Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
I mostly stick with lighthearted books which include some smutty and non-smutty romance novels. But I'll read contemporary fiction too, I just don't want it to be too depressing. Oh and I read a fair share of Disney history type books too, my favorite author of those is Jim Korkis. The best contemporary fiction book I read last year was "Wish You Were Here" by Jodi Picoult and my favorite romances were "Hook Line & Sinker" and "It Happened One Summer" both by Tessa Bailey, the two books were a mini-series.
Oh I love Jodi Picoult....she can be pretty heavy though. I will have to read Wish You Were Here. I read a lot of different genres. If you like romancy things, I'd recommend Nora Roberts if you've never read her before. She's one of my favorites. She has some that are strictly romance, she has others that are more suspense with romance tied in, and she has some supernatural stuff. I started off with just the romance ones, because the suspense ones gave me nightmares, but when I started beta-reading for my friend, I had to get used to more suspenseful stuff and now I love all of Nora's stuff. I can't handle all her JD Robb things though....there was one with Satan worship that really freaked me out and I think I actually had to stop reading that one because it was too much. I haven't read a JD Robb one since then. I love Nora's trilogies especially. My favorite is probably Three Sisters Island trilogy, but I'm not sure how you feel about books that depict witchcraft. I also loved her In the Garden Trilogy. I read the Chronicles of the One just as the pandemic hit and it was freaky, but also really great. I also read a couple that were recommended by people on this forum by Emily Henry. Book Lovers and...I can't remember the other one. And I haven't read The People We Meet on Vacation because I just got it for Christmas.

I don't like depressing books either. I can't stand Danielle Steele books. Every one I've read was just a depression in book form. The characters go through the ringer over and over and then don't get a happy ending. I read to escape real life for a bit. I want a happy ending, tied up in a neat little bow at the end of the book.


Well-Known Member
My favorite book ever, in fact I have read it at least 10 to 15 times is Wind From The Carolina's by Robert Wilder. It is a very long book but it covers at least 4 generations of one family that literally tore down their plantation mansion in South Carolina and shipped everything to Great Exuma Island in the Bahamas. Starting around circa 1764 for around 100 years. Lot's of all the stuff you mentioned but mild by todays standards.

Up until that book came along (my father bought it back in the days of Book Clubs) all I ever was interested in was "Bond, James Bond" and the occasional Agatha Christie. I picked up that book and I literally couldn't put it down. I was scolded and told to "put it down and get to bed. Tomorrow's a school day." I was a junior in High School at the time. Things have changed a little since then.

View attachment 689600 It was the first book that caught my imagination and made me feel like I was right there and not just reading about something. Even though I knew it was historical fiction, as an adult I went to the Bahama's and wanted so bad to hire a boat to take me to Great Exuma so I could explore and maybe find at least the foundation of that once upon a time fictional mansion. I still love to read but nothing has affected me like that book. I really cannot explain the hold it has on me. It wasn't a big seller and at one point I had to find it either on ebay or amazon. My copy was falling apart after a little over 50 years.
It's amazing how one book can turn someone into a reader. I heard someone once say that there's no such thing as a person who doesn't like to read, just people who haven't found the right book. And it's so true!! I'm dyslexic and I really dreaded reading in school. I didn't like the books we had to read for school...they were always boring, or really graphic. I remember all my classmates LOVED Last of the Mohiccans and I just hated how graphic it was. It wasn't until I got to college and someone recommended Sandra Brown to me, and I fell in love with her romance books. Then the librarian told me if I liked those, I should try Nora Roberts, and I loved her books even more. Then my boyfriend at the time read fantasy books and he told me to try the Shanara series by Terry Brooks, and I really enjoyed those. So it really opened up a whole new world. Now I read almost everything but Horror/Thriller. I'm not big on Sci-Fi, though there are a few I've liked, but I prefer other genres. Historical fiction, romance, fantasy, suspense, some non-fiction....I like it all. And then once I read Harry Potter, it was game over....I became a HUGE book nerd. And to think, if I'd never have read Sandra Brown, I'd never have even tried Harry Potter and I wouldn't be the book dragon I am.


Well-Known Member
I read the entire Bridgerton series last year (so much less smutty than the series), as well as another dozen or so Regency novels by Julia Quinn.

I’m currently knee deep in the Anne of Green Gables series.

Being particular to cozies, Agatha Christie and M. C. Beaton are among my favourite authors.

I don’t read anything graphic, violent, or smutty. My kids were avid readers at a very young age, so my rule was - no books on my bedside table that would be offensive to a middle schooler. 😂

This year, I’d like to get back into reading my physical Bible more. It’s just not the same on my phone app.
Oh I really liked the Bridgerton series....I read all those last year, too, but I thought they were pretty smutty! But so different from the TV series!!! They really changed a LOT. I thought the scene where Daphne punches Berbrooke was HILARIOUS in the book. I don't understand why they changed it....it was so much better in the book!!


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Oh I really liked the Bridgerton series....I read all those last year, too, but I thought they were pretty smutty! But so different from the TV series!!! They really changed a LOT. I thought the scene where Daphne punches Berbrooke was HILARIOUS in the book. I don't understand why they changed it....it was so much better in the book!!
Yeah, in retrospect, a little smutty … but NOTHING like the Netflix series, so that’s probably why my brain whitewashed it. 😂

I didn’t even watch the second season.


