Trip Report When you add 2 weeks in Disney to your friend’s wedding in Mexico... COMPLETE!

So, what do you do when your friends are getting married in Mexico and you’re flying over from the UK to attend? Add a two week Disney trip onto it of course! Yep, that’s us! How could we not when we’re so nearby? Well, compared to being in the UK, being in Mexico is basically a hop, skip and a jump away from Orlando! And so that’s what we have done!

Ok, a little background. If you have read either of my last two trip reports you’ll know that in Dec 2017 we met Alisa ( @dclfan ) and her fiancé Jerome (trip report here). I met Alisa through talking on this board and after meeting at WDW, the rest is history. Here’s my first post from our joint July 2018 trip which explains our crazy awesome friendship:
A long time ago in a magical galaxy (and something something darkside) there were two Disney Twins who were separated at birth and kept apart by the evil Atlantic Ocean (darkside!). They grew up not knowing of each other’s existence, yet their twin-ness continued on. They both grew up loving all that is Disney and knowing Walt Disney World was there home. Both got a tattoo of their favourite line from Beauty & The Beast and dreamed of Adventures in the Great Wide Somewhere. Both fell in love with their bearded, tattooed soulmates and then one day, by a miracle created by Walt himself, they met on WDW Magic and noticed their similarities. They also realised that they both had upcoming trips at the same time. A meeting of fate was about to occur in December 2017...

Ok so we weren’t quiiiite separated at birth! :joyfull:Seeing as our birth dates are a couple years apart also... but that bit doesn’t matter! Alisa ( @dclfan ) and I are Disney Twins! Literally from the moment my husband Russ and I met her & her fiancé Jerome for a drink at La Cava del Tequila, we got on like we’d known each other for years. I was nervous to meet up as I can be a bit socially anxious but it wasn’t awkward at all. I even messaged Alisa 5 mins after we’d met to say how much fun it had been and about how I’d been nervous. And she replied straight away saying exactly the same, she has social anxiety too! But we’d both felt comfortable straight away. That never happens for the both of us. Disney magic! :happy:

It’s crazy. We have the most ridiculous amount of similarities and things in common. Interests, general likes and dislikes, dreams, outlook on life, right down to tv shows and other little things. Even stuff from our childhood and things we did and liked back then is similar! Let alone the fact we both have the same tattoo in the same place and both fell in love with guys who have beards and tattoos.
Alisa’s also getting married to Jerome in a small wedding abroad this year, in December- aged 29. The same age I was when I got married to Russ in December in a small wedding abroad- when I was 29! :jawdrop:
We still keep finding stuff that we’ve both done, or like, or our other halves have done or something they like that’s the same and being like “OMG we did that/we like that/that happened to us too!” It’s so much stuff now we kind of just shrug it off when something new pops up, like “Well, of course. We’re twins! Duh!”

And even better- Russ and Jerome got on like a house on fire too! In fact at first, those two were chatting away more than us! It was the best trip in December last year. We ended up meeting another 4 times and hanging out. We had such a blast. It really was like we were all old friends. When we said goodbye it was as Alisa & Jerome were going to the Galactic Nights in DHS & it was about 15 mins till the park closed to the public (Russ and I didn’t have tickets) and we all just group hugged in the middle of Hollywood Blvd for like 5 mins ha ha! :joyfull: We didn’t want to say goodbye. People must have been like what are these bearded guys & girls with Minnie ears having a giant hug about?! It’s crazy now thinking how we technically have only met for a total of about 6-8 hours. As Alisa and I have literally messaged back and forth every day since we got home. We all Skyped each other on New Year’s Eve for hours (and several times since then too) and have been totally hyped and pumped about meeting up again. We feel so far apart!! Finding a new best friend that lives in America when you’re from the U.K. is noooooo! :cry:

And so with that... this is what this pre-trip report is all about! WE’RE GOING TO BE REUNITED!!!!

I am SOOOOOOO excited to see you again Alisa!! These are the only photos of us (I don’t know how we were so lame in the photo taking over 4 days- we were having too much fun I think!) but I love these photos as they show the fun we were having.



And the one group shot of us all!


And a couple Skype shots :joyfull:



Note to selves. Lots more photos this time!! Ha ha I bet we’ll now be the total opposite and take waaaay too many photos!

Anyway, back to the trip! We’ve been planning and trying to make this happen since the day we left WDW. Russ and I have a trip booked for October but we couldn’t stay away that long- and Alisa wouldn’t let me! Originally we tried to make this happen for May, as my birthday is May 29th and over in the UK we have a holiday week at the end of May (in schools & I work in education so I get this too) and also Alisa & Jerome would be in their new Florida home & settled by then, so it was looking like the best time to plan a trip. But timing & finances just didn’t quite work out for May. Boo. So, we kept looking at another time soon that we could go & when Jerome would be home from touring. And it started to look like July could work. Seeing how much Russ and I LOVE America and that we have never been in July- let alone been there for AMERICA'S BIRTHDAY- a trip around July 4th became the plan! We're going to be visiting Alisa & Jerome in Tampa for July 4th before going to Disney World after! We are ridiculously excited. I am pumped to be there for July 4th which is new for us- and to finally be reunited with our Disney Twins! :inlove:

So... the details!

