Where Magic Lives, my story


New Member
Someone suggested that I post this story I wrote in here, but I wasn't sure if this was the right board to post it in, so mod's if it's in the wrong place, be happy to move it. It's about a trip to Walt Disney World, but something truly magical happens. It's 10 chapters long, so I hope you can find the time to read it! I've entitled it "Where Magic Lives" and I guess you could say that this fictional story is about how that phrase originated, sorta.:p Well, hope you enjoy it!:)

Where Magic Lives

By DisneyWonders07

Chapter 1

They say there is a place where magic lives, where the young and young at heart can together enjoy with utter merriment to rejoice and call home. A place where children and their parents can actually have fun together, just being a family. This is a place where memories are made, happiness is created, and dreams come true. Walt Disney World is this place that I am speaking of. Some believe that it is just another vacation getaway, made of simply brick and mortar, but not many know of the secret that lies in this magical world where an amazing event once took place. It was five un-suspecting friends that found the mysterious secret and the true meaning of the Disney magic that exists in all of us. This is our story.
Saturday the twelfth of April came faster than any of us could imagine. As misty as the night air was at one o’clock in the morning, it was a fine setting to the glorious sunshine we would be expecting later. Chilly outside it was, but not like it was down in Florida. I had decided I would awake at this time, being that I wanted to get an early start, take a shower, the like. I told my cousin Tim the night before that I’d be calling him, which I of course, planned on doing. Picking up the phone yawning, I dialed his number.
“Hello?” said Tim with a yawn.
“Hey Tim, are you up? Have you packed?” said I.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, ha of course. What time is it?” said Tim.
“Umm...let’s see it’s one in the morning, I’m going to be getting ready as soon as my dad’s out of the shower. Are you going to be getting ready soon? We’re going to be picking you up at or around three, alright? Don’t forget! We won’t want to be leaving you behind,” I said with great excitement.
“Yeah, um...what time will you be picking me up again? Ha, just kidding, a little early morning humor!”
“Tim that wasn’t funny,” I said while secretly laughing inside, “Just be ready, alright?”
“Alright, see you in a couple of hours!” Tim said.
We said goodbye and I hung up the phone. Sometimes Tim can be a real joker, can’t he? I was walking down the stairs with great enthusiasm, getting ready as fast as possible. The heat from the water in the shower reminded me of the sunshine pelting down on me. Getting last minute things ready for a trip is quite a hassle, but I’ve found that to “whistle while you work” is just the trick! I had finished packing my belongings, all I had to do now was wait for my parents to finish tending to their business.
“Mom, come on! It’s almost two in the morning. We’re going to be late, Tim will be waiting for us!” I said angrily.
“Oh keep quiet, I’m hurrying as fast as I can, we won’t be late,” replied my mom.
“Ugh just please hurry...” I said with great desperation.
Thankfully my mom was out no sooner than I had asked her to hurry, and after packing the last bit of luggage into the car, we were off. I was relieved to finally be on the road. Sick of reality, it was all I really wanted to do. Being away on a vacation was just what we all needed right now. We arrived at Tim’s at approximately 2:55am (ha, yes I was keeping close track). He said his goodbyes to his mother and brother, packed his things in our trunk (or what was left of our trunk being that it was full to capacity) and we could finally make our way to “the world”.

Chapter 2

We were not the only ones going to Florida, but our friends the Steen family as well. We enjoyed going with them every year to Disney. After all, it’s much more enjoyable. Leaving their home around five that same morning, the Steen family was just as alert as we were.
“David! Wakey wakey eggs and bakey! C’mon, time to get ready,” Linda, David’s mother screamed, “I’m sure you don’t want to miss our flight!”
David, Adam’s younger brother was known to sleep in quite often, after all what sort of teenager wouldn’t want to have a nice long sleep?
“Aw mom, just five more minutes?” retorted David.
“No, you are getting up now, we’re not going to be running late,” said Linda, “After all your father is almost ready, once he’s out of the bathroom you’re next, so be ready,” Linda pronounced with great authority.
“Oh c’mon mom, just a few more minutes please? I’m so tired...” David stammered with exasperation.
“I said no, now get up or I’ll...” started Linda.
“You’ll what?” said David with curiosity.
“Do this!” and Linda started to tickle David while he laughed most uncontrollably, falling out of bed and taking his mother with him.
Sometimes it’s not so easy getting out of bed in the morning, but when you’re doing something you want to, it’s a great deal more easier. David took to his mother’s advice, and got ready most promptly.
“Alright Adam, you next...” said Linda entering his room, but found no one in the bed. “Adam, where are you?” Linda questioned herself. “Oh where could that boy have gotten to now? David! Have you seen your brother?”
David was in the shower so he could not hear his mother’s shouting over the running water.
“David, where’s your brother?” Linda said as she walked into the bathroom. She failed to realize that David was just getting out.
“Mom, get out! Get out, get out, get out!” David rang out with surprise while Linda quickly shut the door before the hair dryer that David threw could hit her. “What do you want?!” David said with annoyance.
“Don’t talk to me like that mister! Now, where’s your brother?” Linda said.
“Well how should I know?! Maybe he’s down stairs on the computer,” said David. David was right in saying so, for Adam was chatting online with a friend.
“Adam, it’s time to go, shut down the computer and put your things in the car,” said Linda.
“Wait a second mom, I’m talking to Nick, I just had to remind him that dad’s picking him up at the airport around nine o’clock when his plane gets in,” retaliated Adam.
“Alright just hurry up, oh and don’t forget to make sure you tell him to bring extra underwear...” said Linda amongst a fit of giggles.
“Oh ha ha mom! You’re such a joker!” said Adam, saying it as if he thought his mother had a little bit too much caffeine from her morning coffee.
“Oh I’m just joking! Now c’mon get ready,” said Linda.
As soon as their van was packed, they took off for the airport. Along the way, David and Adam of course had their usual bickering, but both of their minds were set on different standards once they had reached the airport, just waiting to get on that plane and take off to sunny Orlando. This was going to be quite some vacation indeed.

