If money doesn't matter you should consider what does matter then. Personally I would think convenience matters right after money. If you are not renting a car, definitely stay at the Poly, if not there at one of the Monorail resorts because it is right next door to or a monorail stop or two away from the TTC so you can go wherever. If you are renting a car then I would say stay at the Wilderness, AKL, or PO Riverside because these are all great resorts that are not on the monorail so it'd be more convenient to drive to Downtown Disney and the waterparks, etc. Though I have not yet been inside the AKL all I've heard is good things; Wilderness Lodge is just plain gorgeous and relaxing, definitely a great place to stay and good food too; the former Dixie Landings is gorgeous as well, I loved walking to the Sassagoula (correct spelling?) dining room in the morning for breakfast and is also pretty damn close to about everything except for AK and BB.
Basically it's up to you, read up on all the resorts in guidebooks (especially the Unofficial Guide to WDW) and ask people their opinions, like you have done here. Remember, some people may love a resort, others may hate it.