"Where Magic Lives" Commercials


New Member
Originally posted by wild01ride
It is cute/funny- it's definitely got quite an adult tone to it:

A little girl and her Mom get on the elevator with a bunch of people and she starts talking about Disney World. A guy asks the woman "Did you just get back?" to which she replies, "No, it was a year ago"

Then the little girl, telling everyone in the elevator, says [pointing to the stroller], "This is my little brother Joe, but Mom calls him the little souvenir." The mother then says as they exit the elevator "Well, we obviously all had a good time!"

I REMEMBER NOW!!! I think I only saw it once...a long time ago. Thanks for the recap!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TravisM
The phrase "Where Magic Lives" is going to be on our nametags and on welcome banners as well...after they take the 100 years stuff down.

Is 'where magic lives' going to be where the home-town and country used to be (before it was replaced with the magical moment for 100YoM) or will they have both?

I always liked looking for Canadian Cast Members!



Originally posted by castlecake2.0
Is 'where magic lives' going to be where the home-town and country used to be (before it was replaced with the magical moment for 100YoM) or will they have both?

I always liked looking for Canadian Cast Members!


"Home-town and country"? I don't believe I've ever heard that WDW slogan. :)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Prince Charming Commercial

Back to the discussion on the commercials, did anyone else notice that the couple featured in the Cinderella spot are the same couple who were in the "you never talk to me in that special way anymore" commerical that was part of the "Magic Happens" series of ads?
(Late at night, wife complains that couple have grown apart, because husband never uses special voice. Husband proceeds to talk like Donald Duck).

I'm not sure it was deliberate, but I thought it was very clever.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BenS
"Home-town and country"? I don't believe I've ever heard that WDW slogan. :)

Sorry, I didnt word it right:)

On the CM name tags it used to say what town you were from. For ex:

Ajax, Canada

But for 100 YoM the town/country was replaced with a magical memory like a movie or a TV show or something like that. I was wondering if after 100YoM the town/country would return or if it would be replaced with 'Where magic lives...'?



Originally posted by castlecake2.0
Sorry, I didnt word it right:)

On the CM name tags it used to say what town you were from. For ex:

Ajax, Canada

But for 100 YoM the town/country was replaced with a magical memory like a movie or a TV show or something like that. I was wondering if after 100YoM the town/country would return or if it would be replaced with 'Where magic lives...'?


Ooooh, I remember now. Sorry, my last trip was the first in three years, :( so I didn't remember the name-tags from my last trip. When I was there in early January they still had the "favorite attraction" name-tags.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Michael72688
Is anything else going to change in the parks for the new ads?

I hope so- I think that the slogan is a good non-event specific slogan. It really sums up plain and simple why we all yearn to visit the magic of WDW!


New Member
Re: Prince Charming Commercial

Originally posted by Tiggerish
did anyone else notice that the couple featured in the Cinderella spot are the same couple who were in the "you never talk to me in that special way anymore" commerical that was part of the "Magic Happens" series of ads? I'm not sure it was deliberate, but I thought it was very clever.

I knew i recognized them from somewhere I just couldn't place it! Thanks Tiggerish!:D


Meega, nala kwishta!
I belive they are the same two in the new "Lady and Tramp" commercial as well. I just checked the WDW site, but that one is no longer up. It's the one where the two of them "re-create" the spagetti scene from Lady and the Tramp.


Premium Member
Originally posted by AkiraRaptor
I belive they are the same two in the new "Lady and Tramp" commercial as well. I just checked the WDW site, but that one is no longer up. It's the one where the two of them "re-create" the spagetti scene from Lady and the Tramp.

I love that one !I really enjoy them all, i just saw the "prince charming " one for the first time this morning :)


Hey everyone,

I need a bit of assistance here. I'm looking to download the commercials to my hard drive. I have Quick Time Pro which usually allows me to do so, however is not this time. Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong please?



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It doesn't work at all on my computer at work (b/c of the aforementioned firewall issues.)

There is some ridiculous mumbo jumbo that I had to go through to download it at home. I'll do it again and see ig I can figure out what it was.

Try this for now- I know that when I initially clicked on the first link, it first downloaded a test screen or something onto my desktop- I had to open this Quicktime file and click where it said "click here" or something in the Quicktime window.

So, try clicking on the commercial and then check your desktop to see if it has downloaded some weird QT file and try opening that first.

Good luck- I'll get back to you...


Hey all,

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, the way you mentioned wild didn't work. I'll look forward to hearing from you.



New Member
little souvineer commercials are on about 4 times a night.. serisouly, it's a little overplayed :) And it's about 2 years old the commercial.. The first time i saw it was a long time ago. She should be bring home little souvineer #2 by now...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OK, wed040599,

Here is the way that I was able to get it to work on my computer:

When you click on the "Play Commercial" window, it should open up another window that has the list of all the commercials in both "Large" and "Small" format. (In this case, I chose "Large"- hey, go big or go home, right!)

Left click (the "normal"/"select" mouse button) on the commercial you want (click once- do not double click). This should redirect the page you are on to a page that has a yellow background and a title that says

"Software Center
To visit these pages, you need the
Quicktime® 4.0 player.
Let's take a moment to see
if you have it.

Do you see the Animation
on the right?"

In the case of my computer, when this window was opening, it downloaded a Quicktime file to my desktop (if you have a download manager or even if you don't, it may save the file to a default location like your "My Documents" folder or "Temp" folder or something- if you know where this default location is, it may help, but hopefully it will end up on your desktop)

The quicktime file that it downloaded is called "youhaveqt4".
If this file is not on your desktop, go to "Find" ("Find Files") under your Start Menu and search for "youhaveqt4".

If you do not have Quicktime 4.0, go through the steps of downloading it.

If you do have it and you have the "youhaveqt4" file, double click on the file to open it.

The screwy part (to me, at least) is that it seems like this file should be part of some QT browser integration, but anyway, when you open it, it has blue spinning pinwheel type things in the background and a little "YES" button below the animation. Interestingly enough, you will get a little selection hand when you pass the mouse pointer over the word "YES". When you click on the word "YES", it should begin downloading the movie (which will be named "movie1" or something similar) that you selected into the same location where the "youhaveqt4" file was located. DO NOT close this window with the pinwheels and the "YES" button!

At this point, you should be able to click first back on the disneyworld.com homepage window (which should still be one of the windows open), click on "Play Commercials" once again, select the next commercial that you want and then it should immediately download that commercial without having to click the "YES" button again. For each successive commercial, start again by clicking on the disneyworld.com homepage (on "Play Commercials") and then click on the next commercial you want in the commercials window.

I really hope this works for you. It took me a while to figure out (it doesn't seem like it should be so tough, but it really wasn't once I figured out how to get the first commercial.)

Let me know how it works out for you!

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