Chapter 3

Crowded as the car was, Tim and I were somehow able to amuse ourselves. I brought along my Digital Video Disc player and we watched the movies that I had brought along. Tim had seen the first Harry Potter movie, but not the second. Soon after all of our movies were finished, which was about ten hours worth, including The 10th Kingdom which was about seven hours long altogether, we grew bored and began making last resorts of playing highway games.
“Alright what game do you want to play now?” I said.
“Well I don’t know, how about um...whose car is it anyway?” said Tim.
“What’s that? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. Is it fun?” said I curiously.
“Well what you do is look at any car on the road...” Tim began.
“And...?” I replied, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“And...what? Oh sorry, got sidetracked by looking at that red Dodge Viper and thinking it might be suited for someone per say, Bill Gates.”
“Ah, I see where this is going. So I’m assuming that’s how you play?” I said.
“Correct,” was his answer.
We played this game for a while, staring at upcoming cars deciding who it should belong to while each one’s passengers stared back at us with irritated looks slapped on their faces. Until we finally got tired of it, this game was all we could play at. After about ten hours of restaurant stops and bathroom breaks, we began to grow anxious, not that we weren’t from the start.
“Oh why do car rides have to be so long?” I said with exhaustion, “Are we even to South Carolina yet?”
“Just a few more hours and we’ll be at the hotel,” my mom said, “Until then, all we can do is keep driving and wait.”
“Oh alright,” I said.
It was very tiring, I’m telling you. Hour after hour sitting in that car, my bottom was beginning to feel as sore as a horse’s saddle. I whispered over to Tim and asked him start a little rally with me. We decided we would repeat a “certain” phrase of annoyance over and over again until my mother had gotten agitated.
“Are we there yet?” I said.
“No,” replied my mom.
“Are we there yet?” said Tim.
“No,” my mother said, a little more agitation in her voice than before.
“Hey mom, are we there yet?!” I said thinking she might finally lose her cool.
“No we are not there yet, now quit asking me!” my mom shouted.
Tim and I turned our heads to each other, having a fit of laughter.
“I don’t know what you two are laughing so hard about, but we’ll be there very soon so get ready!” my mom said in such a way only when she is in one of her moods. We knew we wouldn’t be there as soon as she said, but it was better to just keep quiet.
It was getting to be late afternoon when we finally crossed the border of the state of South Carolina. We drove on and on, and what seemed like an hour was more like five minutes time. Looking forward to a vacation, we thought would never have been so droning.

