Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how many kids don't go outside to play. I'm sure there have always been some kids who stay inside most of their days, but it seems like a much higher percentage than when I was a kid. Every Monday morning, I have my class share one thing they did over the weekend. It's amazing the amount of kids who say the same thing every week. One boy says, "I played on my Switch." One girl says, "I played on my Kindle." And you can tell they never go outside. The other week the girl said, "I actually didn't do what I normally do. I watched YouTube." Even though she tells me every day about something on YouTube. She also refuses to drink water. When she gets thirsty after PE or recess, especially now that it's warming up, she tells me and I say she can go get a water bottle. Then she complains and says she hates water. I tell her, "Well that's what we have if you're thirsty." She's asked me for chocolate milk and even fruit punch instead. I've never met a kid before who won't drink water. She legitimately starts pouting and puts her head down on her desk. It's pretty alarming with some of these kids.

Pretty much every weekend, and most week days, I was outside playing with neighborhood kids. We'd ride our bikes to the park. We'd go down to a dead end that had a berm and some foliage and play in what we called "The Sticks".
Ugh....I always hated water. I can only drink it if it's really cold, and usually only if I'm really thirsty. I can't drink it with food...if I'm eating something, I have to drink something like juice or milk because water just tastes AWFUL. It's so nasty!

I used to play outside with friends....there were a LOT of kids my age on my street, including my best friend. I met her on her 6th birthday when her mom came out and invited all the kids in for cake. But I've always been an indoor person. We did go out riding bikes or roller skating, but I preferred staying in and playing with Barbies or cabbage patch dolls, or playing "school". I used to save my old workbooks from school for math, phonics, etc to use for playing school. I liked to color, too.

To be fair, with covid, these kids don't have much to do besides play on devices at home. At least over here....we aren't allowed to have more than one visitor per day outside our household, we're encouraged to stay home, and up until Wednesday, all the stores were closed unless you had an appointment, and then you had a max of 30 minutes to get your shopping done. Zoos, amusement parks, everything is closed. So kids have nowhere to go....what else can they do besides get out the game console or watch TV?


Well-Known Member
I agree with all of that. I feel like most cases aren't "innocent until proven guilty". They are usually "guilty unless you can prove your innocence". I don't remember a lot of the specific details about the documentary since it's been a while now.
Oh yeah....it's all fresh in my mind because I just finished it yesterday. There was a LOT of that stuff that was hidden or fudged. I was fascinated by the new lawyer and the lengths she went to to do re-enactments of things, and to try to duplicate the results of the testing that was originally done. She's really thorough!

But I agree....unfortunately, I think most people are considered guilty as soon as they are suspected. Especially now with so much media...people don't have to wait for information or evidence anymore. It's all right there at the click of a button. And the people who work in media tend to be unethical to be the first to break new information or some new piece of evidence. It's hard for things to be kept secret until trial anymore. Jurors have already heard so much in the media that it's hard to be unbiased.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Ugh....I always hated water. I can only drink it if it's really cold, and usually only if I'm really thirsty. I can't drink it with food...if I'm eating something, I have to drink something like juice or milk because water just tastes AWFUL. It's so nasty!

I used to play outside with friends....there were a LOT of kids my age on my street, including my best friend. I met her on her 6th birthday when her mom came out and invited all the kids in for cake. But I've always been an indoor person. We did go out riding bikes or roller skating, but I preferred staying in and playing with Barbies or cabbage patch dolls, or playing "school". I used to save my old workbooks from school for math, phonics, etc to use for playing school. I liked to color, too.

To be fair, with covid, these kids don't have much to do besides play on devices at home. At least over here....we aren't allowed to have more than one visitor per day outside our household, we're encouraged to stay home, and up until Wednesday, all the stores were closed unless you had an appointment, and then you had a max of 30 minutes to get your shopping done. Zoos, amusement parks, everything is closed. So kids have nowhere to go....what else can they do besides get out the game console or watch TV?
We’re in State of Emergency Lockdown until at least 5/20. No visitors, no stores or restaurants, no choice but to stay home.


Premium Member
It's amazing how many kids don't go outside to play. I'm sure there have always been some kids who stay inside most of their days, but it seems like a much higher percentage than when I was a kid. Every Monday morning, I have my class share one thing they did over the weekend. It's amazing the amount of kids who say the same thing every week. One boy says, "I played on my Switch." One girl says, "I played on my Kindle." And you can tell they never go outside. The other week the girl said, "I actually didn't do what I normally do. I watched YouTube." Even though she tells me every day about something on YouTube. She also refuses to drink water. When she gets thirsty after PE or recess, especially now that it's warming up, she tells me and I say she can go get a water bottle. Then she complains and says she hates water. I tell her, "Well that's what we have if you're thirsty." She's asked me for chocolate milk and even fruit punch instead. I've never met a kid before who won't drink water. She legitimately starts pouting and puts her head down on her desk. It's pretty alarming with some of these kids.