Who: Well I think you know by now- 4 crazy best-friends-within-hours Disney fans! And multiple Smoked Turkeys.

Russ & I (Sam):


Alisa & Jerome:


A smoked turkey:


When: July 5th-10th (Alisa & Jerome)
July 5th-14th (Russ & Sam)

Where: Caribbean Beach! Yep, we know about all the "magical enhancements" currently happening there (as the CM called them upon booking!) but it's such a good rate and we know what we're heading into. Plus we're going to be spending so much time in the parks and hanging out, it's not about the resort this trip. But Alisa stayed there not too long ago anyway and said it's not really that bad if you're prepared. The newish rooms seem great anyway and we're really liking the look of the new QS at one of the pools! The menu looks great.

So you may also be wondering what all this Smoked Turkey talk is about. Well, back in December we discovered (of course) that this was Jerome & Russ' favourite Disney drink. On our last day hanging out this was what we decided to drink. But as detailed in my last trip report we went from bar to bar on the Boardwalk and no-one was serving them! It felt like a hidden quest to try and find one. So the guys never got to have their drink together. I mean, many other drinks were consumed (of course ;)) but no Smoked Turkeys! It's like all they talk about together now! :joyfull:

So this trip, MANY Smoked Turkeys will be found and consumed! Russ and Jerome are coming for you speciality cocktail menu, be warned! :cool:

So I think that's everything! We have a few ADR's booked and Alisa and I have already planned a years worth of plans to fit into our 5 days together in the world, so it's going to be a crazy, awesome adventure! AND WE CAN'T WAIT!

FP+ window is Sunday so that's the next step!

64 Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays!!!! :eek::D:D:eek:

And so yes- Alisa & Jerome’s is the wedding we are attending! It’s so amazing to be a part of their day. We are so excited! We have known we are attending since July, but we didn’t know what our exact plans would be until quite recently! We knew we wanted to visit Orlando since we’d be flying over the Atlantic to the wedding anyway, but it took until late September/October to confirm work arrangements & the trip budget! At first we thought it might just be a few days before and after Mexico or maybe a week before then flying home. Nope! We’re coming over for a full 11 nights pre-wedding and then another 4 nights after! 3 weeks of WDW and Mexico awesomeness! We are soooo excited for the wedding; we’ve never been to Mexico, so that’s exciting in itself! And then witnessing this awesome pair that we’ve got to know and share so many fun moments with, even within a year, is just going to be amazing. Let alone getting back to WDW! I can’t tell you how much we are looking forward to that. Even though it was only July we were there it already feels so long ago- and it’s been a stressful few months. This couldn’t be more needed! Plus- celebrating Thanksgiving and experiencing all the Christmas festivities and build up is just the icing on the cake!

So, the who, when and where! Me (Sam) and my husband Russ:


I realised recently that this trip is at almost the exact same time Russ and I took our first trip to WDW together 7 years ago! I’d been many times before with family, but Russ had never been- and didn’t think it would be his thing but was willing to give it a go for his Disney crazy then fiancé! I knew once he was there he would love it and catch the bug- and boy did he ever! Since that first trip together 7 years ago we’ve been back to WDW 9 times (including part of our honeymoon), Disneyland 3 times, Disneyland Paris 3 times, taken a Disney cruise and even visited Tokyo Disney! It makes me laugh as after the first trip or two when talking about WDW with others, Russ would always preface any talk with “Well, I’m not really a Disney kinda guy, but...” and then talk about the things he liked there. Now he just talks about how awesome it is!

So, I’ve now realised this is our tenth trip! Ahh. And how much has changed at WDW in just that time! Here’s some pics from over the years:


So to continue on with the who, there’s also going to be cameos from these awesome guys!


And now the when & where!

November 17th-22nd: Blue Heron Beach Resort, Lake Buena Vista

Nov 22nd-28th: Disney’s All Star Movies Resort

Nov 28th-Dec 4th: Mexico

Dec 4th-8th: WDW (Resort TBC!)

So yep- the trip started today! We flew out this morning and I’m currently writing this on our layover in Charlotte, NC over a beer feeling pretty jet lagged! Our flight to Orlando is in about an hour and we should arrive by 10pm (3am English time!). We’re still planning rope drop for tomorrow though! :joyfull:

And yep, for cost reasons the first part is off-site. We haven’t stayed offsite since our first trip in 2011 (actually we’ve stayed on Hotel Plaza Blvd in the Disney Springs hotels a couple of times, but usually as a night or two either side of onsite. But this feels properly “off site” even though this resort is only 5 mins drive from Disney Springs! We’re quite happy to have our own kitchen though and eat/cook American foods that we can’t get at home- and pretend we actually live over here for a little bit! Just being in America and Florida is vacation to us!