Chapter 4

It was but around two in the afternoon when we finally arrived at our hotel, an AmeriSuites to be precise. As tired as we were, we still managed to drag our luggage up to the fifteenth floor. Well alright, we didn’t exactly “walk”, but we certainly took to the elevator as any normal person would.
“Alright you can go down to the lobby for a while, but be back before six, we need to get some sleep,” my dad said.
“Yeah alright, eight o’clock is fine,” I said sarcastically as Tim and I laughed, thankfully my dad didn’t hear me.
We decided to take a stroll down to the lobby, to explore the place a bit.
“So, excited that we’re finally going?” I asked Tim.
“Yes! I’ve been waiting so long, it’s great that we’re almost there,” he told me.
“Oh if only it were now though! I’m sure our friends the Steen’s and Nick are down there by now. David’s my best friend even though I probably already told you that. I envy them,” I said.
“Nick?” said Tim with confusion.
“Yeah, remember I told you about Nick? He’s a good friend of Adam’s, he came along as well,” I replied.
“Oh, well as they always say, two heads are better than one!” said Tim.
“Tim, you cease to amaze me!” I said haughtily, as we chortled all the way down to the lobby.
We never thought we’d have so much fun in a non-Disney hotel as we decided to have a race. We ran all the way up to the top floor, the fifteenth floor, and ran all the way back down. We did this about five times until we became tired and decided to go back to our room. Being boys, we did not like the idea of sleeping in the same bed, so we took to thinking it best that one of us sleep on the air mattress. This Tim did, while I laughed at him. I thought it would be great fun to mock him for being on the floor while I was in my comfy sheets.
“Hey, shut up!” said Tim goofily.
“No! Never!” said I.
“Well if you don’t, then I’ll just have to punch you!” laughed Tim.
“Not if I have something to say about it!” I said with a smirk of madness on my face.
“Alright you asked for it, you...argh! Ouch that hurt!” Tim shouted. Turns out that he accidentally went for my arm but missed and hit his hand on the sideboard of the bed. After his attempts at seeing to his throbbing hand, we both looked at each other and laughed.
“Get to bed you two, we have to get up early in the morning. You don’t want to be tired tomorrow do you?” my mom said with irritation in her somber voice.
“No...” we both said groggily. As soon as we knew my parents had fallen fast asleep, we went back into conversation, excitedly chatting about how much fun this trip was going to be, until we fell fast asleep under the weight of our eyes.

Chapter 5

The next day, Sunday morning, we readied ourselves as quickly as we could, and set off yet again. Today was the day, today was the day when we’d get there. This was going to be great fun, we all knew it. As soon as we saw the gates, the entryway to Walt Disney World, our hearts skipped a beat.
“Yes, we are finally there!” I said with great excitement.
“I know, it‘s been so long,” stated Tim with a look of relief.
“Yes, very,” I replied.
“Ok now you guys, we’ll be getting to the hotel soon. I want you two to help Bill carry in the luggage,” said my mom.
This year we were staying at the Caribbean Beach resort, a quaint although large hotel residing on the Walt Disney World premises that had a theme of the palm trees and sand in the Caribbean.
“Mom, what are we doing once we get to the resort?” I asked.
“Well, first we’ll unpack obviously...” she said as she looked at me like she thought I was stupid, “...and then we can head out to the parks. Of course, our room may not yet be ready, so we can just leave our luggage in the car.”
“Oh, what park are we going to?” said Tim with excitement in his voice, “It’s been five years ever since I came here, I bet a lot has been added, changed, refurbished, that kind of stuff.”
“Yeah,” said I, “A lot has changed, well not too much, but just enough for the better.”
“Really?” said Tim, “Like what?”
“Well, for instance there’s this new thrill ride there called the Rock ‘n’ Roller coaster. Oh my gosh it’s so much fun, you...” but I was interrupted by my dad.
“Well don’t give away too much, he’s barely seen everything!”
“Yeah true,” said I, “but trust me Tim, we will have a blast.”
Tim replied “Yeah, it’s going to be great.”
After a long ride, we had at long last arrived at the Caribbean Beach resort. It was a beautiful place, and checking in was a breeze. To our advantage, the room was ready and my mom quickly began to un-pack while my dad watched television. She never really liked receiving help, for fear that everything would be arranged the wrong way. If any of us tried to help, the monster inside would’ve been released. So naturally, Tim and I decided to flee before the horror from within was unleashed and check out the food court, due to the fact that my dad had gotten in my mom’s way.
“This is a very nice resort,” commented Tim.
“I know, isn’t it beautiful?” said I.
“Yeah, so when did the Steen’s arrive?” he asked.
“Well let’s see, their plane left around six or seven in the morning, I’m not sure exactly when. Taking that into account, it should’ve taken at least four hours for transitions between planes, and also the flight durations,” I answered him.
“Ah, so they should be here now,” Tim said assumingly.
“Yup, should’ve arrived around noon yesterday, right when we were close to South Carolina,” I said.
“Wait, wasn’t their another? Nick was his name? I keep forgetting everyone’s names,” Tim said.
“Oh yeah Nick, his plane was to leave around five in the evening yesterday, so he probably arrived around nine at night. Nick’s never even been to Florida you know, so I’m guessing he’s really going to like it. At least he was very excited,” I said.
“Just like us?” asked Tim.
“Just like us!” I replied, and we started to laugh happily.
After our walk, we decided to check on my parents, and to make sure the room wasn’t in havoc due to the fact that my mom was probably rushing to get everything ready. We came back and fortunately found the room still intact, we did need to sleep there! My mom even calmed down, which was extremely surprising.
“Oh, are you back so soon?” asked my mom.
“Yeah we went to the Port Royale food court, it was very big and colorful,” I commented.
“Oh sounds nice!” said my mom, as she finished un-packing her last bit of luggage and setting the toothbrushes into their holders. “You boys ready? I figure we’ll call the Steen’s on the walkie-talkies once we get to the Magic Kingdom,” my mom said.
“Yeah that sounds good,” I said.
One of the most cherished moments to ever partake in the world is the Disney bus ride to the Magic Kingdom, looking out of the over-sized windows and seeing the skyline of Cinderella Castle. We soon arrived in the bus area, and departed from it. I was walking very fast, Tim lagging behind as usual because he claimed I walked too fast.
“Hold up Billy! You walk too fast. Slow down,” said Tim as he tried to keep up.
“Well if you wanted to get in as fast as me, then you’d hurry up as well!” I yelled.
At this Tim made a sprint towards the gates, taking it as a challenge while now I was the one trying to keep up. “Slow down Tim!” I shouted after him. He slowed down from exhaustion and we entered through the kiosks together, the security checkpoint wasn’t all too long of a wait. As we walked under the Magic Kingdom railroad station, I felt all of my worries magically sweep away from me. Walking onto Main Street U.S.A. I thought would never be so relieving. It was not a dream, we were there, the wait was finally over.



