Who is a "Pixie Duster"?


Well-Known Member
What an expression. Pixie Duster basically means someone who likes something that you don't. In the extreme, it's someone that thinks Disney can do absolutely no wrong and that it's the model of perfection. In both uses it's not anything to be taken seriously.

And personally I feel bad for that think they have to prop themselves up by only talking negative about the parks and company and insulting anyone who disagrees.

I love the parks and company. It's why I worked there for 5 years. It's why I do videos talking about them. It's why I keep going back when I can. It's why I wish I could go back when I can't. 😁 Does that mean I like or agree with every single thing at them or that is done? No (which I've made clear in a couple of spots), but nothing is perfect and I don't expect them to be either. But on the whole they are still better than the majority of others out there, with only a handful being alongside of them in my opinion.

And if people disagree with me, that's ok. I might get a bit pushy with my opinion sometimes (working on that) but try to be respectful of others as well. But it's the internet- not everyone does that. And the ones that won't, I don't take seriously. And if they're really bad, then I'll put them on ignore and continue on my magical way. :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. Not really sure most people here are straight up Pixie Dusters. I think most of us dabble in both Pixie Dust and Doom & Gloom, depending on the mood, although certain people lean mostly one way or the other and will not listen to reason. It’s kind of like politics.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell a quick story that I've told before online. Many years back, pre-internet, people used to communicate via USENET, which had several Disney-specific forums. Al Lutz (who founded Micechat) used to go on and on about how awful Disneyland was - how much trash was on the ground, how the bathrooms were filthy, how rude the CM's had gotten, etc. I read so much of this that I was a little wary on my next Disneyland trip (I was living in Idaho at the time).

And you know what I discovered?

The castle was there at the end of Main Street, the horse drawn carriages were making their rounds, the PeopleMover was giving Tomorrowland a great vibe - in other words, I didn't see all the bad, just a place that I've loved since my first visit in 1963.

Was I a pixie duster? I don't think so. Was Al being a doom & gloomer? Most definitely. You really have to weigh things for yourself, take a lot of what you read with a BIG grain of salt, and don't let others' opinions spoil your enjoyment.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell a quick story that I've told before online. Many years back, pre-internet, people used to communicate via USENET, which had several Disney-specific forums. Al Lutz (who founded Micechat) used to go on and on about how awful Disneyland was - how much trash was on the ground, how the bathrooms were filthy, how rude the CM's had gotten, etc. I read so much of this that I was a little wary on my next Disneyland trip (I was living in Idaho at the time).

And you know what I discovered?

The castle was there at the end of Main Street, the horse drawn carriages were making their rounds, the PeopleMover was giving Tomorrowland a great vibe - in other words, I didn't see all the bad, just a place that I've loved since my first visit in 1963.

Was I a pixie duster? I don't think so. Was Al being a doom & gloomer? Most definitely. You really have to weigh things for yourself, take a lot of what you read with a BIG grain of salt, and don't let others' opinions spoil your enjoyment.
Well said, sir. Some of us are labelled as Pixie Dusters who blindly love Disney and think it's perfect, where, in reality, most of us love WDW and still love to visit, and even though we see the warts and imperfections, we focus on the things we love and enjoy and do not let the warts ruin our visit.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I've been accused of being a pixie duster (and probably spoken about on the "double secret probation" PM forums), but in all reality, being from New Jersey, I'm proud of the fact that I tell it like is is, good OR bad. For the time (and money) that we're spending while we're there, I'm not looking for the bad things while on vacation...life is too short to just dwell on the negative. Besides, the real world can be a scary place...for a week or so, I just want to have a magical time. If you make it a point of looking for the negative, guess what? You'll find it! To me and my DF, we for the most part get out of our vacation what we put into it. I have 51 weeks of the year to look at the glass as half empty...at WDW, it's always half filled (or more).


Well-Known Member
It seems most fan forums for all companies end up devolving into "everything is terrible" echoing chambers. I'm not sure why this is but it'd definitely happened here as well as every other fan site I'm on (non-Disney). All I can think of is either the demographics of who's on shift, or people become disillusioned because it's impossible for any company to continuing blowing minds every year.
I think there are also a certain number of intentional trolls.

