Who is your Disney speical person?


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Original Poster
One of the things that makes WDW so special to my family is the connection my husband and I share and how much we both love it. When he is at WDW he is the most fun of any place and we love talking about it, planing for the trips, looking at pictures and all things WDW in general. Now we love sharing it with our daughter.

My question is "who makes Disney speical for you?" When you think about WDW do you think of a specal person you share memories with (or want to?) Is it family, friends or your significant other? Is there any one person you wouldn't want to be without when you're there?


New Member
It´s Ryan, my ex-bf. He is a Disney freak and he gave me the best tours of the parks. I had tons of fun working in and touring the parks with him. I know I will certainly miss him around when I go back to WDW. He gave another meaning of WDW to me... ;)


New Member
Obviously, I love having my husband and kids with me, but I must say that this year was very special beacuse my Mum and Dad came too. There is a Disney advert on TV here at the minute about taking your daughter to Disney no matter how old they are. It was great to have the whole family there - real "memory building" stuff.

Scar Junior

Active Member
That is hard for me- I'm only 17 and there isn't like a wife or long term girlfriend or anything I can share it with. I would have to say I have 3 equal people. All 3 of which are working for Disney.

My sister Jenny(21) is a college recruited for the WDWCP. We have gone on 12 trips together and I go to her for advice on getting into the Colege Progam next year. She likes Disney but isn't as obsessed as me or the other two.

My sister's best friend Jon(21) is the man. He and I talk of how we hate Pessler and Eisner and he knows what's going on. He too is a recruiter for the WDWCP. He and I like the same types of Disney things (Disney World, and he business of Disney).

My friend, Emily (19)- who dated Jon, I dated her sister, and Emily is currently dating my best friend- is i the WDWCP rigt now. She is going to be down there until August. She and I talk hours at a time about Disney and everyone else off. She however likes not only Disney World but Disneyland and also she likes the movies (classics) way more. Where as I am more prone to the business of the company and specificly Disney World (cuz i've never been to DL)

So it's hard to say who I share it with. I try to spread the Disney lovin all around and I do a damn good job of it (when a disney movie comes out we get group of like 15 at least to all go see it together and I'm takin 9 other kids to WDW in march). But I kind of keep Disney for myself...It's my escape from the real world and all its stressors.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say my wife Wendy.

She is a Pharmacy Manager for a major drugstore.
She works long hard hours and has tons of reponsibility.
She is one of the most dedicated and serious people on the planet. She oversees all the other Pharmacists and Pharmacy technicians at her workplace. She is an awesome lady.

So when we go to Disney World...and I watch the look on her face...and I see that child in her coming out...it is truly magical. She Loves Disney World and works hard for her money and her vacations.

Disney World gets her mind off of her job, if only for a week or two a year.

I can't think of anyone I would rather be at Disney World with than her. :)


Definitely my brother. Not that it is special in the sense that others have mentioned here, but we can have so much fun doing whatever and anything in WDW.


New Member
It is definitely my family. My wife and I have been to WDW twice without our kids. It's great to see the "World" from an adult view.

We have been to WDW seven other times with our kids, now 10 and 13. My greatest memory is walking down Main Street with my 13 year old son holding my hand. That could only happen in the happiest place on earth.


Well-Known Member
Along with ScarJunior, I am also only 17 so I don't have a husband or anything, but my favorite memories are with my grandpa, I will never forget them. Now that he has passed, I think I enjoy my dad the most. He is almost as bad of a disney freak as me!


Scar Junior,
Where can I find Info on the Walt Disney World College Program? Is it really hard to get in? I live in Tampa so Maybe I would be close to it, that is if by some miracle I got in. I am fixing to graduate High school and would appreciate the info, thanks


New Member
A great memory about Disney (not while there) was my mother told me and my brother were going to Disney World. Normaly we fight and HATE each other but for 30 seconds we were so close it was unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
My Disney special person is my husband and boys. To see it through their eyes makes every penny we spend worth it. Just to see the babies, my oldest, at 9 months, and my youngest at 13 months, pull up in their stroller and clap at the sites and stare in awe at other things. The pictures we have are priceless. Then after we put them down to sleep, my husband and I sit out on the patio and have a few beers and relax and enjoy each others company.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
For me its my wife and girls. its something that gives us all a lift and we can all share. My dad and I shared the magic of supporting our football team(soccer)when I was in my teens I have Disney to share with my girls. Its fun together and life long memories.
I have a picture of my youngest giving Goofy such a hug. Her face says it all!!


