Here's an interesting study. They compare dishonesty across countries by offering on-line survey respondents a few dollars if they report getting heads when they flip a coin. If people are all honest the % in each country reporting heads should be about 50%. In China it was over 80%.
They did another version where you get the money if you report that you knew the answers to all 6 of these music-related questions, without looking them up.
1. Who wrote "Fur Elise"?
2. What is Lady Gaga's real first name?
3. Name the rock group Nirvana's drummer.
4. What year was Claude Debussy born?
5. How many valves are there on a standard modern trumpet?
6. Name the town and state where Michael Jackson was born.
The idea is that virtually no one would know the answers to all 6, so anyone saying they did was lying. Pretty much no one would know #4.
I knew 1, 3 and 6, but not 2, 4 or 5.