By that I don't mean just folks who get a kick out of being negative. I think there are likely also folks who are paid to be disruptive.

If I was competing with WDW, I'd want folks to dislike WDW. If I was WDW, I'd want to shut down criticism of WDW. And if I was an adversary of the USA....

In some cases, it is funny to imagine some of our fellow forum posters are just bots. I mean, some posters sure SOUND like bots.


Well-Known Member
What an expression. Pixie Duster basically means someone who likes something that you don't. In the extreme, it's someone that thinks Disney can do absolutely no wrong and that it's the model of perfection. In both uses it's not anything to be taken seriously.

And personally I feel bad for that think they have to prop themselves up by only talking negative about the parks and company and insulting anyone who disagrees.

There's also the opposite side too - folks who are very defensive about WDW. I'm not sure what label is put on them, but say anything negative about WDW, and they are sure to post the standard talking point about WDW being a business that needs to make money, as if we don't all of us already know that.

A big problem is when folks get dismissive of others' opinions. We can disagree with respect.

A second frequent problem happens when poster A says something like, "a red-shirted person was rude to me today" and poster B assumes person A was talking about THEM, even though 1,000's of red shirts are worn in WDW every year. This is just about EVERY thread on kids misbehaving, parade crowds, and strollers. As if it isn't possible to be rude while wearing any color of shirt: red, blue, purple.

Another big problem is that people don't often like change. I think folks often start out complaining, until they get used to the new thing, or find a way to adjust. Sometimes the opposite happens, too - and WDW changes what they do - because enough folks complain.

Last, tone is often hard to convey.. Sometimes mild disagreements read bigger than they are because of a simple word choice. Some folks talk in hyperbole to be heard, while others use overly mild language.


Well-Known Member
We are folks that love Disney Parks...and we dont complain or whine about silly stuff. To me, WDW or DLR could not be better.

LOL and that's what I would call a pixie duster. :) Big grin here as I'm not meaning it in any sort of mean or rude way. But EVERY company and park can be better. There are always places that can be improved, and none with out problems and issues that should be dealt with. I absolutely love Disney, and think they're better than the vast majority of parks out there, but I can also easily come up with many ways they can be better and improved, from cast, to maintenance and upkeep, to budgets, to fixes, to leadership, etc. :-)


Well-Known Member
To me society in general is becoming more polarized about everything. Its becoming increasingly more difficult to have an acutal discussion with out things digressing into name calling and out right vulgarity. The mentality of "You either agree with me or your the evil enemy that must be destroyed!" seems to be taking over. If you love everything Disney and want to tell everyone go for it. If you have issues with Disney or hate things about it, speak up. But keep it civil. your opinion is YOUR OPINION! It doesn't make it right or wrong. Like wise those with differing views are not necessarily right or wrong. Different opinions are good, discussion is good. Treating people like they are enemy of man kind because they don't have the same views as you is bad for everyone.


A Long Time DVC Member
Original Poster
I think the Walt Disney Parks are the overall best in the world. Is there problems that need to be fixed, yes! Are something need of replacement, yes! All I can say is that I am seeing great improvements over all in the last few years. I am a Civil Engineer that spent a life time working in and studying maintenance of facilities. I can tell you a few years ago that I cried when I saw the conditions of the Disney Parks (with the exception of the two in Tokyo). Now things are not 100 percent, but the parks are getting much better. I hope Disney continues to increase maintenance, replace things that need it, and add new attactions at the same rate they are now.


Well-Known Member
Something else to consider...Many NOT ALL "doom & gloomers" seem to live in close proximity to WDW or are AP holders and visit multiple times per year. To the average guest who go for the first time, or once or twice every decade, they're not going to find the same short comings an AP holder will have. Also, if you read many NOT all of the D & G's, many will trash WDW and then later in the thread, you'll read that they haven't visited in 5-10 years...just try to take it with a grain of salt..opinions are like posteriors (if you know what I mean)...everybody's got one.

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