Pretty much every weekend, and most week days, I was outside playing with neighborhood kids. We'd ride our bikes to the park. We'd go down to a dead end that had a berm and some foliage and play in what we called "The Sticks".

My middle school students will pout if I don't let them go to the water fountain/bottle filler to refill their water bottles in the middle of class. I have a sink in my room and they can use that. They pout because it isn't the "good" water. I refill my water bottle with it so they can too.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My middle school students will pout if I don't let them go to the water fountain/bottle filler to refill their water bottles in the middle of class. I have a sink in my room and they can use that. They pout because it isn't the "good" water. I refill my water bottle with it so they can too.
To be fair, I won't fill up my water bottle with the water fountains in the hallway. That's gross. Especially after it's been sitting a while. We have a water cooler in our workroom that I fill up in the morning, at lunch, and at my team meetings in the afternoon. Although when I was a kid there were definitely the "good" water fountains. Cold and fresher tasting.


Well-Known Member
We’re in State of Emergency Lockdown until at least 5/20. No visitors, no stores or restaurants, no choice but to stay home.
Oh no! When did that start?

We have been in lockdown since December and last week they opened a few things. Stores are opened, but at a reduced capacity. Up until Wednesday, you couldn't get into a store unless you made an appointment at least 4 hours in advance. From December to....I think March, everything was just closed. Only grocery stores and drug stores were open, so you could get over the counter meds and soap and such, and groceries, but nothing else. Amusement parks and the like are all still closed and stores are open, but often have long lines. I'm not that desperate, so I get out for my 5 mile walk every day, and I get out for work, and groceries. That's the extent of it.


Premium Member
It's amazing how many kids don't go outside to play. I'm sure there have always been some kids who stay inside most of their days, but it seems like a much higher percentage than when I was a kid. Every Monday morning, I have my class share one thing they did over the weekend. It's amazing the amount of kids who say the same thing every week. One boy says, "I played on my Switch." One girl says, "I played on my Kindle." And you can tell they never go outside. The other week the girl said, "I actually didn't do what I normally do. I watched YouTube." Even though she tells me every day about something on YouTube.

Pretty much every weekend, and most week days, I was outside playing with neighborhood kids. We'd ride our bikes to the park. We'd go down to a dead end that had a berm and some foliage and play in what we called "The Sticks".

We always wanted to go outdoors and play with the neighborhood kids. (We also loved watching TV, but my parents restricted viewing time to maybe 1-2 hours a day.) Outdoors time was practically unlimited (once chores and school homework was done), so outside activities were always appealing to us.

Even as an adult, I love being outdoors (most of the time, unless it's pouring rain, or extremely hot/humid summer weather).


Well-Known Member
We’re in State of Emergency Lockdown until at least 5/20. No visitors, no stores or restaurants, no choice but to stay home.
Didn't you guys get the vaccine up there? Maybe they can get a way to mix it with Molson's, eh! I think they just want you to spend your money up in the Great White North!


Well-Known Member
There has been a lot of birthdays and talk of aging lately so I thought that I would post the Toby Keith song from the movie "Mule" that I have used for inspiration during the thankfully limited number of times that I have had some physical hill to climb. I never thought that Toby could be so deep, but it certainly hit a number of my buttons.



When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Didn't you guys get the vaccine up there? Maybe they can get a way to mix it with Molson's, eh! I think they just want you to spend your money up in the Great White North!
We have been very slow receiving vaccines up here. We bought more doses per person than any other country in the world! We just didn’t pay a premium to get them early.

Unfortunately scarcely anyone was vaccinated before the variants took hold.

In the meantime, you guys are vaccinating zoo animals while my age group (50-54) isn’t even eligible to register for the clinics yet.

Things are looking up shortly though. 🤞


Well-Known Member
We have been very slow receiving vaccines up here. We bought more doses per person than any other country in the world! We just didn’t pay a premium to get them early.

Unfortunately scarcely anyone was vaccinated before the variants took hold.

In the meantime, you guys are vaccinating zoo animals while my age group (50-54) isn’t even eligible to register for the clinics yet.

Things are looking up shortly though. 🤞
do you want me to make you an appointment?


Well-Known Member
We have been very slow receiving vaccines up here. We bought more doses per person than any other country in the world! We just didn’t pay a premium to get them early.

Unfortunately scarcely anyone was vaccinated before the variants took hold.

In the meantime, you guys are vaccinating zoo animals while my age group (50-54) isn’t even eligible to register for the clinics yet.

Things are looking up shortly though. 🤞
Although, I don't know for sure if I like being referred to as a Zoo Animal, but it is shameful considering how late we got to getting this actually moving. I suspect that there is a certain amount of anger circulating about that except you can't say anything because of the clause that forces Canadians to be polite. You must have known that all that niceness would bite you in the butt someday.


Premium Member
Mike and I are eligible to join the provincial registry on Thursday, expecting first shots by late next week or the week after hopefully.

You will have such a feeling of relief once you two receive the vaccine. That's how we felt a few weeks ago, when we got our second dose of the Pfizer. (We would have taken any of them, but it just happened that our medical location had Pfizer, so everyone got that.)

