Like the ones under the Main Street bridge. I've read that I can order them from Disneyana and Off The Page, but this is from years ago and I don't know if it's true. I live out of state and won't be going back down for at least another 6-12 months, so can anyone suggest some alternative sources? I’ve seen some on Etsy but I’m not prepared to drop 20-30 bucks on something I don’t know the overall quality of (print, paper, etc).
Authentic duplicates / reproductions are challenging to find outside of the services you mentioned.
Buyer beware of any 'Attraction posters' listed on eBay or Etsy as they are almost always just color copies printed at home from a standard color printer.
It always cracks me up when I read the description more closely and the size is only 11in X 17in....which is by no means a 'poster' sized print.
That's the largest size a standard color copier can yeah, use caution when shopping online.
Disney did release similar sized authentic duplicates of some Attraction poster art a few years ago.
They were quite nice...sold in a set in various shops within the Parks.
Sadly, these were discontinued which makes no sense to me since they seemed to sell very well.
You may come across a set of those online.
I would wait until you are able to get to the Park during your next visit and check with Disneyana or Off The Page.
Last time I looked at the art on demand options, I didn't see Attraction posters specifically, but I honestly wasn't seeking them out specifically.
It is definitely worth your time asking the Cast there or checking out the current options.