Which ride needs to be "rehabbed"???


Most of the older attractions in Epcot need re-vamping. They were incredible back in 1986, but its now 16 years later and they need to update with new technologies. Cranium Command needs a new video--(I stopped going, i dont know if its still there or if they've changed it. But it was there when I was 5!! and I'm 17 now, and it's the same kid!!)

Epcot needs a new thrillride badly!!! At least theyre giving "Reign of Fire to AK" And MGM just got RnRc, so I doubt they'll be giving the studios another E-ticket ride for another 2-3 years. THEY NEED TO REPLACE THE 2K LEAGUES SITE BECAUSE IT'S DEPRESSING!

I agree about the doom buggies needing refurbishing but It seems to me all 4 parks are long overdo for more crowd magnets. And that detail is minimal considering all the projects necessary. Does anyone know what happened to the "Copperfields" project? They said they were going to make an optical illusion restaraunt with levetating tables and stuff... It was announced, and there were posters, and then i saw nothing else about it. What happened??



New Member
The ride that really needs some rehab is Splash Mountain...all that really needs to be done to it is drain the old water out and put new water in!!!! it was amazing how bad that water smelled when we rode it...*shudders at the thought*

The Great Movie Ride just needs to update the finale movie to include some new hit movies...

Spaceship Earth REALLY needs to move those monitors!!! and fix the sound so it wont cut off halfway through the ride!



New Member
I'd heard rumors a long time ago that there was going to be four different films that would show in Star Tours. One for the Death Star, one for Hoth, one for Endor, and another for Tattooine. That would be great! Never know which ride you'd get.;)

However, I really, really hope and pray they don't change anything to reflect Episode I. God, what a horrible movie.:mad:


New Member
Originally posted by alee4eva
Does anyone know what happened to the "Copperfields" project? They said they were going to make an optical illusion restaraunt with levetating tables and stuff... It was announced, and there were posters, and then i saw nothing else about it. What happened??


The idea was scrapped. I never heard a reason. It would have been an awesome restaurant.



Thanks Jim! I just remembered it while thinking of new things they should do... It's just strange when things disappear (no pun intended) lol


New Member
Originally posted by wyattkelly
I'd heard rumors a long time ago that there was going to be four different films that would show in Star Tours. One for the Death Star, one for Hoth, one for Endor, and another for Tattooine. That would be great! Never know which ride you'd get.;)

However, I really, really hope and pray they don't change anything to reflect Episode I. God, what a horrible movie.:mad:

OK. Episode I wasn't the best movie, but the replacement movie was supposed to be a pod racing theme. Some rumors of a disagreement between Disney and Lucas said that Disney would not upgrade to new projection and sound systems. That seems like a small price to pay, especially with Lucasfilm doing the video production.



Account Suspended
Jungle Cruise - In this instance, my definition of "rehab" means to completely rip out this entire attraction and send it off to the land of Attractions That Will Never Return.

Alien Encounter - In THIS instance, my "rehab" would include a complete re-working of the animatronic beast as well as having the seats jerk the rider around a bit.


I'm not sure enhancing AE is such a great idea... there's already so much contraversy. It scares lots of kids.. and me!! (i'm 17 lol) Ive been on it three times...reluctantly. It's definitely funny and worth going on...but If it were any more realistic I think I'd have a coronary!!


Account Suspended
You can't be serious if you claim to find AE scary. I went on it one time and was actually a little mad when I got off the ride because it was so ridiculously lame.
Who the heck do you people think you are?

Someone posted a message saying that The Jungle Cruise should be ripped out! Oh heck, lets take out Pirates and Haunted Mansion while you are at it! I say, if the ride existed when Walt was alive, leave it. Maybe (and this is a big maybe) change some of the audioanimatronic figures, but that would be it for JC. Of course, I don't agree with changing rides drastically. The Haunted Mansion is just as cool and exciting as it was in the 60s. If you want to repair things to the track, or ride cars, add a new coat of paint to the queue line, go ahead. I am tired of seeing good things ruined by new stuff. We lost the old JIYI ride and look what happened!!!! Part of the reason people keep coming back to WDW is to recapture memories that have been made in the past. EPCOT Center hardly feels like EPCOT Center anymore! FutureWorld looks so darn tacky. Horizons is gone (weep, weep), as is World of Motion. I am thankful that they haven't decided to change the Mexico ride! Keep things the way they are. And one more thing.....enough with the thrill rides. Walt did NOT want thrill rides. All of these new rides are soooo unimaginative. Let's take people 13 stories in the air and drop them! Wow! Real imaginative. I would much rather ride Pirates or SE!!!! That's it for now....until my next session of ranting and raving.:hammer:


RunDisney Addict
Re: Who the heck do you people think you are?

