Which potential rehab is most necessary?

Which potential rehab is most necessary?

  • Pirates of the Caribbean (2005/2006)

    Votes: 22 19.1%
  • The Haunted Mansion (2006)

    Votes: 10 8.7%
  • The Living Seas (2005/6/7?)

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • Universe of Energy (2005/6/7?)

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Spaceship Earth (2005/6/7?)

    Votes: 20 17.4%
  • Carousel of Progress (A MINOR rehab for 2005?)

    Votes: 15 13.0%
  • Wonders of Life (Unknown... possibly 2006 or 2007)

    Votes: 25 21.7%
  • Other... if you've heard of one...

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
That is a kinda hard poll. So many of those attractions badly need rehabs. If I'd have read this thread before voting I may have borrowed wdwscottieboy's idea and voted other for "all of the above".

But, in the end, I chose POTC. It's not as good as DLR's and I would like to see an improvement to be closer to DLR's. Plus, the audio is awful on the attraction. You can hardly make out what they're saying through much of the song. I'd really like to see a small world type rehab for this attraction, with digitalized sound and cleaning/repairing of the animatronics.

Though, I'd like to see that type of rehab on other attractions too. Hopefully IASW will be the start of something new that will bring good things to some old attractions that are screaming for some attention.


Le Meh
Premium Member
I know it was not a choice, but I would love to see the new Winnie the Pooh Meet and Greet rehabed back into a 20k lagoon...thats just my opinion... :lookaroun


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
TTATraveler said:
Are you talking about the the domed screen scene before you decend backwords for your return trip to Earth or are you talking about the actual screens as you are descending?

I for one would not want to get rid of any AA, since this is one the last classic Epcot rides to feature AAs.

Sorry should have made that a bit clearer. By all means don't get rid of the AA's that's what makes the ride. Use this tech to improve the descent portion.



Well-Known Member
I voted for PotC. Our PotC is nothing special or sacred in my mind. They should do anything they can to try and bring this one up to the level of those found around the world (Especially DL). If that means add a few AA's then that's fine, or if it means changing the whole thing around to make it more like the films, then that's fine with me. But they shouldn't mess with DL's original and much more superior version.


Active Member
1.PotC: With the comig of the next two pirates movies, I would like to see this one could transfrom into something with state-of-the-art special effects E-ticket ride (that's just me). More chararcters in the film should be added, more space should be built, more money should be throw into. This is something going change little-wear-and-tear MK for a tremedous new generation of fantacy. (I heard they are working on a competely new version and I am sure it's going to happen)
2.Space Mountain: Paris' new version of SM is just mind-blowing (from promtion vedio), and Disneyland's version said (by Disneyland) to be the 21th generation of SM. As one of the most important trade mark in Disneyland and the first SM in the world, SM should at least follow thier two young sisters, if now making something better. This ride is too important to WDW that no any other thrill ride could take place, not TOT, not Expedtion Everst, and not Mission: Space, only a new SM itself.

3. Spaceship Earth: This Icon of the Epcot really needs to rehab to an new generation of science-museum style ride, or people will tend to go to other science museum in order to be educated beacuase it's way cheaper and the lines are shorter. Imagineers should come up with some new ideas to make a science exploring tour more dazzling and eye poping. There should be plenty of new effects could inspired the children in this ride. This ball is the core of the Epcot and it seems like right now people are running away from it to only the thrill rides of Test Track and Mission Space. However, don't ever underestimated this little educationl trip could bring (the visitors). This IS the mother of Epcot.

4. Indiana Jones stunt show: Don't get me wrong, this is one of my faviorites but it just can't compared to the Disneyland version of Indy ride. If WDW don't want to put the same system in two (the other is Dinosaur), they should come up with some whole new ride ties in with the Indiana Jones 4. I guess it really depends on will there be a Indy4 movie. MGM needs a "RIDE" like that because it got TOO MANY shows. When I heard the new car stunt show is coming this year, my first reaction is: another show?

5. kali Rapid River: Ok I know it sounds weird but they need to put some thing along with this amazingly-themed ride to make it the most unique one among all the simliar rides. The first plan is to put some real white tigers (and that's an amazing idea) in this ride but somehow they failed to do that. They should keep working on some other replacement plan and not just let this wonderful themed trip being so boring! Oh by the way, AK should definetely shut down the dino-roma where the carnival style dumbo land should never exisit in this animal land. It just ruin the whole atmosphere and children will quicky being distracted and forget they are here to see some real creatures. Really shallow thinking of Disney.

