I served on one jury about 15 or so years ago. It was actually an interesting experience, and even though I’m now retired, I really don’t want to do it again.
They weren’t even going to chose me, but another potential juror was out in the hall discussing the case. She got fined and dismissed. I was up next.
This was info relayed to me by the defendants lawyer after the trial. It was a DWI/DUI case, in which a child was injured. I had a DWI/DUI back in ‘85 and I know cops, so that had always got me out of most previous jury duty. And also, later on, my wife’s older cousins daughter (yes) was the assistant DA in our previous county, so we were gone from serving right away.
Carolyn served on a jury way back when we were still dating. It was a child **** case involving an ex cop. To this day, she hasn’t discussed it since that trial was over, as she was so disgusted.
It sure is a learning experience regarding how the system works, but, many times, it’s not for the faint of heart, and you really need to keep critical thinking at the forefront.
Anyway, just some of our experience.