Originally posted by TheDisneyBoy
Someone posted a message saying that The Jungle Cruise should be ripped out! Oh heck, lets take out Pirates and Haunted Mansion while you are at it! I say, if the ride existed when Walt was alive, leave it. Maybe (and this is a big maybe) change some of the audioanimatronic figures, but that would be it for JC. Of course, I don't agree with changing rides drastically. The Haunted Mansion is just as cool and exciting as it was in the 60s. If you want to repair things to the track, or ride cars, add a new coat of paint to the queue line, go ahead. I am tired of seeing good things ruined by new stuff. We lost the old JIYI ride and look what happened!!!! Part of the reason people keep coming back to WDW is to recapture memories that have been made in the past. EPCOT Center hardly feels like EPCOT Center anymore! FutureWorld looks so darn tacky. Horizons is gone (weep, weep), as is World of Motion. I am thankful that they haven't decided to change the Mexico ride! Keep things the way they are. And one more thing.....enough with the thrill rides. Walt did NOT want thrill rides. All of these new rides are soooo unimaginative. Let's take people 13 stories in the air and drop them! Wow! Real imaginative. I would much rather ride Pirates or SE!!!! That's it for now....until my next session of ranting and raving.:hammer:

Ok....everyone is entitled to their opinion? And who are you to know exactly what Walt wanted? Did you know him? I think not.

I've ranted and raved about disney "purists" before......attitudes like this make me really angry for a number of reasons. If it were up to these people we'd never rip down/out a ride....we'd have allthe rides running, but these rides that were the originals would have no line...none at all...mark my words....

Even if walt didn't want thrill rides, he wouldnt' totally ignore what PEOPLE.....his GUESTS and CUSTOMERS wanted. They want thrill...that's why space mountain was popular.

I also think JC should be taken out....for a number of reasons...1st: it's tacky and boring..the "spiel" isn't new and the cast members hardly ever perform it the way it was intended. In fact the ride is a mere shell of what it used to be. I think it could be better done as a dark ride with updated technology. Plus that ride takes up an ENORMOUS amount of space....it could be better planned.

Remember that you may not like my opinion, but that doesn't make it wrong.


Account Suspended
Re: Who the heck do you people think you are?

Originally posted by TheDisneyBoy
Someone posted a message saying that The Jungle Cruise should be ripped out! Oh heck, lets take out Pirates and Haunted Mansion while you are at it! I say, if the ride existed when Walt was alive, leave it. Maybe (and this is a big maybe) change some of the audioanimatronic figures, but that would be it for JC. Of course, I don't agree with changing rides drastically. The Haunted Mansion is just as cool and exciting as it was in the 60s. If you want to repair things to the track, or ride cars, add a new coat of paint to the queue line, go ahead. I am tired of seeing good things ruined by new stuff. We lost the old JIYI ride and look what happened!!!! Part of the reason people keep coming back to WDW is to recapture memories that have been made in the past. EPCOT Center hardly feels like EPCOT Center anymore! FutureWorld looks so darn tacky. Horizons is gone (weep, weep), as is World of Motion. I am thankful that they haven't decided to change the Mexico ride! Keep things the way they are. And one more thing.....enough with the thrill rides. Walt did NOT want thrill rides. All of these new rides are soooo unimaginative. Let's take people 13 stories in the air and drop them! Wow! Real imaginative. I would much rather ride Pirates or SE!!!! That's it for now....until my next session of ranting and raving.:hammer:

People like this need to be put in a straight jacket and left in a rubber room. Jungle Cruise is one of the worst rides in all of WDW, one that's incredibly dated and is absolute crap. There's NOTHING to like about it. Just because a ride has been around since Walt was with us doesn't mean it should stay. JC wore out its welcome a long time ago. Pirates and Haunted Mansion will always be around, that much is certain. Why? Because they're worthwhile, very entertaining rides. Jungle Cruise is garbage....pure and simple. It would be more entertaining to stare at a horse as it defecates on the ground than to waste time riding JC with its horrible animatronic animals, CM's who aren't the least bit amusing, and the overall pointlessness of the ride. As far as EPCOT goes, Future World looks fine....with the lone exception being the "EPCOT" sign with the hand that was put on Spaceship Earth. THAT needs to go. As far as thrill rides are concerned....what Walt wanted was something that would entertain men, women, and children. This day in age, that very much so includes thrill rides. Walt's ideas were all out of the 50's and 60's. WDW wouldn't be nearly as successful as it is with its thrill rides missing....and by the way.....Space Mountain was Walt's idea, and, ....WELL GOLLY GEE WHIZ....IT IS A THRILL RIDE! If you find Tower of Terror, including its theming, appearance, incredible detail, and ride itself to be "unimaginative", I certainly wouldn't want to be smoking what you are. It happens to be one of the most entertaining and best-themed attractions in all of WDW.


