave: Looking forward to more to come! I enjoy that you don't rush out your TR, it good to keep people waiting! It leaves people wanting more!

Your next trip is very soon isn't it? Looking forward to the TR already, it's like your favourite author bringing out a new book!


Original Poster
More pictures from Tomorrowland:



We found Mama and John sitting in the same spot as we left them. We apologized like crazy for taking so long. They said they figured the ride had shut down or something. They also knew that there was no way we could have called them because I had left my bag with them.

I snapped pictures as we were grabbing the bag and before we took the last walk through the castle:




Looking back towards Fantasyland:




Original Poster
I took even more pictures of the front of the castle:




As we made our way down, I spotted a Photopass photographer to my left. I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity for one last picture. Mama said to take the pictures without her since it was supposed to be a family picture. (Like she's not family?) First was a picture of John and I:


Then, it was Hunter's turn. He's so silly......



Once the pictures were taken, we meandered down Main Street. There were probably a dozen or so people on the street with us. I had a pretty good idea that they were trying to make the moments last too. When we got to the train station, I looked at the castle one last time. At least I knew we'd be back again next year!

We walked down the walkway to the bus stop and were pleased to see a bus pulling up just as we made it to the line. We hopped on and were soon back at the resort. Even though I knew we still had things to pack up to head home, we were all too tired and fell into bed. We'd finish packing in the morning.


Original Poster
Now that I've gone back through Photobucket and looked at my pictures, I "remember" that, while in Adventureland, we took a ride on the Jungle Cruise. This was our first time (can you believe it) that we had ridden it at night. I was only able to capture two pictures and they aren't good at all. I can't believe that one of the two pictures I got was one of a snake. I hate snakes!


The other one:


Once we were done with the Jungle Cruise, we got in line for Aladdin's Magic Carpets. Mama said she didn't want to ride and would just take a seat on a nearby bench and wait for us. Some semi-crappy pictures I took while waiting in line and while on the ride:





Hunter being his natural silly self. He was doing some serious carpet driving:



One last one while soaring above Adventureland:


We could see Mama sitting on the bench and every time we came around, we would try to get her attention. Finally, at just about the last time around, she spotted us and waved to us. I giggled like a little girl when she waved. I love my Mama!

Now that we had done everything in Adventureland, THAT'S when we did everything in the last couple of posts......Haunted Mansion....Snow White....Fantasyland....Space Mountain.

WAIT! On our way over to Fantasyland, I tried taking a picture of the castle:


Yeah...didn't turn out too good did it.

**Up next, driving home.


Original Poster
I have at least two more installments to post. One of the drive home and my "reflections". Hopefully, I'll get those posted over the next couple of days. We leave for Walt Disney World next Tuesday as soon as I get home from work. We'll have 11 glorious vacation days!


Original Poster
:wave: Looking forward to more to come! I enjoy that you don't rush out your TR, it good to keep people waiting! It leaves people wanting more!

Your next trip is very soon isn't it? Looking forward to the TR already, it's like your favourite author bringing out a new book!

Our next trip to WDW starts when I get off work next Tuesday. I am more than ready to get on the road to the Happiest Place on Earth.

Oh that's so nice of you to say. I really love writing my reports as I need something as a creative outlet and I get to relive my Disney vacation as I write.


Well-Known Member
Am I dork for getting a little misty eyed when you wrote about looking back at the castle for the last time? Leaving Disney always makes me sad. But you're going again soooo soon!! YAY!!!! :sohappy: I'm looking forward to another trip report!!!!


Well-Known Member
I love reading your TR. I know you are very ready for next week. Ya'l have fun. We will be there on the 3rd and I can't wait.


Original Poster
Am I dork for getting a little misty eyed when you wrote about looking back at the castle for the last time? Leaving Disney always makes me sad. But you're going again soooo soon!! YAY!!!! :sohappy: I'm looking forward to another trip report!!!!

If you're a dork, then so am I! I always get teary eyed when I look back at the castle for the last time. I don't wanna leave!


Well-Known Member
If you're a dork, then so am I! I always get teary eyed when I look back at the castle for the last time. I don't wanna leave!