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Chapter 6

“Alright, you have your walkie-talkie, right?” my mom asked me.
“Yeah you gave it to me on the bus, remember?” I replied back.
“Oh yeah that’s right,” said my mom, “Ok, then try calling the Steen’s, they should be here by now.” As I spoke into the microphone, I felt even more excited.
“Calling all Steen’s! Calling all Steen’s! The Dieffenbacher’s are here!” I shouted into it. Sure enough, the crackling of the speaker’s frequency told us that there was about to come a reply.
“Hey you guys, is that you?” we heard.
Assuming it was Dave, we replied, “Yeah it’s us, where are you guys?”
“We’re closer than you think...” we thought we heard. Not knowing what was coming, we got a jolt from behind as Dave came speeding towards us, and we saw David, Adam and Nick trailing right behind him laughing hysterically.
“Hey, there you are!” I said.
“Hey how are you guys?” said Dave smiling.
“Oh we just got un-packing and we got here as quickly as possible, you know how these kids are,” said my mom, “Ah, where’s Linda?”
“Oh you know how she is, can’t go anywhere without going to the bathroom firsthand,” said Dave chortling. I thought to myself that my mom was exactly the same way even though she never liked to admit it. As my parents and Dave got into deeper conversation, Tim and I walked over to David, Adam and Nick.
“Hey guys!” I said, “How’s it going?”
“Oh great!” said David, “Did you guys get here a few minutes ago?”
“Well obviously David, I mean they wouldn’t have waited forever for us now would they?” Adam said sarcastically while David threw him a dirty look.
“Yeah, we got here a few minutes ago,” I replied, “So Nick, enjoying the warm Florida sunshine?”
“I couldn’t wait to get here and now it’s even better than I thought!” said Nick.
“Well that’s great! What do you think our parents will want to do first?” I said.
“Oh you know the usual, stand there for an hour and chit-chat about any old thing,” said David with a smirk on his face. As soon as we said this, Linda came strolling out of the bathroom and as soon as she saw my mom she ran over.
“Oh but don’t forget David, our mom’s are together. You do know what that means?” I asked him.
“Well of course, how could I forget?! TwinRova!” cried David.
“Yeah!” said I, “TwinRova’s evil power is unleashed!” we said in unison while him and I including Adam laughed hysterically, Nick and Tim wondering what in the world we were going on about. We had to explain to them that when our mom’s got together, they became as one, a great terrible monster we called TwinRova (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time).
“So what do you think our parents will want to do?” asked Nick. By our parents decision, we went to have a bit of lunch at the Liberty Tree Tavern. We all love that restaurant, with it’s colonial setting and fine dishes. After introductions of everyone, we got into conversation.
“So Tim, Billy, was the trip down exciting?” Linda asked us.
“Oh it was great!” I said.
“Yeah, we had a lot of fun coming down,” said Tim.
“What about you?” I asked Linda.
“Oh David and Adam just watched movies on the flights down, it went by fairly fast, we were very happy to get here finally though!” said Linda.
“So, what sorts of rides do they have here Billy?” Nick leaned over to ask me.
“Well, you can’t really put a label on any of them, they’re just different from other attractions, but more fun. Plus what I really like is that Disney puts theme into all of their rides,” I said.
“Theme? You mean like each ride has a theme song?” Nick wondered.
“Well yes, every attraction does have a theme song, but what I mean, is that each ride has a story behind it, a setting,” I told him.
“Oh, I get it now,” Nick replied.
Everyone’s meals were quite delicious, from scrumptious steaks to wholesome wheat-bread sandwiches. Afterwards, we toured the park, enjoying every ride, classic and new. We all had such a blast savoring and taking in all of what Disney had to offer. Making memories can be such fun, especially when they take place in the most magical place of all. The real fun was yet to begin, for the night of awe was approaching rapidly.