New Member

I agree with all of your suggestions. The vehicle mechanism on Spaceship Earth definitely needs to be updated. Maybe a rehab on the ExtraTerrorestrial Alien Encounter in Tommorrowland... it infuriates me that u r just sitting there... i do not know why but i think it is missing something (hard to explain). Don't get me wrong i still think that it is a fantasmic ride!!!!!

:lookaroun :veryconfu :eek:


When the new Disney flick "Lilo and Stitch" comes out this summer, I think Alien Encounter would be awesome as an attraction for the new movie. I've never cared for Alien Encounter, but I do like how it fits into the whole "city" feel of Tomorrowland.

To each his own I suppose.


New Member
This isnt a ride but I really thingk that the Contemporary needs a huge rehab. I love the place, but it realy needs a more updated modern look.


New Member
After reading all the posts, here's my 2 cents:

First, I have mixed feelings about JC. MK's is a copy and better done version of the Disneyland original from 1955, but it's overall cheesiness (which was actually once its charm) is completely done in by Kilimanjaro Safaris. And it does take up a helluva lot of space in the park. Fnny thing is, they cut about 1/3 of DL's to make room for the Indiana Jones line area and no one seemed to really notice.

My suggestion is to do what they did to Tiki Room and come up with a new script for JC, something with some threat/faux danger/thrill w/in it and add some updated animatronics to spice it up. It doesn't have to be too major of an overhaul, but something to wake people up from the overused barrage of Henny Youngman-esque one-liners.

Second, we were just at WDW and Small World is in very bad shape. I mean there's just no mystique inside or out--a pale imitation of DL's version (which isn't so hot itself). There is no cool looking exterior with the topiary garden. And inside the ride, every other light seems to be burnt out, several animatronics were not functioning, and the detail was just lacking. For some reason, I kept noticing the exterior walls--something I don't recall attracting my eye when I do the California version. Even my kids complained about this one.

Rio Del Tiempo needs to be redone. It looks like it's 20 years old, and never was a top notch attraction as far as technology goes. It's sad, but they should have something there that lives up to the beauty of that pavillion, because the inside village area is so cool.

I like Ellen's Energy Nightmare--way better than the original UoE version. I still laugh, but I've only seen it twice.

Cranium Command still ranks as one of my family's favorite overall attractions.

I do not like the monitors in SSE. But face it, folks. They are there for the morons who don't know how to or want to sit properly. It only takes a bit away from the attraction. When I was there a month ago, both the audio and the track noise seemed very improved. Perhaps they did a rehab!

My vote for overhaul/significant rehab has only been mentioned once:


This one's always left me sad. Doesn't help that I majored in cinema. For some reason, most of this attraction seems like a moving Hollywood Wax Museum. Only the Wizard of Oz part really makes you feel like you're part of the movie and is really superior to all the other scenes. The CM switcheroo always seems awkward and equal in cheesiness to JC CM spiel.

Every time I get off this ride I seem to always immediately think of a dozen ways to improve it. My feeling is that WDW needs to really re-do this ride from beginning to end and attempt to create significant magic--particularly now that it pales in comparison to so many other Disney Studio attractions. Or they should bite the bullet and take it out, replacing it with the long awaited Indiana Jones ride (although, do they have enough space to add Indy and the cue area needed for it?)

Last, I know it's not exactly a rehab/overhaul any more, but...get something into the Sub lagoon area. There's one heck of a large show/ride area beyond the big puddle that is not being utilized at all. At this point even a Little Mermaid ride in the vein of Peter Pan's Flight would be a welcome sight.

Okay, that was more like ten cents...


New Member
Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw
Was JIYI open when Walt was alive?
~ Justin...

Nope - Epcot open in 1982 - Walt Disney died in 1964.

Rides I would renovate-

Mk: I would renovate the Facade of the building in Fantasy land. I think the building is great but needs to be renovated.

Epcot- I would renovate the Living Seas- get new sponsor - Try to do something with Wonders of Life- Sponsor - help body Wars(prevent people getting sick)

MGM Renovate the studio next to Sounds Dangerous - Sounds Dangerous itself- enhance the ToT- get new film for Star Tours (maybe)

AK Change back Dino to Count Down to Extinction
Renovate Camp Mini Mickey to have some kind of children’s ride- maybe uses Mr. Toads operating system.
If you can dream it - you can do it

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