So I woke up bored out of my skull today and decided it was a good day for a "who knows where I'll end up" large circle road-trip starting from my apartment and ending there as well. I headed east which I know is bad for me because it eventually gets to I-95, long registered in my records of Historically important landmarks. I headed out due east and when I got to the evil I-95 decided to head north. As most of you know it have this thing about traveling north. It just doesn't seem right somehow. Anyway I found myself about 75 miles deep into Virginia before I could find I-85 (another of my historic roads) and headed back to the west and my humble abode.
Anyway, four and a half hours later I was back home having traveled one or two miles shy of 300 miles. Realizing that I had driven half way to Orlando if I had been going south. There is no moral to that story except that I wasted half a day, $3.95 in snacks and about $13.00 in gas and ended up exactly where I started from I am a little horse from loudly singing along with The Beatles, a selection of WDW attraction songs, The Statler Bros. Billy Joel and assorted mess that I burnt to a music chip all of which feeds my car stereo. Since I had nothing else to do the road-trip seemed appropriate. Right now at 3:30pm the temperature outside is 86 degrees, beautiful clear cloudless day.