Chapter 7

“C’mon guys! We’ve got twenty minutes to ride Big Thunder Mountain, and then we’ve got to make it to the parade!” I said with a tone of foreboding in my voice. We were about to ride one of our favorite Magic Kingdom Mountains. As soon as we had gotten into our railroad car, we grew more excited, ready for all of the drops, twirls, and whirls that lied ahead. Everyone was screaming, of course the screaming of excitement that is.
“I love this place!” shouted Nick.
“I know, isn’t this the greatest place on Earth?!” replied Adam.
As soon as we had departed from the exit of the ride, we had five minutes to get to the front of Main Street U.S.A., where our parents were reserving places for us. Rushing in and out of clumps of people all lined up, we were afraid that from all this traffic that we might not make it in time. Occasionally we heard the shouts of “Hey watch where you’re going!” or “Slow down!” but we had no time, we just had no time.
Panting Nick asked me, “A parade? At night? How do they do that?”
“Oh, you’ll see, it’s truly breathtaking,” I told him. I just did not want to give the surprise away.
Rounding through the gift shops into the Emporium we cut across the street sliding under the ropes and into the candy shop. The wafting smell of sweets and cakes would have made us linger for a while, but we knew we had to hurry. Time was trickling away, we had three minutes, then two. We had done it, we found our parents next to the fire hall.
“Where have you been?!” our parents asked us, looking relieved yet angry at our presence.
We were all trying to explain at once that we wanted to get in one last attraction before the parade started.
“Well you should be glad that you didn’t miss it!” my mom yelled.
“Adam, David, you better not go pulling that again, or I’ll have you...” scolded Linda.
Under our breath we threw nasty comments toward our parents for being so mean.
Soon after, one of the most memorable songs in all of Disney parade history filled the air.
“On this magic night, a million stars will play beside us, cast a spell of light! Glimmering, shimmering, carouselling! 'Round the world tonight, a symphony in SpectroMagic, pure enchantment lights our way!”
Such triumphant music as this could only be created by Disney. Then came Jiminy Cricket, and the parade was a go.
“Welcome to the splendor, the spectacle, the sparkling sensation. Where the romance, the comedy and the thrill of Disney fantasies come to electric life. And now, the Magic Kingdom proudly presents, in a million points of musical light, the magical worlds of Disney...in SpectroMagic!”
The parade and all of it’s wonders came sparkling down Main Street U.S.A., as we all looked on in sheer amazement. It was almost at a close when Nick said to me,
“I see what you meant Billy, this truly is breathtaking!”
“I know, what did I tell you?!” I replied.
Then what happened, we will never forget. What happened, changed our lives forever. A bright glow of light was shining from inside the castle.
“Hey David, you see that?” I told him, for I was the first one to take notice of it.
“Yeah, what is that? It reminds me of that time we were at that movie theater...” he began, but I grabbed him before he could finish, and we made a run towards it. I’m not sure if something other than myself was pulling me towards that mysterious glow, it was so bewildering, so awkward. Tim was following close behind.
“Billy, what’s the matter?” Tim asked me as we were striding towards the castle.
“Don’t you see it? That light? It’s just too weird...too weird...”, my voice drifted over the music and the jeers of hundreds of people.
“Well alright, but let’s hope are parents don’t scram their heads off at us when we get back,” said David.
“Oh I don’t think there’s any worry there, they’re too pre-occupied with the parade,” snorted Tim. I hadn’t realized that he had followed David and I. He was right, they were having a rather splendid time. In fact, it was as if they hadn’t even realized that we had gone.
“Hey you guys! Wait up! Where are you going?” shouted Adam and Nick after us.
“Nowhere, go back! Unless you can keep up!” I shouted back at them. Although as usual and curious as anyone would be, they followed.
We stopped to a halt when we reached the front of the castle. It was mysterious though, nobody but the five of us were staring at the entrance to the castle. People began to stare at us, wondering what we were doing, until Tim finally said, “C’mon we better see what’s inside.”
Walking up the stairs to the inside of Cinderella Castle was a very wonderful sight, all the lights glimmering and shimmering. I felt a sense of excitement, it was the great adventure I had been longing for. We kept looking back, keeping an eye out for our parents, wondering if they’d noticed that we’d disappeared, it seemed that they had not.
We took the last few steps, and were suddenly in front of the castle entrance. Neither of us spoke as we stared at the blinding glow, pulling us in even farther. It was weird, but a sort of telepathy occurred between us, and we mutually decided that we would enter. We walked slowly, step by step, stride by stride. And finally, we had took ourselves all the way into the light. Through the corner of my eye, I swear I had seen some sort of glittering sparkle. No, it must’ve been my imagination. All of a sudden, the light disappeared, before we could even get a chance to see what it was. After a few moments, we had noticed something quite peculiar. The music had stopped. No noise at all, no jeering and shouting mobs of people. When we looked back towards Main Street U.S.A., our eyes widened and what we saw would make anyone’s heart stop.