Next up though, it’s a move to onsite! Hooray! 6 nights at All Star Movies. Fingers crossed for a refurbished room! Even more exciting- for the first two nights we will be joined by Alisa / @dclfan! Jerome is away working so he can’t make it (nooo! And sorry Russ you’re left with two crazy Disney Twins for two days, without your Smoked Turkey buddy!) But I know we’re still going to have loads of crazy fun. Plus, it’s Thanksgiving! And we’ve booked Homecoming! It will be a good distraction too for Alisa from all the wedding planning stress!

So two days of Disney Twin craziness and then Russ and I will have another 4 nights at ASM together. Then on the 28th- we fly to Mexico!

We’ll be in Mexico for 6 nights and I’m sure lots of fun times will be had! I won’t report too much on here when there, but I’ll probably post a couple of pics. I’ll also be posting on our group instagram @beauty_and_the_beards (yep we have one lol! We set it up for our trip in July, I think a few WDW magic people followed along our trip! I don’t think we posted too much then- I plan to try and post a lot more this time!)

Russ and I also have a travel instagram (yep we’re one of those couples!) so if you’d like to follow the whole trip when it’s just us we’re @wanderlusttheworldandus

After Mexico it’s back to Orlando for 4 nights and… I don’t actually know where we’re staying yet! Everything so far has been booked up at WDW (apart from Deluxes which are out of our budget this trip) or only have one or two nights available. So I thought I’d wait until nearer the time to see if anything opens up to work out where we’ll go! The Disney Springs hotels are our back up. I’ll update when we actually have a room! I’m hoping for Caribbean Beach for at least a night or two as we loved staying there in July and we especially want to go back now that Old Port Royale and more is open! I really want to try Banana Cabana Bar especially since you can order food from Sebastian’s Bistro there! Those pull apart rolls and dips look yum!

So that’s our plans so far! And this trip is going to be interesting because with the last minute booking- we’ve had about 1 or 2 months to think about dining and way under 30 days for FP’s! It’s going to be a go with the flow trip, seeing which FP’s appear the day before and attempting rope drop or close for things like Slinky Dog and FoP. We’ve managed most attractions for FPs though to be honest, even the more popular ones. The nearer our trip there wasn’t as much flexibility, but the only things that we couldn’t get were Slinky Dog & FoP, and as mentioned we plan to standby those.

We also managed 2 Homecoming reservations and one at California Grill! We don’t have the dining plan, so we’re actually planning a lot of snacks (hello Epcot Festival of the Holiday’s booths!) and getting QS. We’ll see what other TS are free on the day- but we actually quite like sitting at the bar at restaurants and ordering apps or entrees off the menus that way instead anyway. There’s almost always immediate availability anywhere on property when you do that!

So, that is my pre-trip within my live trip report! Orlando, here we come!! :D
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Hello Coronado! It was so nice to be back. Coronado was our first onsite stay- and our last stay here was back in 2014. It still felt the same in the lobby! We love the fountain as you enter. It didn’t take long to check-in and then we were on our way around the lake to our room. It was dark now so the construction wasn’t so noticeable- and the lake and lights still looked gorgeous! Even though the new tower is very obvious, of course- I really don’t feel like it has or will spoil the resort. I’m excited for the new restaurant on the lake! And the one on top of the tower. I actually think it’s all going to be great. Especially if it is anything like the refurbished rooms! Wow, we were very impressed!





So clean, aesthetically pleasing- and still some great touches! LOVED them. I’ll take Disney’s new modern rooms any day over the dated/busy 90’s style and old carpets! I just don’t understand how people call them bland- all of the new rooms we’ve experienced have color schemes and touches to them representing the resorts they’re in- maybe they just don’t photograph as well. But being inside the new rooms, I would not call them bland and generic.

Anyway, so we spent about an hour in the room relaxing/packing the final bits for tomorrow and getting freshened up, before heading back to the front of the resort to look around Panchitos and on to grab a bus to DS.

We spent the bus ride debating what we wanted to eat. It was between the bar at Homecoming and Polite Pig… upon arriving at DS and going to check the menu at Polite Pig- the smell from the place made the decision for us! We were in line before we knew it. We queued the longest we ever have at PP to order our Shared Platter- though it was a Friday night. And it was only about 15 mins I guess really. Before long we were at our table staring at meaty BBQ goodness!


Never had a bad meal here. It’s all so good! Meat, sides, sauces, all of it. Can’t recommend it enough! Especially on the dining plan as its 1QS point each and that comes with alcohol now!

