When will they complete Pop Century?


Well-Known Member
If and when the other side does get built out there would be two different bus stops and two different bus routes. One for Classic years and one for the new side. When the resort is done it will have the most rooms on property combine the 2 resorts there for they will run two different bus routes, this is why there is a second entrance to the property off Victory Way.

I'm still doubting this... was that ever confirmed... and if so I apologize!

The All Star Resorts have 5,760 rooms combined. Pop Century is slated to have the exact same (although maybe less with the conversion to the Family Suites) The All Star Resort doesn't have seperate park bus stops so why would Pop Century?

I can understand two seperate resort entrances for people driving and parking etc. and also for buses coming from either the Classic side... stopping at Classic... then Legendary... than out the Legandary entrace or vice versa. Each All Star resort has their own entrance and exit but due to it's location as well.

I definately could be wrong in all of that and if so... then I apologize... but for some reason thats how I always recall discussing transportaion. I remember reading that building another resort stop at one or two of the parks will also be difficult due to space.

Marni thanks for that link! I can't believe how spread out the second side of the resort looks! I have no idea what that third pool could be now... but I'm glad its not the Crossword puzzle :veryconfu


New Member
From one of the Senior Pop Century Managers:
The Legendary Years section of Pop is slated for a 2010 opening.
The Legendary Years section will have family suites just as All-Star Music...not sure if everything at the LY will be a suite. It may be mixed.
One good thing to note, the Legendary Years will have it's own set of busses, at least this is the plan for now...who knows for sure.
Construction will begin no later than Fall 2008.
One last thing, there was actual consideration to have Pop become a "value DVC" resort. But that was scrapped.


Well-Known Member
One good thing to note, the Legendary Years will have it's own set of busses, at least this is the plan for now...who knows for sure

Ty! Thats all I needed to hear!

2010 is not that far away... best of luck to Pop Century in embarking on that project! Glad to see there's hope in the future for it!


Well-Known Member
One good thing to note, the Legendary Years will have it's own set of busses, at least this is the plan for now...who knows for sure.

My guess is that they'll run the buses like they do the All-Star buses, which in fact are different depending on the park and the time of day.

At opening, they'll run buses to the parks according to demand, but most likely each half will get their own buses.

During the day when demand is lower, you'll get one bus for the entire resort. This is also how the buses run just about the entire time to DD, AK and the Studios.

But then at park closing at the MK and Epcot, when demand is at its highest, they'll run separate buses to each half.

And actually, this might be good for Pop Century guests in general. If for some reason the line for your side of the resort is long and the other has a bus waiting, you can just hop on that one and walk across the lake when you get off.
That's why I like Music so much. If Music's line happens to be long, you can hop on either of the other All-Star buses and it's a short walk back to the room. (It also works for Movies: there are some rooms in Mighty Ducks that are actually closer to Music's food court and bus stops than to Movies')



Well-Known Member
Marni thanks for that link! I can't believe how spread out the second side of the resort looks! I have no idea what that third pool could be now... but I'm glad its not the Crossword puzzle :veryconfu

I've been looking at that pic of the resort layout, and I agree with whoever said rocketship. I'm thinking it's either that or a zepplin, but I think there's be too many Hinderberg jokes and references for it to be that. Here's my reasoning:

The years of the resort are 1900 to 1940's. My first thought was that it was 1900 at the bottom and the 40's at the top, which would lend itself to a linear progression around the lake as it segued into the 50's.

But that third pool threw me off. Which is why I'm thinking it's a Buck Rogers-esque themed pool from the 40's. Good to keep themes away from WWII, etc.

The Coke bottle could be the 30's (although Coca Cola was introduced in the late 19th century, I'm sure Disney could tie it into the 30's somehow).

The crossword courtyard would be the 20's and a whole "big old newspapers" kinda theme (good to keep your mind away from the Great Depression).

Then the Route 66 sign would be for three buildings covering 00's (1 building, much like the 90's only get one building) and 10's (two buildings). While Route 66 wasn't actually brought into existence until the 20's, the 00's and 10's era *was* the birth of the automobile, so that's probably how they'll tie it all in, even if it's not quite historically accurate.



Well-Known Member
Yeah. I'm having a really tough time figuring out the progression.

From a date-perspective, the Route 66 pool would likely be the 40s to wrap around to the 50's (and Nat King Cole's song came out then). A Buck Rogers theme would go to the 1920's or 1930's. The Coke pool would be the teens or 20's (when the Coke bottle shape was introduced). Crosswords started in the teens and gained popularity in the 20's. Obviously, though, this does not work in a progression around the resort area.

Can't wait to see when this actually comes around and gets explained. :lol:


Active Member
What's the rocket shaped pool at the bottom of the map? Is it a rocket, or a blimp? I'm guessing the crossword puzzle isn't a pool, but rather a walk through area, like the giant foosball table in the completed section.
That was what I was thinking. I saw the photo and I was thinking the same thing. To me it looks like a rocket.

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