Chapter 8

We never had seen such an astonishing event occur before. It took us a few seconds to realize that everything had oddly changed. One moment we were enjoying the parade, another, mindless and in total confusion. What was once there, no longer resided.
“Um...guys...what’s going on?” said Tim. We were all thinking the same thing. Everything had disappeared, everything was gone. Where had all the people gone? The lights and attractions were still up and running, but where was everyone?
“Ok...um nice trick guys, now c’mon stop it,” said David.
“What?” Nick asked.
“I said nice trick, did you not hear me?” David said with annoyance.
“No, I couldn’t hear you...” Nick replied.
“What do you mean you couldn’t hear me?! There’s nobody around!” David retorted in a quavering voice.
“Calm down David, gosh, we’re all as confused as you are,” Tim said.
“Alright, well this has officially freaked me out,” said I, still in confusion.
“Wait a minute you guys, I’m sure there is a logical explanation to this all...” started Nick, but Adam broke out in a fury.
“What the heck is going on here?! Where has everyone gone?! I want to know where everyone’s gone!” Adam screamed. We had completely forgotten that Adam was there, probably from his lack of talking.
“Adam shut up, and don’t lose your cool like that again!” David yelled as he gave a hard punch to his older brother.
“Ow, that hurt! What’d you do that for?!” yelled Adam, but David just gave him another hard punch and replied,
“You deserved it.”
“Well we might as well not just stand here, let’s go and look for our parents,” I said.
“Good idea,” replied Tim.
We had never done this before. That is, walking down Main Street U.S.A. at night, and not a soul in sight. Focusing my eyes straight forward, staring off into every direction, I thought about our parents and if they had mysteriously disappeared as well. I believe that my friends were thinking the same thing in their minds, for their pace of feet was as fast as mine. As Nick was leading, he stopped all of a sudden in the middle of the street.
“Alright, I think the only way we’re going to find anyone...” said Nick.
“If we find anyone,” David interrupted.
“Well, if we find anyone,” began Nick again, looking irritated at David, “Is to split off into different directions. David, you go head towards Adventureland, look around a bit,” said Nick.
“Ok, I’ll do that,” replied David.
Adam, you go towards Frontierland, Liberty Square if you can manage,” Nick said.
“Alright sounds fair to me,” said Adam.
“Yeah, I think that should be good,” replied Nick, “Billy, you go for the Tomorrowland area.
“Ok, can do,” I replied.
“Tim, you can head over to Fantasyland, you’re broad stature looks like it could use some perky princesses...” giggled Nick.
“Hey!” retorted Tim.
“Just kidding!” Nick said hastily, “Oh and go for Mickey’s Toon Town Fair, that’s right close.
As for me, I’m going to check every nook and cranny here on Main Street U.S.A. After all, our parents were there last...”
“Wow, you’ve already memorized your lands Nick,” I laughed. He returned a smile.
“Ok, meet back here?” Tim asked.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan, alright on your mark, get set, go!” Nick said as we all ran in our own separate directions. If we would find anyone at all, was a complete mystery.