I always get misty eyed watching Wishes as well. My sister always asks why and honestly, I don't have an answer. It just gets me. This time though I wore my glasses hoping she would think my tears were just the reflection of the fireworks in the glass... No such luck! She still picked on me :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Ohhh and you'll have to let me know how you like POR. We drove around CBR property when we were there a couple weeks ago and all 3 of us (me, mom and sister) decided that would be an option for our next trip along with AS Sports. But we weren't able to check out POFQ, POR or CS. So I cant wait to get your opinion on POR. We're going back in November and we're debating where to stay!!


Original Poster
I always get misty eyed watching Wishes as well. My sister always asks why and honestly, I don't have an answer. It just gets me. This time though I wore my glasses hoping she would think my tears were just the reflection of the fireworks in the glass... No such luck! She still picked on me :ROFLOL:

I cry at everything....commercials, weddings, movies, etc. so my family knows I'm gonna cry when I see the castle and watch the fireworks.

Ohhh and you'll have to let me know how you like POR. We drove around CBR property when we were there a couple weeks ago and all 3 of us (me, mom and sister) decided that would be an option for our next trip along with AS Sports. But we weren't able to check out POFQ, POR or CS. So I cant wait to get your opinion on POR. We're going back in November and we're debating where to stay!!

I totally forgot to post that we've changed our reservations. We are no longer doing a split stay between POR and CBR. We absolutely wanted to give a new resort a try but the more we thought about it the more we thought it would be a hassle to change resorts after those first two days. So, I changed our room only reservation from POR to CBR and asked that they make a notation that it was a "continuing" reservation. We are hoping that we'll get to keep the same room the entire time.

I am hoping to talk the family into doing a little resort touring on our upcoming trip. We have dinner reservations at Ohana, Whispering Canyon, Grand Floridian Cafe and The Turf Club. We've seen the Polynesian, Wilderness Lodge and Grand Floridian but not Saratoga Springs. Mama hasn't seen the Grand Floridian yet either so that'll be something new for her.

Maybe we can get over to the Port Orleans resorts and check them out. I also want to go over to the Animal Kingdom Lodge and Coronado Springs. Those are two that we have considered staying at as well.


Well-Known Member
The Grand Floridian is gorgeous! A little too.. how should I put it.. not really to "uppity" for me, but I think the Poly is more my speed. We tried to get into 'Ohana for November but it's COMPLETELY booked already :(
We did eat at Whispering Canyon when we were there and it was a lot of fun! And the food was GREAT!! My sister had the pot roast and said it was her favorite meal on Disney property. I had the skillet and let me tell ya... that comes with A LOT of food! Similar to Hoop-Dee-Doo! I hope you guys like it! :sohappy:


Original Poster
The Grand Floridian is gorgeous! A little too.. how should I put it.. not really to "uppity" for me, but I think the Poly is more my speed. We tried to get into 'Ohana for November but it's COMPLETELY booked already :(
We did eat at Whispering Canyon when we were there and it was a lot of fun! And the food was GREAT!! My sister had the pot roast and said it was her favorite meal on Disney property. I had the skillet and let me tell ya... that comes with A LOT of food! Similar to Hoop-Dee-Doo! I hope you guys like it! :sohappy:

I don't know that I'd like to stay at the Grand Floridian but it is a beautiful resort and I am sure Mama will like looking around. If I were you, I'd keep checking the Disney Dining reservations every day. You may be able to get a Ohana ADR. I was able to get one at a little over 60 days out.

Whispering Canyon DOES have a lot of food! The last time we ate there, our waitress was "Heada Lettuce". :ROFLOL:


Original Poster
We leave for our 16th trip to Walt Disney World tomorrow! I am itchin' to get on the road!

I'll be posting the last of my trip report this afternoon while my boss is in court. I don't have the "reflections" portion done yet but do have the last installment ready. Just have to get the boss out of her long enough to post it.;)
We leave for our 16th trip to Walt Disney World tomorrow! I am itchin' to get on the road!

I'll be posting the last of my trip report this afternoon while my boss is in court. I don't have the "reflections" portion done yet but do have the last installment ready. Just have to get the boss out of her long enough to post it.;)

So jealous! Have another 2 months roughly before mine!
Have loved your trip report and can't read to read your new one once you get back ;)

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