Things are looking up for you. :)


Well-Known Member
You will have such a feeling of relief once you two receive the vaccine. That's how we felt a few weeks ago, when we got our second dose of the Pfizer. (We would have taken any of them, but it just happened that our medical location had Pfizer, so everyone got that.)

Things are looking up for you. :)
You know what? I really didn't think that the Pandemic was bothering me in the sense of anxiety or fear, but that second one (well two weeks later) did feel like a huge weight lifted. I still follow the protocol because unlike many, I want to see this end and no one else die because of it. But the idea that I can, if I wanted burn the mask and not really fear for my own health was worth any risk that the vaccine allegedly presented. Millions have had it with only a day or so of discomfort. (In my case 2 hours of mild chills and slight fever.) It seems like a no brainer for someone with no existing conditions that might present a threat to resist getting the vaccine and at the same time complain that it's not ending quick enough.


Well-Known Member
You know what? I really didn't think that the Pandemic was bothering me in the sense of anxiety or fear, but that second one (well two weeks later) did feel like a huge weight lifted. I still follow the protocol because unlike many, I want to see this end and no one else die because of it. But the idea that I can, if I wanted burn the mask and not really fear for my own health was worth any risk that the vaccine allegedly presented. Millions have had it with only a day or so of discomfort. (In my case 2 hours of mild chills and slight fever.) It seems like a no brainer for someone with no existing conditions that might present a threat to resist getting the vaccine and at the same time complain that it's not ending quick enough.
My daughter had her 2nd shot on Monday afternoon and yesterday was a solid day of feeling like poo. But she's feeling good about having it and looking forward to that 2 week full vaccination to kick in. Mine kicks in Saturday and I'm feeling really positive about doing my part to prevent the spread and protect myself and my family.


Well-Known Member
My daughter had her 2nd shot on Monday afternoon and yesterday was a solid day of feeling like poo. But she's feeling good about having it and looking forward to that 2 week full vaccination to kick in. Mine kicks in Saturday and I'm feeling really positive about doing my part to prevent the spread and protect myself and my family.
Man if my parents had acted this way when I was a kid there was a good chance that I might have gotten polio and a number of other awful things that I had been vaccinated against. That was around 70 years ago and we are all better off because of it, yet those that deny it are only enforcing it's staying power. That is so sad. Instead of listening to scientists and doctors they listen to people that probably just barely graduated from high school and/or Daddy paid someone off to get them through college. That is the dumbing down of america. There is no end to how much that angers me.


Well-Known Member
Man if my parents had acted this way when I was a kid there was a good chance that I might have gotten polio and a number of other awful things that I had been vaccinated against. That was around 70 years ago and we are all better off because of it, yet those that deny it are only enforcing it's staying power. That is so sad. Instead of listening to scientists and doctors they listen to people that probably just barely graduated from high school and/or Daddy paid someone off to get them through college. That is the dumbing down of america. There is no end to how much that angers me.
I guess there is a sort of conspiracy theory about all this. People think that rather than a vaccine, they are injecting tracking devices or something? My daughter told me that her friend is also not allowed to get tested for Covid19 because her father thinks they are controlling your thoughts....that they actually touch your brain and it is a way to take over the person. Apparently he is not aware that her mother had her tested once before already. But then the dad also thinks that lighting a single candle in a room will use up all the oxygen and kill you.


Well-Known Member
I guess there is a sort of conspiracy theory about all this. People think that rather than a vaccine, they are injecting tracking devices or something? My daughter told me that her friend is also not allowed to get tested for Covid19 because her father thinks they are controlling your thoughts....that they actually touch your brain and it is a way to take over the person. Apparently he is not aware that her mother had her tested once before already. But then the dad also thinks that lighting a single candle in a room will use up all the oxygen and kill you.
How in the hell are these people getting through life. How do you survive with no common sense or ability to believe any proven things. The tracking device theory is so off the wall that it is hard to grasp. The theory that they are actually injecting a small tracking unit in your blood stream through the microscopic opening of an injection needle. Wait a minute...

I blame Disney! They came up with and let us all be part of the shrinking down of a huge vehicle to fit in an injection under the skin in an educational show called Body Wars. Do you suppose someone actually thought that was showing us that it was being done and not just an imaginary story? Coincidence? I'm beginning to think not! Once again, you can't fix stupid. Suppose some of those people saw it as a kid and to this day, still think it was actually happening.

I remember being conned at a young age by a TV documentary that showed spaghetti growing on trees and then drying in the sun. I was fairly old by the time I finally found out that I was being duped along with all the other viewers, mostly old enough to know better. I finally had reason to mention it when I was about 10 or 11. Everyone laughed at me. How embarrassing! When I told them why I believed that, they just laughed some more. Finally, probably 25 years later there was a TV show that was dedicated to showing some of the biggest gotcha shows and there it was, just as I remembered it. Vindication! Of course by then, I really was insane so it didn't really make that much difference.
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