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Ugh....I always hated water. I can only drink it if it's really cold, and usually only if I'm really thirsty. I can't drink it with food...if I'm eating something, I have to drink something like juice or milk because water just tastes AWFUL. It's so nasty!It's amazing how many kids don't go outside to play. I'm sure there have always been some kids who stay inside most of their days, but it seems like a much higher percentage than when I was a kid. Every Monday morning, I have my class share one thing they did over the weekend. It's amazing the amount of kids who say the same thing every week. One boy says, "I played on my Switch." One girl says, "I played on my Kindle." And you can tell they never go outside. The other week the girl said, "I actually didn't do what I normally do. I watched YouTube." Even though she tells me every day about something on YouTube. She also refuses to drink water. When she gets thirsty after PE or recess, especially now that it's warming up, she tells me and I say she can go get a water bottle. Then she complains and says she hates water. I tell her, "Well that's what we have if you're thirsty." She's asked me for chocolate milk and even fruit punch instead. I've never met a kid before who won't drink water. She legitimately starts pouting and puts her head down on her desk. It's pretty alarming with some of these kids.
Pretty much every weekend, and most week days, I was outside playing with neighborhood kids. We'd ride our bikes to the park. We'd go down to a dead end that had a berm and some foliage and play in what we called "The Sticks".
I used to play outside with friends....there were a LOT of kids my age on my street, including my best friend. I met her on her 6th birthday when her mom came out and invited all the kids in for cake. But I've always been an indoor person. We did go out riding bikes or roller skating, but I preferred staying in and playing with Barbies or cabbage patch dolls, or playing "school". I used to save my old workbooks from school for math, phonics, etc to use for playing school. I liked to color, too.
To be fair, with covid, these kids don't have much to do besides play on devices at home. At least over here....we aren't allowed to have more than one visitor per day outside our household, we're encouraged to stay home, and up until Wednesday, all the stores were closed unless you had an appointment, and then you had a max of 30 minutes to get your shopping done. Zoos, amusement parks, everything is closed. So kids have nowhere to go....what else can they do besides get out the game console or watch TV?