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Original Poster
Wow, that is some really nice answers. I know for me, no matter how much I love WDW, I wouldn't want to go with out my husband. It just wouldn't be the same. Part of the magic is who you share it with. For that matter I think WDW for adults only is great, but if I went without my daughter, I would miss her to much and think "she would love this!"

Scotter, that was a sweet tribute to your wife (did you win any brownie points?) That is very close to why I like being there with my husband.

Kelly and Scar Jr, don't worry, someday you will have your Disney significant other. Keep in mind when you meet that person who might be "the one", do they love Disney or could they grow to? Chances are if you don't want to share WDW with them, you aren't going to want to share the rest of your life with them.

Kelly, I really like what you said about your Grandpa and dad, I am sure that restores faith in family events!!!!!


New Member
i like scar and Kelley am aslo 17. (moving to Tampa in August, YYYYEEEEAAAAAAA, cant wait for college) but anyway my most important person would be my mom. She was the one who instilled teh disney life into, she was teh one who took me there and we try to go once a year just the two of us. She helps me realize what it took to get the dream of the ground and how each and every one of us has the same inititive to do the very same with ours dreams ( shes been one of my main supporters). Althoughh we have been on many trips there together there is one that sticks out in my mind. I have two , Here:

dododododododod(dream sequence, sorry low budget)dododododod

I was having ahard time inschool and was planning on spening one of my school holidays at home bored out of my skull. One night i came home from schhol and my mom asked me if i wanted to go to the mall, i said sure( hey i am a teenager) and off we went. we spent the night looking through the various shops and saved the best for last, The Disney Store. Now this is regular routine for my family, we go every time we go to the mall, so i thought nothing of it. i followed her around until she went to the counter and i heard her ask for passes to WDW. I freaked out and started asking questions imediatly, she ended up telling me that she had been planning for a few months on this trip and that i needed to pack when we got home cause we would be leaving soon. it was awsome

2) we saved and entered various contests winning free hotel, and free rental car, we talked to a friend at delta who gave us free plane tickets and we had existing tickets to the park so we left one friday flew down and had a free vacation, that was great.

dododododododod(sorry , again)dododododododododododododo

Those are my stories and im stickin to em. Oh btw remember taht life is like a box of chocolates.... I belive you know the rest.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Originally posted by Samwayla
Scar Junior,
Where can I find Info on the Walt Disney World College Program? Is it really hard to get in? I live in Tampa so Maybe I would be close to it, that is if by some miracle I got in. I am fixing to graduate High school and would appreciate the info, thanks

I'll be honest with you...I have no clue. I have only been to one WDWCP website and I don't even remember the name. My sister is a recruiter so she is setting me up basicly. Sorry. But i know you can fin info all over the Web on it. Lots of places made my former casst members and colleges that sponsor it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by HorizonsMan
sorry for all the typos, i cant read none too good and i can spele good either, soory again

Hey, I am with you on that one. It is a wonder I ever got out of college. (thank God for spell check.) It is a good thing we all can figure out hte is the. I miss auto correct when on line. I get so lazy and don't slow down to think how to spell things!!!!!!

That is really great about your mom, sound like such a fun trip!


Well-Known Member
It's a tough call...I have to go for either my younger sister, my older cousin, or Fred, my roommate from the CP. I never knew anyone who was more of an autograph hound then myself. ;)


Active Member
My Wife. We started our married lives together at WDW, honeymoon at the Polynesian in 1977. That's 25 years, folks. Childhood sweethearts, we have known each other since 4th grade and started dating in 10th. Our first visit, ever, was for our honeymoon. I know I am teh old folk on these boards, but it was all the MK back then. 3 hotels (Poly, Contemp, and SOG - I think it was a tennis themed hotel after some famous tennsi star at that time) and the Village Marketplace (now Downtown Disney). We have shared it together ever since.

The first years of our marriage were tough, illness, carreer, and trying to have kids and finally adopting 3 children. We didn't make it back to WDW until 1985, with our first 2 kids. Although it is fun to explore as an adult, you haven't experienced WDW until you do so through your child's eyes.

Since then, we have been to WDW too many times to count, and everyone knows my wife and I are obsessed - Vacation Club members, Trips, collectbels, home decor, etc. etc. We are planning a special trip for teh 2 of us back to Poly, which we haven't stayed at since our honeymoon.

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