Chapter 9

I found it very hard to concentrate when all sorts of thoughts were zooming crazily throughout my mind. Was I going to find our parents? Or anyone else at that? Would the rest of us disappear just as they did? I tried my hardest to not think about these things as I ran into the entrance of Tomorrowland, looking for any hope or any sign of anyone at all.
“Hello! Is anyone there?!” I shouted, “Hello!” Running into every shop, every attraction I could, I screamed at the top of my lungs and listened most contently for the smallest whimper or the slightest sound. Alas, there was nothing but the sound of gigantic motors from the machines of rides running, breaking the silence. “Oh what is going on here?!” as I said having a fit of rage. About a half hour later, I returned to Main Street U.S.A., to find that my friends had indeed returned.
“Billy, you find anything?” said Tim panting. I assumed he had just returned as well. I shrugged and shook my head in confusion.
“Neither has anyone here, have you guys?” he looked at them as they slowly shook their heads the same as I had.
“Well, what should we do? Try and go elsewhere besides the Magic Kingdom and try and find somebody?” asked Adam.
“Well I don’t know,” I said, “maybe we should...”
“Wait a minute,” David interrupted me, “Don’t any of you see it?”
“See what?” we replied looking dumbstruck.
“See the opportunity of course!” said David, looking as if we should know what he was talking about.
“What opportunity?” asked Tim.
“Look at it this way...no parents, no Cast Members telling us to slow down and walk, no characters following us around looking to sign autographs...” David said.
“Ah, I see where you’re going...” I replied, with a smirk on my face. I saw Tim had one on his face as well.
“And don’t forget the most prosperous aspect that’s best of all...no lines,” said David spacing out each word with great pronunciation. With this last comment, we all came to know how obvious this was.
“Yeah, good idea David! I never even thought we’d have the Magic Kingdom all to ourselves!” said Adam.
“You know Adam, I’ve always wondered and wished what it would be like to have the Magic Kingdom all to ourselves...” I said.
“Wait a minute guys, what about our parents?” Nick looked at us concerned.
“What about them?” said Tim as if he had no idea of what Nick was talking about.
“We can’t just not look for them! They’ve got to be somewhere!” he replied.
“Oh c’mon Nick, we already looked and couldn’t find them, why not have a bit of fun?” I asked him.
“Well, alright, I have been thinking it would be nice to have this place all to ourselves,” he said.
“Then it’s settled,” David said in a such way that would end the argument, “let’s go have the time of our lives!”
It was a lot of fun, I tell you. We went to all of the rides, classic and thrill. It was an absolute outrage.
“Ah!” screamed Nick on the Haunted Mansion as a grim grinning ghost sprang at him. All we could do was point and laugh.
“Woah!” Tim gasped as he hadn’t realized the giant drop coming at the end of Splash Mountain.
We were walking towards Tomorrowland when we engaged in conversation.
“So, did you ever think this was going to happen? I mean, magically getting the park all to ourselves?” I asked David.
“Well I’ve been longing for it ever since I got here! I really thought it would be cool...” he replied.
“Yeah, but what are the chances?” said Tim, “whoever thought this would happen?! I certainly hoped for it but never actually thought it would come true!”
We all laughed and smiled as we rushed down Space Mountain in the pitch dark blackness, David and I shouting at the top of our lungs “Save the whales!!!” as everyone else looked at us in confusion. We had to explain that it was an inside joke, a random sentence David and I created for use when we rode a roller coaster. With the tiny specks called stars shining above us, we didn‘t think things could get any better.
“This is great!” I shouted.
“Truly amazing!” replied David.
What we thought was only a mere dream, on this night became a reality.

