No one can tell you how it will go. She seems nice, but, doesn't seem to be aggressively trying to carry it any further. But, who knows, she might be interested but is being cautious. They tell me that women don't like rejection very much either. A couple of years ago, shortly after my 50th class reunion, I emailed my first love, my first date and the woman that our HS class predicted we would be married shortly after graduation. We weren't. I had to go off to a war and while I was gone she met and married her true love. They are still married but, she does still keep up communications with me. In case that sounds to melodramatic, she told me before I actually went of Vietnam and didn't even have orders yet. So it wasn't a "foxhole Dear John". Another X-girlfriend of mine also still stays in touch via Facebook.
I'm telling you this just so you don't get your hopes up to high, Yes, you should give it a shot, but just come out and ask if she might be interested in going out again. It might be like ripping a band-aid off, painful but quick, or it might get a positive reply. I always found that lingering, will she, won't she, was much more emotionally painful then just getting it over with. And many times we are really surprised to find out that there is an interest there.