Premium Member
I read the entire Bridgerton series last year (so much less smutty than the series), as well as another dozen or so Regency novels by Julia Quinn.

I’m currently knee deep in the Anne of Green Gables series.

Being particular to cozies, Agatha Christie and M. C. Beaton are among my favourite authors.

I don’t read anything graphic, violent, or smutty. My kids were avid readers at a very young age, so my rule was - no books on my bedside table that would be offensive to a middle schooler. 😂

This year, I’d like to get back into reading my physical Bible more. It’s just not the same on my phone app.

I like the Bridgerton books more than the series (but the series is good too). I think I have read everything that Julia Quinn has written and I enjoy her novels. I loved the Anne of Green Gables books when I was in middle school, I should give them another go this year.


Premium Member
Oh I love Jodi Picoult....she can be pretty heavy though. I will have to read Wish You Were Here. I read a lot of different genres. If you like romancy things, I'd recommend Nora Roberts if you've never read her before. She's one of my favorites. She has some that are strictly romance, she has others that are more suspense with romance tied in, and she has some supernatural stuff. I started off with just the romance ones, because the suspense ones gave me nightmares, but when I started beta-reading for my friend, I had to get used to more suspenseful stuff and now I love all of Nora's stuff. I can't handle all her JD Robb things though....there was one with Satan worship that really freaked me out and I think I actually had to stop reading that one because it was too much. I haven't read a JD Robb one since then. I love Nora's trilogies especially. My favorite is probably Three Sisters Island trilogy, but I'm not sure how you feel about books that depict witchcraft. I also loved her In the Garden Trilogy. I read the Chronicles of the One just as the pandemic hit and it was freaky, but also really great. I also read a couple that were recommended by people on this forum by Emily Henry. Book Lovers and...I can't remember the other one. And I haven't read The People We Meet on Vacation because I just got it for Christmas.

I don't like depressing books either. I can't stand Danielle Steele books. Every one I've read was just a depression in book form. The characters go through the ringer over and over and then don't get a happy ending. I read to escape real life for a bit. I want a happy ending, tied up in a neat little bow at the end of the book.

I enjoy Nora Roberts books as well and I agree that the JD Robb books of hers just aren't for me. I have read a couple of Emily Henry's books and they are okay but I have a hard time getting through them, it's something about her writing style for me I guess. I do love Danielle Steel books though, they are predictable and my reading candy, I can rip through one in about 2 hours it always seems like the ending are somewhat happy after all the angst. I used to like Mary Higgins Clark but since she has passed obviously there aren't any new books.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Are you in the snow/ice storm path? We are on the edge of it so it will be just a little messy.
No, we're south of it. I think there's supposed to be a mix for a couple hours starting around 10pm, then shifting to rain early in the morning... around 1 or 2am. Then I think it's supposed to stay as rain for most of the day. Which means indoor recess all day tomorrow. 😭


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If you haven't heard, a Bills safety made a tackle, stood up, then collapsed while playing the Bengals a little while ago. He was on the field for 14 minutes, with both teams surrounding him. An ambulance came, and they appeared to be doing CPR on him. Reports say he needed an AED and had a pulse but was not breathing on his own. He was taken to a nearby hospital. The game has been temporarily suspended until they decide what to do. Both teams are in their locker rooms. They paused the ambulance to get his mom down from the stands to ride with him. Bills players were visibly crying when he was down on the field. Very scary situation.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I will definitely use the ornament and cup. The mug was the only questionable decision, but I figured it can be a decorative piece.
I’ve made many a giant mug into a planter.
If you haven't heard, a Bills safety made a tackle, stood up, then collapsed while playing the Bengals a little while ago. He was on the field for 14 minutes, with both teams surrounding him. An ambulance came, and they appeared to be doing CPR on him. Reports say he needed an AED and had a pulse but was not breathing on his own. He was taken to a nearby hospital. The game has been temporarily suspended until they decide what to do. Both teams are in their locker rooms. They paused the ambulance to get his mom down from the stands to ride with him. Bills players were visibly crying when he was down on the field. Very scary situation.
That is scary. We were meeting up with a couple of WDWMagic friends at Geyser Point this afternoon and noticed on the TV that an ambulance was on the field of the Purdue v somebody bowl game. Took one of the Purdue players off on a stretcher in the ambulance.

Hope they’re both ok.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Update on my stupid tooth ….

Went back to the specialist this morning to review the results from the 3D x-ray - delayed from 12/15 because I was sick.

The emergency root canal (on 8/28) on the 4-6 has one failed root. The tooth behind it however, the 4-7, that had a root canal decades ago has two failed roots. The 4-7 infection is sitting right on the nerve, and treatment will be tricky.

Long story short - $3K, both teeth being retreated next Thursday. Happy, Happy. Joy, joy.

The kicker is, it hasn’t bothered me in weeks. Just a matter of time before it starts up again though.


Well-Known Member
Just catching up.

Happy New Year everyone! I'd say I wasn't hungover either but I don't want to start the year with a lie. I spent New Years Day alternating between Super Mario 3D on Switch and the Wednesday show on Netflix. Watched Wednesday all in one day. I really like it! The NFL game was horrific. So freaking scary. I'm also following the health updates on Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye). He somehow ran over himself with a snow plow (the big truck - not the small walk behind driveway clearer) and required extensive surgeries. Lots of scary stuff to start the year.

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