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Chapter 10

As late as it was, we were having far too much fun to stop anywhere. Wandering in and out of restaurants was our top priority. We even nicked some food from the candy store in front of Main Street U.S.A., something we had been wanting to do ever since we had arrived at the Magic Kingdom.
“Oh, mm... this solid milk chocolate truffle is absolutely delicious,” I said, as they were my favorite.
“That’s nothing compared to my caramel covered candy apple I’ve got here...mm...so good, want one?” Tim said with a mouth full.
“Sure, I’ll just go grab one from over there, be right back...” I began to say.
“Um, can’t do that,” said Tim.
“Why not?” I replied.
“Cause...” he said with a smirk of greed on his face.
“Cause why? Well, spit it out!” I said with impatience.
“Well, cause everyone else got there first, too late slow poke. Looks like the fast walker fails!” he chortled.
“Ha ha, very funny! Since all of you seemed to want to snatch all the candy apples up before even asking me if I wanted any, I think I’ll just, borrow this for a minute!” and as soon as I said this, I grabbed Tim’s candy apple and started to run with it in my hand.
“Hey give that back!” Tim yelled after me.
“Only if you can catch me! How’s this for slow poke?!” I shouted after him, running through the shop. Everyone else dropped what they were so greedily gorging on, and ran after us.
“Give that back Billy, or I’ll!...” shouted Tim.
“Or you’ll what?!” I sneered back at him.
We ran through all of the gift shops (most had connecting openings), accidentally knocking over a few items here and there, but nothing compared to the glass snow globe that Adam had accidentally knocked over as we were running.
“Adam you idiot! Nice job!” David shouted at his brother.
“Sorry, it’s not like I meant to!” we heard him reply.
“If you break it, you buy it!” came from Nick from way behind, just passing the shattered pieces of what was once a magnificent globe containing Mickey and his pals.
We came to the last store on Main Street, where I came to a halt. Tim made a lunge for me, but I maneuvered myself out of the way. Most unfortunately, I tripped on the curb of the street as I was running out of the gift shop. As I was bringing myself back up, I saw Tim, but he was no longer trying to chase me, rather he was in a complete trance.
“Tim? Hello? Earth to Tim? Tim are you there?” I said.
It wasn’t just him though. Adam, David, and Nick had stopped suddenly as well, apparently in the exact same dream state that my cousin was in. After a few moments of confusion, I managed to figure out that they were not only in a deep trance, but their heads were exactly transfixed on Cinderella Castle. Quickly turning my head, I saw it too, and almost caused myself to fall into the same hypnotic daze.
“Oh my goodness,” were the only words I could hear coming out of my mouth.
It had returned, the light from before. Shining ever so brilliantly, it seemed to give off a more radiant yellow glow from before. As dazed as we were, and without speaking, our feet moved us towards the castle, getting closer with every step of the way. We came to the base of the castle, and looked up. We came out of our daze, wondering how we had gotten there. I noticed something. Moving closer, I found that my assumptions were correct. Not only was this light bright and radiant, but it also seemed to be emitting...pixie dust.
The most beautiful music then filled the air, and we listened with our eyes most sensitive to it’s wonderful tune. After the sudden music, out of nowhere magically filled my ears, I recognized it immediately.
“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires, will come to you.”
The sense of relaxation was overcoming all of us, and the music played on.
“If your heart is in a dream, no request is to extreme. When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do.”
We soon felt the warmth, this glow, whatever it was, was so comfortable, so welcoming.
“Fate is kind, she brings to those who love. The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing.”
Then it happened, something bright and glittering, sparkling and shimmering flew fast as lightning out of the castle entrance.
“Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.”
As the wonderful music came to an end, the magical entity that came from within the castle appeared before us. To our utmost surprise, it was none other than the magical fairy herself, Tinkerbell.
“Tinkerbell?” I said as we all looked surprisingly at her. Our response was but a jingle of the bells on her slippers, and a bright smile that would make any child giggle happily with excitement.
“Are you really Tinkerbell?” I said. Again, another instance of bright happiness in her expression, but this time she did not only smile. Flying above each of our heads, we felt a sensation of weightlessness, as she doused us with pixie dust. We rose slightly, floating in midair, and for a moment we felt a joy like none other, one that we would remember for the rest of our lives. Before we knew it, we had touched back down on the ground, where we stood flat on our feet.
“So it was you, wasn’t it Tink?” I said with a smirk. She gave a fluttering of her wings as she giggled uncontrollably. She nodded, and the mystery of how we got here was solved. The question still to be answered, was why?
“Tink, mind telling us exactly why you made all this happen?” I asked her with a happy tone in my voice. Our answer was revealed all too soon, as she soared far above our heads and high above the castle. She flew up and around, as though doing an elegant dance, and when she was finished, there were floating in mid-air seven golden magical words. To this day, we still remember what shone brilliantly in the night sky.
In all of its sparkling wonders, the golden arc of gleaming starlight that only the true magic of dreams could’ve created read what the magic of Walt Disney World is all about. “There is a place where magic lives.”
The mystery was solved. We were brought to this state, because we had all one dream and wished for it to come true. Apparently, our wish was granted, something that only Disney magic could do.
I smiled, my friends smiled, and Tinkerbell smiled. There was a blinding flash, and before we knew what was going on, the words across the night sky along with Tinkerbell had magically vanished.
“You hear that?” said David.
“Hear what?” said Adam.
“Look! We’re back!” I said, turning around abruptly.
Everything was back the way it was, the parade was at the same exact place it had been before. There were hundreds and thousands of people, cheering their hearts out at the oncoming spectacle of lights, glimmering and shimmering, ending another ordinary day at the Magic Kingdom. Though, not ordinary, for us that is.
Happiness can come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. Though nothing can measure up to the warmth and utter cries of joy that Disney can create. At Walt Disney World, these kind-hearted feelings can exist between anyone and everyone of all ages. It was five un-suspecting friends that found the mysterious secret and the true meaning of the Disney magic that exists in all of us. In finding the joy of what friendships and beautiful dreams can make, they remembered one thing above all else. That there truly is a place, where magic, lives on.

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:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Kudos on a story very well written about Walt Disney World. I especially loved the ending, you all just gotta read this!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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New Member
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Such a wonderful story! I only hope that my boys (now 10, 8 & 4) have that much excitement & imagination of Disney Magic when they are teenagers, too!

Thank you!
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New Member
What an AMAZING story!! It truly captured the magic of Walt Disney World. I hope my DS feels this way about Disney when he is a teenager. THIS WAS GREAT READING!!! It made me feel soooo good inside!!:sohappy:
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