I have to say after paying OOP this trip- when we usually have the dining plan- I think we really like the dining plan. I’m sure over the trip when on the DP we might just break even- but at times it didn’t feel like that! When our bill at Ohana came to $127 for two adult meals and one alcoholic drink… whereas on the dining plan it would have been $150 for the day and that includes 2 Table Service meals (with an alcoholic drink each) 2 Quick Service meals (with an alcoholic drink each) & 4 snacks per day… at moments like those the dining plan seemed like a no brainer. I think we’ll be buying it in future. We like our Disney food and drinks! At least then it feels like the room charges are cheaper… even if we’ve really just pre-paid some of them. We’re easy to please! Grabbing an in-park drink or an energy drink in the food courts for a snack point is also less painful than Disney’s prices!

So bellies full and the dining plan missed, we left our table and headed to World of Disney for a last look around. There seemed to be some new merchandise in the short time we’d been away in Mexico- or maybe I just hadn’t seen it earlier in the trip. But we enjoyed looking around at everything again. Strangely we didn’t actually buy anything else! I think we were in too much of a food coma from PP and a little sad with the realisation that we were going home tomorrow. I just couldn’t decide if there was anything I really wanted. Well, I wanted everything, but I wasn't sure if I should buy- we were nearing the end of our budget! So that made the list of what I *needed* a lot smaller! Sigh; see you next time Danielle Nicole Bags/Dooney & Bourkes/Alex & Ani and Pandora Jewellery… I suppose we bought DVC so I can’t complain! :joyfull:

I nearly got these though- perfect way to start and end a day with Disney- espresso and then alcohol! :joyfull: :cool:



We took a leisurely stroll around all the shops and thought about dessert at Amorette’s, but we were too full. We were also too full to keep drinking at this point too, so we decided to just head back to Coronado and take a stroll around the lake before heading to bed ready for our stupid Tragical Express tomorrow. It was quite late now anyway- and it would be a long travel day tomorrowso probably an idea to get a decent sleep. So that’s what we did.
Pretty Coronado at night.





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We had a nice time that evening just reminiscing over the past few weeks and falling asleep to the Disney Must-Dos and Vacation Planning channels. It was bittersweet though, as it always is! Before we knew it, the morning came around and the last minute packing commenced. We were done and washed and dressed about an hour before the Magical Express was due however, so we decided to take a last stroll around the lake- and look at the construction in the day.







Of course it was much more visible today. I still think it’s going to be great though! And the resort is still so pretty.
We stopped for a moment to look at the turtles in the lake also, another favourite old pastime of our resort stays!



Before we knew it time was slipping by and we had to go get our luggage. We also had some (actually a lot!) of vodka left from the trip in the room… and since we were going home, even though it was 10.45am- we didn’t care, we thought well this way we might actually enjoy the Magical Express to the airport! So we mixed it with lemonade, put it in a leftover QS cup from the night before and headed with our luggage to the ME stop. Ending the trip as classy as always! :joyfull::cool: It was a good distraction from the fact that we were leaving to go home after 3 weeks of adventures though. We had had the most AMAZING time. I couldn’t (and still can’t) believe it was over.

The journey was fairly uneventful- we were remembering the ME journey a couple of weeks ago when we were going to the airport to fly to Mexico. I remember looking at people and thinking that for them it must have been a sad journey, whereas ours was exciting. Now ours was the sad journey too! And before we knew it, we were at MCO. Our flights were fairly uneventful too, and without delays despite us flying to Charlotte, NC where winter storms were causing delays for a lot of other flights (they prioritise international flights I believe). At Charlotte we stopped at the same place we had on the way, for a final beer. How the time flies when you’re having fun! How were we already back here ready to fly home? :cry:



And so an 8 hour flight later, back in the UK we landed. And that is then the end of this trip report! Not quite fully live, but complete!

I hope you enjoyed reading if you followed along- it was fun to do! And as always to look back on. What a trip! And now- we’re DVC Members! :inlove: Here’s to using those points! :D


Well-Known Member
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You certainly crammed a lot into your trip!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us! Looks like you enjoyed every Disney minute. Happy Christmas!

Ha ha- yes we did! Thanks for following along- we really did enjoy every Disney minute. Happy Christmas to you too! :happy:


Well-Known Member
I loved your report.. it's so cool that you were able to attend the wedding and have such a great long stay at Disney! Looking forward to your next adventure.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I loved your report.. it's so cool that you were able to attend the wedding and have such a great long stay at Disney! Looking forward to your next adventure.

Ah thank you for following along! I’m glad you enjoyed the report. We had such a great time at both Disney and the wedding- and can’t wait to get back to Florida! I’m already looking at flight prices for every month of 2019 :joyfull:

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