6.Peter Pan: By far the most beautiful little treasure in fantasyland and should really work on this all-time true classic to be next POTC. This is the most magical ride in MK and with the most potential. Put more money and build a bigger, much longer, and better version with new fiber technique/ special visual effects/new Tinker bell effects . This one has the potential to "thrill" people with all ages from kids to adults. ( I found the new Tinkerbell effects added in the Pinocchio's Daring Journey kind of impressive). This kind of ride is something seprate MK from any other theme park, they should utilize the treasure of magic.Pinocc



Well-Known Member
figmentfan said:
Haunted Mansion............

The last time a rode in January 2005, I was on a Doombuggy with no audio. At least I know most of the script to repeat word for word, but it would be nice to have the audio while riding.

Yeah, they must have been having problems. Same thing happened to us at the same time. One of the singing busts in the graveyard wasn't working (a different one both times). I was really dissappointed because it was my GF first trip to WDW and she wasn't really impressed. :(


Active Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
UoE, get Ellen to visit it!

I agree. I can't believe she's never been on her own attraction!

In the poll, I voted WOL. The film in Cranium Command could be updated. The hands on exhibits should be altered to reflect current technology and research. Body wars could use a little tweaking.


Well-Known Member
it's between Pirates and the Haunted Mansion for me, and I just think the Haunted Mansion is in a worse state--while Pirates was built with scenes missing and could use an update just to make the ride better, the Haunted Mansion has been falling apart for years...wdw needs to treat it like Disneyland treats theirs.


Le Meh
Premium Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
it's between Pirates and the Haunted Mansion for me, and I just think the Haunted Mansion is in a worse state--while Pirates was built with scenes missing and could use an update just to make the ride better, the Haunted Mansion has been falling apart for years...wdw needs to treat it like Disneyland treats theirs.
I personally would like WDW not do do anything else in comparison with DL. WDW is a much better resort, the quality of attractions, CM's, food, and resorts are better. You have a much friendlier crowd at WDW and when you go to Downtown Disney WDW, you dont feel like you are two seconds away from being in the middle of a gang bang.

WDW does need to update some attractions, yes, but copying DL in any way, to me, is accepting a lower standard.
CoP is my favorite, and I would love to see it being better taken care of. However, I voted for WoL because it seems to be the attraction/pavillion in the most dire need of work.

No theme changing! The human body is FAR too important for Epcot to lose a pavillion about it. Step 1: get a sponsor...how about a leading biotech or pharmaceutical company? Step 2: add to the information presented, and make what's already there more timely. If The Land is losing its nutrition themes, move them to WoL. Update the technologies discussed. Step 3: update the attractions. I'd love to see a new ride themed towards the human body, the same way that Body Wars is. After all, my many rides on BW is probably partially where my interest in the human body started...and now I'm a college senior who's been accepted to medical school.

I'd love to see all the attractions on the list receive some attention. Tough poll! :D

Papa Van

New Member
I chose SSE simply because it's one of my very favorite rides. It, along with WoL, could both use extensive rehabs. SSE needs to be modernized and the audio needs work. They both need sponsors, and a commitment from Disney to bring them into the 21st century. As for what to do with WoL, I'm open to most anything, although I would like to see the human body remain the focal point.


Papa Van


New Member
jesserin said:
I said the living seas - b/c at least the rest of them still function - They all could use some TLC... but the Living Seas just needs help - even as great as Crush is - it's still just a giant aquarium without the sea cabs... I can't wait for that to be refurb'd!

amen..it's looking rough these days


Active Member
The Living Seas, it needs a ride, unless you are looking for a quiet break not really on the must see list. Close behind is spaceship earth, which certainly needs a spruce up. Wonders of Life is obviously on the list, but it needs gutting, not just a rehab!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I’m a little torn. I would love to see a refurb on the level of IASW done to PotC. It is my favorite ride and it really needs a sprucing up. I also really liked the idea of putting some elements of the movie in it. (Sorry General please doesn’t shoot me for treason. :lol: ) Then there in TLS which as mentioned before is in just sad shape. And lastly CoP. That thing needs to be stripped down to the shell and redone.


New Member
CoP would break my heart if they updated it - I would love to see them restore it - but not change anything... It has Walt written all over it... I love that about CoP!


Well-Known Member
I voted for Wonders of Life since all the other attractions listed are still quality experiences even if they could use some "freshening".

UoE could use a redo, but still a decent attraction as it currently stands. The Living Seas needs more work, BUT the added Nemo stuff brings it out of the doldrums it was in the past.

Wonders of Life, in its present incarnation, is essentially useless to me. They could realy do somethnig special there and make it a nice pavillon with QUALITY interactive demos and some "different" attractions.

I always thought of a dark ride through the human body, and maybe a 4D movie about life/body/mind. This way if you kept Cranium Command, it is a lower tier attraction and appreciated more, since it would be "filler" to the experience and not a main reason for the pavillon (less expectations).

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